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Chapter 027 Puji Temple

You can imagine how difficult it is to walk through knee-deep snow and haul grain like oxen and horses. Ding Hao had the hardest time among all, because the sled was overloaded and the mules and horses were not strong enough.

Not only do they have to pull the sled with ropes, but they also have to run forward and backward from time to time, take care of the movement of the entire convoy, and guide the people to tie up the broken sledges.

After such hard work, on the third day, Ding Hao finally fell ill due to excessive physical strength. He could only lie on the sled and be pulled away. He had a high fever and the team carried appropriate medicines for him.

Even after decoction, it had no effect, and my forehead felt frighteningly hot.

There was no one around in this place, and there was nowhere to seek medical treatment. Ding Yuluo was frightened and frightened, so he had to wrap ice and snow in his own silk handkerchief and put it on his forehead to cool him down, so as not to burn out his brain. Ding Hao felt dizzy all the way.

, I am less awake and more confused. All I know is that the entire convoy is still moving forward on the endless snowfield. If Guangyuan City is not seen again, this exhausted team will probably collapse completely.

, after all, there is a limit to your strength, and it is impossible to do something against the will of heaven by relying on one force.

On the morning of the fifth day, Ding Hao's fever had subsided a little and his consciousness was somewhat clear. Ding Yuluo was overjoyed. She pulled Xian and turned to talk to Ding Hao. She had just introduced him to the situation of the past two days. Suddenly, there was a burst of wild beasts.

A strange scream rang out.

Ding Yuluo was shocked. He turned around quickly and saw that the team had turned around a low hillside and a group of buildings appeared on the vast snowy field. Looking from a distance, he knew it was a temple. Feng Dazhang was in front of him.

The whip fell into the snowdrift, and when it got up again, it was dancing and shouting, as if it were crazy.

It turns out that this temple is called Puji Temple, which is the largest temple outside Guangyuan City. The abbot, Master Kongkong, has profound Buddhist teachings and outstanding prestige. Many wealthy gentry and celebrities in Guangyuan City often come to the temple to offer incense and listen to Master Kongkong's lectures. It is so famous.

Feng Dazhangbian naturally recognized the temple.

Along the way, because they broke into the wilderness and were not walking on a road, and it was covered with heavy snow, there were no obvious signs, so Feng Dazhangbian could only walk in the general direction, not knowing where he was. Here he is.

Only here did he know that he had arrived outside Guangyuan City. It was only half a day's journey from Guangyuan City. Of course, that was the normal speed of light vehicles. According to their current speed, they would have to walk for a full day.

When they learned that they had arrived in Guangyuan City, the entire convoy was as happy as a group of lunatics. They used all their strength to drag the grain truck and rushed towards Puji Temple with wild shouts.

In front of Puji Temple, four young monks were sweeping the snow with big brooms. Suddenly, they saw a group of people coming in force, leading countless mules and horses, pulling a strange cart without wheels. They were all dressed in shabby clothes and yelling.

They yelled strangely, claiming that some kind of bandit was robbing the temple. They were so frightened that the four young monks lost their brooms and hurriedly rushed in and got through the gate. Then they went to see Abbot Kongkong in tears.

In the main hall, the bells and chimes were ringing and cigarette smoke was swirling. Abbot Kongkong and a group of great monks were doing their homework. Upon hearing the report from the little novice monk, Master Kongkong smashed the wooden fish with his hands. The prison guard and the monks immediately ran to gather martial arts.

The monk, the abbot, the leader and a group of other people rushed to the front yard as if they were impatient.

There was a lot of shouting and shouting outside the mountain gate, some were hoarse and mad, some were thanking God and Buddha, and some were banging on the door. The voices crying with joy sounded like a group of demons dancing wildly, frightening Master Kongkong, an enlightened monk, to the point where his face turned pale, and he saw all the monks in groups.

He was wandering around, as the master of a temple, he had no responsibilities whatsoever, so he asked someone to help him lift a ladder. He twisted the rosary beads in his hand and recited Amitabha Buddha in his heart. He climbed up the courtyard wall cautiously and peeked out.

After all, the old monk was a little more knowledgeable than the young novice. After secretly watching for a long time, he felt that these people outside did not look like bandits. When he had the courage to ask, he found out that they were actually the Ding family from Bazhou who transported grain and grass to Guangyuan.

Monk Kongkong then ordered people to open the mountain gate and welcome them in.

The etiquette in front of the abbot must not be discarded. Ding Yuluo finally met the people near Guangyuan. She had a lot of questions to ask, but she did not dare to lose her etiquette at this time. She suppressed her temper and followed the abbot into the main hall. She had finished paying homage to the Buddha and offering incense.

, then said urgently: "Master Kongkong, I wonder if your temple has a master who is proficient in medical skills. Steward Ding of my team has suffered from cold and high fever. He is now very critical. If he is not treated as soon as possible, he may be in danger of his life."

There were many medical monks in the Buddhist temple. Kong Kong heard the words and said hurriedly: "Junior brother Kong Jian is good at medicine. The female donor can carry the disease into the guest room and let him diagnose and treat it." After saying that, he turned to the monk who knew the guest and said: "Kong Kong heard that, go quickly.

I call you to see Senior Brother Kong and go to the guest room to treat him."

Kong Wen responded and left, Ding Yuluo said gratefully: "Thank you, Master, for your mercy. My Ding family's motorcade encountered heavy snow on the road and was in a very embarrassed state. Being able to go to Puji Temple today is really a manifestation of the Buddha. I have a thousand taels of silver notes here. I am a believer."

Please accept the donation of sesame oil, Master."

Master Kongkong is indeed a virtuous and eminent monk, probably because wealthy families usually donate sesame oil generously, and it has been difficult for them to overcome difficulties. When I heard that Ding Yuluo donated a thousand taels of sesame oil, he still looked calm and calm. He just put his hands together and said lightly

He thanked him, and his demeanor as an eminent monk was revealed. A disciple sitting beside him stepped forward to accept him with a smile.

Seeing the banknote fall into his pocket, Master Kongkong's expression became more kind, and he smiled slightly and said: "Female donor, please come to the Zen room to have tea and talk. Junior Brother Kongzhi, go and settle the Ding family's motorcade."

Because Ding Yuluo was so generous, the abbot personally received her, and because she was a female guest. In order to avoid suspicion, when the abbot invited her to talk in the meditation room, he invited the head monk of Puji Temple, Kongxing, and two young monks each.

We went to sit in the meditation hall together.

As soon as a steaming cup of tea was delivered to her desk, Ding Yuluo couldn't wait to ask: "Master, Xinnu was transporting grain from Bazhou to Guangyuan this time. She encountered robbers and heavy snowfall on the road, so she was delayed.

I just arrived here a few days ago. I heard that the Northerners invaded our border this winter and caused a serious disaster. I wonder... what is the situation in Guangyuan City now?"

When Ding Yuluo asked this, his heart was hanging high, for fear of hearing some bad news. Puji Temple is very close to Guangyuan. If Guangyuan fell, Puji Temple would not be what it is now.

Based on this, Ding Yu thought that the current situation in Guangyuan would not be too bad. However, even if the Guangyuan army did not lose the city, if they suffered a few defeats, it is difficult to believe that the generals would not blame too much in order to shirk responsibility.

The Ding family, they are officials and they are citizens. At that time, if you want to write a letter to defend yourself, you will have no chance. How can you not be afraid in your heart.

Unexpectedly, Master Kongkong was slightly surprised when he heard this, and even twitched his beard and smiled. Ding Yuluo said in surprise: "Master?"

Kong Zhi, the leader of Puji Temple on the side, laughed, clasped his hands and said: "When did the female donor hear the news? Yes, this winter is dry and cold, and the people in the north are helpless for food, clothing, and rice. They have indeed invaded the border on a large scale and robbed me of my wealth and silk.

My people, we are fortunate that the Northerners are in civil strife, and all the bandits that disturbed the border retreated seven days ago."

Ding Yuluo was ecstatic when he heard this, and then all the strength in his body seemed to be drained away. He sat there silently for a long time, feeling that his body was so tired that he didn't even want to move a finger.

When Kongzhi saw her appearance, he thought she was inexplicably surprised, so he explained: "The Northern Emperor Yelu Shulumian was addicted to wine and blood, and was debauched and immoral. Therefore, during the winter hunting, he was driven away by Xiao Siwen, the minister of the other country, and his teeth were removed.

Lis and others sent Snugu, the cook, to hide a sharp knife in the tent and assassinate him. Now, in order to fight for the emperor, the chiefs of the other countries have gathered their troops, and no one has the heart to go south. "

"Thank you... Thank you so much, master." Before Ding Yuluo could finish her words, hot tears were already flowing down her face. This time, they were tears of infinite joy.

In front of the Gongde Hall, a bright little bald man dragged a big broom and looked furtively at Monk Kong Jian who was walking in a hurry. He asked a monk in wonder: "Master Xuanzhao, why is it so busy in front?"

The great monk said: "The Ding family's grain team is just passing by here. It's none of your business. Go and clean the main hall. Bisu, if you continue to be so lazy, even if you have time to listen to my uncle's mercy, the abbot will not tolerate you."


"Yes, yes, yes..." Bi Su, who was as handsome as a little nun, nodded and bowed to send Monk Xuanzhao away. He rolled his eyes and murmured to himself: "It's them again, they arrived at a bad time, the huge grain team

, after such a heavy snowfall, it’s really difficult for them. It seems that those ruffian police officers didn’t make it difficult for them. Hey! If it weren’t for the fact that the uncle had another goal in Puji Temple this time, he would have to tease you all.


After Bisu finished speaking, he picked up the broom and rushed into the hall...

This chapter has been completed!
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