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Chapter 203 Angrily slashing three blood dragons

Chapter 203: Angrily Killing Three Blood Dragons

The three-headed blood dragon absorbs the essence and blood of all living things and breeds, and the energy gained is transformed into three.

Blood, soul, essence!

Red light is the power of blood, white light is the power of soul, and green light is the power of essence.

The three lights' mixed return to the origin is the three-headed blood dragon's most powerful killing move.

——Three Lights Devouring Gods!

This was eaten by the three-headed blood dragon's own essence and blood that had accumulated for thousands of years. It was so ferocious and filthy that even an innate master would turn into a puddle of filthy blood, with no cure!

Feng Ziyue shattered the round mirror of the sky and angered the three-headed blood dragon, just to let it trigger this furious move!

Only at this moment, the three-headed blood dragon will mobilize blood essence all over the body, and the blood essence patterns on the body will be temporarily dimmed, reflecting the effects of all attacks and never appearing again!

Moreover, after the three-headed blood dragon launches this move of Three Light Devouring God, the whole body will fall into a weak state. At this time, it is the best opportunity to kill the three-headed blood dragon.

In the previous life, it was the crazy siege that angered the three-headed blood dragon, and after accidentally breaking the round mirror of the sky it protected, the three-headed blood dragon angrily released the three-light swallowing god bite, killing several people in one go.

The master fell under the beating of everyone.

Feng Ziyue followed the gourd and painted the scoop, tried this, and succeeded in one fell swoop!

But the problem now is that these three light swallowing gods are unavoidable and extremely fierce. If Feng Ziyue is willing to withstand this blow and sacrifice himself, he can create a three-headed killer for the other four innate seventh-level masters.

Blood dragon's chance.

But of course he didn't come here for sacrifice.

This move of Three Light Devouring Gods must be broken!

Feng Ziyue's body froze and his sword trembled uncontrollably. Suddenly, a strange and incoherent circle was drawn in the air.

Immediately, he stopped still. Although he was holding back, his face could not help but show an expression of pain. Hearing a click, the black wood holy sword inherited from the ancient masters also had a crack on the blade.

Unknown swordsmanship!

At this time, Feng Ziyue had no other choice but to use this nameless sword technique that could accommodate everything, create, dwell, and destroy space, just like the birth and death of heaven and earth.

The three-light swallowing god blasted into the sword circle!

No one could believe that Feng Ziyue's fragile and crooked sword circle could actually stop the three-headed blood dragon beasts from going berserk. Even the three-headed blood dragon itself could not have imagined that it would spit out this mouthful of three lights out of rage.

Swallowing the Gods, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful in his heart. After all, the opponent had several good players watching the battle.

Although he was able to kill this kid, it was difficult to deal with the old men and women who were eyeing him. But since they had already taken action, they couldn't care less.

The three-headed blood dragon launched this move, Three Light Devouring God, and immediately flew over, hoping to completely destroy Feng Ziyue's life.

However, what greeted it was a dark and sharp sword!


Feng Ziyue's sword flickered, and he heard a clear and sharp sound, and the head on the left side of the three-headed blood dragon fell down!

Not only was Feng Ziyue not injured by the power of the Three Lights Swallowing Gods, but the crooked sword circle just now fully contained and dissipated the power of blood, soul, and essence contained in the Three Lights Swallowing Gods, and integrated it into the sword technique.


In other words, it is integrated into an extremely tiny, dust-like world created by swordsmanship in an instant.

With the fall of this small world, the huge power of the three-light swallowing gods also disappeared without a trace!

Feng Ziyue's face turned pale. Although he had only used half a move of the nameless sword technique, he had just cast a change of life, and he had already suffered the backlash. He couldn't bear it. If he used half a move more, I'm afraid not only Xuanmu Sheng would be killed.

The sword was about to break, but he did not die from the devouring force of the three gods, but rather died from the backlash of the sword technique.

The power of this nameless sword technique was so astonishing that Feng Ziyue felt as if all the energy in his body had been sucked dry. He just wanted to lie down on the ground. However, in the face of a powerful enemy, he could only grit his teeth and hold on.

After cutting off one of the three-headed blood dragon's heads with one sword, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"what happened?"

With the eyesight of Hu He, Wudao Qiankun Master Yuanyuan, Black Sand Old Demon, and Tiehua Ghost Mother, they could naturally see that the furious three-headed blood dragon was performing an extremely powerful trick. In their place

No one can dodge in front of him. Looking at the power, he may not be able to withstand it and will be shattered to pieces, which is the inevitable outcome.

Just now, they had even doubted whether Feng Ziyue was going to die here, but they didn't expect that the situation suddenly changed in an instant. Feng Ziyue only used half of a strange move to destroy the three light swallowing gods, and even fought back.

One sword cut off one of the three heads of the blood dragon!

"This boy's swordsmanship..."

"It's so brilliant..."

They looked at each other with pale faces, and they could see the fear on each other's faces.

The sword strike that Feng Ziyue made just now was completely beyond their realm. They couldn't understand it at all, and they didn't know how Feng Ziyue wielded that sword.

At that moment, Hu He, the northern master, even had the urge to worship him.

This kind of swordsmanship shouldn't exist in the world at all.

Through Feng Ziyue's sword skills, they seemed to have seen the creation of the universe and everything in the world. Although it was only for a short moment, it had already shocked their souls.

This boy's strength is actually much stronger than they imagined!

The strength I had seen before was just the tip of the iceberg of this boy. With just one sword skill, Feng Ziyue was enough to surpass them!

Where did Feng Ziyue from Wuyang City, the number one person in the Tianwu Trial, come from?

God, he is only less than sixteen years old!

Several people present all remembered clearly that when they were sixteen years old, they had not even entered Xiantian.

And this young man, only sixteen years old, already has strength above the seventh level of innateness. No one believes him even if he is not a monster.

At this time, Feng Ziyue had already cut off the head in the middle of the three blood dragons. Now only one head was struggling to hold on, and I'm afraid it wouldn't last long.

However, Feng Ziyue also felt weak all over. He had just forced the Wuming Sword Technique, which had left sequelae. He could only deal with the three-headed blood dragon as soon as possible, and then take the elixir to slowly recover while those people were not paying attention.

We can no longer fight with others.

The three blood dragons screamed in despair. He seemed to know that his life was not long. He tried desperately to escape, but he could not avoid Feng Ziyue's lingering sword light. After several moves, the last head was finally cut off by Feng Ziyue.

The huge body fell to the ground with a crash.

Feng Ziyue immediately leaned down, picked up the heads of the three blood dragons, pulled out the poisonous fangs from their mouths, peeled off the dragon skin carefully, and took out the monster crystal core.

I have never let go of all kinds of things.

These things are of great use, but he was peeling and cramping in such a hurry, which made Hu He and others shake their heads, wanting to get a share of the pie, but Feng Ziyue killed these three blood dragons alone, and they

How can I be embarrassed?

In fact, Feng Ziyue also acted like this on purpose. When he squatted down to extract the tooth, Feng Ziyue had secretly taken a small Huitian Dan to make up for the lost energy in his body, and then slowly concocted the ingredients.

There is no rush, just to wait for the medicine to wear off, to recover a little, and not to let others find out.

It wasn't until most of the useful things on the three-headed blood dragons were thrown into Feng Ziyue's Sumina mustard stone that Feng Ziyue raised his head with satisfaction and smiled apologetically at a few people.

"Collecting some common things, but I kept a few seniors waiting for a long time. Sorry! Sorry!"

Hu He and others smiled bitterly. Now their attention was not on the treasure on some level nine monster.

Level nine monsters are indeed rare, but it is not that they have never seen them before. Although it is still difficult to deal with level nine monsters by one person, they are all masters of the same sect. Naturally, they have disciples who have also beaten and killed them.

There were one or two level nine monsters, and although these three blood dragons were rare, they didn't make them want to snatch them at all costs.

There are only two things they care about now.

First, how did Feng Ziyue know the weakness of the three-headed blood dragon;

The second is Feng Ziyue's shocking swordsmanship.

If there was only the first point and not the second point, I'm afraid the four of them would have worked together to capture Feng Ziyue and interrogate him about the secret of this invincible treasure.

But now there is a second point. Several people have ulterior motives. Zidu is no match for Feng Ziyue on his own. He does not dare to take the initiative to do such a thing, so he can only ask roundly.

"Master Feng, I don't know how you knew that after these three blood dragons unleashed their special moves, they would become weak and ready to be slaughtered by others?"

Feng Ziyue had already anticipated this question, and he had prepared the answer before he went to kill the three blood dragons.

"A few of my friends once killed a three-headed blood dragon..."

This can't even be considered a lie, but whether those who originally explored the invincible treasure and he can be called friends are two different things.

However, Hu He and others were horrified and moved.

They had never even heard of such a thing as three-headed blood dragons. Among this invincible treasure, it was also the first time they saw that Feng Ziyue actually had friends who hunted ancient monsters. This was not a small thing.


Now, Feng Ziyue's suspicion of knowing the inside story of the Invincible Treasure has been cleared up. Although everyone was half-convinced, they had nowhere to ask further questions.

Hu He shook his head and simply changed the topic.

"Now that these three blood dragons have been eliminated, we can move forward. Mr. Feng, I don't know how we should proceed, but I would like to listen to your opinion..."

He had already asked Feng Ziyue this question once, but Feng Ziyue didn't answer it seriously at that time.

Now Hu He asked again, but his tone became much more cautious.

Feng Ziyue has now become much more important in his mind, and even half of his authority as the leader of a six-person team has been transferred to this young man.

In this world, martial arts is respected.

The reason why Hu He was almost unparalleled among these six people before was because his martial arts was the strongest, even Master Wudao Qiankun Yuanyuan was slightly inferior to him.

As for Feng Ziyue, originally in their minds, he was at most comparable to the old demon Heisha. He was not the weakest person except Su Su, the hostage and the key, but he was definitely the second to last.

But that sword strike just now was so stunning that it had already changed other people's views.

Feng Ziyue pondered for a moment, not knowing whether he should answer or not.

The situation in their bodies is special now. If they follow their own plan, the safety will be much improved, and they won't have to take action themselves, and they won't find themselves in the difficult situation where they are almost unable to take action.

If there was no force to deter them, I don't know what these masters would think.

But if we guide them forward, they will inevitably reveal some information in the treasure. I'm afraid that by then, I suspect that he will have more information that others don't know, and he will be more certain.

However, the choice between two evils was to choose the right one. Feng Ziyue thought about it and decided to show them the way forward.

Now go straight ahead, there is an invisible barrier, a strange barrier built by the power of the three mirrors. It is impossible to cross it. If you want to get over this hurdle, you must defeat the other two guardian monsters.

Break the other two mirrors.

So if you go further, you can find two roads, each leading to two guardian monsters.

Based on Feng Ziyue's current situation, it seems that it is more appropriate to go to the left. The monster on the left, under his guidance, Hu He and others should be able to take care of it. The monster on the right probably has to be dealt with by himself.

No more.

Feng Ziyue made up his mind and nodded.

"I think according to the arrangement made by Senior Hu just now, we just need to move forward, but don't go too far. If there is no road ahead - then we will turn to the left. I am telling fortunes today and it is better to go to the left, so let's go this way?


Hu He was stunned after hearing what he said, and felt that this young man was talking nonsense and was unpredictable. However, since he had appeared, Hu He was not afraid and led everyone forward.

After walking only a few steps, I saw a road in front of me, and it was clear, but somehow I couldn't walk across it.

Feng Ziyue knew that he had reached the invisible barrier. If he did not destroy the three mirrors, he would not be able to proceed to the next step. Anyway, he had already said it just now. No need to say it again. He was just calmly adjusting while Hu He and others were looking for the mechanism.

interest for faster recovery.

Hu He fumbled for a long time, and finally gave up, saying that he didn't know how to get over.

His ingenuity has failed twice in this invincible treasure, and purely in terms of force, he has also failed once, which makes him feel a little discouraged.

The majestic Northern Grandmaster had never failed in Northern Hungary. Unexpectedly, he had been defeated so many times outside Northern Hungary. Hu He felt depressed and a little depressed.

Fortunately, the road ahead is closed, but there are roads on the left and right. Although I don't know why there is a road, I can't cross it. It's like a thick and transparent mountain wall that makes it impossible for people to pass.

Hu He remembered the ice mirror phantom technique when he stepped into the ice cave. He looked around to see if the passage was actually on the other side, but unfortunately he still found nothing.

He remembered what Feng Ziyue said just now, which was beneficial to the left side, and gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Everyone, since we can't pass in front, how about we turn left?"

This chapter has been completed!
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