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Chapter two hundred and thirteen meat eaters and those who don't even drink soup

Chapter 213 Those who eat meat and those who don’t even drink soup

In the previous life, there were a large number of people exploring the treasure of the Invincible Monk. If everyone shared the more than 10,000 pills, not much would be left.

But now that he has it all to himself, it feels much more refreshing.

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect there are so many good things..."

The golden-haired god's eyes were half-opened and half-closed, and he praised a few words.

But maybe it's because it's well-informed, or maybe it's because it's currently trying its best to digest the golden body and bones of the Great Sun God Light. These innate elixirs are not very attractive to it, so it is still too lazy to lie down and move around.

Feng Ziyue carefully sorted these medicines into categories and put them away. This was really thanks to Wei Yaozu's gift of Sumina mustard stone, otherwise he would not have been able to carry so many things anyway.

"Let's go! Let's go see other places!"

While Feng Ziyue Youzai was searching wildly, the four innate masters were circling the treasures in distress.

After killing the three guardian monsters and entering the invisible barrier, there was no danger. However, the formation was mysterious and they couldn't find a way out for a while. They went back and forth, circling in several long corridors.

, I saw that the lotus flowers in the pond were in bloom, but they were not in the mood to enjoy the flowers.

"Lao Hu, how many times have we passed this place?"

Tiehua Ghost Mother's face was ugly. She had no patience to begin with. After Hu He led everyone around for a few times, she finally couldn't help but be the first to question.

Hu He smiled bitterly, "I think we have fallen into a powerful formation, please be careful..."

They all came here with great ambitions, but they suffered a series of setbacks and have long lost their original vigor. They really didn't expect that this invincible monk's treasure could have such a powerful design.

The Golden Palace gave them a start at the very beginning.

Strictly speaking, if it weren't for Feng Ziyue, they wouldn't be able to deal with any of the next three monsters. If they collided with the mutated earth dragon, it would be more likely that the entire army would be annihilated.

After finally stepping into this treasure, I could only run around like a headless fly.

This series of setbacks made them all feel deeply depressed, especially in the battle with Earth Dragon. They were all more or less injured. For a while, everyone looked listless.

"That kid..." Heisha Old Demon raised his head jealously, "But I don't know what kind of benefits he got?"

When you haven't benefited yet, you will inevitably care about whether others have gotten something. If no one else has gotten anything, it will be balanced.

"It's hard for me to see!"

The ghost mother snorted coldly, "We entered through the main entrance, and we were still subject to this formation. What good results can we expect from that kid who climbed over the wall and broke into the house?"

Master Wudao Qiankun Yuanyuan frowned, "Unless...that kid is also proficient in formations..."

"You think he is a god!" The ghost mother retorted angrily, "This guy has great swordsmanship. He seems to know everything and is omnipotent. He can even kill the mutated dragon easily, and he also knows formations..."

She complained for a while, but found that those who are capable can do anything, and the possibility of this kid being proficient in formations is not small.

After he entered the treasure, whether he faced the Golden Palace Immortal Golden Monk or the three monsters, he was calm and confident. Just now he climbed over the wall so arrogantly. It is really possible that he was reckless and did not understand the formation.

Extremely small.

The four of them looked at each other in disbelief, each sighing, feeling deeply that at their age, they were living like dogs.

After going around for more than ten times, Huhe finally found a flaw. He passed through a small door in the wall and passed the first level of the formation. He searched a few huts and got only some ordinary minerals and medicinal materials.

Although it has some value, for them, it is really better than nothing.

Thinking that this was only the first level, the things that followed would only get better and better. The four innate masters finally regained some confidence and patiently wandered around the second level formation for a few times before breaking through.

Just as he entered the second floor of the courtyard, he bumped into Feng Ziyue.

Feng Ziyue went from the inside out until he passed the fifth floor, but he never saw Hu He and others. Knowing that they must be trapped in the maze, he couldn't help but laugh and was rude. Anyone who saw anything of value would go there.

I was stuck in the mustard stone in Xumina, and it wasn't until I reached the second floor that I bumped into these great masters.

"Master Feng!"

Hu He was startled. He obviously climbed over the wall from the far edge, so why did he suddenly reach the second floor?


Each layer of the maze is getting more and more powerful. Even if you find the pattern and want to crack it, it won't be a matter of time. Could it be that this invincible monk's treasure is his own home, Feng Ziyue, strolling in the courtyard?

, just come here?

"Are you here?" Feng Ziyue nodded politely, "That's just right. There doesn't seem to be anything good in the six-story courtyard outside. Why not go to the Cangwu Pavilion on the last floor and look for the invincible monk's opponent?

A secret?"

The Cangwu Pavilion is the place where the invincible monk collects the martial arts of his opponents and stores them. It contains everything. Those who are destined can naturally get the martial arts that suits them.

Everyone was stunned when they heard what Feng Ziyue said - according to Feng Ziyue's opinion, the entire six-story courtyard, a huge warehouse, was all taken away by Feng Ziyue in one go?

How is it possible in such a short time?

During the time that the four of them only explored the first floor, this kid actually scanned five floors in one breath, and even said in an understatement that there was nothing good...

How can this be embarrassing for people who have only obtained a few rocks and some ordinary minerals and medicinal materials so far?

These people followed Feng Ziyue back to the original route and headed back to the Zangwu Pavilion on the last floor. Along the way, Tiehua Ghost Mother and others did not give up and searched everywhere, but as expected they found nothing and were about to cry without tears.


It seems that the young man in front of them looks calm and calm, but he has scraped the ground three feet away, leaving not even a trace of residue. However, they are still counting on the secrets of the last level, so they have to swallow their anger and not dare to explode.

Su Su looked at them and was secretly amused.

Although Hu He was heartbroken, he still wanted to act like a master; Tiehua Ghost Mother was squeaking, and half of her face was turning blue and red; Heisha Old Demon's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip, and he was stroking his broken arm without saying a word.

Fa; Whenever Master Wudao Qiankun Yuanyuan saw an empty room, his face would twitch, and he would loudly proclaim the name of Buddha, but he could not hide his disappointment.

Feng Ziyue was familiar with the roads, and those maze formations seemed to be no problem at all. He passed through them easily by passing through them to the left and going around to the right. The four masters were so angry that they regretted why they didn't follow him.

I was thinking of going separate ways, but as a result, the others ate meat, but I didn't even drink the soup.

The only hope now is that the secrets given in the last floor of the Hidden Martial Arts Pavilion should not be too disappointing.

The maze that had troubled these four masters for a long time was simply in vain. In just a moment, Feng Ziyue led a few of them to the door of the seventh-floor Hidden Martial Pavilion.

This is a three-story building. Although it is not high, it has a grand momentum.

Feng Ziyue stopped at the door, smiled slightly, and looked up, with a somewhat searching look in his eyes.

The secret of this Zangwu Pavilion is also very magical.

It is said that it can find the most suitable secret for every destined person who enters.

After the Shenshui Catastrophe, this Zangwu Pavilion has produced several famous masters.

However, Feng Ziyue had never been here. He had been seeking swords that day and had already obtained the secret of the Sword God Secret. There was no secret book in the world that was more suitable for him than the Sword God Secret, so he never had the intention to come here.

Now, although he still devotes himself to swordsmanship, his body and martial arts foundation at this time are completely different from those back then. Although the Sword God Art is powerful, it is no longer enough to accommodate all his martial arts understanding.

And the Wuming swordsmanship is far from the level of Xiaocheng.

But I don’t know what kind of secrets will be given to him in this hidden martial arts pavilion?

Feng Ziyue was still calm and composed, but the other four innate masters were already eager to try when they saw the three characters "Zangwu Pavilion". However, Feng Ziyue didn't say anything, so they didn't dare to advance on their own.

"Mr. Feng, I wonder if we should go in together, or should Mr. Feng invite us first?"

This Tibetan Martial Arts Pavilion is very magical. Whether you enter it together or one after another, it is the same. Different people will encounter different illusions. If you can break through the illusion and complete the test, you will get the secret book that suits you.

Hearing Hu He's question, Feng Ziyue knew that these people actually knew the secret of the Cangwu Pavilion. He smiled slightly and said, "In that case, you all should go first..."

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

Hu He waved his hands repeatedly and said with a smile: "Master Feng invites you first. The four of us will be divided into two groups and take turns to enter. That's it."

Feng Ziyue nodded, knowing that they still had to look at Su Su, so without saying anything, he stepped into the Cangwu Pavilion.

Among the four innate masters, Old Demon Heisha and Master Wudao Qiankun Yuanyuan took the lead. The remaining ones, Hu He and Tiehua Ghost Mother, looked at Su Su and waited patiently outside.

When Feng Ziyue entered the Zangwu Pavilion, he saw that the scene in front of him had changed. It was no longer the indoor feeling, and the cool and steamy river breeze blowing on his face reminded him of the uniqueness of the environment.

After reaching the seventh level of innateness, you can create your own battle scenes to better display your strength. However, this invincible monk can create a lifelike world according to each person's different cultivation levels. This ability is really amazing.

Incomparably miraculous.

Feng Ziyue opened his eyes and saw that he was standing on a bamboo raft, rushing down the fierce river current.

The moonlight is misty and the stars are hanging over the plains. This is exactly the scene of walking on the river at night.

Directly opposite, there is a high mountain. Standing on the mountain is a man, as tall as a god, with ambitious hands and a proud expression.

When Feng Ziyue saw this person, he was startled, and his heart skipped a beat. He almost thought it was Kuangren Chu who appeared - but he quickly calmed down. Although this person was also burly and imposing, but compared to

Madman Zhichu seems to be even worse.

"A certain family, Shi San, came here to meet the invincible monk for a while. I would like to invite the monk to go up the mountain!"

Hearing the sound of thunder in his ears, Feng Ziyue looked attentively, tapped his left foot, and leaped from the bamboo raft, flying straight to the top of the mountain!

This should be the opponent in the memory of the invincible monk, but he didn't expect that he could copy it so completely, with every trace of his aura.

This Shi San is standing on the top of the mountain, faintly but as if he is integrated with the mountain. At a glance, he can tell that he is an innate master of the mountain's energy. He is condescending and has an amazing momentum. If he cannot leap up, he will be surrounded by his mountain momentum.

You can't do it yourself.

When the man saw Feng Ziyue flying up, he laughed loudly and struck with a palm from the air. Feng Ziyue blocked it with his horizontal sword. He felt that the palm was as windy as a mountain, coming down with pressure, making it almost impossible to breathe. He

The tip of the sword was raised, and it spun around, but cleverly turned over, not being moved by the force of the mountain.

"The mountains and flowing water cannot be stopped. What a powerful force of water!"

The man praised, but saw Feng Ziyue shrinking and leaping to the top of the mountain, spreading his arms like a phoenix spreading its wings, and stabbed him with a sword.

In this illusion, there are all kinds of enemies and opponents. It is said that the invincible monk uses this method to test the martial arts and expertise of the entrants, and then gives appropriate tips. Therefore, the more you try your best, the better you will be.

After getting a martial arts that is more suitable for him, Feng Ziyue doesn't have to hold back in a place like this, and he will go all out once he takes action.

Shi San laughed loudly, reached out and grabbed a small mountain peak next to him, and blocked Feng Ziyue's sword light. He heard a bang and the mountain shattered, but Feng Ziyue's sword light was also blocked.

Once blocked, turn over and retreat.

I only heard that this mountain-lifting technique was seen during the battle between Nushan God and Mr. Zhong Da. I didn't expect that a thousand years ago, such an unknown Shi San also had this magic technique.

In the past thousand years, the level of martial arts in Tianwu Continent has declined by unknown amounts.

Feng Ziyue sighed in his heart, but the sword light in his hand was not slow, stabbing out in a series, pointing at various vital points of Shi San. Shi San laughed and grabbed the mountain to resist.

This scene seems to be hills in the middle of the river. There are many mountains. For a while, Shi San is also inexhaustible. Although Feng Ziyue's sword light is powerful, it is nothing for the time being when faced with this mountain-lifting technique that can defeat ten groups.

Very good method.

No matter how ingenious the swordsmanship is, if a mountain peak is in front of you, the most it can do is smash it with one sword. If you want to hurt someone, it will be impossible.

Feng Ziyue frowned, the sword light was getting faster and faster, and gradually Shi Sanbashan had not enough time to resist. By accident, Feng Ziyue stabbed him in the right shoulder with his sword. He screamed and rolled back.

The beard and hair are all messy.

"What a monk, you can actually hurt a certain family! Try my mountain god trick!"

Hearing an angry roar from Shi San, he hugged the pillars of the mountain peak with both hands and exerted force. He saw the surrounding peaks flying up together and viciously hitting Feng Ziyue on the head!

So strong!

This mountain god's method is a level higher than the mountain-lifting technique used by the demon sect leader Nu Shanshen back then. With so many mountain tops crashing down, even the most powerful masters would find it difficult to resist!

Feng Ziyue clenched the sword in his hand, and there was a stern look in his eyes!

This chapter has been completed!
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