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Chapter 092

Chapter 092 General’s Plan

Bafanglou is a restaurant, which is where Ganzhou's wealthy gentry often choose to discuss business. The tribal leaders in Ganzhou are not as powerful as the officials in the Central Plains, and their style is relatively simple. Suman and Hu Laowen

Although this place is used as a place for daily meetings and business discussions, it is only a private box that has been reserved for a long time, and it does not stop other people's business and occupy the entire Bafang Building. What's more, the Bafang Building was originally opened by Aguli's tribe. Even though they

If you want to dominate, you have to be careful about Aguli, this woman is quite protective.

It was not dinner time at the moment, and due to the disappearance of Aguli in the past two days, there were warriors everywhere in and outside the city searching for her whereabouts. Therefore, everyone tried not to go out to avoid getting into trouble for no reason, so there were not many guests in the Bafang Building.


When Suman arrived, Hu Laowen had already arrived. Hu Laowen was sitting downstairs drinking tea and was not in a hurry to go upstairs. When he heard the news of Suman's arrival, Hu Laowen immediately went out to greet him.

"Brothers Suleman."

"Brother Hu Laowen."

The two people met under the lintel, and as always they went forward and hugged each other with a smile. There was already murderous intent in their hearts, and the way they looked at each other was a little different from before, and their movements were a little stiff. But it was just that.

Both of them had secrets in their minds, so they just thought it was due to their own psychological reasons. No one expected that the other party would choose to take action today.

What they didn't expect even more was that the other party would choose to attack at this gate, because once they entered the restaurant, although there might not be a chance to kill the other party, if they did not take advantage of the killer's escape, if they died in the room they had set,

In the private room, they could not escape the suspicion of murder, so in public, at the door of the restaurant, where people were coming and going, and where it was easiest to hide their whereabouts, became their best choice.

The two people chatted, turned their arms, and were about to step into the gate of Bafanglou when a cold arrow shot from across the street and hit Suman's back. The cold arrow was silent and there was no doubt about its accuracy.

But God did not follow his wishes. At this time, a carriage was approaching on the street. The cold arrow went straight into the horse's ear. The strong horse neighed in pain and stood upright, throwing the groom to the ground. The groom screamed in pain.

The screams startled Suman who was about to step through the door. Looking back, Suman couldn't help being shocked and immediately held down the hilt of the knife. At the same time, several of his guards were already in front of him, alert.

He looked around.

Of course, Hu Laowen's methods were not limited to this. When one arrow failed, people selling fruits on carts on the roadside, people selling jewelry and noodles at stalls beside the steps, and several pedestrians walking leisurely on the road all pulled out their sharp blades in unison and pointed at Su.

Sulman rushed over. In the restaurant, a table of diners overturned the table and rushed over with a sharp saber. The sword was as bright as a sword. In an instant, he injured several guards and surrounded Sulman.

Before Suman set out, he had arranged for assassins, but he came only after receiving an invitation from Hu Laowen. He could not predict whether he would be able to meet Hu Laowen at the door, so although he chose the same place and time

But it was set at the moment when he left Bafanglou. According to past practice, Hu Laowen would leave at the same time as him, and that was when his people would take action. Therefore, although his people had arrived at the scene before him, they were equally clever.

The ground was set up, but there was no preparation for immediate action. Hu Laowen suddenly attacked. Not only were the guards around Suman unprepared, but even the killer who had been ambushing nearby was also stunned and could not react for a moment.

As a result, the steel knife roared, murderous intent filled the court, and Suman was instantly trapped in a certain death situation.


"Myself? How can I save my people?"

"I'll give you what you want, and you give me what I want. Your people are also my people. Of course, I will be responsible for their safety."

"What does the king want?"

"I want your loyalty, your absolute obedience and loyalty."


"What? In order to save your tribe, you didn't even hesitate to sacrifice your own body, but you hesitated to sacrifice your loyalty?"

"Agul... I just don't understand, how can I be loyal to the king?"

"Ali doesn't know my identity. He came here this time to follow you. So by your side, there must be his eyes and ears. You hate Ye Luohe to your bones, and you are the enemy of his father and son. If you have the chance, kill him

Of course he won't let you go. But as Ye Luohe's eldest son, and as a very important person around Ye Luohe, he will never let Ye Luohe compete with Shangbo Qianyi when Ye Luohe is fighting hard.

, I ran all the way back to Ganzhou just to kill you."

"What does your Majesty mean...?"

"Yes, there must be greater interests before he comes. As expected, there is someone in your tribe who has colluded with him. This person's status and current power are definitely not low. Except for

After getting rid of you, this person still hopes to gain greater power. Unless this happens, Ali will not cross the Qilian Mountains and risk returning to Ganzhou."

"Who could this person be?"

"You don't know, so how can I know? I only know that Suman should not be suspicious. Even if he doesn't blame the death of his two sons on Ye Luohe's borrowed knife to kill someone, just because he has something to do with Li Jiyun

If you collude, you will never get involved with Ali again. However, if you want to know who that person is, it is actually very easy."

"Ali came to kill you. That person must know the inside story. Now that Ali and his people are dead, if you also lose track and your whereabouts are unknown, will this person just calm down and wait for the situation to change? Absolutely not, he will

He will be prepared for his evil intentions to be exposed and will use this opportunity to seize power. No matter what, he will definitely take action. We just have to wait and see what happens and wait for him to reveal his flaws."

"But..., if there really is such a person, what actions will he take? If... it causes chaos in Ganzhou, fighting among tribes, and a mess, even... even if I reappear, I'm afraid I won't be able to clean up the situation.


"If you are worried about such consequences, you should be ruthless and think of ways to take the initiative to control the development of the situation in your hands, dig out the traitors, and wash away the scourge with blood. Only in this way can you protect your innocent people."

"I...what should I do?"

"Haha, is this the heroine Aguli, who is like a tiger and a dragon on the battlefield? I am really relieved about you now. You... do not have the qualifications to be a hero at all. After this incident, you will take care of the 200,000 people of Ganzhou.

You should feel free to leave your responsibilities to me. As for you, you should put down the responsibilities that you cannot bear and be a normal woman."

Thinking of this conversation in the underground treasure house of Blackwater City, and of her experience of meeting him naked, being rejected for her sacrifice, and being ridiculed and scolded by him, Aguli's pretty face suddenly became hot again. But the feeling of embarrassment had just begun.

She rose up, then thought of Yang Hao's instructions to her, and couldn't help but feel confused.

She was really sad and disappointed with Suman and Hu Laowen, but according to her temperament, she would rather fight them grandly, even if she died on the battlefield, she would still be hearty, but according to Yang Hao's method...

She sighed softly. She had no way out. In the underground treasure house of Blackwater City, Yang Hao destroyed not only the shame and self-esteem of a woman, but also the self-confidence and courage of a superior person. She continued to

She comforted herself that she was willing to agree to Yang Hao's doing this entirely to avoid greater fights and vendettas among her tribesmen and to control the losses to the minimum. However, she knew very well that this kind of meekness and obedience did not

It is not only the surrender of a subject to the king, but also the surrender of a woman to a man.

She has never felt like this since she was a child. She is like an untamed wild horse, instinctively resenting the control and control of her, even in the face of sweat. But when her hard shell was hit

When she completely exposed her most tender essence in front of this man, her mind and body collapsed at the same time. She felt that she even liked this feeling: being dominated by him, controlled by him,


"Let me be your khan. The battle flags are flying like clouds, and the iron spears are as numerous as the forest. Brave warriors follow me, across the mountains and across the grasslands... The blue sky is my tent, and I am the sun in the sky, and

You, my beautiful bride, are the bright moonlight at night. Only in your gentle embrace can I put down my bow and shield and let you soothe my physical and mental fatigue and trauma..."

Unknowingly, she started humming again. She had loved singing since she was a child, but since her parents passed away and she put down the shepherd's whip early and became the leader of the clan, she has never sung again.

If the humming in her heart didn't count, she let go of her lark-like singing voice again under the ruins of Blackwater City, when she thought she was going to die and was about to shed her heavy responsibility and go see her long-lost parents.

At this time, she subconsciously hummed the song again, and as she sang the song, she unconsciously imagined the image of her father holding a bow, a spear, and a large shield. However, the image of her father in her childhood was still in her memory.

It was already a little blurry, and unknowingly, the image gradually changed into that of Yang Hao. When she sang about the beautiful bride, a figure wearing rich makeup and sitting in the felt tent suddenly flashed in her mind.

A blushing and happy girl, the girl bowed her head gracefully and lightly twisted her clothes. Her Khan strode in with a riding whip, and gently lifted the girl's pointed chin with the tip of the whip...

The singing stopped suddenly, and Aguli suddenly felt a little scared. She felt as if a demon had quietly occupied her heart.


In Yang Hao's room, Zhu Yun was quietly reporting what happened.

"Your Majesty, it seems that Suman also had the idea of ​​dealing with Hu Laowen. When the cold arrow was shot, I frightened a horse and blocked Suman's arrow. Xiaoyi secretly used his hands and feet to hold him back.

He killed the assassin ordered by Hu Laowen. At this time, many people pretending to be ordinary passers-by suddenly took action and killed Hu Laowen."

"Humph! Neither of them is a good person. What happened next?"

"Later, the assassins arranged by Aguli arrived in time, and the three parties were fighting together and it was difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. Xiaoyi secretly helped Aguli's people kill Hu Laowen, and then helped them escape safely. Later, people from the prefect's Yamen came forward and captured

I have captured several of Hu Laowen's men alive, asked about the assassin's identity, and obtained a confession. Now I have joined forces with Sullman to raid Hu Laowen's house and search for his family."

"Where's Xiaoyi?"

"Xiao Yi was following Suman in case he made any changes. I followed him to Hu Laowen's house before coming back. Some people in Hu Laowen's house had already heard the news and fled and returned to their tribe. I believe it won't take long.

Hu Laowen's tribe will fight back to Ganzhou and hold Suman accountable."

"Yes!" Yang Hao nodded lightly: "Very good, in this case, Aguli can appear in time. Tomorrow morning, you escort her away and let Suman be the local emperor for a few days. Ganzhou will be in chaos first.

A few days later, you will accompany Aguli and lead her own troops and troops transferred from Suzhou by Gan Zhangpu to return to Ganzhou in an open and honest manner.

This time, I want to draw out all the rebel forces in Ganzhou. Ganzhou is far away from Xingzhou, with Liangzhou and Lingzhou in between. Since Li Jiyun has set his sights on Ganzhou, there is no reason to disagree with those who are opposed to Xingzhou.

I was in contact with the Tuoba nobles who I was dissatisfied with, and I asked Agu Lixu to make a deal with the snake. The most important purpose was to use Suman to bring out the great scourge hidden in the Tuoba tribe, and to complete the battle! So, Suman, this

People must be allowed to live, live happily and smoothly, haha..."

"Yes, your Majesty has already given the order, and Zhuyun knows what's appropriate."

Zhuyun smiled softly and said: "Actually, your Majesty doesn't need to let Aguli send people to assassinate her. Her people are all heroes who are accustomed to charging into battle on war horses. They are not good at the delicate skills of moving around. Killing a Dendrobium

It's just Lao Wen. Xiaoyi and I can do it easily. Asking her to send people would be a hindrance. In fact, it's easy for me to kill Hu Laowen, but it takes a lot of effort to cover the assassins sent by Aguli to leave."

Yang Hao shook his head and smiled: "That's different. Aguli must participate in it. This is called a petition, do you understand? Originally, I wanted to send the Shadow Guards to take action. Although their skills are extraordinary, I didn't want to reveal anything.

It is still a bit difficult to complete this matter in the trace area. Fortunately, the two of you arrived in time and this problem was easily solved."

Having said this, he straightened his face and said solemnly: "Zhuyun, this time, you and Xiaoyi captured the Tuoba Han Chan brothers alive in front of the two armies and made a great contribution. Before you left, I once said that as long as

Whatever you want, I will grant you whatever you want. Jun Wuxi, now is the time for me to fulfill my promise. Whatever you want, you can say it."

Agul hesitated for a moment, hesitated to speak, her face turned red at first.

Yang Hao saw that she looked embarrassed and couldn't help but wonder: "If you make mistakes, you will be punished. If you have merit, you will be rewarded. Rewards and punishments are clear. This has always been my principle in employing people. You have made a lot of achievements, and it is only natural that I give you a generous reward."

,What are you sorry for?"


Yang Hao couldn't help but laugh: "Tell me, your temper, when have you ever been so hesitant? If you have anything, just say it."

"I...I..." Zhu Yun murmured for a while, then said coyly: "I haven't thought about it yet, otherwise...or I will wait until I return to Xingzhou and...talk to my dad and ask him to help

Let me think about it."

What she said was exactly what Yang Hao wanted. Yang Hao laughed and said, "Okay, then when I get back to Ganzhou, I will fulfill the promise I made to you. Haha, go and ask the kitchen to pack some food and wine.

When Xiaoyi comes back, let’s have a good time tonight and have a good time. Alas, since you went to Bianliang until today, the three of us have been together less and more apart, but it’s been a long time since we sat together and chatted. I miss it very much.

That snowy winter night when I was pulled by you to count the stars."

Zhu Yun couldn't help but flushed with shame when he mentioned her embarrassing story, and she quickly agreed and ran away.

This chapter has been completed!
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