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Chapter 689: The Realm of Proving the Way (1)

Chapter 689: The Realm of Enlightenment (Part 1)

Come up and attack!

The three great sages were unparalleled in their wisdom. They easily destroyed the resistance army, massacred the lives of 200 million resistance soldiers, successfully repelled the resistance army and stabilized the situation.

But this is not the end, but the beginning!

After repelling the resistance army, they had a military strength of one billion. Although they lost 200 million, the 800 million resistance army was still a large number. If they were determined to fight tooth and nail, the three sages would not be able to achieve any brilliant results for the time being.

What's more, the three great saints are planning to use Saint Hongyu and the ancient tribe as cannon fodder to help him deal with the catastrophe ninety years later. Therefore, if too many people die in the resistance army, it will not be the result they expect for the three great saints.

Therefore, the three great sages did not pursue them and allowed the resisting army to withdraw.

Three days later, the three great sages issued a decree, ordering the entire world of Hongyu. Those who are willing to surrender can be treated leniently and avoid the threat of death. Those who persist in their stubbornness will be given the strongest iron fists and punishments, and will be killed.

No forgiveness.

A sword without bloodshed, this is the real sword without bloodshed!

Although in the catastrophe ninety years later, the three great saints may be used as cannon fodder, they can at least survive for a while and find a way to survive. But if you resist now, you may die immediately without even looking for a chance to survive.


With just such an order, the resistance army that had just suffered a massive defeat immediately became distraught and became even more out of control. Some people already wanted to leave the resistance army and join the ranks of the three great sages.

At the same time, at this time, the three great sages also sent orders to the Hongyu realms and announced to the world with a poisonous oath that they were unifying the Hongyu realms just to better develop the Hongyu realms and were not at all selfish.

In addition, the three great saints also promised that they would never use the entire Hongyu realms as cannon fodder to help them cope with the catastrophe, as was rumored. Instead, they were prepared to work together with the entire Hongyu realms to cope with the disaster.

The catastrophe ninety years later.

The situation is out of control!

Under the naked temptation of the three saints, some people who were not firm in their hearts finally succeeded in being deceived by the three saints. They abandoned the resistance army and joined the team of the three saints.

For the rebels who were the first to defect, the three great saints gave extremely high treatment. Not only did they personally help improve their cultivation, but they also gave them sacred magic weapons, which greatly increased their strength in a short period of time.

And with the lessons learned from the past, the situation of rebel rebellion has been exacerbated to the maximum.

It was like opening a flood gate, and a raging flood was released. The resistance army was like this flood. In just five years, the resistance army had at least about 500 million saints. The ancient tribe broke away, leading to the original resistance of one billion people.

The army was reduced sharply to only about 300 million people.

The rebels are defeated without attack!

There are only about 300 million rebels, most of whom are Guiguzi. The power of Dharma King Zizai has almost lost the capital to compete with the three great saints.

In desperation, Guiguzi and Dharma King Zizi could only lead the remaining troops, take advantage of the undetectable effects of the Lingtian Wonderland, and began to hide in the underworld, living a miserable life of escape.


In the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed. Twenty-three thoughts have passed since the mighty conquest of the resistance army. During these twenty-three years, Chu Yi, who was suppressed at the foot of the Sansheng Mountain,

What exactly is the situation?

In the past twenty-three years, Chu Yi still has not given up resistance or escape from difficulties.

But after twenty-three years, Chu Yi has more or less concluded that unless he breaks through to the realm of enlightenment again, he will never be able to escape from the Three Sacred Mountains.

So when the reality was put before his eyes, Chu Yi made a resolute and decisive decision to continue practicing.

But even so, how easy is it to get out of trouble?

Fortunately, Chu Yi also has a weapon for cultivation, which is the Hongmeng Pearl!

The Hongmeng Pearl, which has now been upgraded to its eighth transformation, has absolutely astonishing effects, but with the help of cultivation, it is definitely not inferior to the innate treasure: Xiu Tian Pagoda.

In one day in normal time and three hundred years in Hongmeng Pearl time, you can also open up an independent space and simulate any effect you want to simulate, so that people in the space can practice in the way they want.

Not only that, if the Hongmeng Pearl intensifies its burning and consumption, the effect can be increased tenfold again.

In other words, Chu Yi can accelerate the time of Hongmeng Pearl to one day outside and three thousand years inside, which greatly effectively increases Chu Yi's cultivation time.

However, after such use, Hongmeng Pearl must use divine source as energy supplement. A divine source of 999,999,999 specifications can maintain the normal effect for six years.

Chu Yi took out the four crystal stones he held, refined four perfect divine sources, and invested them all in the energy support of the Hongmeng Pearl. He accelerated the time of the Hongmeng Pearl to one day outside and three thousand years inside, and began the final journey.

Crazy practice.

In this kind of practice, Chu Yi spent a full twenty-three years in outside time and about 25,185,000 years in internal time. It can only be described as crazy.

Ladder to Enlightenment!

The so-called Enlightenment Ladder is a cultivation environment specially designed by Chu Yi for himself. This is an endless ladder that can never be completed. Unless the Enlightenment is accomplished, he will be trapped in the Enlightenment Ladder forever and eventually die in vain.

On the ladder to enlightenment.

If you don’t succeed, you will succeed!

Chu Yi sealed his own cultivation and used his mortal body to climb up the ladder to enlightenment. Chu Yi had walked a full 25,185,000 years without stopping for a single step.


Moreover, in the process of climbing, Chu Yi also has to experience various dangers, such as strong winds, heavy rain, heavy snow, hail, and various illusions that can attract Chu Yi's mind and arouse the weakest point in Chu Yi's heart.

How many times...

Chu Yi himself couldn't remember how many times he was almost killed in these dangers and illusions. If his will was not strong enough, he would probably be killed in them.

But these are not the most terrifying things. The most terrifying thing is the thought of giving up that has appeared in Chu Yi’s heart many times!

Yes, just give up!

Why do I have to endure so much pain? Why do I abuse myself so stupidly?

Also, there is no need for me to work so hard. I am an ancient god and a powerful person in the Hearing Dao Realm. I can reach the sky in one step as long as I unlock the seal.

As the saying goes, it’s easy to get, but harder to give up!

This feeling of urging Chu Yi to give up many times bewitched Chu Yi like a nightmare, making Chu Yi almost unable to bear it, giving up and persisting, and then choosing a safer and easier way to prove the truth.

But Chu Yi finally gritted his teeth and persisted, because that was not his way. This way could not allow Chu Yi to successfully attain enlightenment in a short time, let alone reach an absolute height, which would be a great obstacle to his future transcendence.

So Chu Yi did not give up and walked on unswervingly, step by step, each step was very firm, and he walked for about 25,185,000 years, until one day...

In constant rebellion and constant confrontation, Chu Yi finally knew how to prove his own way of rebellion!

Living an unsatisfactory life is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat!

And going against means just this, to go against the current in this world that is not what you want, until you reach the top, you will be at the top, and finally succeed in living the life you want and want.

Ni is such a spirit, not resistance, rebellion, or resistance, but the process of pursuing success, pursuing the spirit of not giving up, and pursuing the joy of final success.

This is ‘reverse’, a kind of spirit, a kind of joy, and an unspeakable will!

If life is not what you want, if you go against the current and don't give up, you will see all the mountains and small mountains at a glance, and you will know your joys, sorrows, and sorrows!

Chu Yi completely understood the word "reverse". At the same time, he also saw the end and end of the ladder to the path of enlightenment. Until amidst many adversities, Chu Yi successfully stood at the end and end of the ladder to the path of enlightenment. Looking at the beautiful scenery around him, Chu Yi

Finally laughed.

All the suffering, all the tiredness, all the bitterness, unwillingness, and giving up have completely become a thing of the past in Chu Yi's heart. The only thing Chu Yi enjoys now is that he has successfully attained enlightenment and the joy after attaining enlightenment.

Chu Yi, after about 25,185,000 years, finally achieved enlightenment and set foot in the realm of enlightenment.


But this is just the beginning, not the end!

This chapter has been completed!
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