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[The first thousand two hundred and thirty-one chapters see death as home! The death battle begins!

Bustling and bustling, the central square of Xuanyuan Ancient Palace was noisy.

This is like a place where humans live together.

The original Xuanyuan Ancient Palace has always been quiet and spacious, because it is deep underground and cannot see the sun. Although it is illuminated with various treasures, it still looks a bit gloomy and lacks some vitality.

Today's situation is quite different.

I don't know what method was used, but a bright light hung high above the head of the central square, shining in all directions, like a red sun. Everyone gathered in one place, talking and laughing loudly, completely dispelling the coldness suppressed in their hearts.

This was the first time Feng Ziyue saw such a situation after coming to Xuanyuan Ancient Battlefield.

This is really a long time coming.

"How many people are there in Xuanyuan Ancient Battlefield?"

Feng Ziyue turned to ask Feng San beside him. This ancient battlefield was huge and boundless. Although humans were at a disadvantage, they were still considered one of the six major races and should have a large population.

"Then I don't know..." Feng San scratched his head and said with a naive smile: "I only heard from the older generation that when Xuanyuan Ancient Palace was in its heyday, hundreds of millions of people lived in this ancient palace..."

Deep underground in Xuanyuan Ancient Palace, Feng Ziyue has lived here for nearly two years. Although he spent most of his time in seclusion and went to only a few places, he also knew that this place was huge. But after hearing Feng San's statement, he also

I couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

In the past, there were not necessarily hundreds of millions of people living on the Tianwu Continent.

This underground building is comparable to a continent!

If you want to get from the edge of the ancient palace to the center, it may take several months if you are not a martial arts expert or use other tools!

——This can also be imagined why the central square is so lively today.

"It's all fun now, but when the fighting starts at the end of the year, it won't be the same..."

Feng San couldn't help but sigh when he looked at this scene that he must see every year.

At one moment they are good friends chatting happily, but at the next moment they may be fighting to the death.

This is not betrayal or insidious, but it is the atmosphere of Xuanyuan Ancient Palace - even if they die in the hands of their friends in a battle, many people have no regrets.

A real man comes into this world with the intention of risking his life!

There are no rules for the battle. Anyone who signs up to participate will get a silk scarf as a mark. Most people will tie the scarf on their arm. Anyone with this mark can be selected as an opponent to challenge. Two people are divided into two.

After a victory or defeat - often a matter of life or death - the winner gets the loser's scarf.

This is a general battle method, and the core battle is a defensive ring battle.

In the middle of the central square, there are ten huge arenas, numbered from one to ten, representing the top ten masters in this battle.

If the champion of Arena No. 1 can hold on until the end, he will be the first in this battle!

Anyone can step into the ring, and anyone can challenge the ring master.

During the battle, it was like a real battlefield, with flesh and blood flying everywhere, it was extremely terrifying!

"Sure enough, there are no rules."

After Feng Ziyue understood this fighting method, he also sighed.

Perhaps only the harsh environment of Xuanyuan Ancient Battlefield could give rise to such harsh fighting methods. But they do not despise life. On the contrary, it is the respect for the life of the strong that leads to such a vicious fighting method of life and death!

After seven days, the battle is over, and the winner is cheered by thousands of people. The deceased will also have a grand collective funeral. In the center of the square, the ten arenas will be burned together!

"Yes... the only rule is that you must challenge before taking action, and you must not harm innocent people. Otherwise, how can people like me dare to come here..." Feng San cowered and hid behind Feng Ziyue

, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

At the beginning of the battle, there were loud killing sounds from all directions. Ordinary people standing on the square would be frightened to death - but firstly, there were strict restrictions, and secondly, the deacons and elders in the Xuanyuan Ancient Palace also spent all their money.

He went out to take care of the people in the square who had not participated in the fighting, so even if there were casualties of innocent people every year, they were very few.

——In fact, Xuanyuan Ancient Palace originally encouraged everyone to enter this terrifying Shura field. Even if they don't take action, it is a good thing for a person who is used to seeing life and death.

Therefore, there were even many young children in the central square. They looked around curiously, unable to predict the hell-like scene that was about to appear.

Feng Ziyue frowned. He didn't like this senseless killing, but he also understood that this was the way of survival for people in the ancient battlefield, and he could not forcefully change it.

In the final analysis, it is still because of the cruel living environment of mankind. If you want more people to survive, you need more iron-blooded warriors. This kind of fighting is just an extension of the rules.



In the distant horizon, gorgeous fireworks lit up, and at the same time, deafening explosions also sounded.

Feng San's face suddenly turned pale.

"After nine rings, the year-end battle will begin..."

After these nine rings, the battle will continue for seven days, and it will not end until the fireworks ring again, the moment when the yin and yang of the old and new years are delivered.

Once you sign up to join the battle, you will have to fight non-stop unless you lose and leave!

——Of course, defeat often means death!

The atmosphere that was lively just now suddenly calmed down, and everyone held their breath, waiting for that moment to arrive.

On their faces, there is courage, pride, expectation and hope, and of course, there is also fear that is not easily discovered.




There are still three rings left, and many people have closed their eyes. They are enjoying the last moment of silence. After this, they may never see the future again.

But most of them face death without fear!

Living here, you must learn to be brave and face life and death.

This is the fate of human beings on the ancient battlefield. It is very likely that if they sleep peacefully at home tonight, they will be torn to pieces and swallowed by a monster in the morning. This kind of instability does not defeat human beings, but makes people have a more terrifying feeling.

the spirit of.

For them, death may be just an inevitable destination!

After nine rings, the battle begins in earnest!

Without the slightest hesitation, noisy sounds were heard everywhere!

"You! Please be my opponent and start this first year-end battle!"

Opposite Feng Ziyue, a boy who was so young that he could only be considered a child straightened his thin waist, looked directly at him, grasped the handle of the long knife at his waist, and raised a challenge!

There was a look of determination on his face.

The courage of youth!

This chapter has been completed!
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