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Chapter 436: Chasing and killing in succession, deal with it calmly

Chapter 436: Continuous pursuit and calm response

The man is dead, but the sword is still there!

Jian Chi was born three times and turned into ashes, but Sword Mother was still circling and dancing around Feng Ziyue, as if she was alive.

Feng Ziyue's expression turned serious - could it be said that the sword spirit was born and became conscious?

Just now I saw that the Sword Mother has a sword spirit, but it is still chaotic and has no independent consciousness. But now if the sword madman dies for three lives and the sword mother can continue to attack, then the sword spirit must already have one.

A clear and clear consciousness.

Feng Ziyue did not dare to neglect and stood firm in his position.

But I saw the sword mother circling a few times, suddenly slowing down, falling to the ground, rolling a few times, and stopped at Feng Ziyue's feet.

There was no intention of attack, more like submission.

Feng Ziyue was startled for a moment, then he bent down and lifted the sword mother up. He felt that it was as heavy as a big mountain in his hand.

"It's really heavy!"

Feng Ziyue nodded. This can also be understood why Jian Chi Sansheng's movements were so much slower. With such a heavy thing on his back, even a Poxu master would be quite slow if he didn't spend some effort.

For the hard work.

He penetrated the sword mother with his spiritual consciousness, and found that the sword spirit was not hostile, but rather happy, and seemed to be willing to stay by Feng Ziyue's side.

Although the sword has spirit, it has not achieved its own consciousness in the end. It is almost like a baby and has no loyalty.

It naturally leans towards the person it likes instinctively.

Although Sansheng, a sword-mad swordsman, is a swordsmith, he is also very skilled in swordsmanship. Unfortunately, his martial arts skills are mixed, his sword heart is unclear, and his sword soul is weak. Naturally, he is not liked by the Sword Mother.

Feng Ziyue's sword heart is clear, his sword skills are high, and even his body is forged from sword bones. More importantly, it is his supreme sword soul that makes the mother of the sword feel close to him.

Even in the outer world, there are not many supreme sword souls. Sword Mother relies on Feng Ziyue, is nourished by him, and likes her very much. It is much better than staying with the unlucky sword idiot Sansheng.

Feng Ziyue didn't know the reason, but his spiritual sense was unmistakable. It seemed that the Sword Mother was following him willingly. He smiled slightly and tried to put it into the Xumina mustard stone, but it turned out to be impossible.

This sword mother may not be able to be incorporated into the Xumina mustard stone because it is too heavy or the material is special.

No wonder Jian Chi Sansheng had to carry him on his back!

Feng Ziyue frowned. This sword mother is a treasure. Naturally, he cannot throw it away casually. It seems that he can only imitate the sword fool for three lives and carry it on his back. In this way, when evading pursuit, he will inevitably

Be affected by something.

However, he originally dealt with it calmly. The only people he had to worry about were the heads of the eight great Pouxu rear realms. There were only a few times when he really needed to escape. If it really didn't work, he would just give up the sword then.

He picked up Jian Chi Sansheng's baggage and wanted to randomly wrap Jian Mu in a bag and carry it on his shoulder, but he saw that among the pile of rags, there was actually a notebook.

Feng Ziyue picked it up and flipped through it, but he saw that the handwriting on the note was beautiful, more like a woman's handwriting.

What is recorded in the handwritten note is the origin of this sword mother.

This piece of stubborn iron came from nowhere and has been wandering in this outer world for who knows how long.

The ancestors of the person who wrote this story did not know when they got this sword mother. At first they did not understand the mystery. They just thought it was a strange piece of iron and wanted to make a good sword.

But no matter what method I use, I can't make this sword mother change in any way.

A sledgehammer cannot change its shape, fire cannot melt its substance, and although it is extremely hard, it cannot forge a sword.

Later, generations of people studied it for many years, but there was no result.

It wasn't until hundreds of years ago that our ancestors who had been studying this strange iron discovered that this stubborn piece of iron had undergone some changes on its own. The sword began to shrink from the back of the iron block.

——Yes, it is shrinkage rather than corrosion or wear.

It was as if there was an invisible giant force that was suppressing this thing into shape. Although it was slow, within ten years, some clues were finally seen.

At first, this piece of strange iron formed a small half of the hilt of the sword.

The ancestor of the person who wrote this story was so curious that he asked swordsmiths all over the world to review the details, and finally unanimously concluded that this thing is a piece of sword mother. Time will allow it to form a peerless sword on its own, but it is not the swordsmith.

Can intervene.

This is true for hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the mother sword has finally become a sword hilt. The father of the person who wrote the story, who is also the head of their sword-making family, is very happy and plans to invite colleagues from all over the world to come and watch the ceremony.

The letter ended abruptly here. Feng Ziyue shook his head, but he almost had a guess in his heart.

Obviously, this sword-mad Sansheng may not be the real owner of the sword mother. He might be one of the spectators. Seeing the magic of the sword mother, he became greedy and took action to snatch it away.

It's a pity that even though he got the Sword Mother, he was still greedy and wanted the reward of millions of sky crystals from the eight wealthy families. As a result, he died under Feng Ziyue's sword.

Since this thing might have another owner, although Feng Ziyue felt a little regretful, he didn't mean to part with it. If the owner came to ask for it, he would just return it when the time comes.

Gains and losses do not linger on external things. Feng Ziyue has already transcended the realm. Although he likes it, he will not covet other people's things.

But if he is really a swordsmith, it would be a good thing to help him recast the Xuanyuan Huntian Ancient Sword.

He carried the sword mother on his back and walked northward.

Along the way, there were indeed more and more blind fools, and even Houtian warriors came to disturb them. With Feng Ziyue's current level of cultivation, he didn't even need to draw a sword, he could scare them away with his momentum.

Although it won't take long, there will inevitably be some delays.

The encirclement of the eight powerful families is becoming more and more intensive.

Ahead, we will arrive at Wuzhou City soon.

"Dad! This Feng Ziyue's martial arts is really powerful!"

Even Young Master Yinchuan could not help but be amazed by Feng Ziyue's achievements along the way.

Previously, two Poxu Zhongjing members from the eight powerful families were killed while blocking Feng Ziyue. The Yinchuan family had long been on guard. Then, under the suggestion of Yinchuan Kongming, Huang Jizun used the advice of the eight powerful families to

In this name, a sky-high reward was awarded.

Using millions of sky crystals and the secret book of breaking the void as bait, it lures the world's heroes to take action against Feng Ziyue.

Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men.

Although the statistics are not complete, as Feng Ziyue walked out of Nantian Wu Kingdom and headed towards Wuzhou City, thirty-six of the known Po Xu masters had died.

Among them, there are four masters of the Void Breaking Realm.

It is conceivable that if this loss were borne by the eight wealthy families, it would be extremely heavy.

If a family were to bear such a loss, it would probably be like the Huangji family and fall to the bottom among the eight wealthy families.

Although the wealthy clan is supported by the masters of Poxuhou Realm, without enough middle-level force, it is really difficult to control the place.

After all, the masters of the Back Realm of Breaking the Void cannot patrol the territory all the time and act as fire-fighters. There must be masters guarding one side in order to ensure deterrence and peace.

Fortunately, Yinchuan Kongmei resorted to this plan of generous rewards and passed on the losses.

There are so many people in the world of martial arts that they can afford this kind of loss.

"His martial arts skills are high, but that's all. In short, if he doesn't enter the Poxu rear realm, he is still no match for us old guys after all. It's just..."

Yinchuan Kongming's brows were furrowed, with a look of worry on his face.

"What I'm worried about is not just his martial arts."


Yinchuan Neng was startled for a moment, "Dad, why did you say that?"

Yinchuan Kongming shook his head.

"The most terrifying thing about this man is not his martial arts, but his calm demeanor. Eight powerful families are chasing him. He is just an outsider from the Canghai Continent, but he can be calm and not worried at all, walking slowly along the way.

Okay, this..."

Despite the repeated pursuits, Feng Ziyue responded calmly, seemingly not taking the eight wealthy families seriously at all.

If he was a member of the four major sects or a member of the Tianmen, it could be explained. However, he is just a person with no background in Canghai Continent. Why is he so confident?

Or - he has unlimited potential, maybe in this pursuit battle, he can achieve higher promotion, but he regards this pursuit as cultivation.

Or, he has a more powerful backing.

No matter which one it is, it makes Yinchuan Kongming shudder.

Of course, there is another possibility that this person is too stupid - but how could a young man who was able to kill Huang Ji Linghan and more than a dozen masters of breaking the void at such a young age be so stupid?

Yinchuan Neng's eyes flickered and hesitantly said: "Dad, I do suspect that he might not be from Canghai Continent..."

Yinchuan Kongming nodded, "I also think there is something strange, but please don't tell others about this yet."

He paused and said, "No matter what, if you encounter him, you must stay away and don't be greedy for credit."


Yinchuan Neng is not a young and energetic person. He has always been young and mature, so naturally he will not strive for such a leisurely time.

His martial arts can be better than Huangji Linghan, but he is not even half as famous as Huangji Linghan, which also shows the low-key character of their Yinchuan family.

"Then, when he arrives in Wuzhou City, he will conduct a decisive battle..."


Yinchuan Kongming shook his head coldly, "I don't want our Yinchuan family's Wuzhou City to suffer too much loss because of his Huangji family——"

"——Even if we have to fight, I will certainly have somewhere to make arrangements!"

Feng Ziyue, however, has already arrived outside Wuzhou City.

He naturally knew that the Yinchuan family was also one of the eight powerful families and jointly issued a fatwa to him.

But it was rare for him to encounter a big city, so he naturally wanted to go into the city to inquire about the route and know the next step, so he walked into Wuzhou City calmly.

Seeing him entering through the city gate, a woman's voice came from a white carriage drawn by two horses beside the city gate.

"finally found you!"

On the other side, in a green carriage, a woman's whisper also came out.

"There is no place to look for after you have worn iron shoes. It takes no effort to get here. I never expected that I would bump into it in a place like this!"

This chapter has been completed!
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