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Chapter 106

Bazhou Mansion's Yamen provided a separate room for Ding Hao. It was at the end of the West Crossing Courtyard, with a high wall on one side. The room was filled with account books that had been moved from Zhutou Lane to the warehouse. Two Yamen servants were asked to look at the door.

It was getting hot. The windows were closed and the room was not ventilated. It was really uncomfortable. Ding Hao only wore a waistcoat and a wet towel around his neck. It didn't look like a tent.

Fortunately, County Lieutenant Zhao took good care of him and ordered the servants to bring him tea regularly. The two servants accepted Captain Zhao's instructions and did not call him around. The two gentlemen felt that the room was stuffy, so they decided to take care of him.

I brought a pot of tea, sat on the corridor with two spoons and a small table, and chatted leisurely.

Ding Hao was not in a hurry to sort out the accounts. He first rearranged all the messed up account books and put them in order. Then he grabbed a big brush and scrawled on the account books to do something that only he could understand.

Mark. County Lieutenant Zhao was concerned about the progress of the matter and came to see him. Ding Hao explained: "If we talk about bribery, the amount of money will not be small. So I will ignore those complicated accounts and only select a period of time."

A single large-scale transaction with an amount of more than a thousand taels within a certain period of time, or a large amount of large-scale transactions with a cumulative amount of more than a thousand taels from the same customer within a period of time, should be transcribed into separate books. It will be much easier to find errors and loopholes. This is for the purpose of checking

It is convenient for filing. There is no need to clearly remember the quality and weight of each item like doing the accounting in the library. In addition, there is no need to write down a large number of trivial matters with small amounts of money, so this rewritten file seems inevitable.


Lieutenant Zhao knew that his skills were more than that, but he didn't ask too many questions. Sometimes, pretending to be confused is the true wisdom to protect yourself. Lieutenant Zhao nodded frequently, as if he was deeply convinced. He asked the two gentlemen to have a good life.

He looked after him and made sure nothing went wrong, so he left. If Ding Hao had nothing to do with him, he would never show up again.

Ding Hao was cleaning out the account books at the government office of the state government. A government official from the Zhutou Lane Jieku went over to summon him and told Xu Muchen that he no longer had to go to the government office every day to report and listen to inquiries. Manager Ding would call him over every time he cleared out an account book.

Check to see if everything is correct, just sign and stamp it. This news caused the guys at Zhutou to make speculations, but Xu Muchen kept his composure and didn't see anything strange on his face.

Early in the morning, he still appeared at the counter on time, his clothes were still starched and straight, and his hair was still meticulously combed. It was no different from usual. The panicked clerks felt at ease. Since the big shopkeeper was still calm,

Then the sky will not fall down.

The young apprentice went to make a cup of fragrant tea as usual. Shopkeeper Xu held the fragrant tea in his hand, but he did not taste the tea slowly as usual. He smelled the aroma of the tea leaves and closed his eyes to rest, just like an old monk who was in concentration.

Opening the door, the clerks became a little uneasy after seeing it. They worked softly and spoke softly, for fear of upsetting the big shopkeeper. Only then did someone realize that the second shopkeeper, who had always been inseparable from the big shopkeeper, did not show up.


When the guys were feeling something strange, shopkeeper Wang Er hurried in. Shopkeeper Wang looked a little tired, his eyes were red, as if he hadn't slept all night. He looked like something serious had happened, and the guys were worried.

I mentioned it, but no one dared to come forward and ask.

Xu Muchen, who had been keeping his eyes closed until he heard that shopkeeper Wang Er was back, opened his eyes in excitement. He looked at Wang Zhizhou who was panting slightly, drank the tea that was gradually getting colder in the cup, put down the cup and walked into the inner room with a puff of sleeves.

, Wang Zhizhou immediately followed in a hurry.

"Is there any more news?" As soon as the two shopkeepers left, several waiters gathered together and whispered.

"I don't know, but looking at the second shopkeeper's face, it seems something serious has happened."

"It's really worrying. Have you heard that Mr. Ding has sent Inspector Ding Haoding here again, saying he wants to help the government sort out its accounts? What do you think Mr. Ding means? Could it be that he wants to take down the big shopkeeper?

Throw them out to take the blame?"

"Don't talk nonsense. The boss is a close confidant of Mr. Ding. So Ding Hao has only been in charge for a few days? Maybe he did this to show the whole Bazhou City that the Ding family did not do anything wrong, so he was so confident.


"Our boss...hasn't it really happened that we have not used Zhutou Jietou to manage state officials?"

"Hey! Go do your job well. Don't interfere with things we shouldn't care about. Don't pry with things we shouldn't ask. Don't talk nonsense if we talk about things we shouldn't ask. Trouble comes from the mouth, you know?"

"I understand, I understand." After being scolded by the more senior store clerk, the several waiters quickly dispersed.

In the inner room, Wang Zhizhou wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered: "Big shopkeeper, I spent a hundred coins to get Mr. Liu to reveal the news. It seems that the situation is not good. These little people

Officials can usually get the information they want from them for just two ounces of money."

Xu Muchen smiled faintly: "This moment, that moment. Tell me, what news do you have?"

Wang Zhizhou said: "It is true that Ding Hao, as the messenger who came to report, helped clean up the account books every day at the Yamen of the state capital. He classified all the account books sequentially, copied down only the large transactions, classified and summarized them, and explained clearly

The ins and outs are ready for the government to search one by one. He was busy with these things all day yesterday, and there was nothing unusual."

"Hmph, some things don't need to be done in the open, especially big things. There are much more official things done at the wine table than at the official case. Apart from cleaning up the account books in the government office, what else has he done?"

"Yesterday morning, he had breakfast at Xingsheng Baozi Shop, which is the bun shop in front of Doctor Xu's residence. Xiangzhu'er came to the city to get medicine for Master Ding, and they had breakfast there with him.

He said something, but couldn't find out. At noon, Ding Hao left the government office and went to the 'Four Seafoods' for dinner."

Xu Muchen interrupted and asked: "Which officials were invited?"

"He was alone. He ate in the lobby, and no one was seen dining with him from beginning to end."

The corner of Xu Muchen's mouth twitched and he sneered: "What the Four Seafood Restaurant sells is not only live fish and shrimps, but also fresh parallel imports. They are all transported long distances from Penglai Island, Shandong in seawater boxes or large urns filled with ice cubes. They are extremely expensive. He

He actually went to a place like that to put on a show when he was eating alone. It seems that Master Ding really rewarded him a lot for this mission."

Wang Zhizhou added: "In the evening, he stayed at the Pingchuan Inn. He also had his meals there. He ordered a few side dishes, drank a pot of wine, and then went back to his room to sleep. I watched him carefully all day and night, and there was no other abnormality.


Xu Muchen frowned slightly and murmured to himself: "That's it? This makes me a little confused. What is the purpose of this trick?"

Wang Zhizhou asked nervously: "The boss, the boss... doesn't want to throw us out to take the blame, right?"

Xu Muchen sneered and said: "How dare he! Isn't he afraid that I will break the jar and shake him out? Besides...the tent is here."

He patted his heart and sneered proudly: "Those account books are just a facade. Unless I reveal the mystery in them, there is no one in the entire northwest who can see the secrets in my Xu Muchen's account."

Come on. Don't worry. My boss has always had a good reputation. Now he is accused of being a profiteer. There are countless people in Bazhou City waiting to see his joke. He sent out such a high-profile bullshit inspection just to show his true intentions.

Innocence. Does that guy Ding Hao know how to do an accounting? Huh!"

Wang Zhizhou felt relieved, and the two talked again. Someone came to pawn something outside. Wang Zhizhou hurriedly went out to receive him. Xu Muchen glanced at his back and smiled disdainfully.

Xu Muchen never thought that one day the court would come to check his accounts, but he worked for the Ding family and communicated with officials from the Bazhou government, which was also a shameful behavior. Therefore, he was very strict in accounting from beginning to end. Later, his ambition gradually gradually

He grew up and enriched his own pockets with Yan Jiu and others. Although he held Ding Tingxun's hand in dealing with officials, it was better not to break his face after all, so the accounts were even more discreet. Now the court suddenly wants to check his accounts. This

It was considered unintentional. He was confident that with his decades of experience in the pawn shop, his accounts would be perfect and no one would be able to find any flaws.

The problem is that it can't be found in the account, but it can be broken through from people. He can't do so many things alone. Over the years, he has also had many confidants, and these confidants know more or less.

Regarding his matter, the government is now only investigating him on suspicion and not punishing him. Once they still can't find a handle and are determined to use torture to extract a confession, there is no guarantee that someone will not do something detrimental to him. Although the things they know are still

It's not enough to kill him, but it's not right after all.

In the past few days, he sat there and twirled his beard every day, thinking about who among the people under him knew what, who was more reliable, who had softer bones, and what should he do if something happened to him.

He should have taken precautions in advance. Thinking about these things made his hair turn white and the beard under his chin was almost plucked out one by one.

At this time, Ding Hao came to cause trouble again. To be honest, it wasn't that he looked down on Ding Hao. It was just that one person hid something and it was hard for a thousand people to find it. Even a shrewd pawnbroker might not be able to find any flaws. Ding Hao didn't have any at all.

After a few days of contact with pawn shops, this is not something that a talented person can learn by himself. What can he find out?

After such analysis, Xu Muchen became more convinced that the employer sent Ding Hao not to deal with him, but to show his attitude in front of the people of Bazhou and stabilize the hearts of the Ding family. So he put Ding Hao aside and selected his cronies one by one.

He stood up and said, "Which one is less reliable? How much does he know about me? Once I admit something, will I have anything to hold on to?"

Xu Muchen twirled his beard and thought hard. The robe on his body still had no wrinkles at all, but the wrinkles on his face were like ravines, getting deeper and deeper...


In the courtyard of the Ding family, in the back house, Mrs. Lu had heated up the decoction and came in from the side door. She was seeing the pigs going out from the front door. Mrs. Lu knelt down next to the short table and said softly: "My lord, it's time to drink."

The medicine is gone."

She held the cup of medicine, blew a few breaths gently, and handed it to Ding Chengzong. Ding Chengzong took the medicine in his hand and took a sip. Mrs. Lu sighed softly: "If the official feels dull, I can accompany you to go out and relax."

Okay. Let’s find a place with mountains and water so that you can relieve your troubles.”

Ding Chengzong chuckled and said, "Can I leave the Ding family in this situation? Why do you suddenly want to go out with me?"

Mrs. Lu said quietly: "The official is not good at what he does. He is bored in the back house every day, so he will inevitably feel lonely. Not long ago, the official had a very pleasant conversation with Ding Hao. A clumsy-tongued idiot like Xue Liang,

You can also hold him and talk for a long time. When the slave family saw it, they felt... a little uncomfortable."

"Haha, you have misunderstood." Ding Chengzong laughed and said, "Xue Liang is here to deliver a letter for Ding Hao. My husband did not misjudge the person. Ding Hao is indeed amazing. He asked Xi Zhu'er to send me a letter, saying that he already has

I have found a way to deal with it, which can not only send the people in the court back satisfied, but also ensure that my Ding family is safe and sound, so that I don’t need to be anxious."

"Oh?" Mrs. Lu said in surprise: "Our Ding family is in such a difficult situation. No one can do anything about it. The master is so worried about it. He only went there for one day and he came up with a solution?"

Ding Chengzong laughed and said: "You are wrong. He was already 70% sure before he went there, but there were still some things that needed to be confirmed, so he didn't dare to say too much at the time. Dumb? Haha, if he

Idiot, there are still a few people in this world who are not stupid. This person is really as smart as a fool."

Mrs. Lu's beautiful eyes flashed, and she smiled sweetly: "The official is so happy, and the slave family is also very happy. But the slave family is very curious, I wonder... what kind of ingenious method can turn everything upside down?"

Ding Chengzong laughed and said: "He only said that he had a method, but he didn't tell me the details. How could I ask him? Everyone can change the tricks, and each one has his own cleverness. There is no need to reveal this kind of thing to others."

Ding Chengzong touched his knees and sighed: "I'm not wrong about the person. If the Ding family wants to remain standing, I can't do it. Now I can only rely on him. If the Ding family lets him go, it will be the biggest crisis for our Ding family in so many years."

One order lost!”

Mrs. Lu pursed her lips: "The official is determined to keep him? Didn't you say that he had already given up on you?"

Ding Chengzong nodded and raised his eyebrows slightly: "He is a man of real talent and learning. His position here is awkward. Why not leave? If it were him, I would leave too. However, as a manager in the Ding family,

It's completely different from acknowledging your ancestors and returning to the clan to be the young master of the Ding family. If he started from scratch and worked hard all his life, he might not be able to end up in the situation the Ding family is in today, or would he still stay?"

He put down the medicine bowl and looked serious: "Madam, Chengye and I are brothers from the same mother. As an elder brother, you should always be more tolerant to your younger brother, so no matter how he behaves, I won't do it in front of my father.

What to say. However, now that my father is paying attention to the second brother as the head of the family, the second brother is really not that good. For the long-term plan of the Ding family, I can only disrespect the eldest brother's kindness. In fact... I told him two days ago

People collected some excuses for the second brother's misbehavior and told dad about it. Although dad dotes on the second brother, he is not confused. Between the second brother and the entire Ding family, he will make the right choice."

Mrs. Lu was shocked: "The official...didn't you tell the master about your second uncle?"

Ding Chengzong nodded silently and said deeply: "Between the Ding family and brotherhood, I can only choose the former. I only hope that between the Ding family and the relationship between father and son, dad can also make the right choice. It's just... I

It’s really not the right time to choose.”

Ding Chengzong said regretfully: "The government is looking for trouble in my Ding family. I added fuel to the fire and let my father know the true face of my second brother. Oh! If not, my father would not be so angry that he would be bedridden."

Madam Lu was silent for a moment, then she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Look, the medicine has gone cold while you are talking. Let me warm it up."

Ding Chengzong said disapprovingly: "Forget it, don't bother, I'll finish it in just a few sips."

"Then how can it be done? When you are sick... it's better to drink it while it's hot. I'll warm it up." Mrs. Lu said, holding up the medicine bowl.

Ding Chengzong suddenly grabbed her wrist. Mrs. Lu trembled and almost knocked over the medicine bowl in her hand. Ding Chengzong asked strangely: "What's wrong with you?"

"I...I..." Mrs. Lu's cheeks were flushed, and she spat softly: "Who asked the officials to scare the slave family? It's been a long time since you...can you still not be scared?"

Ding Chengzong's expression turned dark and he said in a hoarse voice: "Xiang Wu, for my husband... oh, I have suffered so much for you..."

Lu Xiangwu lowered his head and said quietly: "Whatever the officials say, marry a beggar and follow the beggar, marry an old man and follow the old man. I am your wife, and you should naturally serve your husband for the rest of your life. Is it hard or not?"

, it’s all fate, what’s there to say.”

Ding Chengzong wanted to say something more, but he opened his mouth for a long time before slowly closing it and sighing bitterly. Lu Xiangwu lowered his eyes, picked up the medicine bowl, stood up and left.

Ding Chengzong looked at her back. He saw her light and graceful figure, her hair as shiny as satin, her slender waist, and her charm. She was clearly still a young woman in the prime of her youth, but he was already...

Ding Chengzong couldn't help but said sadly: "I have been busy with business these years, traveling around, and I don't even have a son or a daughter with you. Otherwise... I can comfort your loneliness a little. Alas! I can't help you as a husband..."

There was a strong smell of medicine in Ding Tingxun's room. The weather was getting hotter, and Ding Tingxun was still covered with a thick quilt. The doors and windows were closed tightly, and there was no ventilation. In his early years, for the cause of the Ding family, he traveled around the northwest regardless of the cold or summer, and he spent all his energy and thought.

Therefore, my health has not been very good. In the past few years, I have been enjoying myself a lot, and I don’t get sick very often. In fact, my body has become weaker, and my mood has become more ups and downs, so it is inevitable that I will be bedridden.

He handed the medicine bowl forward, and Yan Jiu hurriedly stepped forward to take the bowl. Ding Tingxun coughed a few times and asked slowly: "What are the results of the government's investigation into the bribery case of my Ding family?"

Yan Jiu put the medicine bowl on the table, helped him lie down diligently, and comforted him softly: "Master, shopkeeper Xu is very safe in his work. How can the government catch him? Besides, this matter is not left to the young master.

Have you done it? You are sick, and it is still important to take care of yourself right now. Your illness is caused by worrying too much, so you can’t worry about it anymore."

Ding Tingxun snorted softly and said: "If Zong'er's limbs are intact and he can handle this matter, then what else can I worry about? But now he... alas! He tried his best to recommend Ding Hao, and I agreed with him.

.Now that Ding Hao has gone to Bazhou, how much money has he brought with him, have you ever managed it?"

Yan Jiu smiled and said: "Master, you also know that the eldest young master is most like you. He rarely mentions his plans to others. If the eldest young master doesn't mention it, I don't dare to ask."

Ding Tingxun waved his hand tiredly: "That's all, I'll just call him to ask him later. You don't have to stay by my side all the time. Chengye is too young and has no experience in doing things. Purchasing grain and grass is not a trivial matter. You have to help him more."

, this matter must never go wrong again.”

Yan Jiu bowed and said: "Don't worry, sir. Although the second young master is young and not calm enough, he is smart and flexible. Besides, if the big grain growers in Bazhou don't sell grain to our Ding family, how can they still do it?"

Who are you selling it to? Don’t worry about this, I guarantee there will be no mistakes.”

"Hmph!" Ding Tingxun hesitated, waving his hands feebly and saying: "I want to take a rest, you go and do your work."

"Yes, then... I'll take my leave, old slave." Yan Jiu stepped forward to tuck the quilt for him, and then tiptoed out.

Ding Tingxun stared at the tent with his eyes open, not sleepy at all. He was still thinking about the ridiculous things Ding Chengzong told him about Ding Chengye. In the past, he only felt that Chengye was playing cockfighting and dogfighting, and that he was not doing his job properly. However, this time

After all, this is a common problem among children from wealthy families, and it will naturally get better as they get older. Therefore, although he was often scolded for this, it was not considered a serious sin.

However, now he realizes that he has been shrewd and strong all his life, but what a son he has raised. He goes to and fro in romantic places and plays tricks on prostitutes and actors.

I have visited all the dormitories. This makes Ding Tingxun, who has always kept himself clean, feel nauseous just thinking about it.

This time he was asked to buy grain and grass. He also defaulted on some grain merchants, lowered prices, misappropriated money, and used the money to gamble with others. He dared to lose ten thousand yuan in just one cup of tea. Even if the Ding family had a mountain of gold and silver,

How can we withstand the torment of this prodigal son? Morality is passed down to the family for more than ten generations; farming and reading are the next best thing; poetry and books are the next best thing; wealth and honor are passed down to the family for only three generations. How can we talk about integrity if we don’t value private morality? How to carry on the inheritance?

My family business?"

Thinking of this, Ding Tingxun couldn't help but burst into tears: "My two sons can't inherit the clan and the industry now. What sin have I done? God wants to punish me like this!"

In the blur of tears, a figure that he had never looked at, and even hated to look at, gradually became clear in his mind. Ding Chengzong's words echoed repeatedly in his ears: "Whether you establish a direct descendant or establish a virtuous person, it is a matter of life and death of the Ding family. Dad will definitely do it."

Be careful!"

Two chapters in one, please recommend

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