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Chapter 178

Chapter 178 Staying Differently

An incense table was set up in Chizhong's army tent, and they were welcoming the imperial envoy. There are many kinds of imperial edicts, and not every edict is necessarily so solemn. Some of them only require you to bow and listen to the edict, without kneeling down.

However, when Yang Hao received the order, the ceremony for delivering the order was very solemn. Chi Zhong was a member of the officialdom and knew the seriousness of the matter as soon as he saw the situation, so he hurriedly welcomed the imperial envoy who conveyed the order and invited him to have tea. He also hurriedly ordered his order.

They set up the incense table and sent people to invite Yang Hao to receive the order.

Yang Hao and Zhe Ziyu lingered on the mountains for a while, and the strange feeling after parting had disappeared. In his heart, Zhe Ziyu was a beauty, a confidant, and a good friend who had the same congeniality regardless of gender. Her person

Just like her smile, people always bathe in her spring breeze without realizing it, and that feeling of congeniality comes back.

When the two people were talking and laughing down the mountain, they met the sergeant who came to look for him just halfway up the mountain. Yang Hao hurriedly followed the soldier to the military camp to receive the order. Many people who had learned the news gathered outside the camp gate. After a while,

As time passed, more and more people arrived, and it was already completely dark.

Bi Su and Mr. Ye, brothers and sisters, huddled together and discussed happily. Bi Su said excitedly: "The official's order must be to praise Yang Hao greatly. It would be better if he went to Kaifeng to become an official.

It is a prosperous place at the feet of the Emperor, and I have always wanted to visit Kaifeng Mansion."

Young Master Ye sneered and said: "Kaifeng Mansion is full of officials. Even if you go there, even the state officials and common people will not take you seriously. You would rather be a chicken head than a cow queen. It is better to be a parent official in the local area. Yang

Your Excellency, it is best to go to Guangyuan and become an official. If you are promoted to an observer or a judge, my Ye family will also start to tremble."

Zhe Ziyu stood in front, and behind her, several big men were firmly nailed there, as if there were roots under their feet, isolating her from the people. Everyone was eagerly waiting for the arrival in the camp gate.

The news is the same for Zhe Ziyu.

She had already guessed this kind of grand award. She was born in a powerful family in the feudal town, and her experience in political power was far superior to that of Yang Hao. She had known that whether it was Cheng Dexuan who forcibly moved the people to the eastern front, he lost troops and generals along the way, and most of the people were killed or injured.

, or was it Yang Hao who was plotting against the people, changing their lives and leading them back to the west? At least on the surface, the result was the same. Zhao Guan's family would only praise him and would not directly criticize him.

A majestic emperor has a universal mind and considers the overall victory or defeat. He will not argue with his ministers about the gains and losses of a city or a place. Even if he uses inhumane people, he has to calm down before talking about it. What's more, what Yang Kuang did is remarkable.

Zhao Guan's family is not a fool.

So she was not worried that this imperial edict would be detrimental to Yang Hao. She was worried that in order to show its importance to the immigrants from the Northern Han Dynasty, this imperial edict would reward Yang Hao for his immigration achievements too much. If...if he

What should I do if I am transferred to the Central Plains as an official?

Zhe Ziyu had never faced up to his vague love, until he saw Yang Hao again, and the flame of love that was vague but never extinguished began to burn. Could it be that... they just met, and then

Want to separate again? With my own identity, if there is still a chance to meet him? How can I take the marriage of the second lady of Fuzhou Zhefu lightly? How should I deal with it then?

For a moment, Zhe Ziyu was in a state of confusion, and her usually calm and calm smile disappeared. Her bright eyes were constantly staring at the movement inside the camp gate. For the first time, the feeling of worrying about gains and losses filled her chest.

: "Yang Hao, how long are you going to torture this girl like you?"

A wolf-fang arrow flew crookedly, grazing the ear of a gazelle and sticking it into the ground. The gazelle, which was grazing with its head down, was frightened and suddenly spread its hooves and galloped away.

There was a scream from far away, and a maroon horse suddenly galloped out and chased after it like a ball of fire. The grassland was green and the mountains in the distance were shrouded in white clouds. On the vast prairie, a

The yellow sheep turned into a shadow, looming and flying through the grass. Behind it, it rode like lightning. The knight on the horse was wearing a bright red cloak flying in the air, like a red cloud, tightly catching the target.

One sheep and one horse, one in front and one behind, attracted the attention of the knights standing in the distance.

In front of the knights, a girl in white put down her bow. Two blushes appeared on her jade-like face, as if she had put on two dots of rouge and was slowly fading away. Her bright eyes and white teeth were charming.

She is stunning, carrying a bow across her body and an arrow pot on her back, and her dashing outfit that has the charm of being outside the Great Wall adds a bit of heroism to her frail appearance.

She was wearing a white hunting suit, a short silver damask jacket with lapels, a blue rhinoceros leather waistband, white riding trousers, and rode a white horse. Her hair was tied with a white silk handkerchief, and a small knot was tied on her right forehead.

The small butterfly-shaped knot is as if carved from clear jade, and the whole body is transparent and pure.

There was a man riding a horse from behind who caught up a few steps and arrived next to her. He was a young man with beautiful features, handsome eyebrows, straight nose, square mouth, and bright eyes. He smiled and said: "Miss Dong'er, don't be discouraged.

Although the arrow missed, you can master horse riding and archery so quickly. You are already the smartest woman that Brother Xiu has ever seen. The accuracy of your arrow is slightly off. You should pay attention to the bow puller.


Brother Yelvxiu said, leaning forward, he hugged Dong'er's body, helping her lift the bow with one hand and controlling the string with the other. Dong'er shrank, frowned and said, "Brother Xiu!"

Although he didn't speak loudly, Brother Yeluxiu retracted his hand as if he was electrocuted, looking slightly embarrassed. He laughed, took off his bow, put an arrow on it, and used the jade finger to hold the bow string, "

"Ah!" He opened the bow with a sound and demonstrated to her: "Here, look, the correct posture should be like this. Also, the eyes should aim from this direction."

Dong'er looked at his posture carefully and simulated it. Brother Yelvxiu was overjoyed: "Yes, yes, it's just like that, but your arm strength needs to be strengthened, otherwise even if the arrow just hit, it would only be able to hurt

Its fur will still be run away by it."

"Thank you Brother Xiu for your advice." Dong'er thanked him with a smile that was as bright and bright as the sun after the snow. Brother Yelu Xiu's heartstrings trembled as he opened his bow in a daze and even forgot to put it down.

The fiery red horse galloped back in the distance. The knight in red on the horse in front of him reined in the horse. The horse neighed and stood up.

With a "boom", a yellow sheep with an arrow in its head was thrown to the ground. The red horse's front hooves fell to the ground, revealing Xiao Yanyan, who was dressed in red and looked like a flame. She, like Luo Dong'er, was eye-catching.

A bright little beauty, the difference is that she looks like a ball of fire, like a red sun. No one can ignore her existence, but few dare to look directly at her face.

And Luo Dong'er is like a bright moon, elegant, soft and beautiful, which makes people unable to help but look at it.

"Brother Xiu admires your empress's archery and riding skills very much." Brother Yelvxiu said with a smile as he cupped his hands.

"Hmph! When did Da Tiyin learn to be so good at complimenting people?" Xiao Yanyan curled his lips, and in a blink of an eye he saw Luo Dong'er beside him, with a knowing smile in his eyes: "Dong'er, you want to be my female guard, you are not good at it.

You can't do horseback riding and archery. Da Tiyin is the eagle on my grassland. He has superb riding and archery skills. You can ask him for advice when you have time."

"Yes, I would like to follow your instructions." Luo Dong'er held the bow and saluted. Xiao Yanyan took off the ivory saber from his slender waist and threw it away with shaking hands. Luo Dong'er hurriedly raised his hand to catch it. The knife is not big, and it is used by nobles to untie sheep.

It is a carnivorous tableware, but it is as sharp as a sword. The decoration is especially luxurious, and the ruby ​​on the handle shines brightly in the sun.

"This knife is given to you. Brother Xiu, you will teach her how to unwrap and cook sheep later. At noon today, I want to try Dong'er's craftsmanship."

"Yes!" Brother Yelvxiu was overjoyed. The empress was creating opportunities for him. How could he not know? With his status, if he wanted to force Dong'er, Xiao Chuo would not mind. But he really loved Dong'er.

The more he couldn't get her, the more he respected and loved her like a goddess. As long as she frowned, he wouldn't even dare to touch her with a finger.

Since the last time he saw what Yang Hao did on the Zhulang River, Brother Yelvxiu has become more self-reflective and unwilling to do anything dirty on Dong'er's surface. As long as he keeps an eye on her and lets her stay in Shangjing from now on, as time goes by, he will still be able to

Are you afraid that she will not forget the official of the Song Dynasty? Brother Yelu Xiu just wants to use his own ability to please this respected and loved woman, but he is full of confidence.

With only a palm-sized knife, a shepherd on the grassland can cleanly cook and decompose a sheep in a stick of incense without even a drop of blood spilling on his hands or the grass.


The largest animal Luo Dong'er had ever cleaned was a chicken, and this was the first time she had slaughtered such a big animal. After a flurry of work, she finally cleaned up the sheep with the help of brother Yelu Xiu. She saw blood on her hands and splatters on her cheeks.

After a few drops, Brother Yelu Xiu couldn't help laughing and said: "Haha, Miss Dong'er, go to the river to wash your hands and face."

"Then this sheep..." Luo Dong'er looked at the big pot set up not far away and said with some embarrassment.

Brother Yeluxiu looked around furtively and whispered: "It's okay, I'll just cook the sheep. You can sprinkle some salt later and it will be yours, hehehe..."

"Thank you, Brother Xiu..." Luo Dong'er turned around gracefully and ran towards the small river that was wrapped around the grassland like a jade belt.

"Wow~wow~wow~~" After washing her hands with a few handfuls of cool water, and then washing her face, she suddenly stared at the reflection in the water and stared blankly...

The water surface reflected the shadow of the blue sky and white clouds, as well as her face. She felt that she was a little different than before. Now her eyes were brighter. Now she had a more down-to-earth look. She said she used to be like a touch.

Just a broken porcelain doll, she is completely different from her former self.

She looked at herself in the water and sighed softly. She didn't know how many miles she walked before she got here. This is Shangjing of the Khitan people, and she doesn't know how far it is from the Central Plains. The Queen has treated me very well, here

I don’t know how many times better than the previous home, but...he is not here...

She suddenly remembered that winter day, when she was squatting at the end of the bridge and washing her clothes, and he walked across the bridge, and the kiss from afar... Her eyes lit up, and then she became hazy, looking hazily into the water.

With that silly face and cute cherry lips, she followed Yang Hao's example and blew a playful kiss to herself in the water...

The beauty in the water swayed with a blushing face, like a newly blooming peach blossom, smiling mischievously at her.

"Brother Hao, one day I will leave here to find you. No matter how long the years are, no matter how far the journey is, if that day doesn't come, Dong'er will never grow old..."

Yang Hao took a "moonwalk" and walked out of the camp gate, feeling a little dazed.

The people outside the camp were talking a lot, and it was as lively as a vegetable market. When they saw Yang Hao, dressed in formal crimson official clothes, wearing a black gauze hat, and neatly holding an imperial edict, they immediately became silent. All eyes were fixed on him.

Lots of bets were placed on him.

Behind him stood the neatly dressed military leader Chi Zhong, the military commander of the military capital Yu Ma Zongqiang, the eunuch of the capital, and eight tall imperial guards. In addition, there was another person who was also wearing fresh official clothes and hats.

In terms of stature and appearance, he is even one or two points better than Yang Hao, but when he stands there, he looks like an eggplant beaten by frost, with a wilted head and a weak head, and his official hat is different from that of Yang Hao.

, the two hat wings are like cat ears, and combined with his listless appearance, it looks funny. Anyone who recognizes him knows that this person is another imperial envoy, Cheng Dexuan.

Zhe Ziyu's eyes fell on Yang Hao's waist, where he wore a silver fish bag, and her heart couldn't help but beat: "Wearing a scarlet official uniform and wearing a silver fish bag, could it be that... he has been promoted to a sixth-grade official?"


Yang Hao looked at the quiet people, took a deep breath, raised the imperial edict high, and said loudly: "Holy Lord Hong'en, Yang Hao is promoted to Yiwei Lang!"

The people below were in darkness. They didn’t know what kind of official this Yiwei Lang was, so they just listened with bated breath. Yang Hao said again: "The Holy Emperor set up Luling Prefecture in Luhe Ridge, and ordered Yiwei Lang Yang Hao to train for the Luling regiment.

Let Quan know the affairs of the Luling Prefecture, lead a state, and be the prime minister of a state and county!"

Zhe Ziyu raised her eyebrows slightly, and a pleasant sweet smile appeared on her brows. But... countless people still stood there blankly, like ducks listening to thunder, looking at Yang Hao inexplicably. There were many scholars in the crowd, of course they were not

None of them understood it, but there were only a few people who understood it. Among such a huge crowd, their commotion could not really make any waves.

Yang Hao turned back to look at the civil and military officials, lifted his official robe, jumped up on a stone mill next to the camp gate, raised his mouth and shouted loudly: "Listen up, everyone. The officials... have set up a special station at Luling River here.

In the land of one state, I, Yang Hao... am the first magistrate of Luling Prefecture and concurrently the training envoy of the regiment! I am the parent officer here!"

This time, the people finally understood. The crowd was excited, and cheers came and went, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami. Yang Hao stood on the stone and clasped his fists in salute. The people below suddenly knelt down and shouted, "Your Majesty, Lord Fu!"

Your Majesty!"

Yang Hao stood on the stone, his heart pounding: "Are you going to stay? Just stay. It's worth it for the people who respect and love me. Besides, it seems to be a good feeling to be the chief executive."

He slowly put down his hand and his eyes became moist: "Mom, Dong'er, Yang Hao will go back soon, return to his hometown in fine clothes, to worship you, and bring you to Luhe Ridge together. We will be together forever and never be separated again!"

This chapter has been completed!
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