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Chapter 564 Hailing Ghost City

Chapter 564 Hailing Ghost City

Contraband items are those items that are prohibited from being sold by the three saints, which will harm Hong Yu, destroy Hong Yu's peace, and even affect the dominance of the three saints.

Rare items are items that are very rare or can only appear in very dangerous places. These items are extremely difficult to obtain and difficult to get rid of, so we hope to sell them at a high price through the ghost market.

Therefore, for all these reasons, the things sold in the ghost market are far better than those sold in the open market.

Not to mention anything else, even Chu Yi, who owns several innate treasures, was attracted here, which shows how attractive the things in the ghost market are.

At this moment, Chu Yi followed Yupai and stayed on the vast sea far away from Starfish Island. What appeared in front of him was a huge sea ship.

The ship is very exquisitely built, somewhat similar to the luxury yachts on earth. It is just an all-wood structure with an antique shape. The cabins standing above are also in the shape of pavilions. Rather than saying this is a luxury yacht, it is more like an ancient person seeking pleasure.

The painted boat for having fun seems more appropriate.

There were already many people on the boat, but most of them were receptionists. They were all beautiful women, handsome men, and even a few ancient people who were very rare to see.

Not all ancient races are powerful. For example, in ancient times, some ancient races were very powerful, while others were very weak. Another example is that in the current Taixu monk world, some races are very prosperous, while others are much worse.

The Giant Spirit Tribe and the Snow Spirit Tribe are the most striking examples.

The ancient races on these paintings are obviously not that powerful ancient race, and their cultivation level is not even as good as the ascended saints in Taixu Universe. However, because they are all natives in Hongyu, they also have Nirvana Saint level cultivation.


And when Chu Yi was observing the boat, the service staff on the boat had obviously noticed Chu Yi, who was wearing a hat and a cloak, and his whole body was covered up very tightly. Immediately, there was a very coquettish-looking person with revealing clothes and skin.

A girl with attractive pink hair came forward.

But what is noteworthy is not how beautiful this woman is, nor her clothes, but the fact that this woman has a pair of very smart big eyes, shining with a beautiful silver-gray color like the moon, crystal clear and translucent.

At this moment, the girl with beautiful eyes flew in front of Chu Yi. She glanced at Chu Yi's jade plaque first, and after confirming her identity, she immediately said respectfully: "Holy Master, welcome to the Red Lotus Boat, please.

Move to the cabinet, the auction will be held later when everyone is gathered."

Chu Yi did not move, glanced at the girl coldly, changed his voice and said hoarsely: "If you peep with those rogue eyes again, I will dig out your eyes immediately."

The girl was just the cultivation of the Tongtian Saint. After hearing Chu Yi's words, her face immediately changed in shock, and she quickly explained in panic: "Saint Master, please calm down, the little girl is from the Spirit Eye Clan, and the Spirit Eye is only a characteristic of this clan.

, and couldn’t control it, so I peeked inadvertently. But don’t worry, Holy Master, the Holy Master has great magic power, and the little girl can’t see anything.”

Chu Yi was not very familiar with Hong Yu, so it was difficult to tell the truth from what the girl said.

But although Chu Yi didn't know it, he had a good helper like Yin Zhu. Chu Yi almost didn't need to think about it. Yin Zhu had already opened his mouth and said: "The Ling Mou clan has a weak physique and poor cultivation aptitude. In addition to having a pair of spiritual eyes,

There is almost nothing special about her. But she is good at illusions. The secret technique of the clan: Eye of the Moon, has the reputation of being the best illusion in Hong Yu. You need to be careful. However, this little girl has only reached the realm of heaven. Even if she practices extremely powerful illusions

The secret method can’t do anything to you.”

Chu Yi nodded secretly and snorted coldly: "Be more careful next time!"

The girl immediately nodded in panic, and then continued to guide Chu Yi, but her expression was much more respectful than before, and her movements were more careful.

Chu Yi, on the other hand, still behaved very calmly and calmly, and asked as he moved forward: "This is my first time participating in an auction here. What are the rules? Tell me!"


The girl did not dare to be negligent at all, and immediately began to explain carefully: "Although our Honglianfang business is a ghost market auction, it is basically the same as a regular auction. It is just a little smaller in scale and only entertains people."

Famous and powerful sages participated."

This girl is somewhat clever and knows how to secretly support Chu Yi at this moment.

It's a pity that Chu Yi didn't take this trick at all. He ignored the girl's little thoughts and said calmly: "Then please introduce to me again, what are the products in this auction?"

The girl seemed to have encountered this problem many times and said with a professional smile: "I'm sorry, no one knows about the auction items in advance. We will only inform everyone when the auction officially starts. Please don't blame me, Holy Master.

This is the biggest feature of our Honglianfang, and it is also a trading model."

Trading mode?

While Chu Yi was thinking, he heard the girl say: "Holy Master, the thing is like this. In addition to selling things ourselves, we at Honglianfang are also responsible for buying things or helping others sell things. The main reason for doing this is because the things we buy are all

It is a high-quality product, and the transaction volume may be a bit large, so occasionally there may be insufficient funds.

Therefore, when some customers have insufficient funds, they can sell things through us and then exchange for enough funds to continue bidding.

Of course, the items for sale must be appraised by our appraisers. If our appraisers determine that they can be traded and have transaction value, we will let the customer choose whether to auction through us or sell to us.

If it is sold to us, we will give a fair price. If the customer has no objection, the item will be directly converted into funds and given to the customer. If the customer is not satisfied with our price, we will give a minimum transaction price and then proceed.

Help customers auction.

It's just that we have to bear certain risks for this kind of temporary auction, so we will charge a commission of 20%, which is 10% higher than the regular auction. At the same time, we would like to remind the Holy Master that if there is really insufficient funds,

Please start the auction quickly before you encounter the product you like, otherwise you will not be able to trade the product because you will not be able to get funds at the first time."

What a Honglianfang, it’s really a domineering clause!

But it has to be said that the Red Lotus Boat is really good at doing business. As the saying goes, those who are willing to fight are those who are willing to suffer. Coupled with the mystery of the goods, the auction adds a certain degree of gambling, which makes everyone who participates

They all had to bring enough funds.

If you bring enough funds, you will naturally fall into the trap of Honglianfang. No matter how much money you bring, they will find a way to take the money out of your pocket.

Of course, Honglianfang also needs to take a lot of risks in doing so.

Because of the lack of previous publicity, if the items sold are not of high quality, they will easily fail to sell, and you will not be able to make any money at that time, and you may even lose a lot of money.

However, whether Honglianfang can make money, and what does it have to do with Chu Yi?

Chu Yi is only concerned about one thing now, and that is the product he wants: the Qiankun Boundary Breaking Shuttle. Will it be auctioned here?

Also, the products here are only known when they are auctioned. No one knows what the next product will be before the auction. So how did the counter-holy alliance shopkeeper Jin Abacus know what products will be auctioned here?

Chu Yi fell into deep doubts, and was led into a fairly comfortable private room by the girl. The scent of Qingxin Xiang made people not feel disgusted with this place.

When Chu Yi arrived, he had already discovered that there were about thirty private rooms like this. If each private room represented one guest, then the number of members in this auction would only be thirty at most.

Sure enough, the size of the auction is not very large!

But the size of the auction is not large. If everyone is like me, with more than 40 million source crystals, then the transaction volume will be as high as 1.2 billion. Compared with the large-scale and fully publicized transaction, it is not at all

How much less? In fact, according to the then shopkeeper Jin Abacus, the more than 40 million source crystals he had seemed to be nothing, so the transaction volume might exceed 1.2 billion.

Be good!

This Honglianfang is really a ghost market, and it’s a very dark way to make money!

However, no matter how much money the Red Lotus Boat makes, Chu Yi thinks that he can't get anything out of him, because Chu Yi lacks nothing except a boundary boat. As for other commodities, Chu Yi doesn't have anything.

within the scope of consideration.

In this way, Chu Yi began to prepare for the transaction, let the girl leave on her own, and quietly waited for the auction to begin.

The auction did not keep Chu Yi waiting for too long and was held soon. However, at the moment it was held, Chu Yi suddenly showed a dumbfounded expression. At the same time, he also knew why the shopkeeper Jin Abacus knew about the products here.

"Comrades, everyone is basically an acquaintance. I don't need to introduce who I am, Golden Abacus. Let's stop chatting. Today we will start the auction of the first auction item. This item is..."

Yes, love is a money-printing machine: Honglianfang is against the Holy Alliance!

The moment he saw the golden abacus, Chu Yi finally understood why the golden abacus knew what the product was and was able to estimate it. What made Chu Yi even more dumbfounded was that the Qiankun Boundary Shuttle was probably brought by the golden abacus.

The reason why he was seduced was that Jin Abacus was unhappy with Chu Yi trying to salvage a fortune from him.

There is a calculation of profit or loss!

It’s really a win-win situation!

Looking at today's posture, Chu Yi knew that unless he took out all the 40 million source crystals in his pocket, this golden abacus would never give up.

Not only was Chu Yi dumbfounded, Yin Zhu was also yelling curses, scolding the Rebel Alliance for being heartless, and scolding Jin Abacus for being cunning.

But even though he was unhappy with the scolding, Chu Yi also knew that he would definitely suffer the loss today, because the Qiankun Boundary Breaking Shuttle produced by Jin Abacus must be good, otherwise how could he induce Chu Yi to spend money?

At the same time, Chu Yi is basically certain that when the Qiankun Boundary Breaking Shuttle appears, Jin Abacus will introduce it without hesitation and raise the price severely. Especially when he sees Jin Abacus, he can take out rubbish.

After talking about Cheng Bao and successfully selling several good ancient treasures at high prices, Chu Yi became even more sure.

Sure enough!

While Chu Yi was shaking his head, Jin Abacus smiled proudly, and the Qiankun Boundary Breaking Shuttle that Chu Yi was looking forward to was taken out by Jin Abacus.

"Comrades, this auction item is a boundary boat. Don't underestimate this boundary boat. It is an ancient boundary boat, which was refined by the Yin-Yang clan, a famous ancient clan among the ancient clans.

The Yin and Yang tribe, an ancient tribe that can rank among the thousands of ancient tribes, is good at the secret arts of yin and yang, and is proficient in the laws of the universe. It can travel between yin and yang, walk within the universe, and can easily enter a world without passing through the gate.

Big world.

This Qiankun boundary-breaking shuttle inherits the characteristics of the Yin-Yang clan and can enter any world from the starry sky without passing through the boundary gate.

In the same way, the way to enter the starry sky from any world does not need to pass through the gate. You can easily enter and exit freely, which is unparalleled in mysteries.

Regarding such a function, I believe that all of you have already got a taste of it, right?

Yes, as long as you have such a boundary boat in hand, you can enter many big worlds that are usually inaccessible, very dangerous, or whose boundary gates are destroyed. Also in the big world, when you encounter danger, you can also use the boundary boat to escape.

Easily return to the road to the stars, greatly improving your personal safety.

There are so many wonderful things that Kim probably couldn't introduce them all even if he spent ten days and ten nights on them. He should wait for his colleagues who bought this world boat to go back and study the mysteries inside.

The auction starts now, Qiankun Boundary Breaking Shuttle, the base price is 7.2 million source crystals, each increase in price must not be less than 200,000 source crystals, the auction starts now!!!"

When the golden abacus was introduced, Chu Yi had basically guessed that the price would probably be raised completely, so when the golden abacus started to be auctioned, Chu Yi knew that there would be a fierce competition next, so he did not hesitate.

He spoke directly and bid: "Twenty-two million!"


Because of Chu Yi's bidding, the entire auction venue became quiet on the spot from the commotion caused by the appearance of the Qiankun Boundary Breaking Shuttle.

The low price is 7.2 million, the bidding is 22 million, and the price is directly increased to 14.8 million?

This price is indeed a bit harsh!

But how do these people know that this price is simply the price that Jin Abacus estimated for Chu Yi when Chu Yi and Jin Abacus were looking for information. Now Chu Yi just handed over this price deliberately, wanting to see what Jin Abacus would do in front of this price.

, how it ended.

But what Chu Yi didn't expect was that he deliberately made things difficult for Jin Abacus, but he didn't expect to make things difficult for everyone present.

After all, a boundary boat is a boundary boat. Although it has the ability to travel through the big world and the starry sky at will, it is still a boundary boat in the final analysis. So according to Hong Yu's consumption level, it costs 22 million source crystals to buy a boundary boat.

It’s really not a good deal.

Therefore, everyone was stunned by Chu Yi at this moment, and for a while they didn't know whether to continue bidding to buy.

After Chu Yi did this, Jin Abacus also cooperated very well, standing there honestly, and seemed to have no intention of continuing to promote or drive up the price.

In other words, this is not the original intention of Golden Abacus!

According to Jin Abacus' intention, he tricked Chu Yi into coming to the ghost market and then controlled the price at the position he said, just to make things difficult for Chu Yi. However, Jin Abacus never expected that Chu Yi would directly call out what he said.

Estimated price for Chu Yi.

In the face of this price, if he raises the price again, he will be too obvious in making things difficult for Chu Yi.

No, to be precise, the problem has risen to the point where it defeats the purpose of the Great Elder.

Everything the Great Elder did so hard was to make Chu Yi owe him a favor. As long as Chu Yi owed him a favor, if the Rebel Alliance needed Chu Yi in the future, they could use this favor to contain Chu Yi.

Now that it's fine, Chu Yi uses money to eliminate disasters to repay this favor. As long as the Qiankun boundary-breaking shuttle is sold for a sky-high price that exceeds its original value, and all the money is spent by Chu Yi, when the great elder comes in the future

When he needed help, Chu Yi could use the excuse of being cheated by the Golden Abacus and being plotted by the Rebel Alliance to avoid helping the Great Elder.

Jin Abacus broke out in cold sweat, he didn't dare to ruin the great elder's good deeds!

Damn it, don't let anyone raise the price!

Jin Abacus stood there honestly. Now he regretted making things difficult for Chu Yi. If he bought it at a sky-high price, how would Jin Abacus explain to the great elder?

However, I am afraid that whatever comes my way, just when Jin Abacus was about to make the final decision and end this cheating auction, there was an unscrupulous guy who directly shouted: "Twenty-two and a half million! Hehe, I, Lord Xuanwu, have taken a fancy to him.

Who dares to snatch something from me?"

Xuanwu Zun, a great sage-level cultivator, Hong Yu has quite a reputation. He has always been a loner, both good and evil. With his good cultivation and courage, few people can check and balance this guy.

Now that Master Xuanwu had announced his name, he proudly wanted to frighten Chu Yi, but unexpectedly he fell into Chu Yi's trap, and was hated by Jin Abacus.

You Xuanwu Master, my golden abacus will kill you sooner or later!

At the same time, Chu Yi said very leisurely: "Thirty million source crystals!"

Yes, Chu Yi definitely did this on purpose!

Jin Abacus became even more angry and itched his teeth. He glared at the box where Chu Yi was sitting, and directly gave Chu Yi a message, roaring: "You kid, don't look for trouble, okay? Just call me 23 million and I'll hit the hammer."

Here you go, why do you have to ask for 30 million?"

Chu Yi happily replied: "I'm happy, I have money, do you care about it?"

Jin Abacus gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, you are cruel enough. You only have more than 40 million source crystals. If you don't have enough money, what should I do with you?"

Chu Yi said leisurely: "It seems like you can sell things here. Haha, I seem to have something in my hand. At worst, if I sell it at a loss, won't I make money?"

Jin Abacus was furious, but Lord Xuanwu over there was even angrier than Jin Abacus.

Xuanwu Zun relies on his good cultivation and has always been alone without worries. Normal big forces will not trouble him, and small forces are not opponents, so Xuanwu Zun basically only needs to report his name, and he has basically not suffered any losses.


Now Chu Yi directly shouted for 30 million source crystals. Isn't this a clear slap in his face?

More importantly, Lord Xuanwu cannot step down now. If he doesn't continue shouting, he will be completely embarrassed. So after weighing for a moment, knowing the loss, Lord Xuanwu still gritted his teeth and shouted: "Three thousand one


"Forty million source crystals!"

Without giving Lord Xuanwu a chance to continue shouting, Chu Yi shouted out a sky-high price without hesitation. Faced with this price, Lord Xuanwu was dumbfounded on the spot.

Money does not come from a flood. Although a lone ranger like Xuanwu Zun has more source crystals than a newbie like Chu Yi, it is only a little more. Spending more than 40 million yuan crystals to buy one is not a big deal now.

With Jiezhou, if something good comes up in the next auction, you basically don’t have to think about it.

But I can’t let go of this face!

Just when Master Xuanwu was hesitating whether to continue bidding, Jin Abacus read through it and said: "Stop shouting, there is something suitable for you below, so if you buy this world boat now, you will want something like that later.

Don’t even think about it.”


Lord Xuanwu glanced at Jin Abacus silently. Although he didn't know why Jin Abacus reminded him like this, between the Taoism of the ancient Tianwu clan and Jie Zhou, he still gave up Jie Zhou very sensibly.

Xuanwu Zun gave up the bidding, as if he was afraid that something would happen again. Jin Abacus hurriedly banged the hammer and said: "Congratulations to this fellow Taoist, for auctioning this Qiankun Boundary Shuttle with 40 million source crystals. Jin can guarantee that it will definitely be there."

It’s worth it! Okay, let’s now proceed with the auction of the next auction item.”

This guy...

Seeing the appearance of the golden abacus at this moment, Chu Yi smiled leisurely and calmly. As for the next auction, he didn't care about it at all. Only when Xuanwu Zun was auctioning, he deliberately made trouble and increased the price to force Xuanwu Zun to spend money.

More money was spent to buy goods at a loss.

But Chu Yi was completely hated by Lord Xuanwu for doing this, which made Jin Abacus even more depressed.

This chapter has been completed!
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