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Chapter 148

Chapter 148 Beggar Imperial Envoy

Today is the fifty-second birthday of Xu Fengqing, the prefect of Guangyuan. The guests were greeted early in the morning, and there was an endless stream of cars and horses. The birthday boy of Prefect Xu, dressed in a pattern of pine, crane and plum blossoms, stood in the second hall with a big smile.

Those who are above the higher level personally welcome guests, like a lucky baby.

In the Xu Mansion, everyone was chatting and laughing, and there was no one who came and went. In a short time, all kinds of precious gifts were piled up in the concierge and the long red desks in the corridors of the second hall. Magistrate Xu was good at dancing, and he smiled when he saw guests: "Oh my, Feng

Old man, he has worked hard, he has worked hard. Oops, Du Juren, the etiquette is too important. Oops, Luo observed, it can’t be done, it can’t be done. Now the officials are conquering the Northern Han Dynasty and are leading a large army to fight hard with the Khitan reinforcements. Xu Mou introduced

A literati who is unable to go into battle to kill the enemy and stays in the rear without making any achievements is extremely ashamed to be a person who is deprived of the emperor's salary. How dare you accept such a generous gift for a small birthday?"

The congratulators couldn't help but compliment him, praising him for running the rear area in an orderly manner, constantly transporting all kinds of materials, and effectively supporting the frontline war effort. Although his fame was not obvious, he had made great contributions to the country and the people. Xu Feng was so happy that he smiled brightly.

When the congratulatory guests were almost here, a feast was held in the Xu Mansion. The usual rules of wealthy families were that there were casual banquets in the front hall, distinguished guests in the middle hall, and female guests in the back hall. Xu Zhifu was a scholar, so the house was decorated extremely well.

It is delicate and elegant. The atrium is a large pool with rockeries and vines, a small pavilion and a winding bridge. There are patches of green lotus in the water and koi fish flying. Looking up, you can see a corner of the red building in the back house among the lush foliage. It is really like a fairyland on earth.

There is more than one small pavilion in the pool, arranged in a plum blossom shape. The middle pavilion is the largest. There are banquets in each pavilion to entertain dignitaries from all walks of life. Everyone took their seats one after another. After congratulating the old birthday star, they exchanged cups and cups. After three rounds of wine, the ears

My face is feeling hot, and there is music playing on the porch, so I don’t feel the pain of the scorching summer heat.

After receiving several compliments, Xu Fengqing drunkenly raised his glass and said loudly to the guests in each pavilion: "Dear friends, dear friends, please listen to what Xu has to say."

The guests in various halls in the atrium stopped their chopsticks and wine cups and looked towards him. Xu Fengqing held a cup in one hand and stroked his beard with the other, smiling and said: "Everyone, I, Cheng Shixiong, the Guangyuan Defense Envoy, Mr. Cheng, is leading the Guangyuan men to follow.

The Holy Master conquered the Northern Han Dynasty, and his hard work was great. Xu and General Cheng worked together to herd Guangyuan. General Cheng was campaigning in the Northern Kingdom.

The defeat of the Khitan, the defeat of the Northern Han Dynasty, the expansion of territory and the expansion of territory cannot be accomplished by martial arts. I wish you, General Cheng, to serve in front of the emperor, win the battle, achieve success, be promoted to a higher rank, and be promoted step by step."

"Please, please...", all the guests responded loudly, stood up one after another, walked to the pavilion facing the north, raised their glasses in their hands, looked solemn, and congratulated Xu Zhifu in a serious manner. The congratulations had not yet been delivered.

After saying that, they heard a tut at the Moon Gate. Everyone looked around in surprise and saw seven or eight unkempt beggars rushing in. The servants who greeted the guests wanted to stop him, but were pushed by one of the tall beggars and fell down.

He fell into the lotus pond, and the green lotus leaves swayed for a while. When he stood up, a frog squatted on top of his head and looked around.

Xu Fengqing was shocked and angry: "This is unreasonable. How can a beggar come to this house to cause trouble?"

The war in the north is fierce, and some refugees have arrived in Guangyuan. Guangyuan is a city developed from a military town. Although it cannot accommodate too many residents, some refugees can still be taken care of. Today is Xu Fengqing's birthday, and he intends to set up disaster relief projects everywhere in the city.

Giving out porridge in a shed was firstly a meritorious deed, and secondly, it prevented the refugees from causing trouble. Unexpectedly, someone had the audacity to break into his house.

I saw those beggars breaking into the central hall, and without saying a word, they went straight to the middle pavilion where Magistrate Xu was. Only then did the old housekeeper of Xu Mansion appear at the moon gate, staggering, seeing the chaos in the central hall, he couldn't help but be anxious

Rub hands.

The seven or eight beggars rushed over and occupied their seats without raising their heads. They stretched out their hands to grab the food and ate it like a wolf. Look at their rags and clothes covered with dirt.

, one of the hands was curled up like a chicken's claws. Only one hand was available, but he could grab things much faster than the others.

Zhang Shengzhi, the general magistrate of Guangyuan, was furious when he saw this. He shouted loudly: "This is unreasonable. Where did these beggars come from to disturb the magistrate's birthday banquet? Come on, come on. Let these bold beggars be arrested by me."


One of the beggars lowered his head and didn't care whether there were thorns in the fish or bones in the meat. He just swallowed the food wholeheartedly. When he heard Zhang Tongpan's instructions, he grabbed a pot of wine and raised his neck, "Gudonggudong."

" He drank hard, untied a baggage from his shoulder with one hand, and threw it in front of Zhang Shengzhi with a "dang" sound.

The bundle fell apart as soon as it hit the ground, revealing two things inside, a bamboo pole-like thing with some animal hair tied around each section. At this time, it was so dirty that the original color of the animal hair could not be seen.

The other piece was an ax with its long shaft broken off. It was bright yellow and had detailed and exquisite patterns engraved on it.

Du Zhiwen and Du Juren looked down and said in shock: "What is this?"

Zhang Tongpan recognized it. When he saw the delicate and exquisite Pixiu pattern on the brass axe, he couldn't help being surprised. He hurriedly leaned over and grabbed it to take a closer look. Then he picked up the short length of bamboo pole with animal hair.

He also recognized it and immediately exclaimed: "Is this the Imperial Envoy's Jie Yue?"

"What?" After hearing this, Magistrate Xu, as if there were two springs on his heels, swooped from the edge of the pavilion to Zhang Tongxuan. The skill of "transformation" with his hands was breathtaking.

Zhang Tongpan looked carefully at the things in his hands, turned to the group of beggars in surprise and said, "You...you...who are you?"

As he jumped up, a glass of wine was poured on his front, but Magistrate Xu didn't realize it. Opposite him, a beggar with disheveled hair and a dirt-faced face took a bite of chicken, took a sip of wine, and then threw the chicken bones away.

His mouth was pouting like a chicken's butt and squirming. He raised his hands and parted the long hair that was hanging in front of his face like a door curtain, and said with a vague smile: "Master Xu, it's been a long time."

"You... who are you? Do you recognize me?" Xu Fengqing looked at the beggar's thin, unshaven, dirt-covered face and asked in shock.

The man ignored Magistrate Xu and said to the people around him: "Everyone, eat less. We are very hungry. If we eat too much at once, our stomachs will not be able to bear it."

Among these people, there was only one old beggar who looked calmer and didn't eat much. He only ate a few mouthfuls and drank a few glasses of wine before putting down his glass. Hearing what the beggar said, he nodded slightly and was about to speak.

As a reminder, this old beggar is also unkempt, and his robe is torn into a fishnet shape.

The beggar urged him several times, and the beggars who came with him reluctantly stopped, but their hungry eyes were still staring at the meat and wine on the table, refusing to look away. The man gave a wry smile and turned his face again.

Parting his long hair to the left and right, he stood up and clasped his fists and said, "Master Xu, don't you recognize me? I am Bazhou Ding Hao... Oh, my original surname was Ding, but now I have changed my surname to Yang after my mother's surname. I am Yang Hao, who is the same as Master Zeng."

We have known each other a few times. Sir, do you remember that the young master of General Cheng’s family was kidnapped by gangsters last winter..."

Xu Fengqing jumped up with an "ah" sound, pointed at him and said in surprise: "You are Ding Hao, no, you are Yang Hao, I know, of course I know, the edict has been issued long ago, informing all states and governments, I

I know that Mr. Yang Haoyang followed the imperial edict and the people who moved to the Northern Han Dynasty returned to the Song Dynasty. But you...how did you come here and end up like this?"

"It's hard to explain, Mr. Xu. Now every moment of delay, I don't know how many people will starve to death in the wasteland. I really can't wait any longer. Yang has already shown the Imperial Envoy's Festival Yue to you. It would be nice for you to know that I am the Imperial Envoy.

Let’s go, let’s talk while walking..."

Yang Hao came over, grabbed Xu Fengqing's hand and walked out. Xu Fengqing said in surprise: "Yang Hao, ah no... Mr. Yang, where are you going?"

Yang Hao walked away and said: "Go to Guangyuan Treasury Guancang!"

Guests at other tables saw a group of beggars breaking in and occupying the chairman. They ate and drank for a while. Before they could figure out what was going on, one of the beggars jumped up and grabbed Magistrate Xu and left. Zhang Tongxuan and

The officials and distinguished guests at the table did not stop them, and followed them noisily. The disheveled beggars surrounded Magistrate Xu and went out. The guests could not help but be surprised and surprised, and they quickly left their cups and chopsticks behind and followed them.

.For a moment, the clever boy ran to the back hall to report. When Mrs. Xu and Miss Xu hurried to the atrium with a group of ladies, they saw that the cups and plates were in a mess and there was no one left.

A rare scene appeared on Guangyuan Street in a hundred years. The prefect was surrounded by seven or eight beggars with disheveled hair and hurried forward. As he walked, Prefect Xu whispered something to the beggar next to him with a heavy face.

Following closely behind them was Lord Tongpan, who was usually very dignified. Lord Tongpan held an ax in his left hand and a feather duster in his right hand, panting as he trotted away.

Behind them are several soldiers guarding the gate of Xu Mansion with guns, and at the end are a group of well-dressed officials, rich gentry and learned scholars. Among them, the old ones are out of breath and the fat ones are sweating profusely.

down, but still pursued closely and refused to fall.

The common people were puzzled. They asked each other and no one knew what was going on, so they started running after them. Vendors pushing carts, women carrying children, and old ladies shopping, more and more unsuspecting common people joined the parade.

, rushing straight ahead in a mighty manner.

Yang Jincheng, Captain Yang was patrolling the city. The weather was hot, and Captain Yang walked listlessly. He just hid in a tea shop and asked for a sip of tea. When he looked up, he saw countless people running happily on the street.

He was so frightened that he spat a mouthful of tea onto the patrolman opposite him with a "pop" sound.

He jumped up and shouted in panic: "What happened? Are the refugees causing trouble?"

Several of the following agents looked at each other, not knowing what was going on. When Yang Jincheng saw it, he quickly sent the oldest Jia back to the Yamen to call for someone. Seeing the crowd of people, Chief Yang was scared to death and told him to hurry up.

Three squads of yamen officers patrolled each room, and all the people's strong archers were mobilized to help. They then went to the city guard general to report a message. He himself led a few patrolmen and followed the people with swords.

After Xu Fengqing listened to Yang Hao's explanation of the whole story, he gasped and complained: "Oh, Mr. Yang, I have already received an order from the imperial court, and the local governments must try their best to make it as convenient as possible wherever I pass. You are an imperial envoy.

The arrival of the Chijie Yue is like a holy emperor coming in person. There is no reason for me not to obey you. But... Bazhou Mansion does not have much grain stored in it. The newly expanded government warehouse has just been built, and no grain has been stored yet. The old mansion has not yet stored grain.

The grain stored in the warehouse was sent to the Northern Han Dynasty a few days ago. The remaining grain is only enough for the people of the city for half a month. The grain team from Bazhou has not arrived yet. If you take all the grain away, everything will be lost.

If something goes wrong with the grain transport convoy like last time, there will be a grain shortage in Guangyuan City..."

Yang Hao intercepted and said: "Sir, if you had seen the misery of the migrating army, you would have taken out the food without hesitation. This is life-saving food. There is no time to delay. Load the food into the truck for me to take away first, and then

Mr. Xu can urgently buy it from nearby towns on credit or second it to meet the urgent needs of Guangyuan."

Xu Fengqing was also helpless. Now that Yang Hao had come to his door, he had no way to stay out of the matter. If these tens of thousands of people were allowed to starve to death, how could the court's academic scholars and censors from all walks of life not participate in the impeachment?

He, at that time, he couldn't get rid of the involvement anyway, so he just agreed with a grimace.

But he thought about it again and said worriedly: "It still can't be done, Mr. Yang, how many trucks must be loaded with grain to feed tens of thousands of people? The trucks that escorted grain and grass to the Northern Han Dynasty have never returned, and there are not many trucks in the treasury now.

The car is available."

After hearing this, Yang Hao's heart suddenly sank. He suddenly remembered the Ye family car dealership he had visited when he arrived in Guangyuan last time. He couldn't help but said with great joy: "I can't care about that much anymore. I am an imperial envoy and have the right to recruit people's cars and drivers."

Yes, without further ado, our troops will be divided into two groups. Mr. Xu will go to the treasury to count the grain and grass, and order people to pack and prepare for shipment immediately. I will go to the Ye family car dealership with my Jie Yue to borrow a car and someone."

He just turned around and suddenly stopped walking: "No, those ordinary people don't know what a Jie Yue is. Mr. Xu, you have to lend me an official and a few soldiers to strengthen your reputation. By the way, there are still many people here.

There was a Taoist priest..."

Yang Hao pulled Master Fuyaozi in front of him. Xu Fengqing took a look and saw clearly that he was a beggar in a fishnet. He looked nothing like a Taoist. Yang Hao said: "There are signs of plague among the refugees. We are in urgent need of some medicine. Sir, please."

Send someone to follow the Taoist priest to collect some medicinal materials so that they can be transported to Ziwu Valley together."

Xu Fengqing hurriedly turned around and ordered: "Zhang Tongpan, please quickly follow the imperial envoy to the Ye family car dealership to borrow a car and recruit civilian servants for your use. All of you, please go with the imperial envoy. Anyone who dares to resist the order will be imprisoned."

Mr. Chai, you follow the Taoist priest to collect medicinal materials. However, the major pharmacies are not allowed to resist any medicinal materials needed. All the medicinal materials are mixed. I will write down all the medicinal materials. I will ask the imperial court to issue money and allocate the payment. At that time

Make the payment again.”

This chapter has been completed!
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