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Chapter 048

As soon as Mrs. Cheng entered the White Tiger Hall, the master of ceremonies sang loudly: "The birthday boy is here~~~"

All the guests in the hall stood up one after another and greeted each other with solemn hands. Cheng Shixiong was chatting, laughing and drinking with the guests. Hearing the sound, he put down his wine glass and quickly came over to support his mother. With a hint of drunkenness on his blushing face, he said happily: "Mom, these are

All the officials, gentry and celebrities are here to celebrate my mother's birthday. Madam Xu recognizes this, this is Zhang Tongfan, this is Mr. Lu, a famous scholar from the Central Plains, this..."

The old lady nodded her greetings one by one, and the adults whose names were called also raised their hands in congratulations and said some auspicious words. However, when it came to Lu Renjia, this great celebrity from the Central Plains only raised his hands haughtily, twitching the corners of his mouth, and smiled.

Rou Buxiao responded insincerely.

Tang Yanyan was quite polite to Miss Ding. As soon as she entered the hall, he led her to sit at a table, but deliberately ignored Ding Hao, intending to watch his joke. Ding Hao looked around for a while, and saw that the seat was full of distinguished guests, all of whom were rich or poor.

Gui, he didn't look embarrassed or panicked. When he saw that there was an empty seat in the corner, he walked over calmly. Tang Yanyan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Sitting at a table near the entrance of the hall was a young man in black clothes. He had a jade-like complexion and picturesque features. He looked like one of the most handsome boys in a million. He looked to be no more than twelve or thirteen years old, and he didn't know who his family was.

's young master.

If Ding Hao had seen her, he would have recognized her as the girl with whom he had chatted and laughed in the front yard. Now she had dressed up a little and dressed up in men's clothing, making her look a bit younger. She was in the crowd,

Ding Hao couldn't see her, but the way Ding Hao looked around fell right into her eyes. When the little girl saw that no one was inviting guests, he looked like a lazy person who knew him well. She couldn't help but laugh "Card" and quickly used

He covered his mouth with the back of his hand and glanced left and right. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he quietly stuck out his tongue.

After seeing the guests, Cheng Shixiong helped his mother to sit down at the head, then stood upright in front of her, lifted up the lapel of his robe, knelt down on his knees, kowtowed three times respectfully, and said loudly: "Mother today.

On your sixtieth birthday, I wish your mother a blessing as long as the flowing water of the East China Sea, and a longevity as long as the everlasting pines in the Southern Mountains."

"Okay, okay, my son, get up, hehehe..."

Old Mrs. Cheng smiled happily. The maid on the side held up a lacquer plate with dozens of sealed red envelopes on it. Old Mrs. Cheng took one and handed it to her son. Cheng Shixiong hurriedly took it with both hands and said: "Thank you.


Lu Renjia looked on coldly and saw that this old lady with the title of Taijun was acting like a farmer. Her son was a great general in Guangyuan, and he even gave a red envelope to celebrate his birthday. It was so ridiculous and despicable that he couldn't help but "sneer"

A loud laugh.

At this time, Cheng Shixiong was paying his birthday to his mother, and all the guests in the hall were silent. Although his sneer was not loud, everyone could hear it clearly. Many people could hear the ridicule in the voice and couldn't help but look at him.

The blue veins on Xu Fengqing, the prefect of Xu's forehead, were stretched. If it weren't for the many years of experience in officialdom, his temperament has been tempered to be much calmer, he would really want to kick this famous man from Mainland China who makes trouble.

Just now this celebrity was sitting here and there was nothing that didn't please his eyes, and he was full of inappropriate virtues. In fact, if you really want to talk about it, the reason for his imbalance in his heart was mostly. The Cheng family seemed to be petty, but he happened to be in a high position.

Isn’t it unfair for a feudal official to be the state of the world? He was mean here, which made Magistrate Xu worry a lot. Fortunately, today is a happy day. Although Mrs. Cheng heard it, she didn’t say anything, so Magistrate Xu relaxed.

In a tone of voice, he quietly pulled Lu Renjia's sleeve and secretly scolded: "Brother Renjia..."

Lu Renjia shrugged indifferently, picked up the wine and took a sip. Ding Hao was sitting at the front and side, and could see the side face of Cheng Shixiong who was kneeling. Lu Renjia sneered, and he saw Cheng Da Chong's face sinking slightly, holding his hand.

The hands holding the red envelope tightened, and I couldn't help but look into the crowd.

When he saw that the person was the famous celebrity friend of Xu Zhifu, Ding Hao couldn't help but suddenly said: "It turns out to be him. That's no wonder. He is a famous person. The so-called famous people are similar to the talented men and women who were praised by the media in my time."

, they are all speculated. They are uninhibited, unruly, unrestrained, disdainful of the powerful, to put it bluntly, they know how to pretend, and they pretend to be very classy."

After Cheng Shixiong paid his birthday, Mrs. Cheng, Tang Yanyan and other close relatives also received red envelopes. This time, the celebrity from Mainland China did not smile. Magistrate Xu, who was sweating coldly, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After the close relatives and family members had finished the ceremony, it was time for the officials and gentlemen. The gifts presented by these people were jewel-like and dazzling, showing that they were wealthy and not tacky. Mrs. Cheng accepted them all with a smile.

At this time, Lu Renjia, a famous scholar from the Central Plains, also presented his gift. What he gave was a scroll, which painted a picture of pine and crane. The artistic conception is elegant and elegant. As a famous scholar, his writing skills are certainly extraordinary. A layman like Ding Hao cannot see it.

No matter what the doorway was, some officials and gentry present nodded frequently.

Lu Renjia twirled his beard and smiled, very proud of himself. He felt that the calligraphy and painting he had written in this book, with its golden and precious aura, was an elegant thing. I didn't expect Mrs. Cheng to look at it, but she didn't feel anything. It was so loose and like a bird.

What's the point? It's neither food nor clothing, but when people come to celebrate birthdays, they show affection and accept it with a smile.

Seeing that the old lady was neither surprised nor impressed, Lu Renjia's face suddenly darkened. Then he thought about it, thinking that she was an old country woman who could understand some calligraphy and painting, so she was relieved. However, she had a donkey face, and she still didn't show any joy.


When it was Miss Ding's turn, she presented the golden Buddha. The golden Buddha was shining brightly, and the old lady liked it immediately after seeing it. Ding Yuluo was obedient and said a birthday congratulations, and then said: "Old birthday star, the daughter of the people is also a Buddhist."

Believers, this Buddha statue was specially consecrated by Master Kongkong of Puji Temple and recited sutras. It is presented to the old longevity star today. May I, the Buddha, bless you and make the old longevity star live a hundred years and be blessed with endless blessings."

The old lady felt even more cordial after hearing this, and praised: "Okay, okay, I am also a Buddhist, and this gift from the girl is the best for me." In fact, among the gifts given by the gentlemen just now, there are also some who like them.

There are things like golden Buddha and sandalwood beads, but the toys that Ding Yuluo gave to her precious grandson really made the old lady happy and loved her house. When she saw the golden Buddha that she gave, she was naturally full of praise.

On the side, a famous man from Mainland China saw the picture he had painstakingly painted. The old lady didn't know the goods, but she was jealous of the money. She couldn't help but said angrily: "Jade is elegant but gold is vulgar. If what this girl offers is a jade Buddha, I think it will be better."

This golden Buddha can make people's eyes shine even without consecration. It is really a vulgar thing, and I'm afraid it can't be praised by old people."

Some people at the banquet snickered after hearing this, and Ding Yuluo blushed with embarrassment. Ding Hao was furious when he saw it, and couldn't help but said: "I heard the Buddha preaching, and there were also believers who greeted him with gold bricks on the floor.

"There are countless temples in the world, all of which use gold as decoration for Buddha statues. Even gold and even pure things are liked by the Buddha. How come the golden Buddha presented by my young lady has become a common thing?"

There was a story about Buddhist believers paving the floor with gold bricks in order to invite the Buddha to appear and teach the Dharma. Ding Hao heard about it from Tang Monk when he was watching the TV series "Journey to the West". He didn't know the name of the believer, so

Mr. Lu knew the details and smiled when he heard the sound and said: "Elder Sudatta paved the floor with gold bricks and invited the Buddha to teach the Dharma to express his devotion to the Buddha. Could it be that this girl is congratulating her on her birthday today because of this?

A heart that is pious to the Buddha? Are you talking about your young lady? Since you are a servant, how can you be qualified to sit in this hall? It is really confusing the hierarchy and there are no rules."

Mr. Lu was mocking Ding Yuluo for using the name of the Buddha to send gold and silver gifts. It was true, but it was also high-sounding. It was ridiculous to climb up to some kind of Buddha. But Ding Hao said: "In front of the Buddha, all living beings are equal.

I am a devout Buddhist, and I am not turned away because of my humble status. Why do you, a guest, need to do this? My lady is also a Buddhist. I heard that the old longevity star is also a Buddhist believer, so I built this golden Buddha.

You also bathe, fast, and recite sutras and pray for old people. Why don’t you have a pious heart?"

Lu Renjia raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Oh? Your young lady is devout to the Buddha and once chanted sutras and prayed for old people with longevity? Haha, then... I would like to ask how many lines of "I" are in the "Lotus Sutra"

Buddha 'World Honored One'?"

Ding Hao was stunned and subconsciously looked at Ding Yuluo. He knew that Ding Yuluo was indeed a believer in Buddhism. Sometimes she would recite Buddhist scriptures silently when she felt uneasy. However, it would be impossible for her to memorize a volume of Buddhist scriptures.

Counting the number of verses of the Buddha in one sutra, I’m afraid it’s even more…”

Sure enough, how could Ding Yuluo remember how many lines of "World Honored One" there are in a sutra? She gave the golden Buddha as a gift for her own business. That Mr. Lu mocked her for saying that she was worshiping the Buddha, but in fact, she was bribing gold and silver.

, what she originally said was a mistake, was stopped by him at this moment, unable to answer, feeling aggrieved in her heart, and crystal tears welled up in her eyes.

On the side, Magistrate Xu saw Mrs. Cheng and Cheng Shixiong, mother and son, with gloomy faces. He was so angry that he wanted to grab his shitty friend by the neck and push his dog head into the wine glass to drown him.

Today, no matter whether you are giving gold, silver or calligraphy and painting, no matter how elegant or vulgar it is, in the final analysis, aren't they all similar to Cheng Shixiong? If you take fifty steps and laugh at a hundred steps, how noble are you? You are really unreasonable and unsophisticated.

The goddam thing.

Seeing Ding Yuluo in trouble, Ding Hao suddenly had an idea in his mind and suddenly asked: "Chanting sutras and reciting Buddha's name is the heart of worshiping Buddha. How can anyone consider every word and count how many repeated sentences there are? This gentleman is from the Central Plains.

A celebrity, a literary star in the sky, he must be a college student who is familiar with all the mediocre poems, lyrics, and songs?"

Lu Renjia stroked his beard and smiled proudly: "Of course, why do you need to comment!"

Ding Hao sneered: "In that case, I would like to ask, Sir, how many of Confucius' sayings are there in the Analects of Confucius?"

This chapter has been completed!
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