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Chapter 125 Where were you last night?

Chapter 125 Where were you last night?

Ms. Dong Li was very happy since she got the twelve acres of land, but the twelve acres of land were a little far away from the source of the river. When she went back to her parents' home to hide from the Dragon Boat Festival, she asked her brother to help dig a well in the land.

, draw water from the nearest place to irrigate the fields. As for your own land, of course you must take care of it carefully.

Several of her brothers brought her nephews and more than a dozen families to Dingjiazhuang, and even Luo Dong'er's place was occupied, so they could barely accommodate them, so Dong'er had to stay at a neighbor's house. They were in the granary.

After chatting for a while, he was surprised to notice something strange happening in the house. Ding Hao quickly took her away from the danger and went straight to the door of Liu's house. He watched her knock on the door and go in, and then turned back.

Seeing that the second young master of the Ding family was determined to kill him, Xian Zhuer ran out of Ding's house with a strong breath of blood. When he saw that Ding Hao was not sleeping in the room, his only thought was that Ding Hao should go to Miss Dong's residence.

He had to report the news immediately. His brother was very shrewd, and maybe he could find a way to clear his name. However, Xi Zhuer lacked quick wits. He was seriously injured and was in a hurry to run for his life. He had no time to think deeply. He ran out of Ding's house and walked around.

After running behind the courtyard wall for a while, he realized that Dong Li had already returned to the village, and she had brought some brothers from her mother's family with her. How could Ding Hao go to Dong's house to find Dong'er.

If Ding Hao was not in the Dong family, Shao Zhu'er really couldn't think of where he could go. He could hear the servants of the Ding family who were chasing after Ding Ershao shouting and killing him, accusing him of being an accomplice of Ding Hao. Shao Zhu'er

He didn't even dare to stop and defend himself, so he ran out of the village with all his strength. Halfway there, there was another mouthful of blood. His internal organs were kicked by Ding Chengye. He should have lied down on the spot and asked the doctor for treatment.

He ran as fast as he could, and his internal injuries became even more serious. But he only took a breath, and saw Ding Chengye chasing after him, so he immediately tried his best to run again.

Although Ding Chengye has martial arts skills, he is not good at running. In addition, when a person is desperate, his life potential is astonishingly powerful. As Xi Zhuer ran all the way, he was far away and could not catch up. Seeing that

After leaving the north of the village and running for half a mile, a river shimmering under the moonlight blocked the way, but the pig ran straight into the river like a galloping horse.

He didn't jump, he really ran directly into the river. In a running posture, without slowing down, he ran straight into the river until he disappeared. It seemed that this rush made his blood rush straight to his brain.

That stupidity happened again.

Ding Chengye ran to the river and saw only gleaming scales and calm. He didn't know whether the pig had drowned in the river or had traveled upstream and downstream. After searching for a while, he had to return without success.

Here, Ding Hao avoided possible passers-by and quietly sent Luo Dong'er to Old Liu's house in the south of the village. When he turned around and returned, he saw torches lighting up everywhere in the Ding family and countless servants patrolling around. He secretly wondered: "The Ding family

What happened again? If I go back in such a big way, what should I say if someone sees me?"

Ding Hao secretly thought about quietly approaching the direction of Ding's mansion gate. At this moment, a group of people suddenly ran back from the fork in the road. The two sides collided. When he looked closely under the moonlight, he saw that the one standing in front of him was Ding Chengye, followed closely behind him.

It was Gao Da. Ding Hao was taken aback, and just as he was about to step forward to greet him and find an excuse, Ding Chengye shouted excitedly: "Hey Ding Hao, there is a road to heaven and you don't take it, and there is no door to hell and you bump into it!"


Ding Hao was startled and said in astonishment: "What?"

Ding Chengye pointed his hand and shouted: "Come on, tie up this rebellious, ungrateful, and ruthless person!"

At dawn, Ding Hao was tied to an old poplar tree in the front yard of Ding's house, with scars all over his body.

"He's a bitch, he's shameless, bah!" A servant spat at him harshly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that the eldest young master appreciates him so much, but he can be so vicious." Someone else cursed. The door was open, and some villagers who had heard the news gathered at the door, pointing and whispering, with disdain on their faces. , the idlers and scoundrels in the village were especially jumping up and down, clamoring for roof tiles, as if condemning them in this way could demonstrate their justice and greatness.

Ding Hao always turned a deaf ear. In the beatings and scoldings of others, he got some useful information intermittently, and slowly compiled a clue: last night, someone broke into the young lady's room and wanted to do something wrong. The young lady resisted desperately and ran away in shock. The thief, Miss Lan'er, came over after hearing the news and saw that the fleeing man's back looked exactly like her. After hearing the news, Mr. Ding investigated the matter thoroughly and found that Mrs. Lu had torn off a corner of the thief's clothes during her struggle, and this clothes happened to be A piece of clothing of his own. So, Er Shao Ding was ordered by his father to arrest him and confront him. This is the reason why he saw the torch light up last night until he was caught at a fork in the road.

He knew that it was certainly not him who had raped the young lady. Then there was a question, who was this person? It seems that the only person who had a reason to harm him was Liu Shiyi, who had made a rift, but what was Liu Shiyi? Under no circumstances would he dare to use the young lady as a weapon to frame him. What would he do if he failed? With his temperament of flattering superiors and bullying subordinates, he did not dare to take such a risk.

If it weren't for Liu Shiyi, he really couldn't think of anyone else who would have offended him, and he would have to be killed. Finally, after thinking about it carefully, his suspicion gradually shifted to Lan'er. Lan'er really saw a figure with him from behind. Cool person, or did you mean to say that?

He had never had a good impression of Lan'er, and it wasn't until she got along with Xi Zhu'er that Ding Hao changed his opinion. Now that Zhu'er has also been falsely accused of being his accomplice, he jumped into a river to escape, and his life or death was uncertain. Ding Hao couldn't help but remember her character again. Come on. If Lan'er is that person's accomplice and intends to falsely accuse herself, then who can instigate her? Ding Ershao is undoubtedly one of them. Why does Ding Ershao want to harm himself?

Ding Hao followed the numerous clues and gradually straightened out his thoughts. He remembered that Ding Chengzong had told him that he had persuaded his father to leave the Ding family to him and was willing to quit the Ding family and live in the city as the eldest son. , in order to set an example to oppress his second brother Chengye who was unwilling to give up power, let him go. Master Ding said that Ding Chengye should have understood his intention. Could it be that Ding Chengye was unwilling to give up his power, so he gave it a go and teamed up with Lan'er to make a plan to harm him? ?

Is Mrs. Lu an accomplice? Ding Hao thought for a while and dismissed the doubt: Impossible. Mrs. Lu is dignified and virtuous. How could she conspire with Ding Chengye to frame her? This would not do her any good. Even if Ding Chengzong had said that he would move out The Ding family went to live in the city. If I really took over the Ding family, how could I let him go and do such unethical things? If Mrs. Lu was unwilling because of this reason, there was no need for her to join forces with Ding Chengye. To harm him, once Ding Chengye becomes the head of the family, and her eldest daughter-in-law has to step aside, wouldn't it be even more unbearable?

In this way, the most likely thing about the whole thing is that Ding Chengye learned that his father intended to let Ding Hao take over the throne, so he either coerced or induced him to collude with Na Lan'er and made this plan. Lan'er was a person close to Mrs. Lu,

It's easy to do something to leave behind a piece of clothing. Now, is the pig still safe? How can I prove my innocence? Ding Hao thought about his own thoughts, how the people next to him mocked and insulted him, it was just like a passing cloud, completely

It doesn't matter to him anymore.

Liu Shiyi sneered and said to the person: "How much the young master appreciates him, but this wolf-hearted thing actually took the idea of ​​the young lady. He really has no conscience."

A tall man on the side said in support: "For such a heartless and unconscionable person, he should be tied up and sunk into the river to save the place."

After hearing this, a servant timidly said: "Did that happen? This is a human life. If the government finds out, wouldn't it be a big trouble?"

Gao Da said disdainfully: "How can the government have time to care about such things in the countryside? If the people don't support them, the officials will not investigate. What official is so full that he can't care about his life or death? Wei Bian'er and the traitorous widower in Weijiazhuang.

, the Lao Wei family opened an ancestral hall, asked for the ancestral family law, and buried the adulterous couple in the pond. It has been two and a half years, but has the government ever asked about it? "

At that time, in the countryside, the influence of clan power on the villagers was far greater than the government's rule of law. Lynching was used to deal with some outrageous scourges. Although the government did not recognize the legality of lynching, it mostly adopted a tacit attitude, as long as there was no

If someone files a complaint, they will pretend to be deaf and mute and will not be held accountable. Therefore, as long as most people in the village agree with the treatment measures decided by the clan forces, it is equivalent to the judgment of the second court, and it exists legally in an illegal environment.

The second year of high school was debating with others whether to send him to an official or to drown him directly in the river. Suddenly he said: "Shh, keep your voice down. The master is out. The master is out. I must have discussed a way to deal with him."

Ding Tingxun walked out with the support of Ding Chengye and Yan Jiuyi. The female relatives in the mansion did not follow, but Ding Yuluo and Yang Shi followed Ding Tingxun, and Lan'er and Xiaoyuan also followed.

They were all witnesses. Mrs. Yang staggered all the way, pleading all the way. After learning the news, Mrs. Yang felt like a bolt from the blue. She first came to hold her son and cried bitterly, and then went to the back house where the headmaster could not kneel down.

Begging Ding Tingxun to raise his noble hand and let his son go. She kept kneeling and begging, and her forehead was bruised.

There is nothing more sad than heartbreak. The real evidence is in front of him. People close to him are all witnesses. Ding Hao was caught outside the house. Ding Tingxun was so disheartened that he didn't even think about questioning him. In addition, his recent health condition

He became extremely weak, and when his mood fluctuated slightly, he felt dizzy and stars were flashing in front of his eyes. Ding Hao was so angry that he had to lie down, so that the spinning feeling that day became less severe. Therefore, it was not until now that he could stand up with strength.


Ding Hao, who didn't know that his body was so weak, saw him staggering with Yan Jiu's support, but he only had endless anger in his heart towards this stubborn old man. Seeing that his mother had become more haggard overnight, in order to beg for his life, he

My forehead was turning blue, and I felt a burst of sadness and anger again.

Ding Yuluo looked at Ding Hao with a very complicated mood. She could not refute what her sister-in-law and Lan'er said, nor could she be suspicious. She did not want to believe it from the bottom of her heart, nor could she believe that Ding Hao would be such a cruel, despicable and nasty little boy.

People, but this unquestionable personal and physical evidence left her speechless.

She respects her eldest brother, and she is sadder than anyone else when she sees him end up in the situation he is in today. But she also does not want her "second brother" who has gradually become as important as her eldest brother in her heart to end up in a worse ending than her eldest brother. But...

...What happened to those clothes? The eldest brother was in excellent health, so why did he suddenly suffer from such a strange disease? Who was the man who looked like Ding Hao that Lan'er saw? Why was he not in the room last night, but was picked up by the younger brother at the entrance of the village?

Caught him? These questions were driving her crazy.

After she heard that Ding Hao had been captured, she really wanted to run to him and ask him what happened, but her father was as angry as gold and was dying of anger. How could she dare to leave for a moment. By daybreak, her father's condition had improved.

Then she discussed with Yan Jiu, Cheng Ye and several other close people about how to deal with Ding Hao. She was unwilling to punish Ding Hao without teaching her, and hoped to find out more clearly. After arguing hard, Ding Tingxun finally agreed to come out to see this evildoer.


The result of their discussion was: don't raise the question of poisoning to him for the time being. Poisoning is of great importance. Once it is raised, Ding Hao will jump over the wall and die. Now they just want to ask him clearly about sneaking into the inner house and raping the young lady. He

The attempted rape was not considered a serious crime, and since he was on good terms with people in the government, he must have been lucky. As long as he accepted the account and continued the investigation, all the truth would come to light.

Yang looked at her son who was beaten by Zhuang Ding and was covered with bruises. She couldn't help but shed tears. She was just a simple country woman. She didn't know any certificates and didn't care about any questions. She just relied on her mother's

Instinctively, she believed that her son would not do such shameless things. She wanted to protect her son, but she did not have that much power, so she could only place her hope in Ding Tingxun, but the master... would think that Ding Hao was his flesh and blood.

On the face of it, have you spared him?

"Hao'er, Hao'er..." When Yang saw her son's face getting a few more scars, she rushed forward and hugged him sadly, crying sadly: "My son, now that the master is here, hurry up

Tell me, you are unjust and those things were not done by you."

"Mom, I believe your son. Although he is not a great hero, he will never do such unkind and unjust things. Those things were not done by your son."

Yang was overjoyed when he heard this and said: "Master, did you hear it? Hao'er said that those things were not done by him, so they must not have been done by him. Master, you have to believe Hao'er."

"Stupid woman, get out of the way!" Ding Chengye sneered and scolded: "If he says it's not true, then it's not true? If things in the world were so simple, then settling the case and becoming an official would be the easiest thing in the world. Lan'er saw the escaped man with her own eyes

His back looks so much like Ding Hao's, how can we explain it? There is a piece of clothing left in my sister-in-law's room, which is exactly opposite to Ding Hao's clothing, how can I explain it?"

"Then...then someone must have framed Hao'er. Second Young Master, my Hao'er has been honest since he was a child and would never do such a thing."

Ding Chengye said: "Then you ask him where he was when he was not in the room last night, and why he refused to answer?"

Yang immediately turned around and said, "Son, mother believes you are innocent. Tell me quickly, tell everyone, where were you last night?"

This chapter has been completed!
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