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Chapter 545: God of War Longevity (1)

Chapter 545 The Immortality of the God of War (Part 1)

When Chu Yi successfully broke through his super-intuition again, Chu Yi found that he had entered a mysterious and unique realm, a wonderful realm that could not be described in words.

So what does this realm look like?

At this moment, Chu Yi felt that his mind was completely empty, as if all distracting thoughts and even thoughts had been cleared away. His consciousness was pale and clean without any pollution.

And when Chu Yi's consciousness became like the cleanest and whitest paper, the whole world was completely changed because of Chu Yi, as if it had turned into a lake as calm as a mirror, spreading overwhelmingly in all directions.

Heaven and earth are like a mirror lake!

In front of such a mirror lake of heaven and earth, the purest tranquility makes anyone who breaks this tranquility have to pay a price for it, which is reflected in Chu Yi's feeling in disharmony.

Just like the examiner Chu Yi, he is now the only disharmonious existence in this mirror lake of heaven and earth.

At this moment, little ripples appeared in the heart of Chu Yi who was in the state of the mirror lake of heaven and earth. Chu Yi hardly needed to think or use his eyes to see. It was as if he knew what to do in the next moment. Chu Yi just did it.

The attack was extremely aggressive, and the Fighting God Stick turned into a terrifying dragon in Chu Yi's hands, appearing in front of the assessor Chu Yi with perfect accuracy.


The assessor Chu Yi was shocked because he didn't see clearly how Chu Yi took action. In other words, it felt like he took the initiative to face Chu Yi and let Chu Yi attack him.

If the assessor Chu Yi hadn't reacted quickly enough, he might have been hit in the head with this stick.


If such a problem really only occurs once, it can indeed be considered a coincidence, but if such a situation occurs every time, it cannot be explained by coincidence!

The assessor Chu Yi soon experienced this situation for the second and third time. In other words, the assessor Chu Yi has completely fallen into the unique attack rhythm of Chu Yi's world mirror lake.

No matter which direction, no matter what method is used, no matter how to resist, Chu Yi's attack will always hit the examiner Chu Yi at the right moment at the critical moment, giving people the feeling that the examiner Chu Yi sent it to him himself.

It was like beating Chu Yi. As the battle progressed, the assessor Chu Yi became more and more depressed and aggrieved.


Complete chaos!

The examiner Chu Yi's attack rhythm was completely messed up, and he was completely disrupted by Chu Yi. Faced with the fighting stick that always appeared at the most appropriate time, the most reasonable position, and the most critical moment, the examiner

Chu Yi found that no matter how perfect he was and how infallible he was, he was no longer Chu Yi's opponent.

So facing Chu Yi's mythical mirror lake of heaven and earth, the examiner Chu Yi had no choice but to admit defeat, and was eventually shot in the head by Chu Yi with a stick, ending the entire battle.

The battle is over!

Chu Yi recovered from the mysterious state of the mirror lake of heaven and earth, looked at the assessor Chu Yi who was gradually floating in the starry sky, grinned, and said unnaturally: "Uh, this stick feels like knocking yourself to death,

It’s really uncomfortable!”

But no matter what, Chu Yi has passed the test. Looking at the portal-like whirlpool that passed the test, Chu Yi knew that he had finally successfully passed five levels in succession, and could finally face the secrets hidden in the ancient temple.


So what secrets are hidden in the ancient temple?

No matter how he guessed at this moment, Chu Yi couldn't figure out the key to the problem. The only way was to witness the secret hidden in the ancient temple with his own eyes.


Chu Yi stepped into the portal. After a while, Chu Yi entered a unique space world. The moment he entered this world, he was completely shocked by the scene that happened in front of him.

This is……

What appeared in front of Chu Yi were huge stone statues standing up one after another. Under the stone statues were huge tombstones, or merit monuments. Because they recorded the names of ancient gods one after another, as well as their names.

While alive, he made sacrifices and contributions to the ancient god clan.

This is a cemetery that records the deeds of countless outstanding ancient gods. It is a cemetery belonging to the heroes of the ancient gods!

In such a unique place, Chu Yi did not dare to offend or blaspheme in the slightest. He could only browse the tombstones of his ancestors one by one with reverence and carefully read the merits of each ancient god recorded on them.

"The ancient god Tianqiong is divided into heaven and earth levels. He was responsible for guarding the gate of the temple during his lifetime. During the guarding period, no one dared to cross the gate and offend the majesty of the gods."

"The ancient gods and giant spirits are divided into heaven and earth levels. During his lifetime, he was a fierce general of our clan. He was under the banner of the Immortal War God. He fought with the Immortal War God in Taixu, and countless enemies were frightened by the news."

"The Ancient God's Giant Tower is divided into heaven and earth levels. He was the strongest master forger of our clan during his lifetime. The magic weapons forged by him have all become good partners for the lives of our warriors."

"The ancient god Xiaoyao is divided into heaven and earth levels. He was a famous adventurer of our clan during his lifetime. He has visited many places where even the ancient gods have not dared to set foot. Many of our clan's innate treasures were discovered by him."

"The ancient god Wuji is divided into heaven and earth levels..."

"The ancient god Beidou is divided into heaven and earth levels..."

"Ancient God..."


With great reverence, Chu Yi carefully read through the deeds recorded piece by piece. From there, Chu Yi learned many unknown secrets. From these tombstones, which were like merit monuments, he saw the story of the ancient god clan back then.

The glory and glory made Chu Yi feel proud of being an ancient god.

Ancient God!

What a powerful nation. Under the glory of the ancient god clan, all races in the ancient times have surrendered. They all respect the ancient gods as the strongest nation, and no one dares to sharpen their edge.

With such a noble mood, Chu Yi proudly looked at the tombstones recording merits and deeds, appreciating the power of the ancestors and the prosperity of the ancient god clan, until he came to the deepest part of countless statues and saw

When he reached the largest statue that towered over countless other statues, Chu Yi stopped.

The statue is as high as 180,000 feet, which has surpassed the 180,000 feet of the heaven and earth-level ancient gods. There is only one ancient god among the ancient gods who can reach the body of 180,000 feet, and that is - the God of War.


The ancient god of war!

A trace of surprise flashed in Chu Yi's eyes, because he never expected to see the God of War in the ancient temple.

Are you kidding me? The God of War is such a being. He can be said to be the most powerful being in the Taixu universe. I didn’t expect that he would be killed and buried in the ancient temple.


Silver Pig once said that the God of War was an almost invincible and invincible existence in the ancient times. Except for the catastrophe that year when even the God of War could not survive, no one has ever heard of the God of War falling.

But there is a statue of the God of War standing here. What is the situation? And who is this God of War?

With an extremely wonderful mood, Chu Yi slowly came to the front of the statue of the God of War. Seeing a tombstone that also recorded merits and deeds erected under the statue, Chu Yi read it carefully.

"I am the fifth God of War, Immortal, possessing the power of immortality. Within the Hong Yu, I am confident that no one from any race can harm or kill me. But sadly, I can be invincible in this Hong Yu, so what if I am immortal?

Outside of Hong Yu, there are powerful beings that our clan cannot imagine...that are unimaginable...

My descendants, when you come here again after hundreds of millions of years and see my sorrow again, please be careful of those existences outside Hong Yu, they... they are..."


The writing on the tombstone was very messy, and in the end it became blurry. Even if you look at it with the eyes of the gods, you can't distinguish the content of the writing behind it.

At the same time, this tombstone does not seem to record the deeds recorded by the previous tombstones, but what it wants to express and what it wants to warn.

But it is a pity that the writer seemed to have exhausted all his efforts at the last moment, and the last and most critical thing was not able to be expressed, and it became a big mystery that will stay here forever.

Not only that, the loss of this most crucial mystery makes the writer's good intentions completely in vain. Instead of successfully conveying something useful, it makes the viewer even more anxious and panicked.

Even...you will have random thoughts!

For example, how did the ancient God of War Changsheng, who was said to be immortal and who was also the God of War and was difficult to kill, lose his life? What kind of existence was the existence other than Hong Yu mentioned by the ancient God of War Changsheng?

Does the so-called Hong Yu really exist? Assuming that there is another world besides Hong Yu, what does this world look like?

The numerous doubts not only failed to solve Chu Yi's confusion, but also brought many new mysteries to Chu Yi.

Therefore, after reading this tombstone belonging to the ancient God of War, Changsheng, the only news Chu Yi got was that this tombstone was left by the ancient God of War, Changsheng, at a critical moment, and besides Taixu Huanyu, there seemed to be other

There is another world. And this world is very powerful, so powerful that it can even kill the ancient God of War, Immortal, who is said to be immortal.

In the end, Chu Yi had to give up the investigation because he knew too little information. Instead, he searched carefully to see if there was any new discovery.

Not to mention, during such a search, Chu Yi did find something useful, that is, some strange patterns appeared in a hidden location on the tombstone.

These patterns looked very random, like the patterns carved on tombstones, similar to decorations. But after Chu Yi observed it with the Eye of God, he found that these patterns were actually forbidden. As long as he used the Eye of God,

Observe with your eyes, and these patterns will come alive in your eyes.


Secrets that only the ancient gods can discover, or secrets reserved exclusively for the ancient gods!

This chapter has been completed!
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