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Chapter 043 Planning

Early the next morning, Ding Yuluo drove around, as arranged by Ding Hao, to visit the military and political officials of Guangyuan whom the Ding family had made friends with over the years. Ding Hao also took Xue Liang, the dirty pig, to Guangyuan Street.

In Guangyuan City, Ding Hao specifically inquired about the skilled craftsmen in the city, and when he found out, he paid a visit. Winter is the leisure season, and these craftsmen did not have much to do. Even if they had some things to do, Ding Hao promised that with the help of heavy profits, these craftsmen would

Mo Bu obeyed happily, collected the deposit one by one, packed up his tools, and rushed to the camp where the Ding family grain team in Xicheng was currently stationed to report.

Xizhu'er followed Ding Hao and saw him busy looking for carpenters, blacksmiths, cobblers, painters, and paper makers. He really couldn't restrain his doubts and couldn't help but ask Ding Hao. Ding Hao smiled and said: "Now for a while

I can't tell clearly. You will know it at a glance when they make the things. Later, these craftsmen have gone to the camp, and I will set up a separate place for them to use. Then you will watch over it. General Guangyuan

Before my mother's birthday, these craftsmen are not allowed to leave, nor are they allowed to enter alone."

Xizhu'er asked in a naive voice: "It's easy to not allow anyone to come out. They took our eldest lady's money. But no one is allowed in... Are you and the eldest lady not allowed in either? Manager Liu, Yang Tou

Aren't they allowed in too?"

Ding Hao smiled and scolded: "Stop pretending to be stupid with me. The eldest lady and I can get in naturally. Except for the two of us, no one else is allowed in. No one is allowed in. If they have any dissatisfaction, you can

Just push it to the eldest lady. When the time comes, I will find a few more reliable people to do your bidding."

Xizhu'er said excitedly: "Haha, since the eldest lady is responsible for everything, it doesn't matter. You can just leave it to me, but... what on earth are you looking for these craftsmen to do? Do you want to make another one?

Sledge out?"

Ding Hao glared at him angrily, and just as he was about to speak, someone suddenly shouted in front of him: "Get out of the way, get out of the way, don't block my master's way."

Ding Hao looked up and saw that the person shouting was Yang Jincheng, the arresting officer of Guangyuan Prefecture. He was accompanied by several government servants in front of him and behind him. There was a sedan behind him with the curtain rolled up. There were two people sitting in the carriage, beautiful and elegant.

He was wrapped tightly in robes and fur cloaks, with a ferret fur hat on his head. He was giving instructions, chatting and laughing. One of them was Xu Fengqing, the prefect of Guangyuan.

Come to think of it, Mr. Xu's trip today was not to patrol the city for office work, so he did not use flags and ceremonial guards, and the car drove slowly. However, his officers still had to show off and show off their power.

Yang Jincheng was shouting and drinking when he looked up and saw Ding Hao, with a friendly smile on his face. If Ding Hao hadn't caught the trafficker, these brothers who were eating public meals might still be eating a meal today.

Now as if nothing had happened, Mr. Xu was so happy that he rewarded each of them with fifty cents of hard-earned money. This was all thanks to Ding Hao. When Yang Captou saw him, he naturally showed some affection.

He smiled and nodded to Ding Hao, then turned to a jujube vendor and yelled, "You don't have eyes, why bother wandering around? I'll be careful to dismantle your car."

The jujube seller pushing the trolley hurriedly stepped aside. Only then did Yang Baotou walk up to Ding Hao, cupped his hands and said, "Brother Hao, you're busy."

Ding Hao stepped forward with a smile and returned the courtesy: "Yes, there are some things that need to be done. Yang Captou, who are you traveling with, Lord Magistrate?"

Yang Jincheng glanced back, curled his lips, and whispered: "I heard that he was a famous scholar from the Central Plains. He was a classmate with our master when he was studying. This man was very arrogant, and his eyes reached to the sky. This Once while traveling to the north, our master heard about it and sent someone to invite him to Guangyuan."

Ding Hao said "Oh". His mind was now full of the sketches he had drawn. He originally asked about it casually, but when he heard that it was some bullshit celebrity that had nothing to do with the livelihood of a commoner like him, he didn't even take it to heart. Then he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I see, you are busy, Mr. Yang, so I won't disturb you anymore."

Yang Baotou smiled and bowed his hand to him. Just as he was about to move forward, Xu Zhifu saw Ding Hao in the car. He quickly kicked the fender and the carriage stopped. Xu Zhifu leaned forward slightly and smiled at him. : "Ding Hao."

Ding Hao quickly stepped forward and saluted: "Master Magistrate."

Magistrate Xu stroked his beard and smiled: "Haha, no need to be polite, where are you going?"

Ding Hao answered truthfully: "I heard that the birthday of the old lady of the Cheng Mansion was approaching, so I was ordered by the family leader to buy some gifts to express the family leader's wishes."

"Oh?" Magistrate Xu's eyes flashed, and the smile on his face became a little thicker: "Then you can go and get busy. I and you fell in love at first sight. It's a pity that we were in such a hurry twice and there was no chance to talk. Haha, it’s Mrs. Cheng’s birthday, and I’m going there too, so I’ll see you then.”

"Yes, I also hope to have the opportunity to listen to Master Fu's inquiry and advice. Master Fu, please go slowly, and I will send you off respectfully." Ding Hao calmly stepped aside and bowed to each other with thoughtful etiquette. Xu Zhifu kicked the barrier. He glanced at Ding Hao, nodded and smiled.

The car started, and the long-bearded old man Qing Qu who was sitting next to Xu Fengqing sneered and called out the prefect Xu's name: "Brother Xu Shui, you are the dignitary of the government. Why do you stop to greet a commoner when you meet him on the road? Don't be afraid. I lost my identity."

Xu Fengqing chuckled and said: "Brother Renjia, my official duties are not as easy as yours. The prefect of Guangyuan is not the same as the officials in the Central Plains. Being an official here is like facing an abyss." , walking on thin ice, checking myself three times a day, not daring to make any mistakes. Although this Ding Hao is just a common man, he may one day be someone who can be used by General Cheng, so why not hand him over to him? "

Lu Renjia, a famous scholar from the Central Plains, said disdainfully: "Xushui, the sharpness you had in your youth has been completely wiped out by the hard work of this officialdom. Cheng Shixiong makes you so uneasy. I see you for my brother, but I feel sorry for you."

Xu Fengqing looked a little embarrassed, but Lu Renjia turned a blind eye and smiled sarcastically, saying proudly: "Then who is Cheng Shixiong? He is just a slave in Du Chongwei's house in the former Jin Dynasty. You read the books of sages and worked hard for ten years to earn two To be listed as a Jinshi, you have to look up to him as a common man? Hmph! Xushui, just watch and wait. When the imperial court solves the problems in the Southern Han Dynasty and Jiangnan, these vassal towns will be eradicated one by one and the country will be unified."

After hearing this, Xu Fengqing's face suddenly changed color. This Lu Renjia is so old, why is he still boasting and not knowing the importance? Such a person can only write and ink, and his lips and teeth are arrogant. He has a high eye but a low hand, so it is difficult for him to become a great person. This time The original intention of inviting him here was to use his reputation to celebrate Cheng Mansion's birthday, but now it seems that he is not sure whether it is right or wrong. Don't let him cause any trouble.

Xu Fengqing was secretly annoyed in his heart and hurriedly said: "Brother Renjia, where do you start with these words? Whether literary or military, everyone serves the court and seeks the welfare of the people. I am appointed as the magistrate of Guangyuan and the pastor of one side. It is appropriate to work with him. General Cheng's civil and military affairs are harmonious and support each other. If this is the case, my dear friends will never mention it again."

Boss Lu Renjia was displeased and glared: "You..."

Xu Fengqing quickly put down the sedan curtain and said with a dry smile: "Okay, okay, I'll be here soon. I've asked the palace to prepare a banquet. I'll have a long chat with Brother Renjia later."

Watching Magistrate Xu's car drive away, a person said in a low voice next to a stall selling leather goods on the roadside: "What a rare opportunity, why don't we take action?"

There were three people squatting in front of the leather goods stall. They were all wearing big, bloated sheepskin jackets and dog-skin hats with ear coverings. You couldn't even tell whether they were men or women. There was only a slightly thin man squatting in the middle, pretending to be picking through the cheap items. The leather goods, while whispering: "What's the use of killing him? Xu Fengqing is in Guangyuan, it's just a deaf ear, a decoration! Only by killing Cheng Shixiong can we achieve our goal."

The voice sounded like a woman's, and she was not very old.

She raised her head and glanced at Ding Hao's retreating back. Her face was covered with a scarf that northerners often wear to protect themselves from the cold wind. Only a pair of eyes, thick black eyebrows and charming eyes were exposed, which was quite stunning. .

After just one glance, she lowered her head again and whispered: "We have just arrived in Guangyuan, and it is very difficult to find out Cheng Shixiong's whereabouts as soon as possible. Besides, he is a dignified general in Guangyuan, and the iron guards around him are all highly skilled in martial arts and alert. Man, even if we come here with the intention of dying, we may not have a chance to make a move. Time is tight and we are not allowed to make plans leisurely. Since the man named Ding just now said that Cheng Shixiong’s mother’s birthday is coming soon, maybe this is an opportunity. You can do it right away. Go find out more, maybe we can start from this aspect."

Another person praised him and said: "Yes, no matter how alert and careful he is, at his own home, and on the occasion of his mother's birthday, he must have relaxed his guard. This is a good opportunity for us to take action. The problem is, can we get the Cheng family invitation?" They must be the officials and gentry in Guangyuan Mansion, how can we sneak into the Cheng Mansion?"

The sound of gongs and cymbals interrupted the discussion of the three people. The three of them looked up and saw three large carts with colorful flags and dozens of people surrounding the cart. The few people in front were walking, and from time to time they were asking for help. He performed some neat hollow somersaults on the snow, attracting cheers from passers-by.

Behind a few people who were doing somersaults like monkeys, a fat man was naked from the waist up in the cold weather, and his body was trembling with fat. He was holding a three-foot-high chess piece with one hand. There was a line on the big flag. The big characters read: "Wu Jiale Tent, Cheng Mansion wishes you a happy birthday!"

Seeing the performers from the washer tent approaching, the three of them hurriedly lowered their heads...

This chapter has been completed!
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