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Chapter 3 The Beginning of Cultivation

In the deep and dark mine, a group of tough-looking miners were looking inside.

The leader has a scar that looks like a centipede on the left side of his cheek, and he is carrying a green-colored saber. He is not a good person at first glance.

The six people following him also looked fierce and held weapons. If it weren't for the fact that they all carried mining hoes behind them, they wouldn't look like miners at all.

"Boss Hong, if you go further in, it will be difficult to get back to Fangshi today. We don't have much water anymore..."

"I just robbed more than fifty low-grade spiritual stones. It's not even enough to pay the head tax for this month. I've been in the mine for three damn days and I just robbed such a small amount. Don't talk nonsense with me. There are more people now."

We’ve all gone deep into the mines, and we’ll dig deeper, kill a few, and then we’ll go back when we have enough 100 low-grade spiritual stones.”

Scarface roared with some frustration, took the lead, and quickened his pace to explore the depths of the mine.

"Boss Hong, there is a fire ahead." After walking forward in the rugged mine for another half an hour, a short man among the six suddenly looked at the road with murderous intent and said happily.

"Finally caught, brother, fuck these guys, the old rule is, no one will be left alive."

Scarface gave an order, and the group of people immediately took up arms and charged forward ferociously. It looked like they had learned some martial arts skills, and they were far stronger than those ordinary miners who were working hard.

"Those who rob the mine...run..."

This is a space about ten feet in diameter. When the eight miners covered in mine ash suddenly saw Scarface and others holding weapons, they immediately dispersed.


Facing ruthless characters like Scarface, who make a living by killing people and selling goods all day long, these eight miners had no resistance at all. In just ten breaths, six of them were hacked to death on the spot, and the remaining two saw the opportunity early.

Use the rugged mines to escape.

Wiping off the thick blood on the sword, Scarface picked up the spiritual stones scattered on the ground one by one, with a ferocious smile on his lips, "These bastards know how to hide, haven't they all fallen under my sword?"

Dead souls, Xiao Liuzi, please count the spirit stones, and we will return when we have enough."


This time can be regarded as the furthest that Scarface and his group have gone in their several-year career of killing and stealing goods. However, this is also due to the increasing number of gangs that have robbed mines in recent years. Nowadays, ordinary miners are worried about being robbed.

They all tried their best to get deeper into the mine.

Just when Scarface and the others were counting the spirit stones, a sharp-eyed guy suddenly pointed to a branch road in the mine ahead and said happily: "Boss, there is a bright light ahead, thank God for helping us, haha, it's another good deal.


Scarface didn't say much. He rolled his eyes, followed the dim light of the fork in front, and charged forward with his knife.

The six people turned a corner and were about to rush forward, but they were shocked by the sight in front of them.

But I saw a naked young man with only a piece of cloth around his waist sitting cross-legged a few feet away with his eyes closed. He watched his palms facing the sky and pinched a low-grade Fire Spirit Crystal each, flashing slightly.

Fiery red flame.

After all, Scarface was experienced. He was just stunned for a moment before he came to his senses, with a fierce look in his eyes, "I hit a wild road, brothers, come on, this kid is doing his job, if he starts late, we will be the unlucky ones."


This person who is practicing deep in the mine is Chu Yi, who has purchased the "Three Yuan Fiery Art" for three years. It is true that, as the scar face said, Chu Yi is indeed at a critical moment in his practice.

Hiding in the mine to practice training was Chu Yi's plan from the beginning.

As early as when he first entered the mining area, preparations had already been made. Within half a year of working hard to accumulate wealth, Chu Yi explored the mineral veins in a radius of hundreds of miles regardless of the cost. He also relied on his background as an engineering architect to explore the surrounding areas.

There are no less than a hundred rich ore spots marked in the winding mine cave with complex topography.

It is precisely because of this that Chu Yi was able to practice the "Three Yuan Fiery Art" to the level of proficiency in just three years, relying on the supply of more than a hundred rich mineral points.

As early as six days ago, Chu Yi found this rich mineral spot and mined nearly a hundred low-grade Fire Spirit Crystals. Together with the Fire Spirit Crystals he had saved, he finally managed to scrape together enough mineral resources to supply him with the acquired bottle power.

"Three Yuan Fiery Art" is an introductory training method of the fire system. For Chu Yi, it is the key to stepping from acquired to innate and becoming a cultivator in the true sense.

For Chu Yi, fire attribute spiritual stones are the greatest improvement in cultivation. In order to have the greatest guarantee in the final breakthrough stage, Chu Yi has spent all his efforts to collect these fire spirit crystals in the past three years.

Who knows that when breaking through the acquired bottleneck, if pure fire spirit crystals are used as consumables, the possibility of breakthrough is at least 30% higher than that of consuming spirit stones with other attributes.

Under Scarface's scolding, several of his men had the courage to attack Chu Yi, who was still cross-legged with his eyes closed. As experienced mine robbers, they knew very well that Chu Yi looked like a

Why do cultivator guys appear here?

After all, the miners who work as coolies in this mine have never been short of people who are aspiring to practice Buddhism. Although they have never encountered them during robbery, they have heard many similar rumors.

The most sensational one was undoubtedly the "Thousands of People Killing" incident that occurred in this mine eight years ago. At that time, the largest mining robbery organization in this mining area encountered a miner who was hiding in the mine and a fire broke out.


That incident directly led to the reshuffle of the ore-robbery forces in the entire mineral vein, and the miner cultivator searched the mineral veins within a radius of hundreds of miles and killed thousands of ore-robbers in three days.

It wasn't until the members of the Supreme Yuanyang Sect who were guarding the mines discovered that they went into the cave to arrest him that the man stopped and his whereabouts disappeared from then on.

There are definitely more incidents like this, but this one caused the greatest sensation and was widely spread.

"I'll take advantage of your illness to kill you..."

The man who robbed the mine at the front was tall and tall, and he wielded a strong knife. He had at least two hundred kilograms of strength. Even a big stone would be cut open by his thick-backed heavy knife.

Until the blade approached, Chu Yi showed no sign of moving. The only thing that changed was that the fiery red light surging around him became more conspicuous. This was clearly a sign that he was about to break through from acquired to innate.

With a heavy slash of the sword, Chu Yi did not fulfill the wishes of several mine robbers, and his body was separated. A flame suddenly shot out from around him without any warning, and the flames of molten gold and iron unexpectedly

The moment the blade approached, the mortal iron weapon melted and evaporated.

The burly man holding the knife was also engulfed by the spreading flames in an instant, even the gold and iron were melted by it, let alone his mortal body.

The shrill screams only had time to be heard before the man was burned into ashes. The only thing that could prove that he was still alive not long ago was a pile of charred bones on the ground.

Escape as far as you can...

There was no need for Scarface to speak at all. The few robbers who rushed forward fled in an instant, and Scarface, as the leader of the group, had already run away far away when the flames first appeared.


On the other hand, Chu Yi was still sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, no different from before, except that the two low-grade fire crystals in his hands had lost their previous luster and turned into two rotten stones without any aura.

This chapter has been completed!
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