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Chapter 213 Strategies

Chapter 213 Planning

Yang Hao wrote this letter very quickly. He had thought about what he wanted to say over and over again along the way. He had all the plans in mind, so he naturally wrote very quickly. He described his experience, situation, and analysis of the current situation in detail.

Write it down, and then there is his plan. This plan is very detailed. The so-called strategizing, this is it. To be precise, he said strategizing in the cave.

What he plans will happen at least hundreds of miles away, and it is a place he has never been to. As for whether this plan can succeed, it depends on the development of events and opportunities, and the ability of the executor of this plan.

Does it fit perfectly?

When the common people are angry, blood splashes five steps. When the emperor is angry, blood flows everywhere. These are the different effects produced by different abilities. When Yang Hao wrote down the crooked lines, he deeply realized the magic of power. Soft

With a soft brush, within a few strokes, thousands of troops will gallop on the battlefield and engage in bloody battles. Countless families, many villages, and many things that have existed for hundreds of years will be destroyed.

Hence the rebirth.

However, this pen is as heavy as a rafter. The great responsibility and the hopes of countless people are placed on his shoulders. His every move brings the death of some people and also brings death to others.

A person's chance of survival. In a dangerous situation of life and death, a little careless judgment can lead to irreversible consequences. How many people dare to bear such power? Yang Hao finished writing the secret letter and read it over and over again.

, pondered for a long time, and then rolled it up inch by inch.

There were already military code words in the Song Dynasty. General military code words were usually expressed in Tang poetry. Some special verses were determined in advance to express military pay, military rations, men and horses, marching, and the number of enemies and ourselves. The meaning contained in such code words.

Too simple would not be able to meet Yang Hao's requirements for this letter. He needs to write out his insights and analysis completely.

Yang Hao is not the kind of rough and simple leader who only asks the soldiers to fight without telling them why they are fighting. To make the soldiers go all out, they need to know the meaning of doing so, so he can only put the whole

Write the plan down completely and in detail.

After the secret letter was rolled up, Ye Zhixuan handed over a small bamboo tube. Yang Hao screwed the secret letter into the bamboo tube, covered the plug with extremely strong glue, and tightened the mouth of the tube. Yang Hao has now set up a secret

An intelligence agency, Feiyu, was established. The power currently controlled by "Feiyu" is of course very small, far from being compared with the Intelligence Department of Fuzhou Zhejia. Its current main function is just to deliver news.

, the role of gathering intelligence is still very small.

However, Yang Hao's "Feiyu" uses a large number of carrier pigeons and flying eagles to deliver messages, which is much more efficient than most intelligence agencies. The value of intelligence lies in being fast, timely, and having the highest speed. This becomes

The uniqueness of "flying feathers". However, the use of pigeons and hawks to convey messages, the influence of weather, the influence of other birds, and the hunting of hunters, the chance of leaking secrets is much higher than that of human transmission.

So Yang Hao, Ye Zhixuan and others also studied a variety of confidentiality measures for secret messages with different contents and purposes. Emergency military action plans like today use this kind of special glue and bamboo tubes. Use this kind of

After the extremely sticky glue seals the bamboo tube, the only way to see the contents inside is to break the bamboo tube.

There are special patterns and secret marks imprinted on the bamboo tube. If the letter falls into the hands of someone else and he masters the information and wants to use it to his advantage, it will be difficult for him to follow the same pattern and create an identical bamboo tube in a short period of time. In this way,

Once the letter cannot be delivered to the recipient on time, the plan can be abandoned decisively without being taken advantage of by the enemy.

After sealing the envelope, Yang Hao said to Ye Zhixuan: "Choose the best eagle and send this letter back to Luling Prefecture immediately without any delay."

Ye Zhixuan stroked the eagle standing on his arm and said proudly: "Don't worry, sir, every eagle I train is the best."

He took the bamboo tube and tied it firmly to the eagle's foot, and then went to the back of the tent with Yang Hao. There was a fence around here, and there were many things exchanged for barter, and some things ready to be sold.

Although the people on the grasslands have a rough temperament and are prone to robbery, when they are fighting external wars, there are few thefts and robberies within the tribe. They do not have courts and laws, but they have clan rules and rural laws.

The customs have a greater binding force on them than the legal code.

Their residences have no walls, and their tents are far less sturdy than those in the Central Plains. Family property such as cattle and sheep are freely grazed, making it even more difficult to take care of them. However, no matter how poor they are, they are not willing to break into other people's homes to steal, even if they are hungry.

, or steal other people's cattle and sheep to slaughter. This may be a character cultivated by a special lifestyle, which enables them to follow it since childhood and regard it as an instinct. Therefore, Ye Zhixuan's

Most of the goods are piled in the backyard, which is blocked by a rickety half-person-high fence, but you don't have to worry about anyone taking advantage of it.

Ye Zhixuan stroked the eagle's feathers, raised his arms, and the eagle let out a loud chirp, fluttered its wings and soared into the night sky.

In front of the tent, Ono Ke'er and Chen Mo'er subconsciously looked up and saw an eagle flying towards the distance like an arrow. The two looked at each other, and a strange color flashed in their eyes.

On the side, Tang Yanyan pulled Genimaze and asked her father about the process of exchanging her for wine, and said angrily: "There is such a father in the world, it is really hateful, Genimaze, don't be sad, such a father,

You won't have a good life if you stay with him. There is already a Qiang girl by my side. Her name is Mu Yike. She is a very well-behaved girl. She is the same age as you, but you are thinner and look younger than her.

She seems to be two or three years old. From now on, just follow me and I will take care of you."

At that time, the little girl who was twelve or thirteen years old had already understood the relationship between men and women. Looking at this handsome Han man who made women jealous, Genimaze's face was a little red. Not only did "he" speak kindly, he was also handsome.

He was in a complete mess. If he followed him and served him, Genimaze would really be willing to do so. But...

She whispered with some worry: "Genimaze is willing to serve the young master, but... my father has handed me over to Shopkeeper Ye."

"Hey, isn't it Ye Zhixuan? Don't worry, I'll tell him and you will be mine." Genimaze's face turned redder, but he nodded vigorously happily.

At this time, the curtain was lifted, and Yang Hao walked out quickly and said hurriedly to Xiaoye Ke'er: "Take me to see your father quickly."

When Ono Ke'er saw that he came in a hurry with only one person, he knew that something must be going on. Otherwise, he would always have some grudge against Yang Hao, why would he be standing here waiting for him. But he is a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old, and he has not yet

Having cultivated the habit of keeping emotions intangible, when I heard Yang Hao's somewhat commanding tone, I felt that I couldn't save my face in front of my sweetheart. I immediately became unhappy and asked, "Are you ordering me?"

Yang Hao had something on his mind, so he didn't pay much attention to his tone. But Ono Ke'er was so ignorant, Yang Hao couldn't help but feel angry. The way to govern is to be lenient and strict at the same time, and blindly easy-going cannot establish the authority he deserves. Yang Haoqiang

He suppressed his anger and said: "Public is public, private is private, Xiaoye Ke'er, I have a very important matter, which is not something you can afford. If you have any dissatisfaction with me personally, I hope you can put it aside for now."

On the side."

Xiaoye Ke'er sneered and said: "You have something very important, but I don't. Public is public, private is private? I am the young patriarch of the Yeli clan. In my tribe, public affairs are private affairs, and private affairs are public affairs.

.There are eight thousand tribes and tens of thousands of people in the Yeli tribe. Whoever sees me, Xiaoye Keer, is not respectful, so why can you order me to do things?"

The seven clans of Dangxiang made an alliance by blood and made Yang Hao the co-leader of the seven clans. This is the binding force. Although each of the seven clans has considerable autonomy, this co-leader has supreme authority. But standing next to him are Tang Yanyan and

Several of Ye Zhixuan's buddies, but Yang Hao could not clearly point out his identity as the young master. Anger burned in his eyes and shouted: "Just because I am older than you!"

Ono Keer said disdainfully: "How are you older than me?"

Tang Yanyan had long disliked him, and immediately rushed over to support her man, saying angrily: "He is older than you in every aspect, aren't you convinced?"

Ono Ke'er was not used to quarreling with women. He couldn't help but choked when he heard this. On the side, Genimaze timidly pulled Tang Yanyan's sleeve and asked in a low voice: "Who is he?"

"He is Mr. Yang."

Everyone in each department was respectfully called "sir". Genimazer didn't know which department he was a master in, but he knew that his status was definitely not low. When he looked at him again, he felt a little in awe.

Yang Hao said in a deep voice: "Ono Ke'er, this matter is very important. If it delays the military plane, you can't afford it."

Xiaoye Ke'er is a submissive donkey. The tougher you are, the more resistant he will be. He was waiting to say anything more. Chen Moer turned his shoulder quickly and whispered something, as if to persuade him. Xiaoye Ke'er

After hearing this, Ke'er reluctantly nodded, snorted heavily, turned around and left.

Yang Hao pulled Tang Yanyan and whispered: "You talk a lot, but Master Yang, my current identity cannot be made public. I am going to see Master Su Ka now. You can rest here. Our identities must be kept secret."


Tang Yanyan stuck out his tongue and agreed quickly, and Yang Hao hurried away with Xiaoye Keer and Chen Moer.

As the leader of the tribe, Sukha not only has absolute power over the entire tribe, but also owns the largest herd of cattle and sheep in the tribe. His tent is also the largest, located in the middle of the entire tribe's tent group. His

A circular courtyard was built around the tent with half-foot-high bamboo sticks. There was one large tent and three small tents in the courtyard.

Ono Ke'er led Yang Hao to the door of his house. When he reached the door of the big tent, he was about to reach out to lift the curtain when he heard the roaring voice of an old woman from inside, followed immediately by the voice of a middle-aged woman.

He argued with her without showing any signs of weakness. The two of them spoke very fast, using a mixture of Chinese and Qiang. Yang Hao couldn't understand what they were saying, but he could feel the tit-for-tat tone of the two without showing weakness.

The two quarreled quickly and urgently, with a man's voice shouting to stop from time to time. However, the two women did not pay attention at all, and the quarrel only became more fierce. Ono Keer couldn't help showing an embarrassed look on her face.

, he turned to look at Yang Hao, and then he bravely called out: "Dad, there is an important person coming to visit, and I need you to meet him."

The sound of "boom, boom, boom" footsteps came from the tent, as if the man had vented all his anger at his feet. The tent curtain opened with a roar, and Su Ka walked out with a livid face. When he saw Yang Hao, he

The anger on his face faded slightly, and he said in shock: "Young Master Yang, you are already here?"

Yang Hao nodded and said: "I'm here, but I'm the only one here. There's a big change, and I need to discuss it with you. Here..."

Su Ka understood and hurriedly said: "You come with me." Without him to suppress him, the two women's noise became louder in the tent. Su Ka turned his head and wanted to speak, but in the end he just stomped his feet bitterly and got in.

Another small white tent.

The tent was not big, with felt mats on the floor and a low table in the corner. Su Ka entered the tent, then he touched his chest and bowed: "Young Master, why did you come here alone? What happened?"

"Master Suka, there is no need to be polite. Come, let's sit down and talk."

Yang Hao pulled him to sit down, and then he found a few fresh blood marks on his neck. He didn't know which woman in the tent left it. Naturally, he didn't have time to joke about his housework at this time, so Yang Hao pulled him to sit down.

, he told the whole story without any concealment. After hearing this, Su Ka's face suddenly became solemn: "Yinzhou Li Guangyan... took action against the young master?"

Yang Hao nodded and said: "Yes, Luling State has not yet stabilized its footing. It still needs to hide its power. Your tribes also need to recuperate. It would be unwise to confront the Li family at this time. But who would have thought that they can't wait anymore?"

The ground has taken action. Li Guangyan's interception failed today, and he will be able to send a large army to attack tomorrow. This matter is very difficult."

Su Ka's face was uncertain, and he didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he raised his eyelids and asked: "Young Master, do you want to... take action with Mr. Li now?"

Yang Hao asked back: "You know Li's strength better than I do. What do you think...if we take action now, what are our chances of winning?"

Su Ka was silent for a while and replied: "The Tubo people have lost their king long ago. The major tribes do their own thing and do not belong to each other. They are like a piece of loose sand. Although in order to compete for pasture, several major Tubo tribes are currently joining forces to embarrass Xiazhou, but...

They have never touched the foundation of Xiazhou, and Xiazhou soldiers have always suppressed them. We, the Seventh Clan, do not have the strength to fight against Xiazhou now, especially as winter is about to enter. If we cannot save enough fodder,

I’m afraid this winter will be very difficult.”

Yang Hao smiled and said: "It is said that the Yeli clan is both good at fighting and warlike. In my opinion, it is true that the Yeli clan is good at fighting, but they are not warlike either. Lord Suka's analysis is very reasonable."

Su Ka was slightly embarrassed and said with a wry smile: "Young Master, actually...who likes to start wars at every turn? The purpose of war is to get more benefits, but it does not mean that the more we fight, the more miserable we will be..."

He pondered for a moment, puffed up his chest and said: "However, I, the Yeli clan, are not afraid of war. Xiazhou is our common enemy. We invited Mr. Li Guangcen back. Su Ka has sworn to the Great God Baishi and is willing to make sacrifices."

The herdsman driven by you regards you as the eternal master of the grassland. If the young master decides to fight, then... Sukha will respond with all his strength and fight him to the end!"

After hearing Su Ka's words, Yang Hao felt reassured. He knew that the Dangxiang Qi clan now relied on him far more than he relied on them. Even though he had strong soldiers in his hands, he could still control them, so he spoke softly.

He came down and said: "You are right, the purpose of fighting is to get more benefits, not to make yourself worse and worse. If I join forces with you Seven Clan to start a war against Xiazhou, then Xiazhou will probably give up that pasture.

As a condition for making peace with the Tufan people, he turned to focus all his efforts on attacking us. After all... we are his biggest concern.

We are not yet capable of dealing with Xiazhou's all-out attack. By then, won't Dang Xiang Qi and our Luling people all retreat into Linzhou, the prefecture, and hand over the entire area north of Hengshan to them? We should bear it.

At that time, our tolerance, the identity of our adopted father, and the alliance between the seven clans must still be kept secret and cannot be publicized."

Su Ka became confused: "Li Guangyan has already attacked the young master, and he will not stop there. The young master doesn't want to fight with him, but how can he deal with his back-up moves?"

Yang Hao talked eloquently: "Li Guangyan's first step here is to kill me on the way to establish his authority. If he fails, he will do the next best thing, destroy my caravan, and destroy my efforts to win over the Hengshan people.

The purpose of the Qiang. Then, he showed up at the conference and showed kindness and power to prevent the Qiang tribes from having good relations with me, Luling.

As for sending troops to attack Luling Prefecture, that will have to wait until he has eliminated the threat of the Tibetan people. As for me, I have no choice but to take advantage of the situation. I have only one purpose: to ensure that my Luling Prefecture will be peaceful within three or two years.

We will receive a big threat from the Li family, so that I, the Luling Prefecture, and the Dangxiang Seventh Clan can recuperate and accumulate strength until we are sure to turn the world upside down in one fell swoop, and then attack Xiazhou again!"

He leaned forward, scratched the carpet with his fingers, and said: "To achieve this goal, I have to come here alive, and my caravan must arrive here intact. This is the first step to defeat Li Guangyan.

Even if Li Guangyan can't kill me or destroy my caravan, he will still come to rely on the military power of Yinzhou to fear the Qiang in Hengshan.

The Qiang in Hengshan are scattered and do not pose an absolute threat to any party. However, once someone can win them over to their side, they can add tremendous power. The development of soldiers, intelligence, and power will be guaranteed to the greatest extent. Therefore,

, they are the key to the struggle between all parties. If we want to gain a foothold, we cannot give up this power. Therefore, I want to ensure that the leaders of the Qiang tribes in Hengshan are on our side.

Li Guangyan will not give up until he achieves his goal. As long as the Tubo incident is over, he will definitely send troops. Instead of waiting for him to attack, we should take the initiative to create some trouble for Li and eliminate the threat from Yinzhou so that he has no time to do it.

Please take care of me, Luling Prefecture."

Su Ka said: "The first step is easy to do. Your Excellency's caravan is still at the Wuding River. As long as I send a group of tribesmen to protect it, I can ensure that they arrive at my tribe safely. The second step is to do it at Li Guangyan's

To win over all the Qiang people in Hengshan under threat, this... I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Among the Qiang in Hengshan, only one of our Yeli tribe is still completely nomadic. The other tribes are half-cultivating and half-grazing, and some are engaged in business. They have settled in one place for decades.

With a fixed town, there are many worries, and the benefits the young master can give them are limited. Compared with the military power of Yinzhou, it is difficult to guarantee which side they will choose. Although our Yeli clan is the largest tribe in Hengshan,

But I can’t coerce them.”

He took a deep breath and added: "Especially the third point, the young master is neither willing to use the banner of Lord Li Guangcen now to unite the Party Xiang Qi clan to attack the Li clan in Xiazhou, nor is he able to deal with the attacks from Xiazhou or Li clan alone.

Yinzhou's threat of force, how can we talk about taking the initiative to eliminate the threat from Li?"

Yang Hao nodded and said: "Yes, this first point requires Mr. Su Ka's help. I took a detour and galloped here by changing horses, and it only took a day and a night. During this day and night, my men and horses should

Li Guangyan is still waiting for my news by the Wuding River. He has not given up and must be lingering nearby. It would be great if Lord Sukha could send a team of troops to pick up my caravan."

Su Ka nodded and said: "It's easy. But... it's not easy to survive on the grassland. You have to fight with the sky. Drought and snow are all life-threatening things. You have to fight with the earth, and the water source of the pasture is indispensable. You have to fight with the wolves. , fight with other tribes, so the tribes on my grassland only worship absolute power.

If the Young Master needs someone from the Yeli clan to protect him in order for the caravan to arrive safely, he will definitely be despised by the leaders of the tribes, and the prestige established by the Young Master's crusade against the various Qiang villages will be destroyed. The leaders of the villages must be persuaded. It is even more impossible for people to side with the young master. As for the third point, Su Ka is puzzled."

Yang Hao smiled calmly: "Face is important, but you can't sacrifice face and suffer the consequences. This time, in order to hide my strength, my adoptive father's troops have not been used. It is a secret force of mine. Once exposed, this force will be destroyed." It was nothing in front of the more powerful Xiazhou armed forces.

The people guarding the merchant brigade are all soldiers who have just been converted from civilian Zhuang, and their combat capabilities are limited. I came here this time to do business and establish relationships with the village leaders. They have already experienced my power, so naturally they don’t need to bring them with me. The army has come to show off its power. If you miscalculate now, it is inevitable to be despised by others. However, there is a saying in the art of war: if I am strong, I will show the enemy that I am weak, and if I am weak, I will show the enemy that I am strong. If I show my weakness to others now, I can better confuse them. Living in Li Guangyan, we don’t have to worry about the gains and losses of this moment.

As for the second point, I asked Mr. Suka to conceal the news that I arrived here for the time being, and at the same time inform the village leaders that I would be late for a few days for some reason, and the conference was postponed for three days. There are still two days left. During the period of the conference, plus three days, it will be five days. My caravan moved slowly, just in time to hold back Li Guangyan. In these few days, I will ask Mr. Su Ka to introduce to me in detail the temperament and temperament of the leaders of the villages. and the situation of their tribe, and then invite them one by one, and I will try my best to convince them."

"Young Master, those leaders are as cunning as foxes, I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry about that," Yang Hao smiled confidently: "I can't guarantee that all Qiang villages will be on our side, but I am sure that most of them, especially the big Qiang villages, will choose to cooperate with us."

Su Ka didn't know why Yang Hao was so confident, but he didn't say it explicitly, so he didn't need to ask. He thought about it again, and said uneasily: "The third point that the young master said..."

Yang Hao smiled casually: "I have already made arrangements for this third point. Whether it can succeed or not depends on God's will. After experiencing so many things these days, I have put aside the fact that things in this world are not the same. I must do my best, do my best, and obey fate. If it really doesn't work, then we will find another way. We have survived the most difficult times. Can a living person still die from suffocating his urine? ?”

Su Ka slapped his thigh and said, "It's done! I'll send someone to escort the young master's caravan back immediately. Let's discuss other matters in detail later."

Su Ka called his son in and gave him some instructions. Yang Hao also explained the location of his caravan in detail. Xiaoye Keer couldn't help but see that the young master actually had something to ask of his Yeli clan. A little proud. Although he was not convinced by Yang Hao, the young master, he was on the same camp after all, and when it came to the interests of the Yeli clan, he did not dare to be vague about such a major matter.

Yang Hao asked him to come slowly after picking up the caravan and delay it for five days. Although he was puzzled, he agreed. Immediately, he went out to blow the horns, summoned the tribesmen, and ordered three hundred knights to fly like lightning. Rush to pick up Yang Hao's caravan.

After Ono Ke'er left, Su Ka said: "Su Ka has to carefully consider the matter of persuading the leaders to see who to start with. Young master, do you want to move to my place to rest?"

Yang Hao stood up and said: "No, I live at Ye Zhixuan's place, and there are some things that need to be grasped in time. I asked Mr. Suka to keep the news of my arrival a secret. I don't have to hide it from the people in the Qiang villages.

I'm afraid that there are many people with mixed eyes, and Li Guangyan's ears and eyes are hidden among them."

Su Ka stood up to see him off, and said proudly: "Don't worry, young master, please rest assured. Anyone in the tribe who dares to eat inside and outside will be quartered, and your identity will never be revealed. Among the Yeli tribe, I, Su

Ka said a word and no one dared to disobey it."

"Well!" Yang Hao's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared in his eyes: "So... what's the matter with the scar on Mr. Su Ka's neck?"

Su Ka's old face turned red all of a sudden, and he said nonchalantly: "This matter... Oh, don't mention it. If there is anyone else that I, Su Ka, cannot control, then in this Yeli tribe, the only one is my mother-in-law.

My mother and I...well, the two of them have been fighting for decades, and the fight is getting worse and worse, and I can't do anything about it."

Yang Hao couldn't help but laugh and said: "Master Su Ka's power intimidates everyone, but he is unable to do anything at home. Haha, it is a good story to say."

Su Ka smiled bitterly and said: "Young master, please don't make fun of me. Su Ka lost his father when he was young, and it was his widowed mother who pulled me into adulthood. Su Ka must not be unfilial to his old mother. My mother-in-law..., Su Ka was unable to control the tribe when he was young.

, I was almost deprived of my position as the clan leader. It was my father-in-law who helped me keep my position of power. I repaid my kindness, so I couldn’t be too harsh on her. As a result, over time, they didn’t treat me as such at all.

The head of the family, the head of the clan, takes him seriously, and he has to quarrel over trivial matters from time to time, which is really annoying."

Yang Hao smiled and said: "It took me five years to teach you how to put on clothes. My wife only used a cup of tea to make you strip naked. With such a big gap, how can the old lady like her? Su Ka

Sir, please bear with me. Our men's prestige is in this world, above this country and within the curtains. Let women show off our prestige."

Su Ka burst out laughing after hearing this.

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