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Chapter 446 Sword Soul!

Chapter 446 Sword Soul!

The origin of the Sword Mother has actually been roughly recorded in the handbook. Although Bisi retells it with more details, there is not much new information.

The martial arts of the swordsmith lineage were very magical. Although Feng Ziyue knew the general principles, he did not know the specifics of how to practice them, so he asked curiously.

In fact, Gongyang Xi's method of forging sword bones also comes from the training methods of the swordsmiths. Unfortunately, there is no true tradition on the Tianwu Continent. He created it on his own based on a few records, and it is not whole.

The line of swordsmiths forges their bodies as a sword, divided into three parts: the sword god, the sword body and the sword soul.

The sword body is actually one's own body, and the sword god comes from the forged sword. The method is very complicated. Although Bi Si said a lot of things in a vague way, Feng Ziyue only roughly said that. Learned how to do it.

As for the sword soul, it is the most elusive and mysterious part.

"The sword soul is innate. Most warriors have sword souls, but their grades are different. For example, you..."

Bisi's spiritual vision nodded and curiously examined Feng Ziyue's sword soul.

Suddenly, her expression froze, and there was an expression of disbelief on her face.

She just wanted to give a casual example. If this kid's sword soul was not of a high level, she could laugh at him a little.


No matter what, Bisi never expected that the ordinary-looking boy in front of her would actually be of the supreme sword soul level!

This... the probability of such a thing is simply the same as picking up a broken sword when you go out to pick mushrooms, and it turns out to be the ancient divine sword "Juque"!

Where can such a thing happen!

On the Dongming Continent, there are millions of people. Over the past ten thousand years, there should be at least a thousand masters of breaking the void. Even in this world, there are as many as a hundred people. In other words, among ten million people, there should be Create a peak master of breaking the void.

However, there are only six or seven Supreme Sword Souls who have been documented since ancient times!

Among the trillions of people, there can only be six or seven supreme sword spirits!

How can you bump into someone like this?

No wonder the Sword Mother stayed by his side without a hint of resistance. When she was about to take him away, she vaguely sensed a glimmer of resistance from the Sword Spirit.

She stayed there for a long time before murmuring: "Let me tell you, do you know that you are the Supreme Sword Soul?"

Feng Ziyue was startled. He had heard this term once.

That was still on the Tianwu Continent, in Yunhu Jincheng. He met Lianjia in the Xuanshuang Formation and heard her talk about it.

Listening to Lian Jia's tone, he was highly praised. However, after Feng Ziyue went back and asked everyone, no one knew what this sword soul was. There was no record in the classics. Over time, Feng Ziyue also became Put this matter aside.

After arriving in the outer world, he had never had the opportunity to communicate with experts. Unexpectedly, he heard this term from this little girl's mouth again today.

He nodded, "Someone once said this, but I don't know the details. If the girl knows the details, can you tell me?"


Bisi was also surprised, "I didn't expect that someone could see your supreme sword soul. This person is not simple - except for the natural sword eyes of our Sword Forging Valley lineage, who can see the supreme sword soul." There are really not many people from Sword Soul..."

The grade of the sword soul is determined by nature.

From the first grade to the ninth grade, there is a sword soul energy. As long as you know how to look at the sword, you can see it.

But above the ninth level, the supreme sword soul has returned to its original state, which cannot be seen.

In addition to the natural sword eye of the Sword Forging Valley, only a few special identification skills can be used to identify it.

Feng Ziyue nodded. Lian Jia was very mysterious. The martial arts he used were very different from the masters of breaking the void that he had seen when he entered the outer world. The changes were mysterious and extremely magical.

In fact, Feng Ziyue encountered so many Poxu masters from Quanzhou to Wuzhou. Most of them were quite orthodox in their martial arts, and they were more rigid about the use of strength. The only difference between them and the innate masters was that they were more powerful.

Some are faster, but in terms of martial arts, there is really no breakthrough.

Looking back, Lianjia's ** technique and Lian's birth-destroying palm technique are extremely weird and magical martial arts. When the ** is at its peak, it can still exert various special powers. If it is used to break the void,

If you push it hard, it will be much more powerful.

She is not an ordinary character in this outer world.

The two of them had already formed a grudge, so a fight was inevitable, but Feng Ziyue was not afraid.

These things are not what he needs to worry about at the moment anyway. He smiled lightly and continued to ask Bisi about the sword soul.

Sword Soul, what exactly is it?

In the swordsmith lineage, the sword gods and sword bodies they practice are actually easy to understand.

The blade of the sword is one's own body. The purpose of cultivating a warrior's body is initially to strengthen his body. In this regard, although the methods of the swordsmith lineage are different, they actually reach the same goal through different paths.

Warriors use mysterious energy and the energy of heaven and earth to strengthen their bodies, and swordsmiths use sword forging methods to strengthen their bodies. The final goal is the same.

The sword god is actually the master of power and martial arts. Warriors improve by understanding the world and practicing martial arts; while the swordsmith improves by conforming to the sword spirit or absorbing the power of the sword evil. Although the methods are different, the results are the same.


But this sword soul is very special and difficult to understand.

"The sword soul - to put it simply, it is the compatibility with the sword..."

Bi Si pondered for a long time before finally finding an explanation that Feng Ziyue could almost understand.

This point is extremely important for both a swordsman and a swordsmith.

The swordsmith exercises the sword body and fuses it with the sword god. The stronger the sword body, the stronger the sword god it can fuse with. The stronger the sword god, the stronger the power it can exert.

But this point is influenced by the sword spirit.

Low-level sword spirits cannot match high-level sword spirits. Even if they can absorb the power of sword evil, they can easily cause backlash.

Although the swordsmith has his own set of techniques to leapfrog the level of a high-level sword spirit, it is ultimately not as good as a high-level sword spirit.

Bisi was born with an eighth-grade sword soul. Even in the Sword Forging Valley, she was considered the best. She had always been proud of it. It was not until she saw Feng Ziyue's supreme sword soul today that she was dumbfounded.

For a swordsman, the higher the level of the sword spirit, the better he can understand the sword's intention and create peerless sword techniques. When using a famous sword with the sword spirit, he can also fully display the power of the sword spirit.

Similarly, in other martial arts, there are also sword souls, palm souls, spear souls, etc. However, the sword is the king of weapons. Among warriors, swords are the most used, so this sword soul is also the most valued.


What's more, apart from swordsmiths, there are no other weapon forgers who can master a special line of martial arts, so the research on sword souls is also the most developed among them.

Only then did Feng Ziyue suddenly realize.

In fact, his martial arts qualifications can only be regarded as above average at best. He had no one to teach him when he was young. He studied Feng family martial arts on his own and did not make a good progress. However, after becoming a disciple of Gong Yangxi, as soon as he came into contact with sword moves, he learned by analogy.

, draw inferences from one example, the genius in swordsmanship is definitely unparalleled by others, presumably it is the function of this supreme sword soul.

Although Bisi was trapped in the Sword Mother, she didn't seem to be too worried. She was just extremely resistant to Feng Ziyue's touch. Fortunately, Feng Ziyue could pick it up in the air, so there was no inconvenience.

On weekdays, Bisi used her spiritual thoughts to transform and chat with Feng Ziyue, telling them all kinds of strange things about the swordsmith lineage. Feng Ziyue had never heard of them, but he could understand them by analogy, so as long as he finished practicing every day, it was fine.

I don't mind chatting with this little girl.

Time passed so quickly, before they knew it, their small convoy had entered the Luochuan Kingdom among the southwest countries.

This is the territory of the fish intestine king.

"Go quickly! Go quickly!"

From the tower in the distance, there were rude shouts and shouts. It was the soldiers guarding the gate, pushing and shoving passers-by.

The Yu family has the heaviest taxes, and there are almost no passing merchants. However, the local residents also have to bear heavy taxes. The annual harvest is 90%, and they can barely make ends meet.

It is not that these people have never thought about escaping from the Yujia area, but the southwest mountain road is difficult. Surrounded by mountains, there are lofty mountains that stretch for thousands of miles. There is really nowhere to go. It is also painful to be a mountain dweller in the mountains.

It's unbearable; secondly, the Yu family's control is very strict. Once a refugee is found, he will be killed without mercy. The head of the refugee can be used to offset the monthly tax.

Under such severe punishment, how many people dare to escape?

So even if it was unspeakable, I had no choice but to endure it silently.

Feng Ziyue saw that everyone on the road was looking good. The closer they got to the city gate, the more panic appeared on the faces of the people on the roadside.

"I wonder how much the city entrance tax is today? If it's any higher, then our money will be in vain..."

"I can't do it if I don't come out!"

Several passers-by looked ugly and whispered to each other as they walked.

"It just depends on the mood of the young master - he was sent by the king to guard the city gate. He was in a bad mood, so he doubled the city entrance tax. If it is higher today, we will not go in..."

Feng Ziyue frowned when he heard this. Mr. Lu knew what he was thinking and quickly advised: "Sir, although the Yu family has heavy taxes, they will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. If you make trouble, I'm afraid it will only affect others -

—We have already taken care of things before the city gate, and we will bring these people in together when the time comes..."

Although it is only a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution, Feng Ziyue also knows that this is the case now, and he has no good solution. Unless he kills everyone in the Yu family, he can only solve it temporarily, not for the rest of his life.

He sighed, this is a world where the strong are respected, human lives are like ants, and what you do can only be worthy of your heart.

When their convoy arrived, as expected, the soldiers chatted with Mr. Lu for a few words, collected the money, and let them go immediately without any hesitation.

Just as Lu *** was breathing a sigh of relief, he heard someone snort coldly.

"Why did you put this convoy in without careful inspection? What if there is a spy? Stop it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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