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Chapter 288

Chapter 288 Baimei Farewell

Several adults stood on the pier, showed humility to each other, and then recommended Zhao Pu to speak. Jue and official are two different concepts. When it comes to official positions, Zhao Pu was respected at the scene. As the leader of hundreds of officials, the official class is

There is no one higher than him. Zhao Pu is smart and wise, but he doesn't read many books. When it comes to his ability to drop a book bag, he is much inferior to many officials present who were born in the second rank of Jinshi. Naturally, his words are also poor.

It's hard to say that every word is precise, but he has been an official for many years, so this kind of impromptu speech is very familiar to him.

After Zhao Pu finished speaking, he asked the envoy King Wei to express his thanks to the officials who came to see him off. King Zhao Dezhao of Wei bowed to his uncle Zhao Guangyi and then stepped forward to speak. His words were obviously prepared in advance, and his words were carefully chosen and his voice was precise.

Sonorously, all the officials nodded frequently and greatly appreciated the King of Wei who was making his debut.

Yang Hao has never been interested in this kind of official articles. No matter how colorful the words are, they are superficial articles after all. But from this, you can at least see a person's conversation, literary talent, and thorough thinking. If someone else is trying to take advantage of him,

Ghostwriting, then nothing can be seen. All the officials seemed to be concentrating on it. I'm afraid they were either making a show or they wanted to take this opportunity to consider this prince who might become the crown prince and get to know him better.

Even for the second purpose, Yang Hao was too lazy to pay attention. Because he knew clearly in his heart that the second emperor of the Song Dynasty was the Jin Wang Zhao Guangyi standing aside, not Zhao Dezhao. Can this history be changed? Who can change it?

To change it?

In the past few years, Zhao Kuangyin was about to die. As for how he died, in the eyes of future generations, it was a mystery without any evidence. Yang Hao could not abandon his family and career and ran away like a maniac.

When he went to see Zhao Kuangyin, he predicted that his dear brother would murder him, and then Zhao Kuangyin got angry and killed him.

It was impossible to pretend to be a magic stick in front of Zhao Kuangyin directly. At the same time, he could not remember exactly which year and day the historical mystery of "The Shadow of an Ax Shakes Red" occurred. He only remembered the heavy snowfall in Kaifeng on the night Zhao Kuangyin died.

, even if he went to the palace gate to stand guard every time it snowed, he could not prevent Zhao Guangyi from entering the palace.

What's more, even if it is a fact that Zhao Er murdered Zhao Da, what does it have to do with him? His status and future will not be affected by this coup. Zhao Kuangyin is just an emperor he admires, although this emperor is now from

He crawled out from the pile of old papers in history and turned from a symbol into a living person, but he had no affection for the emperor who had been plotting murder against him not long ago.

Who is the emperor and who is the orthodox may be a big deal in the eyes of scholars who have been immersed in Confucianism for many years. To die for this is justice and greatness will last forever. Kill yourself to become a benevolent person, sacrifice your life for righteousness, and make a lasting legacy.

Leave your name behind and die well. But for a person with modern thinking like Yang Hao, he does not have that kind of 'great' consciousness.

Which of the two brothers from the old Zhao family is in the world and has nothing to do with me? To threaten the emperor's family affairs with the risk of death is not worth the gain. As a modern person, he does not have the concept of loyalty to the emperor that "the emperor wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die".

, his body is restricted by the times, but his mind is free and not restricted by the various ideas of this era. If he is asked to make a choice between the emperor and his own safety, he will choose it as a matter of course.

As long as he lives up to his own conscience, he has neither such responsibility nor obligation in his heart.

However, he will have to face a reality in the future. He has to surrender to Zhao Guangyi, and this person is the object of his affection for the woman he has already discussed about marrying. There is no need to rob this person by force, talk about it.

It's not the hatred of seizing his wife, but doesn't it feel awkward?

People of this era may think that the whole world is not the king's land, and the people who rule the land are not the king's ministers. Everything in the world belongs to the emperor, including women. Those who were emperors forcibly extorted their daughters, even if their wives

Although he was unwilling in his heart, he could still accept this fact subconsciously, but Yang Hao did not belong to this era, and he could not face it calmly, even though the Tang family was envious of Zhao Guangyi's power and took the initiative to curry favor with him.

The woman he had been flirting with and had a crush on would one day become an imperial concubine. He could not bow down to this woman. If he bent his waist, he would completely lose himself and completely become the person of this era.

A man. Seeing hundreds of officials gathered today, this issue suddenly aroused his thoughts, and the pain deep in his heart surfaced again. He didn't want to respond to the commotion, so he might as well go back...

"Perhaps, I should retire after my achievements and return to the fields. But that's not possible now. The officials detained me in the court for the purpose of restraint and surveillance, but he would not agree. Maybe, I also have to wait for that winter.

Waiting for the moment when heavy snow falls from the sky. That day changed his destiny, changed their destiny, changed the national destiny of the Song Dynasty, and that day will also change my destiny..."

Yang Hao raised his face and murmured to himself with a mentality of "the capital is covered with crowns, but this person is alone and haggard": "That heavy snowfall..."

"What are Dean Yang talking about? We're boarding the ship." Cheng Yu next to him tugged on his sleeve and looked at him strangely.

"Huh? Ah!" Yang Hao came to his senses and took a closer look. He saw that with all the officials bowing, Wei Wang Zhao Dezhao waved frequently and was walking towards the ship. A group of subordinates followed him and hurriedly smiled and thanked Cheng Yuqian.

, and walked towards the boat with the flow of people.

Amidst the sound of the boatman's trumpet and the sound of iron chains, the giant anchor was winched bit by bit, and the huge sails were raised piece by piece under the uniform movements of the sailors. Zhao Dezhao and Chu Zhaofu had already boarded the ship.

On the second deck of the ship, they bowed and said goodbye to the King of Jin, Xianggong Zhao and all the civil and military officials who were standing on the dock.

At this moment, someone in the distance shouted: "Envoy Yang! Envoy Yang! Oh, Miss, Miss Yang, Ambassador Yang's ship hasn't left yet." Then a group of women's voices shouted together: "Envoy Yang, sir!

Mr. Yang, my young lady is here to see you off, please get off the boat."

All the civil and military officials looked back. Yang Hao was uninterested. He was about to walk into the cabin. Hearing the sound, he hurriedly walked to the side of the ship and looked over. After seeing it, he almost fainted.

There are a lot of orioles and swallows, hundreds of young and beautiful women, all wearing colorful clothes, with fluttering belts, fragrant breeze, clouds and mist on the temples, a group of female porridge, these women are all in a row

They came at a trot, with green sleeves and bright wrists raised as they ran, and colorful handkerchiefs waving in the air like a forest. It was so spectacular!

Yang Hao suddenly sweated profusely. Even if he didn't keep a low profile, there was no need to create such a scene, right? The originally solemn farewell scene was mixed up by these women, and they simply didn't know what to say. Yang Hao's eyes were dizzy, and he was so civilized and military.

Not to mention the officials standing on the pier, the sweet fragrance of rouge and gouache had already penetrated their nostrils. A large number of young girls and half-aged ladies ran past them, their breasts and buttocks were rippling.

, with her slender waist and curly figure, which had already dazzled them.

The royal family, the officialdom, and the people of the Song Dynasty were much more open in style than before or in subsequent dynasties. The concept of being close to the people and having fun together was more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, whether it was grand royal celebrations or promotions of officials. For greetings and farewells, or for the birthdays of wealthy gentry and businessmen, they like to invite a group of official prostitutes and famous actors to dress up in fancy clothes, or have banquets with them, or go up to the colorful pavilion to sing and dance to add to the fun. This is considered fashionable and makes them look good. If there is light in the world, they will not act like gentlemen of Neo-Confucianism and denounce his faults.

As soon as these women arrived, all the maids, maids, mothers, and ladies were carrying small sedans. When they arrived at the pier, they all lowered them down. Anyone who came out of them looked stunning when taken out alone. , with fragrant and charming appearance, if you look carefully, you will see that many beauties are recognized by the adults. They are all famous courtesans from Bianliang. They are number one, number two, number three on the oiran list, and the three in the middle are Ping Ping. Tingting, the stunning beauty wearing jingle bells, is the head of the three major celebrities in Bianliang: Liu Duoer, Shen Rao and Wen Xijun.

In the crowd, Wu Wa'er's eyes widened when she saw this situation, and she covered her lips and chuckled: "The official also said that he should smile in a low-key manner, but this is great, even the majesty of King Wei has been obscured by him." Mu Yu. He Muyike couldn't help but laugh, and many officials stepped back to make way for the women, laughing and whispering in surprise, making it a spectacle.

Zhao Dezhao stood on the ship's roof and was dumbfounded. Someone next to him said something to him. Zhao Dezhao burst out laughing and shouted to the bottom of the ship: "Envoy Yang, you are so kind to me, please go to the shore to meet me. I am Your Majesty will be yours for a while.

Yang Hao was so embarrassed in his heart that he stepped on the steps with a dazed expression. On and off the boat, officials all over the pier were pointing, giggling and whispering. He stepped onto the pier and was immediately surrounded by beauties in colorful clothes. .

Most of these red-brand prostitutes have now joined the "Qian Jin Yi Xiao Lou". Even those who have never joined are the only ones who follow the lead of the "Qian Jin Yi Xiao Lou". As soon as the first Oiran Competition begins, their status, fame and influence will rise. Everyone is interested in Yang. Hao was grateful. Now that the big boss behind "Yixiao Lou" was leaving the capital, how could they not come to see him off?

But now, due to the opening of Baiweiju, Baixianglou and Gambling House in Shazhu Alley, the business of the whole street is booming, but this kind of local alley is still very expensive. It is wide and crowded with people all day long.

Today, all these girls are coming to see each other off, either in sedans or chariots, with many personal maids and maids, mothers and wives, and idle men. When they come out, they will turn into a pig-killing alley. It was so crowded, but at this time, the boats that went to various places to recruit girls were coming back one after another. A lot of young girls rushed to the pig-killing lane, attracting many idle people along the way, and the rogues followed and criticized, and now they wanted to come out even more. It was difficult. They spent a lot of effort to fight their way through the pig-killing alley, but by the time they got there, they arrived too late.

Yang Hao Khan thought to himself: "A large group of prostitutes bid farewell to an official who is about to take up his post, probably...probably Liu Yong once had such a scene. Liu Yong even composed a poem for that grand occasion, saying something like "Green shade in the suburbs" Thousands of miles, hiding in red skirts, Team 10, "How can I compare with this guy now?"

"Sir, I have been on this long journey for several months. I have been tired from the journey. Duo'er gave you a pearl belt before leaving. I wish you smooth sailing on your thousand-mile journey." Liu Duo'er, who was wearing a white shirt, saw Yang Hao and stepped forward.

Go and whisper softly, his expression is as calm as water, and there seems to be no disturbance at all.

The belt inlaid with a top-quality walking bead was handed to Yang Hao with both hands. Yang Hao took it in his hand and thanked him with a smile. Suddenly he felt that there was nothing to say. Maybe there had been a vague relationship between the two.

There was a hint of affection, but it was just an instinctive reaction when seeing a good member of the opposite sex. Liu Duoer's ambitions and intentions were completely different from his, and they were destined to be destined to be inseparable. That feeling was the same as the one he had with his senior sister Mo Yan in his previous life that ended without a problem.

Their feelings are somewhat similar, but they gradually drift apart without realizing it.

"Sir, I knew that you were going to Jianghuai, so I rushed to make new clothes for you. But I didn't expect that I was in such a hurry. I learned yesterday that you would be leaving today. I and my sister worked all night to make this dress. The workmanship was poor.

But it is the kindness of my slave and my sister, please accept it."

The two beauties of snow jade, each wearing a green medal, also came forward gracefully. The brocade robe was densely stitched and the workmanship was extremely meticulous. As soon as Yang Hao met their resentful eyes, he thought of what Wu Wa'er said yesterday, and his heart skipped a beat.

He jumped, not daring to look at them again, and hurriedly took it with both hands, thanking them in a low voice.

Immediately afterwards, the Pisces sisters presented them with jade crowns and silk shoes, and other famous prostitutes and actors also came forward to say farewell.

Jin Wang Zhao Guangyi and Prime Minister Zhao Pu were also standing nearby. Seeing this lively scene, Zhao Guangyi couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "This Yang Hao is really ridiculous. Hundreds of prostitutes are sending each other off. Tomorrow it will be another strange thing in Tokyo."

Zhao Pu didn't take it seriously when he saw what he said, but he looked very proud behind his words. It seemed that he felt proud that his subordinates were so prosperous, so he couldn't help but snorted secretly and did not answer.

Zhao Guangyi glanced around and looked carefully, only to see two enchanting girls beside Yang Hao, who were very charming. In front of him were two tall and graceful women with necks as thin as goose necks. When he turned around, his faces were full of resentment.

The girl on the left is particularly outstanding. Her style and temperament are definitely not like those in the party. Her lotus silk shirt and willow flower skirt are all moon white. The beauty's white clothes are like a pear blossom. Her eyes can't help but shine, and she sighs softly: "

There are also such characters in Fengyue Field!"

Luo Kejie, who was on the side and joined the army, followed Zhao Guangyi's gaze and saw that he was admiring Duo'er, the girl he admired the most. He couldn't help but feel like a close friend and said with a smile: "Qiansui, that one is now the number one in Bianjing."

, Liu Duo'er Liu from 'Ruxuefang'."

Zhao Guangyi nodded happily: "She is as beautiful as snow, and she deserves the title of oiran!"

At this moment, Miss Tang had just climbed over the wall of "Ruxuefang" and was running along the Bianhe River towards the dock...

This chapter has been completed!
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