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【Chapter 813 Will you admit defeat? 】

【Chapter 813: Will you admit defeat? 】

"No matter how strong you are, all things will eventually decay. Even if you are as clear as glass, you cannot escape the fate of the five gods and humans! Under the shroud of my white jade capital in the sky, Fengziyue, how long can you last!"

Duckweed Changsheng roared loudly, with a series of palm shadows. Although each palm was forced back by Feng Ziyue's sword light, the power of each palm seemed to be gradually increasing!

Feng Ziyue knew that this feeling was not accurate.

In fact, it was not that Duckweed Cangsheng's palm power was increasing, but that he could clearly feel that his own power was gradually weakening.

This process is neither fast nor obvious, but Feng Ziyue has restrained his spiritual consciousness and obtained the Sun Moon Tide Technique to strengthen his soul. After reaching the peak of Breaking the Void, he has condensed his soul even more and is extremely clear about his own power.

He has always had meticulous control over his power, and can sense any slight change in power.

The current situation is that no matter how much power he gathers, it is slowly passing away.

Just like an hourglass, although it passes slowly, it slowly changes bit by bit.

This feeling of losing control made him wary.

Duckweed Cangsheng's martial arts is something Feng Ziyue has never seen before in his life, and it can truly be called a unique skill.

"There is no better principle in the world than this! Feng Ziyue, no matter how strong your martial arts are, how can you defeat the principle of heaven and earth? In this case, it is better to admit defeat early and suffer less!"

As Duckweed took action, his body was like glazed white jade, exuding golden light, and he looked really like a god!

He opened his palms and spoke at the same time, trying to break Feng Ziyue's will.

"Master Fu Sect, at the beginning, you said you could kill me with just one move. Now that I'm still alive, that means your confidence in this martial arts may not necessarily be accurate..."

Feng Ziyue smiled calmly. Although he was trapped in the glazed palm shadow and was gradually suppressed, he remained calm. The sword light stayed within three inches of his body, trying to slow down the flow of power.

"The white jade capital in the sky, the twelve cities on the fifth floor, the golden words, the end of life and death... The second greatest principle in the world is indeed amazing..."

Hu Feiyang looked cold and shook his head.

"The second greatest principle in the world?"

Yun Weixue was stunned for a moment and asked curiously.

"Hmph, this is what a delusional person said, trying to judge the laws of everything in the world with one family's words. The so-called everything in the world will decay is because he deduced the second most important truth in the world. This sentence has been widely circulated, so it will be used by others.

Quote. The martial arts of Bai Yujing in the sky is exactly the martial arts that perfectly expresses this so-called principle..."

Hu Feiyang looked hesitant and seemed to have no interest in talking about this matter.

"Everything will decay. How can Protector Feng deal with such weird martial arts?"

Although they were outside the white aperture, the experts present had good eyesight and could naturally clearly see the disadvantage that Feng Ziyue was currently at.

Bai Yujing's martial arts in the sky was very draining on himself. In fact, he turned himself into a ruthless person and used his body of glazed white jade to resist the coming of decay.

When his martial arts was activated, within the coverage of the twelve cities on the fifth floor of Baiyujing in the sky, everything was decaying. In fact, even his own strength was also slowly passing away, just because he

My body of glazed white jade can only delay the decay.

This kind of martial arts will hurt yourself once if you activate it once.

He is ruthless to others and even more ruthless to himself, so he can be called the pinnacle of ruthlessness.

"If we were on the opposite side of Duckweed, there would be no room for resistance..."

Even Hu Feiyang had to admit this fact.

In fact, everyone present, including Nangong Min and Hu Feiyang, found it difficult to resist the initial Death Word Technique, and might be instantly killed by this weird martial arts.

Of course, killing a top master in this way would cause huge backlash to the common people themselves, but even so, they couldn't think of any way to resist.

Feng Ziyue relied on the Hidden Dragon inheritance to block the Death Word Technique, but now that all things are decaying, even the Hidden Dragon cannot resist it.

If other people were facing Duckweed, even if they were lucky enough to escape the death spell, in this desperate situation of decay, there would be no hope at all.

What method can Feng Ziyue have to deal with this weird martial arts?

"If there is no other way... this kid will still be dragged to death slowly..."

Nangong Min's face tightened. She had been paying attention to the situation in the field. When she saw this, she frowned and shook her head.

Unexpectedly, duckweed people would fight to this extent. Once this principle of decay and decay of all things is implemented, it will have a great impact on itself.

Although it is said that he practiced the method of the twelve cities on the fifth floor of the White Jade Capital in the sky and transformed into a glazed white jade body, the passage of power and decay are still unavoidable.

He is already very old, even for a master master and a warrior who has entered the realm of Jutian, he is already very old.

For more than a thousand years, his martial arts have continued to grow, but his own aging has been unstoppable.

Under such circumstances, the people of Duckweed are still using such martial arts that hurt others and themselves. It seems that the combination of the eight sword techniques is really inevitable.

In fact, before he obtained the last sword of the Eight Sword Controlling Techniques, he had already entered the Jutian Realm. Even if he could not win the championship, with the set of martial arts of Bai Yujing in the sky, he would hardly have any opponent at the beginning of the Jutian Realm.

In the secret realm of the galaxy, he is still a huge threat.

But it is obvious that Duckweed is willing to defeat Feng Ziyue and win the Seven-Star Seal Battle, even if he hurts himself. The things he cares about are obviously not just the secret realm of the galaxy.

"It seems that he is bound to win the position of true dragon in heaven and earth!"

Nangong Min understands that for ordinary people, it may not be possible to tell clearly which one is more important, the position of the true dragon or the thing in the secret realm of the galaxy.

It is understandable that he makes any choice, but if he attaches so much importance to the position of the true dragon, it will be a bit troublesome for Feng Ziyue...

If it is Nangong Min's intention, it is best for Feng Ziyue to admit defeat. In this case, by maintaining the best condition and joining forces with her in the secret realm of the galaxy, they have a great chance of obtaining that thing.

"...Boy, will you admit defeat?"

Nangong Min looked at Feng Ziyue, his brows tightening.

"If you can help me obtain the things from the secret realm of the galaxy, the benefits I will give you will definitely not be less than the reward for winning the seven-star seal - don't be confused!"

Nangong Min murmured to himself and quietly clenched his fists.

But the situation in the field was completely different from what she expected.

The sword light around Feng Ziyue was strong. Instead of retreating and admitting defeat, he resisted with all his strength. At this time, he seemed to have used all his strength!

The last fight!

"What is he doing?"

Nangong Min stared blankly at the soaring sword energy on Feng Ziyue's body, and let out a low moan that was almost like a groan.

This chapter has been completed!
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