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[Chapter Five Hundred and Eighteen Killed]

【Chapter 518 Kill】

The residents of Muzhai knelt on the ground and begged devoutly.

Relatively speaking, I have seen some supervisors in the market, all with pale faces, looking at Feng Ziyue standing in the sky with fear and respect.

Flying off the ground is an innate sign.

They still understand this truth.

Although the leader of the supervisors is a martial artist, he is like an ant in front of the innate masters and how dare he disobey.

The most important thing is that Feng Ziyue is not from the Holy Land at all - he is an innate master in the wild. What a terrifying existence this is!

"grown ups!"

The leader of the prison frowned and did not dare to put on any airs. He got off his horse and prostrated on the ground.

"I don't know if you're a little distant when you come here, please forgive me!"

The villagers were even more uproar when they saw the leader of the prison looking like this. They had more confidence in Feng Ziyue and their pleas became louder.

Chifa also knelt on the ground, but quietly raised his head and looked at Feng Ziyue's body.

This person looks very young.

His brows were slightly furrowed, and he was carrying a huge baggage on his back. He was dressed in white clothes and fluttering in the wind. He was so graceful and impressive that even just one look at him could make people feel impressed.

His feet were weak, standing proudly in the air, completely helpless.

What a fairy!

Since ancient times, Muzhai has been oppressed by the Holy Land and has become a place for logging and transportation. All the past legends have disappeared without a trace. However, among the myths passed down orally, there are indeed gods.

They soar in the clouds and mist, capable of doing anything.

They save people, save the world, and save all people from dire straits.

Could it be that at this desperate moment, the gods set out to save them?

Red Hair knelt down on the ground devoutly, sincerely begging for salvation.

Feng Ziyue glanced at the mountains of wooden rafts that were now quietly stuck on the river bank, and then looked at these ordinary hard-working men who had never studied martial arts. Compared with the supervisors wearing cloth armor here, he felt in his heart

There are already a few.

There was blood flowing on the ground, both from the villagers and from the prisoners. However, most of the corpses were those of ordinary villagers. After all, although they were strong, they did not practice martial arts. They relied on sneak attacks to save a few lives.

And in the end, the prison leader's blow killed many villagers who persisted in resisting.

This was a fierce resistance. Unfortunately, the villagers were completely incompetent in martial arts and were physically strong. However, facing the leader of the prison, a martial lord, there was only one way to die.

"How is this going?"

Feng Ziyue asked calmly.

"Lord Qi, we are from the Holy Land. These unscrupulous people are transporting wood to the Holy Land and building giant towers reaching the sky. However, they were lazy on the way and dared to attack our supervisors, injuring countless people. Fortunately, the little ones have some little skill.

, in order to restrain them, I am planning to kill only the culprit and let the coercion go, but I don’t want you to pass by here..."


Chifa roared angrily, "You don't treat us villagers as human beings at all, and you kill us at every turn. Who of us is willing to transport wood to you? It's not because we are forced by the situation! As long as you act a little slower, you will just scream and kill us.

We villagers are also human beings, how can we survive!"

"Master Immortal! Don't believe him!"

He knelt on the ground and walked on his knees in front of Feng Ziyue.

Chifa also gained courage, otherwise he would not have dared to speak under the pressure that Feng Ziyue was unintentionally radiating. However, he was determined and brave enough to speak regardless.

Now that he had said this, his grief and anger became more like a surging tide, unstoppable, pouring out in one breath. He told all the grievances and pains suffered by the people in the village since ancient times!


The leader of the prison was covered in sweat and shouted angrily, "Who are you? How dare you speak in front of adults? Why don't you get out!"

Feng Ziyue waved his hand and glanced coldly. The leader of the prison felt a chill all over his body and did not dare to move.

"Let him say it!"

Feng Ziyue explained, how dare the supervisors speak? They gathered in a group from a distance, with shock and anger flashing in their brows.

With the approval of the gods, Chifa naturally became more courageous. Although he stammered, he finally expressed his hatred for his father's death and the pain of his fellow villagers.

The people who followed him at first did not dare to speak, but now they heard that he spoke smoothly, and the gods had no intention of stopping him. They also emboldened themselves and started to add more.

The more Feng Ziyue listened, the angrier he became.

It turns out that the people in this wooden village originally lived thousands of miles away in a primitive jungle, peaceful and peaceful, without fighting against the world.

But I don’t know since when, people from the Holy Land suddenly invaded. Their strength was so tyrannical and terrifying that they forced the people of Muzhai Village to cut down trees for them and transport them to a distant Holy Land to build a giant tower that reaches the sky.

Naturally, the villagers were unwilling, but under the high pressure of the supervisors of the Holy Land, they dared to get angry but did not dare to speak out. They have suffered so much for a long time.

Among them, there were naturally many who rebelled and resisted, and I don’t know how many lives have been lost.

It can be said that the hatred between the people in this wooden village and the Holy Land is as deep as the ocean!

"Holy land? Giant tower reaching the sky?"

Feng Ziyue frowned. These two strange names made him feel intuitively - if this huge desert has a center, it should be this so-called holy land.

The Hidden Dragon inheritance must also be related to it.

His only hesitant expression fell in the eyes of the prison leader, but it made him feel reassured.

No matter how powerful he is, he is just one person after all. How can he compare with the masters of the Holy Land?

You must know that although the Tongtian Giant Tower has not yet been built and cannot be used to transport gods to the lower realm, at its current height, the adults sitting in it have already far exceeded the innate realm!

How much trouble can this innate young man create?

"That's right! Sir, we are from the Holy Land. Didn't you hear clearly when I made my report just now?"

There was a hint of pride in the voice of the prison leader.

"Although your master is profound in martial arts, compared with the Holy Land, it is still far behind. Innate warriors are just guards in the Holy Land. The real masters are above the Innate!"

The leader of the prison was spitting and gradually became arrogant again.

Although he has no idea what the realm is beyond innateness, he still fools people as if he is an expert above innateness.

Feng Ziyue snorted coldly.

In the Holy Land, there are also Poxu masters stationed there, which is not unexpected.

The Hidden Dragon inheritance is definitely not that easy to get. It is normal for opponents with sufficient strength. He smiled lightly and didn't care.

When he first entered the Hidden Dragon Cave, all he wanted was the Soul Dzi Bead, so the five elders did not tell him the secret of the Hidden Dragon inheritance place.

And when Master Jingwu was about to die and asked him to take the inheritance of the Hidden Dragon, time was too tight and he passed away before he could explain it in detail.

Therefore, Feng Ziyue knew almost nothing about this hidden dragon inheritance place.

Now it seems that it must be related to the Holy Land. In this case, we can go to the Holy Land to search and see what is going on.

As for here...

He smiled coldly and made up his mind.

"Sir, you are young and already have innate cultivation. You must be a talent welcomed by our Holy Land. As long as you follow me to the Holy Land, you will definitely get the opportunity to enter the Tongtian Giant Tower to practice. By then, you may be able to break through the innate...


The leader of the prison guards was still chattering, and he threw out a bunch of bait, as if he was trying to attract Feng Ziyue.

"...If you, sir, want to go against us and protect these unruly people..."

He seemed to see that Feng Ziyue had plans to stand up for these villagers, and smiled coldly, with a hint of threat in his tone.

"If you offend the Holy Land, no matter how high your martial arts skills are, I'm afraid you will die without a burial!"

In the desert, only the Holy Land reigns supreme. This supervisor leader is also used to being arrogant, but now he doesn't know how to restrain himself when he encounters a master.

"Sir, you should think twice!"

A ferocious smile appeared on his face again, and he slowly straightened his back.

He thought that his previous words had impressed Feng Ziyue, and his arrogant look returned to his face.

Those unscrupulous people may not know the power of the Holy Land and dare to resist, but this kid has already stepped into the innate world. It is impossible that he does not know the power of the Holy Land. He - he will never dare to touch a hair of his own!


Before he could finish his words, his head flew off and his blood shot into the sky!

For such an ant-like person, Feng Ziyue has no interest in talking nonsense.

He had committed numerous murders and his crimes were countless. Even he himself had admitted it, so why should Feng Ziyue hold back?

No one present could see the sword light clearly, but they were all stunned and in disbelief.

After a long time, the villagers let out an earth-shattering cheer and burst into tears!

In their eyes, this leader of the prison guards was already a majestic figure, and he had just beaten them to pieces.

But now the immortal master took his life without even raising a finger!

Sure enough, he is a god who comes to save people!

They roared at the top of their lungs and banged their heads, their joy beyond words.

But the supervisors were all stunned and no one dared to escape. They were so terrified!

Feng Ziyue nodded. The leader must be killed to give an explanation to the villagers. As for the other supervisors, there is no harm in killing them. However, one person can be left to lead the way.

He snorted coldly, "Whoever can clearly explain the situation in the Holy Land, step forward and I will spare his life!"

Most of the supervisors had not yet reacted, but a few smart people immediately seized this glimmer of hope and hurriedly stepped out.

"Young one knows! Young one knows! Please forgive me!"

The fastest runner was a man with a deer head and rat eyes. Although he was wearing cloth armor, his appearance was wretched. Compared to his colleagues, he looked a bit shabby. His small eyes were darting around, and his face was full of flattery.


Feng Ziyue nodded, swung his sword light and rolled him over, while the other supervisors were hit by his sword light and could not move.

"I'll leave the rest of them to you!"

Feng Ziyue pointed at Chifa and asked him to deal with the remaining supervisors.

This chapter has been completed!
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