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Chapter 268 Who is the important task assigned?

Chapter 268 Who is given the important responsibility?

"There are such fools in the world!"

Looking at the back of Chu Zhaofu retreating in embarrassment, Zhao Kuangyin exclaimed in disbelief: "Such a fool is actually the most important minister in the Song Dynasty!"

He laughed angrily, looked at Zhao Guangyi and said: "Second brother, have you ever seen such a fool? According to his idea, I can also reduce the size of the imperial court, put on civilian clothes and go home to farm. It's really... really

That’s unreasonable!”

Zhao Kuangyin slapped his palm on the imperial writing desk, and with a "bang" sound, the pen and inkstone on the desk jumped up and rolled to the floor.

"Brother, calm down. Chu Zhaofu can't think of a way. It doesn't mean that others can't. In my brother's opinion, there may not be a way to solve this matter."

Zhao Kuangyin smiled bitterly: "There is a way! Who has a way? Could it be that we invite a master of Tibetan magic from Nawazi Goulan to use the Five Ghosts' transportation technique to transport food to me?"

Zhao Guangyi's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered his old enemy Zhao Pu, who had been fighting openly and secretly with him and vying for favors in front of the emperor's brother. He calmly said: "Brother, this matter... we can let Zhao Pu make the decision. Prime Minister, Senior Colonel

The Son of Heaven regulates Yin and Yang, coordinates the four seasons, and arranges the suitability of all things. He controls the barbaric princes externally and attaches great importance to the people internally, so that the ministers and officials can fulfill their duties. Although this matter is the responsibility of the three envoys, it is

It's a matter of people's livelihood, and since the three envoys can't handle it, the prime minister has no choice but to shoulder the responsibility. Zhao Pu has always been resourceful, so maybe he can come up with a good solution."

"This..." Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help but feel embarrassed after hearing this. Nowadays, the political power of the Song Dynasty is divided into three parts: military power and financial power, which belong to the three yamen of Zhongshuyuan, Privy Council and Sansishi respectively. Today's prime ministers are no longer those who were in ancient times.

It's time for all major powers to be in the hands of one person. Powers and responsibilities are clearly defined. It has always been forbidden for various functions to penetrate each other and exceed the authority. Now how can he issue an order and ask Zhao Pu to handle this matter?

Furthermore, this matter also violated his taboo. Zhao Pu is now Tong Zhongshu's subordinate, Ping Zhangshi, the dean of Zhongshu, and the prime minister of the dynasty. Li Chongju, the envoy of the Privy Council, is Zhao Pu's son and daughter. These two people control the general affairs.

The two most powerful yamen in the Song Dynasty, Wen and Wu, moved very closely to each other, which already made him a little afraid. If Zhao Pu was allowed to have an excuse to take care of the affairs of the three secretaries, then Zhao Pu would be the uncrowned king.


Zhao Guangyi saw that he was hesitant and understood, so he smiled and said: "Eldest brother has misunderstood what brother meant. Brother is not asking eldest brother to issue an order for Zhao Pu to take over the mission of the Third Secretary. Brother is saying that he can privately give advice to Chu Zhaofu and let him

He went to Zhao Pu for advice, and Prime Minister Zhao is very resourceful, so he might be able to find a solution."

"Well... that's fine..." Zhao Kuangyin frowned and nodded heavily: "From now on, we will step up the transportation of food. Every extra point we can transport is worth it. At the same time, we must think about how to solve the food shortage in Kaifeng.

Come up with a solution."

"Yes, that brother went to chase Lao Chu and give him some advice." After Zhao Guangyi said that, he hurriedly walked out with an imperceptible sneer on his lips: "Brother, you have always regarded Zhao Pu as the pillar of the country.

Like Xiao He of the Han Dynasty, he was allowed to embezzle, ask for bribes, and make arbitrary decisions, but because he valued his talent, he always tolerated it. Today I will show you what this loyal Zhao Zeping is capable of!"

"If Zhao Pu can't do anything, what should we do then? Bianliang has a population of one million..." Thinking of this, Zhao Kuangyin was confused.

"Sir, you are so partial..." Shen Rao and Wen Xijun followed Yang Hao, resentful and miserable, like two dissatisfied women in a deep harem.

Yang Hao stopped helplessly and said with a wry smile: "How can I be partial? You asked for a script, didn't I give you one? Hey, hey, hey, the story you acted has just been played, and the whole Kaifeng Mansion has been The word has spread, scholars, ladies and ladies, everyone is talking about it, your reputation is much higher than before."

"My lord also said." Shen Rao rolled her eyes at him and said, "In the play "White Fox" performed by Sister Wawa and Miss Duoer, one pretended to be a boy and the other pretended to be a girl, and each of them became famous. But what about us sisters? , I begged you for a long time, and you made up a play called "The Matchmaker"..."

"Isn't "Matchmaker" good? It's so popular. One of you is pretending to be a boy and the other is pretending to be a girl. Now you are also very popular."

"Yes!" Wen Xijun said indignantly: "It is popular, but who knew that it was the little matchmaker who was popular, even more popular than Zhang Sheng and Cui Yingying. The play is over, that little yellow-haired girl Miaomiao All of a sudden, it climbed over our heads. Sir, you are so partial..."

Shen Rao said suspiciously: "Sir, if you work so hard for her, could it be... could it be that the little girl gave you some sweetness?" As she asked, she quietly lifted her already tall and tall breasts. Some are highlighted.

Yang Hao looked around nervously and said: "Don't talk nonsense, who has benefited from her? She is the right person for that role."

"Then, would you please make up a play that is only suitable for the two of us? Please..." Shen Rao and Wen Xijun had the same mind, and they hugged Yang Hao's arms and shook them back and forth. It's June now, and they don't wear much. Their arms are separated by a soft layer of silk, which is pressed against their soft and elastic plump chests. The two lively beauties are acting coquettishly, That was such a charming force. Yang Haodeng suddenly became distraught and quickly surrendered and said: "Okay, okay, let me go first. How unbecoming is this? Do you want to act a tragedy or a comedy?"

The two beauties smiled proudly and said in unison: "Tragedy!"

Shen Rao added: "The slave family has found that more and more ladies and girls like to come to the theater now. They are much more interested in tragedy than comedy. The more it makes them cry, the more they like to watch it."

"That's right, women are made of water, so it's good enough to let them cry. Don't pester me. I'll tell you a story about "Butterfly Lovers" later, and add a piece of music. You can polish it up yourself. , guaranteed to be a tear-jerking show."

The two girls were overjoyed and went down together: "I would like to thank you, the official."

Yang Hao took advantage of them to let go and ran away quickly.

It's almost unbearable. Now he is surrounded by piles of beauties and powders all day long. No, there are piles of beauties and powders surrounding him all day long. His will has gradually become a little difficult to control. The dual practice method is to find a new way to strengthen the body. It is a kind of inner alchemy qigong, and at the same time, it has the effect of specific Fangzhongshu. It can make people strong-willed and enjoy sex better. Instead of becoming pure and apathetic after practicing it.

It can strengthen the body, strengthen the waist and strengthen the kidneys. The result can only make the sexual desire stronger and stronger. Now it is like a big cauldron. You keep adding firewood below to increase the firepower. The cauldron will naturally boil and even the bones can be boiled. The lid of the cauldron is heavy and tight, and the boiling waves inside it are not yet released at this moment, but if it is not channeled in time, when it finally breaks out, it will be broken.

Like Yang Hao, who hangs around among beauties all day long, but can't really reach them with a sword. In addition, he diligently practices the double cultivation base-building skills, and his inner demons are getting stronger and stronger. This inner demon cannot be overcome once.

Once and for all, it will continue to strengthen with the increase of mental power and will. The number of times when the essence is transformed into emptiness is reduced. If it cannot be channeled and vented in time, it is easy to become obsessed. No wonder Lu Zu is still a romantic at such an old age.

The reason is this.

"I can't live without Bianliang now. I heard that the Tang family is moving to Bianliang. I don't know if their elders have arrived. My letter has been sent to Yanyan. If she leaves quickly, she will not be able to leave in the past few days.

Isn’t it time to go to Bianliang?”

Yang Hao thought about it, thinking about Yanyan's wonderful "second face", and his heart suddenly felt hot, and his belly also felt hot: "My little lady Yanyan, your officials are putting out the fire in Bianliang City.

But the burning desire in my heart can only be extinguished by waiting for you to come. When will you appear in front of me?"

"Ouch!" He turned to the Moon Gate with his thoughts in mind, and was met by Miaomiao who was coming towards him. Miaomiao hit his chest, her nose suddenly became sore, and her big eyes became misty. She hurriedly

She ducked aside, rubbed her nose, and apologized in a soft nasal voice: "Sir, Miaomiao acted recklessly, please forgive me."

"Excuse me. You are such a hot-tempered person. Where are you going?"

"My young lady asked me to invite you to come over."

"Oh, let's go together." Yang Hao glanced at Miaomiao and saw that she was still dressed as a servant. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Miaomiao, you have become famous now, and you are qualified to be waited on. Serving tea and water...

You don’t need to do this anymore, right?”

Miaomiao pursed her lips and hummed slightly but said nothing.

Yang Hao's eyes flashed and he said: "I'll talk to Duo'er later and find another capable maid to take care of her. It's time for you to have your own boudoir and someone to serve you."

Miaomiao hurriedly said: "No..., Sir, Miaomiao doesn't...no need..."


"Mistress...Mistress..." Miaomiao stopped, glanced at him secretly, lowered her head and said, "My lord has cultivated me wholeheartedly, and I am indescribably grateful. However, I really don't like this.

In life, even if you are the headliner or the first person in the trip, people will cheer you up, wear the most gorgeous clothes, and wear the most expensive jewelry. However, you still have to smile when you see people you don’t like, and you still have to say things you don’t want to say to them.

My servant feels very tired."

"Oh?" Yang Hao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. This was a great opportunity for the bird to climb up the branch and become a phoenix. Miaomiao didn't like it?

Miao Miao said quietly: "My maid likes... I like to be quiet. Just like in the past, when the young lady answered the guests, Miao Miao played the piano for the young lady and danced with her. Then she went back to her small attic, unloaded her clothes and dispersed.

Wash your hair, wash off the makeup on your face, and sit alone relaxedly. You don’t have to be like a young lady to write down the names, identities, relationships between them, and their origins like a young lady.

Think about who you are going to see tomorrow, how you should dress, what you should say... Miaomiao... Miaomiao just needs to listen to the lady's instructions. You don't have to think about these things, it's very happy..."

Yang Hao thought infatuatedly: "With her wonderful qualifications and appearance, being a maid is too much. I intend to make her successful, but isn't this the life she wants at all?"

He couldn't help but think of the moment when they first met. She leaned out from upstairs, her waist-length hair hanging down like a black and shiny satin, and the water droplets on the ends of her hair dripped onto his face.

On the top, the face without any makeup was both joyful and beautiful, and she couldn't help but sigh softly: "My figure has been enchanting for a long time. Calm and graceful, it is hard to describe. Her skin is like jade, and even more, it accounts for

You Qianjiao. She sings and dances gracefully, Yingxian has a clever tongue, Liu is jealous of her slender waist..."

"Sir..." Miaomiao blushed and wiped her toes nervously.

Yang Hao smiled slightly and said: "Let's talk as we walk. Haha, I didn't expect that the life you set for yourself is so simple. But it may not be wrong for you to live this way. Then, the drama of "Matchmaker"

, you can cooperate with Xueyu Shuangjiao for a few more days, and when another suitable candidate is found, you won’t need to play the role. Our daughter, Yixiao Tower, is still vacant.

I originally wanted to build two Baihuafangs, one with meat and one with vegetarian food, but this one ended up being inferior. Besides, there are always some women there who are forced to work in this industry to do something to welcome people and send them to the pillow.

As a man who makes a living in entertainment, Yang cannot do such unscrupulous things. I never thought in advance that these plays would attract so many wives and ladies of officials, gentry and wealthy businessmen, but now I have thought of another one.

Idea. Let me leave the vacant building to you. This building is called 'Girls' Country', and you will be the owner."

Miaomiao was shocked: "Sir, how can I do this?"

"Why, you don't want to?"

"No, no, no, no matter what you want your servant to do, Miaomiao will obey. However, what is Miaomiao's identity? How can she be the owner of a building? Besides, the servant... doesn't know what she can do."

Yang Hao smiled and said: "You must do this. The building has three floors. I prepared one floor to sell all kinds of clothes for women, one floor to sell jewelry and jewelry, and one floor to sell fine rouge and gouache."

These are all things that women should use. You have been serving Liu Xingshou since you were a child, and what you have always done is to take care of her clothes, grooming, and accessories. You must be very good at this. How many people are more proficient than you?

Besides, you are sweet and cute. Since only women are allowed in this building, naturally only women can sell goods. When you become the owner of the building, you can hire some pretty and lovely women, and you can wear what you want to sell.

Put on your clothes, put on the jewelry for sale, and use the rouge and gouache to make yourself look gorgeous. When those women entered this building and saw the effect of the clothes, jewelry, and gouache on you, it was as if they had seen it.

The most perfect mirror, why don’t you desperately search their officials’ purses and bring it to me? Haha..."

"I... this servant is afraid that I won't be able to do it..."

"Miaomiao, I have a share of this 'Qianjin Yixiao Building', so I have to have someone I trust to help me. The person I'm looking for is not just to take care of the business of the 'Daughter Kingdom' for us.

, and you have to manage all the accounts related to me for me. I have very few people available in Kaifeng, and Duoer and Wawa have a lot of daily entertainment. Now you are the only one... Are you really not willing to be a little housekeeper for me? "

Miao Miao's heart skipped a beat. She raised her head suddenly and met Yang Hao's blazing eyes. Her heart suddenly felt hot. Even if there was a fire pit in front of her, she would jump into it without hesitation. At that moment, she responded in a strange way: "

Okay! But... Miss..."

Yang Hao smiled and said, "I'll tell her this."

As the two of them talked, they entered the flower hall. Liu Duoer came up to her with a spring breeze on her face and said, "Sir, what are you so happy about?"

"Oh, isn't there an empty building over there? I see more and more ladies and ladies are obsessed with watching theaters recently, so I want to sell women's clothing, accessories and makeup powder in that building. I plan to turn this building into

Let Miaomiao take care of the building, what do you think?"

"Oh? Haha, the idea you came up with will definitely make money." Liu Duoer glanced at Miaomiao and smiled slightly.

Miaomiao twisted her clothes uneasily, not daring to say a word.

Yang Hao smiled and said: "Not only, I want to take care of this building myself and not allow others to interfere, but at the same time, I also want Miaomiao to take care of my share of the income from each building of the 'Qianjin Yixiao Building'.

You have no objection, right?"

Duo'er said sweetly: "How dare Duo'er say anything about the matter that has been decided by the adults? Besides..." She glanced at Miaomiao with her bright eyes, and said with a half-smile: "Miaomiao has grown up, and when "The Matchmaker" comes out

, named Gai Xueyu Shuangjiao, if Duo'er continues to be ignorant and insists on leaving Miaomiao to serve others, I don't know how many people in Bianliang City who like Miaomiao will stab her in the back."

Miaomiao's face changed, and she said in fear: "Sir, I want to... stay with the young lady, continue to serve the young lady, and learn dance skills from the young lady."

Yang Hao turned a blind eye to the subtle expressions between the two, grabbed Miaomiao who was about to kneel down, pressed her down on the seat next to Duo'er, and smiled calmly: "Duo'er said

The thing is, the chick has grown up and it’s time to flutter her wings and fly alone. It will not be inconvenient for you to keep her here. Haha, in any case, you have carefully cultivated Miaomiao. I will

She asked for it and owed you a big favor. I thought of two good plays, one is "The Legend of White Snake" and the other is "The Fairy Match". I guarantee that your reputation will be even brighter. I will talk to you later. Quan Zuo

My reward."

Yang Hao didn't even ask, so he left the people around her, and immediately became equal to her, no! She also had to take care of Yang Hao's accounts, which was a lot closer than herself and him. Duo'er really didn't feel too good about it.

Comfortable. However, the more famous she became, the more dependent she became on Yang Hao. No matter how reluctant she was, she did not dare to have the idea of ​​rebelling against him. The play "White Fox" has now been performed for five consecutive times, and the venues were full.

Her fame was at its peak, and Yang Hao actually gave her two more playbooks in one go. Duo'er's displeasure was instantly wiped away, and she thanked him profusely.

Miaomiao had sat at the same table with Liu Duo'er before, but the meaning now was different. Sitting shoulder to shoulder with her today meant that from now on she would have to stand on her own and compete with Liu Duo'er, so she sat there,

She was so uneasy that she only put half of her buttocks against the chair, trembling and feeling uneasy.

When Yang Hao saw Liu Duoer's anger turned into joy, he smiled slightly, turned to Miaomiao, and said loudly: "Did you hear that? Miss Duoer has already agreed. From today on, you are mine. You must do everything to me."

You know, I am the one who decides everything for you!"

His words were obviously meant for Duo'er. Miaomiao knew that she could not answer clearly in front of her old master, but when Yang Hao's words, "From today on, you are mine," she heard it.

As if a ghost had lost his mind, he responded obediently: "Yes! Slave... I obey my orders."

This chapter has been completed!
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