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Chapter 627: The Legend of Tianzun (1)

Chapter 627 The Legend of Tianzun (Part 1)

What appeared in front of everyone was a wide cave. There was an icicle erected in the cave. There was a giant beast from ancient times frozen in the icicle. It had a nine-headed eagle body, wings like bat wings, and sharp edges like blades.

Coupled with a pair of sharp claws and a ready-to-pounce look, it awes people.

At the same time, this beast had been frozen for who knows how long, but it was still as fierce as before in life. Chu Yi, Yin Zhu, and You Yun stumbled into this place by mistake. When they suddenly looked at it, they thought the beast was still alive, and their expressions changed slightly in fear.

, almost couldn't help but attack.

Fortunately, Chu Yi, Yin Zhu, and You Yun were all well-trained, and the techniques they practiced were able to retract and release freely. After recognizing that this beast was frozen, they immediately retracted their attacks and did not smash Xuan Bing rashly.

Cause catastrophe.

After all, this ferocious beast doesn't look like a dead thing. Who knows if this ancient ferocious beast will come to life after the Xuan Bing, and then stir up trouble and cause trouble to the world.

Apart from anything else, Silver Pig had obviously recognized this beast, and the moment he recognized it, he said in a horrifying voice: "Jiu Ying, it turns out to be the ferocious beast Jiu Ying!"

Nine babies?

Chu Yi, You Yun's heart skipped a beat, and when he looked at Yin Zhu in confusion, Yin Zhu had already begun to explain: "Nine Infants, a famous ferocious beast in ancient times. Each of its nine heads has nine extraordinary abilities. It is extremely powerful and can cause chaos.

Countless wise men in the world have died in the hands of this guy, and no one can stop him.

However, Lord Zhu remembers that because of his many evil deeds, the Nine Infants were finally killed by the Ancient God of War, Tianzun, in the Arctic underworld. How come they are here now?"

What Yin Zhu didn't know, Chu Yi and You Yun were even less likely to know. As they looked at each other, they suddenly thought that the Nine Infants were killed by the ancient God of War Tianzun. So is there any connection and relationship with the ancient God of War Tianzun?

But when Chu Yi, Yin Zhu, and You Yun had no time to think so much, because after they bypassed the icicle that sealed Jiu Ying, an even more shocking scene appeared in front of them.

In the entire huge underground world, countless icicles appeared, and they stood in rows in the huge underground world. Their number was no less than thousands.

how so?

Chu Yi, Yin Zhu, and You Yun were stunned. As they stared, they all saw awe-inspiring beings. There were even some frozen creatures whose prestige was not inferior to that of Jiu Ying.

Not only that, in addition to the sealed ferocious beasts, there are also many ancient tribes. These ancient tribes were famous existences in ancient times, and have now disappeared in all realms of Hongyu.

Wait...what is that?

Due to the purpose of the gods, Chu Yi's eyesight can be said to be extremely poisonous, far above the silver pigs and wandering clouds. So when Chu Yi was driven by curiosity to see how many icicles there were, his eyes crossed one.

After seeing an icicle, Chu Yi saw the most peculiar and extraordinary icicle, or the existence frozen in the icicle.

This is a woman who is so beautiful that even the Buddha would be tempted. Her whole body exudes a fairy-like temperament. She is like an aloof fairy, quietly frozen in the black ice. She is so weak and pitiful that people want her.

Rescue her.

Who is this woman?

Chu Yi was secretly shocked and immediately told Yinzhu what he had discovered. Then he heard Yinzhu say: "Let's go and take a look first!"

Immediately, Chu Yi, Yin Zhu, and You Yun launched their escape methods and fled towards the location Chu Yi mentioned. They stood in front of this huge icicle. Looking up close, this woman was even more beautiful and heartbreaking. I couldn't bear to see a woman like her frozen.

This place has been in silence for hundreds of millions of years.

At the same time, the more Yin Zhu looked at this woman, the more familiar she felt. Until he recognized the woman, he exclaimed: "Fairy Wanhua, is this her?!"

Who is Fairy Wanhua?

Just when Chu Yi and You Yun both showed doubts, Yin Zhu continued: "Fairy Wanhua, whose real name is Yao Ji, is a famous beauty in the fairy world. She is the daughter of Shennong, the emperor of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. She is kind-hearted, proficient in medical skills, and deeply

He is loved by Emperor Shennong of the Earth."

The daughter of the True Immortal Clan, the Emperor of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors?

Chu Yi and You Yun were shocked and surprised. After being shocked, they found that Yin Zhu was about to speak but stopped. Chu Yi had already guessed that Yin Zhu had something else to say, and immediately asked: "Damn pig, if you have anything to say, just tell me.


Sighing, Yin Zhu continued: "Fairy Wanhua has been overthinking and restless since she was a child. She is like a wild goose in the clouds that cannot be contained. So she often sneaks away from the fairy world alone and travels around the worlds of Hongyu.

Encountering danger. Fortunately, she is the daughter of the Emperor of Earth. She has no shortage of magic weapons and skills. She can avoid most dangers no matter what.

But after walking a lot at night, there will always be bumps and bruises. Finally, one day while playing, Fairy Wanhua encountered an accident and almost died. Fortunately, the ancient God of War Tianzun passed by and cast a spell to save Fairy Wanhua.

The ancient god of war, Tianzun, was at war with the immortal world at that time. After hearing that he was rescuing the daughter of the Earth Emperor, he immediately felt a malicious desire for revenge, so he simply kidnapped Fairy Wanhua and kept her by his side, forcing Fairy Wanhua to be his wife.


This Fairy Wanhua is no match for the Ancient God of War, Tianzun. She couldn't resist despite all her efforts, and was just... well, forced by the Ancient God of War, Tianzun."

Chu Yi and You Yun were shocked after hearing that. Their eyes widened as wide as they could, and their mouths opened as wide as they could. They were stunned for a long time before Chu Yi jumped out and said: "Old ancestor,

So domineering!"

You Yun looked strangely and said: "Yes, there are detailed records in the classics of our Da Zi Zai Celestial Clan. The ancient god of war, Tianzun, was very arrogant and arrogant, and did many unbelievable things.

However, the ancient God of War, Tianzun, was also very arrogant and generous. He never treated his own people with different intentions. When our Dazuizi Celestial Clan was insulted by the Heavenly Demon Clan, he took action brazenly and did not hesitate to start an all-out war with the Heavenly Demon Clan and hunt down three members of the Heavenly Demon Clan.

In one hundred worlds, the Eighteen Demon Gods and the Ninth Demon God, the Blood Demon God, were almost beaten to death. This incident was extremely troublesome.

However, it is precisely for this reason that I, the Great Freedom Celestial Clan, have sworn allegiance to the ancient God of War, Tianzun, and are willing to serve for him."

Listening to Yin Zhu and You Yun's descriptions, Chu Yi had a certain understanding of the ancient God of War Tianzun, that is - he was absolutely domineering.

Chu Yi suddenly became very curious about the ancient god of war, Tianzun, and he prepared himself to listen to the story and said: "Dead pig, continue to tell me, what happened to the ancestor and Fairy Wanhua?"

Yin Zhu satisfied Chu Yi's request to listen to the story and continued: "What else can be done? When he heard that his good daughter was raped...forcibly, the Emperor Shennong became furious on the spot and his eyes turned red, and he came directly to the door to kill him.

Prepare to risk your life with Tianzun, the ancient god of war.

The Earth Emperor Shennong and the ancient god of war Tianzun, both of them are the existences that surpass Hong Yu. The battle will naturally be earth-shattering, and a large world will be destroyed in the battle between the two parties.

The fight between the two was too fierce and caused too much harm to Hong Yu. In the end, the other eight war gods, Emperor Fuxi, Emperor Suiren, and the Five Emperors all intervened to stop it, and the fierce battle between the two was barely stopped."

You Yun also likes to listen to stories. When he heard this, he immediately asked curiously: "What about Fairy Wanhua? Although this matter originated from the ancient god of war Tianzun, Fairy Wanhua is also one of the protagonists of the story. Where is she?


Yin Zhu rolled his eyes at You Yun and said, "This is where the excitement comes from!"

Immediately, Yin Zhu recalled for a moment and continued: "After the Earth Emperor Shennong and the ancient God of War Tianzun were dissuaded, the Earth Emperor Shennong put forward an idea, that is, let the ancient God of War Tianzun release his daughter, otherwise he would risk his life.

, and the Ancient God Clan must pay the price.

Forced into desperation, the other eight war gods also asked the ancient war god Tianzun to return the daughter of the Earth Emperor Shennong. Unexpectedly, the ancient war god Tianzun had no objection at all and directly ordered people to bring Fairy Wanhua.

After Fairy Wanhua arrived, everyone was dumbfounded.

Because...Fairy Wanhua is pregnant..."


Chu Yi and You Yun were all dumbfounded. This ancient god of war, Tianzun, was so overbearing. He even played with other people's daughters and even made them pregnant.

It seems that not only that, Yin Zhu's expression became even weirder at this time, and he said: "Fairy Wanhua is not only pregnant. After spending time with the ancient God of War Tianzun for so long, she was impressed by the ancient God of War Tianzun and has fallen deeply in love with her.

I have a deep love for the ancient god of war, Tianzun.

When things got to this point, the Earth Emperor Shennong was also dumbfounded. In the end, the ancient God of War Changsheng reacted quickly enough and tried his best to promote the matter. In addition, the Emperor and the Human Emperor gave their full support. Finally, Fairy Wanhua married the ancient God of War Tianzun.

The True Immortal and the Ancient God clan also established friendly relations, and a great war finally disappeared.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that after the ancient God of War Tianzun married Fairy Wanhua was publicized in all realms of Hongyu, those who admired Fairy Wanhua in Hongyu basically cried for three days, and even

Some people even resorted to suicidal actions in an attempt to stop this marriage."

Chu Yi and You Yun were dumbfounded and sighed after hearing this. After a long time, Chu Yi sighed with emotion: "My ancestor is so domineering. A man should be like him!"

You Yun was addicted to the story, and then asked: "Where is the child? The child born of two outstanding bloodlines, the Ancient God and the True Immortal, must be very awesome!"

Silver Pig's face showed pride and said: "Yes, his name is Qitian. He possesses the power of the ancient gods and is proficient in all kinds of exquisite magic spells of the true immortals. He is known as the being who has the best chance of becoming the tenth God of War."

When Chu Yi saw Yin Zhu's expression, his heart suddenly moved slightly, and he thought to himself: Every Qilin tribe will be loyal to a certain ancient god, willing to become its mount and accompany the ancient god in his lifelong battles. How can it be said that Yin Zhu loves Qi Tian so much?

Silver Pig used to be Qilin, the protector of the sky?

You Yun didn't understand this situation. After Yin Zhu was proud, he showed a sad expression and said: "It's a pity that Qi Tian became the tenth God of War, and as a result, catastrophe came. Qi Tian is an ancient god and a true immortal.

He fought against his own people and died in vain at the hands of people outside the territory."

This chapter has been completed!
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