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Chapter 203 Mist

Chapter 203 Mist

At dawn, Yang Hao's team set up camp. Tuoba Yan's camp was slower because there were women and children, and the smoke in front of many camps had just started.

Yang Hao got on his horse, glanced at Bai Ling's station, and told Mukui: "Go and let me know, let's go on the road first." He had just been entertained last night, so these courtesy should be expected, Mukui agreed.

With a shout, he rushed towards Bai Ling's residence.

When the sun rose a pole high, Bai Ling's team caught up from behind, standing two stone's throw away from Yang Hao's men. On the grassland, the weak caravans joined other people's teams.

Okay, it can prevent horse thieves and some tribes from taking advantage of the opportunity to rob and rob, especially since they just formed a grudge against the people of the Meisi tribe last night. Although those people have been silenced, it is difficult to predict whether there are still people watching in the dark.

It makes sense to be more careful.

After passing through the yellow land, we entered a grassland again. The autumn grassland has its own kind of autumn beauty. The yellowed wild grass is like a huge carpet, softly spread on the endless land, and the breeze passes by.

There were waves rippling. Little flowers that could not be named were dotted among them, still blooming tenaciously with their beauty.

Following the Wuding River, in the distance, the river meanders from afar, like a jade belt dancing on the earth. It sometimes rises and sometimes falls with the terrain. The sky is blue and distant, and the grassland seems to be

It is also stationary, but from time to time you will see some wild animals, which adds a bit of vitality to this quiet and grand natural picture.

Along the way, the Bai Ling tribe traveled together with Yang Hao's people. After two days, they often gave each other gifts and got along very harmoniously. In the evening, Mu En looked at the weather and told Yang Hao that there would be no danger tonight or tomorrow.

If there is heavy rain, it is best to camp on higher ground and raise the bed.

As soon as Mu En finished speaking, Xiao Shitou, carrying his small bow and riding a tall bay-red horse, caught up from behind: "Master Yang, my father said that there may be heavy rain tonight or tomorrow, and he asked me to

I remind you, adults, that it is best to camp on higher ground."

This young man was originally very arrogant. At the banquet that night, he looked a little irritated when he saw Yang Hao and his group. They got to know each other better in the past two days. Maybe his father also explained Yang Hao's status and status to him.

It had an influence on the Bai Ling clan, so when the child met Yang Hao, he became more respectful and less arrogant.

Yang Hao smiled and said: "I understand, Xiao Shitou, please thank your father for me."

Seeing his polite words, Xiao Shitou also grinned. Women hate men who shout and kill, but if this man shouts and kills for a woman, it will be different. Tang Yanyan likes this boy very much.

He was so fierce when he shot the bride-snatcher, he smiled and joked: "Little Shitou, you have a bride now, you have become an adult, and you have actually become a messenger."

Little Shitou raised his head and said proudly: "I am an adult."

Mu Kui laughed and said: "Shit, you are considered an adult? Your hair has not even grown. When you have a woman, what do you ask her to do?"

Xiao Shitou made a face and snorted: "Of course you make my bed, do the laundry and cook. What else can a woman do?"

The group of rugged men next to them immediately burst out laughing, and some started making jokes. Although Little Shitou couldn't understand their dirty talk, he realized that what he said was not quite right, and his face turned red. He couldn't help it for a moment. With all his strength, he flicked his pigtails, turned his horse's head and ran away like flying. Immediately behind him came even more energetic laughter.

The camps of Luling Prefecture and Bai Lingshi both chose high ground, and the tent stakes were driven deeper than usual to prevent the tents from being washed away by heavy rains at night. The heavy rain on this grassland is very severe. , especially in autumn, once you get wet, it can freeze you to the bone, just like walking on the street in the coldest month of winter wearing single clothes.

The shaft of the cart was also propped up with wooden stakes, and the cargo was not unloaded. The lighter cargo on the camel was not moved. Although the heavy cargo was unloaded, things were placed underneath, and the top was tightly wrapped with oilcloth to protect it from the rain.

The night was almost over, but the expected heavy rain did not come. In the early hours of the morning, Yang Hao suddenly woke up. He was awakened by a slight tremor of the earth. Because he was afraid of rain, he was lying on the couch with his clothes fully clothed. I sat up in surprise and felt the wooden couch shaking slightly.

"An earthquake? If there were an earthquake on this grassland, it wouldn't be terrible. Even if this tent falls down, it won't kill anyone. Something's wrong..."

Yang Hao suddenly woke up, rolled over and fell to the ground. He put his ears to the grass and listened quietly to the sound. The dull rumble was like countless war drums beating without rhythm in the distance, gathering together into a dense Yang Hao suddenly woke up with the sound of "rumbling": "It's the sound of horse hooves, it's the sound of horse hooves from the brigade, it's getting closer, it's getting closer, it seems to be ringing above the head..."

He suddenly raised his head and saw Mukui standing in front of him, and just then he heard the sound nearby was his footsteps.

"Young Master, there is a large group of people coming at a gallop. Mu En is calling up the soldiers. Please take cover, sir and merchants, to avoid being hurt by stray arrows."

Yang Hao jumped up, grabbed the sword on the bedside, rushed out without looking back, and said: "Go and tell the merchants to hide, I will go and see the situation."

Yang Hao was stunned as soon as he came out of the tent. At this time, the sky was already twilight, and a heavy fog had arisen between the sky and the earth. The fog was so confusing that it was difficult to see people clearly from more than ten steps away. There were some shadowy figures. Running around in the fog, relying on shouts to identify people. Fortunately, when the camp was set up, the merchants were already in the inner circle, and all the soldiers participated in the placement of the camp, and were familiar with the surrounding layout, plus the ambush notice. It was timely, so at this moment, the soldiers on the periphery had used vehicles and camels as bunkers, strung their bows and prepared for battle.

Yang Hao rushed to the front and looked for Mu En's loud voice: "Mu En."

"Sir, why are you here? It's so foggy that it's hard to guard against a few cold arrows. Please step back, sir."

Yang Haodao: "I am the leader of the three armies. Now the enemy's situation is not clear, and it is difficult to distinguish among the soldiers due to the heavy fog. If I retreat, these soldiers who are inexperienced in battle formations will definitely panic."

After saying that, he walked along the circular formation and shouted loudly: "Everyone lies down and prepares arrows. Now it is difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. If someone approaches without permission, shoot arrows to stop them. Wherever the sound of horse hooves is heard, shoot." The soldiers were originally a little nervous. I was panicking, but after hearing the coach's voice, I calmed down a lot.

Mu En stamped his feet and hurriedly chased after him. He put his helmet on Yang Hao and took out a round shield and handed it to Yang Hao. Yang Hao held the shield in one hand and the sword in the other, and walked around the formation to comfort him.

Circle, and when they reached the starting point, they saw Mukui standing there, listening into the heavy fog.

Yang Hao stepped forward and asked: "How is it? Has the person come in contact with us?"

Mukui turned around and saw that he was coming. He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Not yet. Listening to the sound, the number of people coming should be less than two hundred horses. There are not many people. Listening to their shouts and shouts, it sounds like horse thieves on the grassland. Now

Already having sex with Bai Lingshi."

"Oh?" Yang Hao took two steps forward and listened for a while. There were faint sounds of fighting and weapons clashing in the fog, but they were not dense. Obviously, the fog was not good for the defenders, but it was also bad for the attackers. Both sides could not

We understand each other's situation and have not had any major contact yet.

Yang Hao thought for a moment and then ordered: "Stand still and pay close attention to their movements."

He pondered for a while in the bunker and said slowly: "The situation of the incoming enemy is unknown, and we don't know whether they know our strength. It is very difficult for us to support them in such heavy fog. Fortunately, there are not many people coming, only two hundred

If we ride, Bai Ling's defense should be able to hold up for a while, and when the weather gets brighter and the fog dissipates, we can rescue them."

Mu En said "hmm" and said: "On the grassland, it often happens that a tribe is suddenly attacked by another tribe. Normally, as long as the men can escape and carry valuable belongings, it's okay.

They won't leave anything for the other party. But it's different now. The Bai Ling clan is going to the Yeli clan to do business. The more than ten carts of belongings are at least half of their village's belongings, and they are reluctant to throw them away. Besides, this heavy fog,

Once you escape, you will inevitably collapse and can only be eaten away by the enemy one by one. That Tuobayan is not a fool, he will definitely wait for the morning."

As soon as I said this, I heard a woman's voice: "Yang Hao, Yang Hao, Yang Hao, Yang Hao, Yang Hao, Yang..."

"Don't call Hun, I'm here!" Yang Hao knew as soon as he heard that Tang Yanyan had arrived, and responded angrily.

"Yang Hao, I've found you." Tang Yanyan jumped out of the mist like a female ghost. She was neatly dressed in the same Hanfu as last night, but her hair was disheveled. She obviously got up in a hurry and didn't bother to fix her hair.

: "Master Yang, what happened?"

Yang Hao looked at the clouds of fog outside and said solemnly: "If nothing else happens, I guess we have had an accident."

Tang Yanyan suffocated and looked dumbfounded. Yang Hao glanced back at her and asked with a straight face: "All the merchants have hid in the inner circle. You should also be hiding in it now. Who allowed you to come out?"

Tang Yanyan's eyes widened: "Yeah? You are speaking in this tone, right? Now is not the time to ask me for help?"

Mu En and Mu Kui suppressed laughter and turned away. Suddenly, they heard the sound of horse hooves coming from the mist. Four or five strong horses galloped towards their defense line. At the same time, several cold arrows were shot at them.

One of the arrows hit the carriage that was used as a bunker. Mu En and Mu Kui picked up a wooden shield and rushed forward, shouting: "Shoot the arrow, shoot the arrow!"

Without saying a word, Yang Hao grabbed Tang Yanyan and held her under him. Tang Yanyan struggled and said, "Let me go, let me go."

Yang Hao flicked his fingers a few times and subconsciously wanted to slap her butt. This ignorant little girl really pissed him off. He sternly reprimanded: "What are you talking about? If you have something wrong with you, how can I explain it to you?" Tang family’s explanation?”

Tang Yanyan shouted: "I'm standing here at the carport. Will the arrow turn? You'll kill me."

"Oh." Yang Hao finally came to his senses, let go of her and said, "Just squat here and don't move, I'll go take a look." After saying that, he jumped forward and ran forward. Tang Yanyan rubbed her body against the bed of the car. My ribs were aching, I tilted my head and thought about it, and suddenly I smiled brightly, and I didn't know what happy things I thought of.

"How many people are here?" Yang Hao ran to Mu En with his sword in hand. Mu En shook his head: "There are only a few people. They are just making a tentative attack to test our strength."

As soon as he finished speaking, several more knights came galloping towards him, as fast as the wind and lightning. They shot a few cold arrows and then whizzed away. Under the cover of the heavy fog, these loose knights came and went like flying ghosts, making it difficult for people to guard against. , always in tension.

Mu En smiled coldly and ordered: "If there is no large group of people coming to attack, don't shoot any more arrows. Mu Kui, choose a sharpshooter from everywhere, use cold arrows against cold arrows, in the mist, fast horses come and go like the wind, shoot people It's not easy, so I specialize in shooting horses."

Mukui agreed and rushed out. After a while, the guards in all directions got the news. They held their bows and arrows just for warning. When the wandering horse came to cause trouble again, no one responded and fired arrows. As long as the horse figure showed a trace in the mist. , or the sound of horse hooves can be heard clearly, and the string-controlling man who is good at shooting does not say a word, but just shoots a cold arrow.

At this time, those rangers lost their wits. One hid behind the bunker, and the other galloped on horseback. They also shot cold arrows at each other. Naturally, the enemy suffered a loss. In the mist, they could only hear the sound of horses neighing and people shouting. I don't know how many injuries there were. People, the wandering cavalry that disturbed the battle finally disappeared, and then the sound of fighting in the direction of Bai Ling's camp became louder. It was obvious that this side could not take advantage and launched another attack on Bai Ling's camp.

Mukui said: "The Bai Ling clan only has more than 200 people, and there are also old, weak, women and children. I'm afraid they won't be able to resist when they attack with all their strength."

Yang Hao was lying on the pile of goods, frowning and listening to the sounds of fighting in the fog. His heart was as solid as stone, and he said calmly: "The sky is full of fog and the enemy's situation is unknown. Don't act rashly. As the commander of an army, if you can't even protect the safety of your headquarters, When it comes to protection, I will not take risks and go to help, otherwise once I fall into the enemy's trick, I will lose everything and there will be no room for maneuver."


Suddenly a head appeared next to him and asked enthusiastically: "Who is here? Is it a horse thief or a member of the Meisi tribe seeking revenge?"

Yang Hao was angry and anxious: "Why are you up here again?"

Tang Yanyan said disapprovingly: "Hmph, do you think I am a weakling? My swordsmanship may be inferior to yours, but among your subordinates, I am considered the best in terms of martial arts."

Yang Hao turned his face and ignored her, just focusing on the movement from Bai Ling's camp. The sound of fighting coming from there became more and more intense. The sky light gradually brightened and the visibility became farther, but the heavy fog still lingered. Go. Suddenly, Mu En straightened his back, pulled out the bow string with a "squeak" sound, and pointed the sharp arrow at the grass in the mist ahead...

This chapter has been completed!
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