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Chapter 116

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Luo Dong'er wondered: "The word "reduce"? It is possible to add a stroke to this word. If you want to reduce it...how can you reduce it?"

Ding Hao raised his chin triumphantly: "If you want to know, just kiss me, and then I'll do anything."

Luo Dong'er pouted and said, "If you don't mention any conditions, how could someone not obey you?"

She said angrily, but she still followed Ding Hao and moved closer, pecked his lips gently, and then licked his lips lightly with the tip of her tongue. She had not forgotten the rules taught by Ding Hao: "kiss"

, it’s not called a kiss when two lips touch, it has to be done with tongue, and the kiss is wet, which is the most legal kiss.”

Although Luo Dong'er was good-natured, she was shy by nature, so she had to make some adjustments, splitting one link into two links, and turning her tongue fight into licking her lips. However, she never saw Ding Hao say that she did something wrong.

Privately, Luo Dong'er was very proud of her intelligence.

Ding Hao chuckled, and then he leaned over and whispered something in her ear. Luo Dong'er opened her eyes wide and said in surprise: "Really? Is there really such a thing in the world? People have never heard of it.


Ding Hao laughed and said: "The world is so big that there are all kinds of strange things, and this is not surprising. There is a country overseas, and there is a strange animal in that country. It has a big bag on its belly. Wherever it goes, the child will be carried there. You

Isn’t it more strange? Well, let’s not talk about this, I have something for you.”

Ding Hao reached into his arms and took out a piece of colorful silk thread, and said: "Come here, I will tie a silk thread for you. If you tie it, you will get rid of diseases and disasters, and you will have a safe life."

Luo Dong'er laughed and said: "Brother Hao, only children have to wear this thing."

Ding Hao said: "Who said adults can't tie it? Otherwise... you can just think of it as a red thread. If you are tied by my red thread, you will be my woman for the rest of your life."

Luo Donger's eyes narrowed. She meekly stretched out her thin and beautiful wrist and let Ding Hao tie the colorful thread on her wrist. She raised her wrist and looked at it. The thread was tied on her wrist, as if it was tied to her wrist.

Luo Dong'er's heart felt as if a bowl of honey had been poured into her heart. She forgot about her feelings for a while, and then suddenly said: "I almost forgot, I also have something to give you."

She turned around, took out something from her arms, handed it to Ding Hao, and said softly: "Brother Hao, I made this by myself and gave it to you to take with you."

It was a Dragon Boat Festival sachet with embroidered bone buds and five-color beads on the outside. It was fragrant and refreshing. Ding Hao took it in his hand, sniffed it at the end of his nose, and praised it, "It smells good."

Luo Donger said happily: "It contains Angelica dahurica, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Patchouli, silver dandelion, perilla, dipterocarp and other medicinal materials, as well as dried magnolia petals. It is naturally fragrant."

Ding Hao shook his head and said seriously: "No, no, this fragrance is completely different. It's the fragrance of my daughter's home. It's really intoxicating when you smell it."

Luo Dong'er's face suddenly turned red and she spat softly: "You are not serious. If you don't have a glib tongue for a day, then you are not you."

Ding Hao laughed and said: "I just hope that I will never treat you seriously in this life, as long as you don't get bored." As he said that, he took out another thing from his arms, looked at it carefully, and couldn't help but say "ouch"

: "It's broken, it's all squashed."


"These are plum rice dumplings. The rice grains are as crystal clear as jade, and there are plums inside. They are sour and sweet. They are very delicious. I brought them here specially because I wanted you to taste them. I didn't expect them to be squashed."

Seeing the regret on his face, Luo Donger comforted him softly: "As long as you give it to others, they will love it from the bottom of their hearts. Even if it is squeezed, it will not delay the food. Can Brother Hao peel it off and eat it with others?"

"Okay!" Ding Hao peeled off the rice dumplings and fed them to Luo Dong'er one by one. This rice dumpling was brought back from the back house for a banquet. Rich families eat rice dumplings just to suit their taste. They are exquisite but not very big.

, Luo Donger opened her small mouth and ate up the two plum rice dumplings in a short time.

Ding Hao looked around and saw that there was sticky glutinous rice on his hands with nowhere to wipe them. He saw Luo Dong'er curling her tongue and licking a grain of rice off her lips.

It's good to be alive, you have to lick it clean for me."

Ding Hao was just joking casually and didn't expect Dong'er to have that kind of sentiment. Not wanting Luo Dong'er to hear this, he just glared at him shyly and angrily, and actually followed his words and came forward. He couldn't help but be overjoyed.

That small, alluring mouth, with its flexible little tongue, thin, soft, smooth and tender, twined like a snake between his fingers, made Ding Hao a little stunned. Luo Dong'er couldn't help but feel surprised when she saw his expression.

She was so shy that she didn't dare to raise her eyelids, and only focused on his fingers, sucking those ten fingers cleanly.

Seeing that little red mouth sucking his fingers one by one, the situation was extremely charming. Ding Hao felt excited*, his mouth was dry for a moment, and he just thought in his mind: "This little goblin looks so pure, I don't want to do it."

It smells so charming like a little woman, if she were to suck it... so seriously and delicately, what would it be like? It would be really terrible..."

Action is worse than heartbeat. Thinking of this, Ding Hao said in a hoarse voice: "Dong...Dong'er, the moon is dark tonight and the wind is so high that I can't see my fingers..."

"Ah?" Luo Dong'er opened her almond-shaped eyes and tilted her head. Her sultry appearance made Ding Hao even more aroused, and she said hurriedly: "Uh... no, the moon is bright tonight, the wind is clear, and the scenery is beautiful. Brother Hao will make French love all at once."

Can I teach you a few moves?"


Luo Dong'er lay on the dune-like grain pile with smokey almond eyes, her chest pressed on the cool, plump and round corn, her mind in a trance, as if she had drunk two kilograms of alcohol. Under the hazy moonlight, there was a trace of light on her face.

The clear crimson color was rippling. She never knew that men and women could be so intimate and do so many shameful things, such as singing softly at night and admiring the bright moon from the twenty-four bridges. It was really

It's embarrassing. But... since Brother Hao said it should be like this, then... this should probably be the case between lovers.

Fortunately, it was a quiet night in the secret room, so she could hide her shame. Dong'er's face was warm and her heart was beating, and she half-pushed and half-heartedly agreed. After some caressing, she was confused and fascinated, and she felt that the thin moans she made were not like a good, gentle and virtuous woman.

, she felt a little aggrieved. But how could she be blamed for this? When Brother Hao grabbed her little hand and pressed it on the place where she had touched it by mistake, she was trembling all over, and she didn't know what heaven and earth were.

What was pulsing there was the feeling of man's strength and masculinity. It was transmitted into her heart so clearly that it scared her heart to beat like a deer. She was a little scared because she didn't know what Ding Hao was going to do, but she also instinctively knew that he was definitely going to do it.

Something, so he clenched his little fists, refusing to caress the scary thing as he was taught. But when Ding Hao grabbed her wrist, he forced her little hand into her robe without any obstruction, touching the

When it was hot, she finally turned into a puddle of water like a snow lion facing the sun. The little hands started kneading it without any guidance. Although it was unorganized, the rawness was more touching.

Ding Hao is quite patient. He is not willing to let Dong'er's first time leave only a painful feeling in order to satisfy his own desires. In this era, Dong'er is already at the age of getting married, but in his era

, she was probably in her first year of high school at this age, and was still a juicy cabbage. Ding Hao could not help but caress it patiently, as if holding a piece of exquisite and expensive porcelain.

Her skin was as delicate as porcelain. Under the light moonlight, her undressed skin shone with a faint glistening light. It was so soft and elastic that it was so delicate that it seemed as if the slightest touch would kill her.

Crushed. But this young body has begun to possess the qualities that make men fall for it. It is fair and clean, with well-proportioned bones and flesh, smooth and tight skin, and elastic touch, with an indescribable charm.

The body that has just been bathed in vanilla orchids, whether it is caressing, kissing or smelling, is a wonderful enjoyment.

"Brother Hao..."

Luo Dong'er's almond-shaped eyes were blurred, and she screamed in a voice like a cry. She didn't know why she screamed. Ding Hao was busy and had no time to pay attention to her, so she shut her mouth and said nothing. She just gritted her teeth and endured the strange feeling. Her legs were strong and strong.

His legs were twisted tightly.

When he resolutely broke into the mud, Luo Dong'er's fingers involuntarily dug into his back muscles. She was afraid of hurting Ding Hao, so she took a deep breath, and suddenly opened her tight fingers and grabbed the side of his leg.

He held two handfuls of millet tightly until his tense body relaxed, and then his small hands opened weakly, and the golden grains poured down like fine sand, falling on his back, and then from his back.

Sliding up and down back to the grain pile...

When the clouds stopped and the rain stopped, Luo Dong'er had already lost her hair and hair, with a head of green hair, a pink face, dripping with sweat, half alive and half dead. She lay motionless and paralyzed there, like a flower that had just been destroyed by a storm. Change

From one angle, it looks like a flower that has been moistened by rain and dew. The haggardness at this moment is clearly brewing a more vibrant vitality tomorrow.

Some obscure things that she had read in the book suddenly became clear at this moment. Luo Dong'er knew that from tonight on, she was a real woman. For some reason, she suddenly wanted to cry. When she wanted to cry, tears came to her eyes.

Has flowed down the cheek silently.

Seeing her eyelashes fluttering like a butterfly with broken wings, Ding Hao felt pity and called softly: "Dong'er..."

Dong'er turned sideways, covered her face and sobbed softly: "You have coaxed people, no matter how stupid they are, now they understand..., we... we are not married, we shouldn't be like this. Now like this, people...

What's the difference between you and your mother-in-law? If you do such an unruly and shameless thing, you will really be embarrassed to see others in the future."

Ding Hao laughed angrily, hugged her body, gently stroked away the fine sand-like grains that had been imprinted on her skin, and said softly: "Silly girl, we have the same heart, how can we compare with Liu Shiyi and Dong's cunning wife?"

?You gave yourself to me, and you will be mine for the rest of your life. From now on, no matter where we are in the world, no matter where we are, I will love you, protect you, and make you happy. If I fail you,

Then there will be a thunder and lightning strike, which will not be good..."

Luo Dong'er quickly turned around and covered his mouth, saying angrily: "There are ghosts and gods in the dark world, but you are not allowed to swear randomly."

She stared at Ding Hao, sighed quietly, gently traced his eyebrows, nose, and mouth with her fingers, and said infatuatedly: "From now on, everyone is yours... He is willing to do it, but if God wants to punish him,

Only I, Luo Dong'er, should be punished, I just want you to live a happy and safe life."

"Dong'er..." Ding Hao was inexplicably moved. He couldn't help but hold her face and suck her soft tongue. The two of them were tender again...

Crescent Moon smiled crookedly and shyly hid in the gauze-like clouds. The plum blossoms were fragrant, quietly for the second time...

Dong'er lies prone on the moonlit millet, as if lying on the delicate sand dunes. The two petals are pink and white, with a trace of the valley, and the moonlight outlines the attractive curve. A handful of golden grains are sprinkled on the jade-colored buttocks.

, the golden valley was jumping and splashing on the jade hill, and Ding Hao couldn't help but bow his lips to each other. Less than two feet in front of him, he heard a sweet groan...

Yue Ya'er didn't know when she quietly emerged from the clouds again, and happened to catch a glimpse of a wolf kiss on the beauty's fragrant buttocks...

This day is the Dragon Boat Festival in May, the Orchid Festival, and the time when pomegranate flowers bloom...

At midnight on this day, the Bazhou government office was flooded, and the sky was set in flames...


After the Orchid Bathing Festival, County Lieutenant Zhao rushed back to the Bazhou government office. As soon as he entered the city, he heard that there was a fire in the government office. He couldn't help but become very nervous. When he arrived at the government office, he found out that it was not the entire government office that was on fire, but only one side of the government office.

After Ding Hao had finished sorting out the account books, it was the Dragon Boat Festival. Most of the people in the government office had dispersed, and all the account books were temporarily locked.

I entered that room, but unexpectedly it was completely destroyed by a fire.

Because there were not many people staying at the government office on the night of the fire, and it was late at night, when the fire was discovered, the entire courtyard was destroyed, but nothing happened elsewhere, and none of the important items stored in the government treasury were lost. Although

In this way, County Lieutenant Zhao is still worried. He has lost the detailed account books and does not know whether the account books compiled by Ding Hao are clear. How to investigate this case?

These days, he has seen that Chen Kuan and Cheng Yasi who came from Bianjing City are one of Zhao Xianggong's people and the other is the current emperor's younger brother.

If you stand in line, you will inevitably lose in the future. However, you don't rely on any side, but you are "ignorant" and handle the case seriously. When a breakthrough is really going to happen, Mr. Zhao, who is eager to seize the handle of Magistrate Liu, will definitely appreciate it greatly, and the emperor's younger brother

Over there, because he was only investigating the case impartially and had no personal dealings with Mr. Zhao's people, he would never be blamed for this in the future.

County Lieutenant Zhao had a perfect idea, but he was afraid that his plan would be ruined by this incident, so as soon as he entered the government office, he went to inquire about the news from Chen Kuan. Chen Kuan had been entertained by local officials for the past two days and was having a rough time.

He was also carefree and at ease, but because the fire destroyed important physical evidence, he was so angry that he was sternly ordering the squad leader in the lobby of the government office to check who was on duty that night to see who failed to take care of the candles.

If caught, he will be sent to jail and dealt with severely.

County Lieutenant Zhao arrived at the lobby, and Chen Kuan, who was in a state of anger, had no time to pay attention to him. He cursed the classmate and drove him out of the lobby. When he saw Cheng Yasi standing by gloating, he suspected that he was the one responsible for the arson, so he couldn't help but threaten him.

There was a fight between the gun and the stick. Cheng Yasi was smiling but his words were unambiguous. The two exchanged words with each other. Zhao County Lieutenant saw that it was not the right way and quickly retreated.

As soon as he arrived at the hall, a yamen officer came running over and said: "Master County Captain, Ding Hao, the steward of the Ding family, is here."

This yamen cadre was the one who had been following Ding Hao for more than ten days. He ate with Ding Hao for more than ten days, until he was full of food and had a trembling body. Zhaoxian Lieutenant saw him running there.

The few steps were really ugly, and I felt angry. I wanted to open my mouth to scold him, but when I heard Ding Hao, he immediately became angry and rejoiced, saying repeatedly: "Please come quickly, please come quickly."

Ding Hao followed the official to Captain Zhao's apartment. He saw Lieutenant Zhao rubbing his hands and walking around. As soon as he saw him coming, Lieutenant Zhao immediately came forward and said, "Brother Ding, this is going to happen."

, there was a fire in Xiya, and all the important evidence was destroyed in the house, what should we do?"

After saying this, seeing the Yamen officer still standing there, County Lieutenant Zhao immediately glared and shouted: "Get out!"

The yamen official was startled. This fire made all the officials in the yamen very angry. He did not dare to say anything and hurriedly retreated. Ding Hao asked: "Young brother, have you heard this?"

As I said, I wonder if the three books compiled by my younger brother are still there?"

Zhao Xianwei said: "Fortunately, the three books you compiled were handed over to me. I took them to the government warehouse and stored them, and they were not burned by the fire."

Ding Hao smiled slightly and said: "In that case, what is Brother Zhao so anxious about? It was Xu Muchen who signed and stamped the books page by page, which is enough for the certificate. Are you afraid that Xu Muchen won't admit it?"

County Lieutenant Zhao said anxiously: "Your account books are very simple. Even if there are suspicious clues, you still have to check the original account books. Just your... ah... ah..."

County Lieutenant Zhao was shocked when he saw Ding Hao's confident smile, and a thought came to his mind: "God, could it be that the fire in the West Cross Courtyard was caused by him...his method? This Ding Hao is so brave, so bold

How dare you even attack the prefectural government office to achieve your goal?"

Seeing that he had some enlightenment, Ding Hao laughed and said: "I heard that there was a fire in the government office, and I was worried, so I hurried over to ask what happened. Since the account books that I worked so hard to compile are still there, it's okay. I will go back to the inn.

Wait, the county captain can quickly send someone to check the account book. As soon as there is news or it is necessary to summon the younger brother, he will be summoned."

County Lieutenant Zhao understood the idea and hurriedly signed the agreement. Ding Hao saw that his mind was completely focused on the treasury, so he stood up and left. As soon as Ding Hao left, Lieutenant Zhao went straight to the treasury to get the three books.

, I hurriedly flipped through it but couldn't find any clues. Knowing that I was not good at accounting, I went to the public house. Tathagata, three old officials with rich accounting experience, ordered them to carefully audit these three books.

County Lieutenant Zhao made all the arrangements, sat down in his own room, and asked someone to bring a cup of hot tea. Before he could smell the cup of tea, an old official who was doing the accounting rolled his eyes with a strange look on his face.

He walked in and said, "Your Excellency, County Captain, there are some problems found in the account book in charge of this subordinate..."

This chapter has been completed!
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