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Chapter 740: The Iron Wall (Part 1)

Dark clouds covered half of the sky, and the demonic sound shocked the surrounding area. The terrifying magic power that could not be described in words, as the Demon God of Collapse opened the Yuanshi Magic Book page after page, compressing and condensing crazily in a very abnormal posture,

Faintly, one can feel that the world is enveloped in a destructive aura.

At that time, the First Demon Emperor gathered the power of a hundred thousand ascended saints, successfully opened the power of twenty pages of the Yuanshi Magic Book, and recalled about one-fifth of the power of the ancestor of the Demon. He was almost invincible in the world, and he was able to conquer all the four corners of the world.

Nowadays, the Yuanshi Magic Book is in the hands of the more powerful Bentian Demon God. Although Benttian Demon God does not have the power of hundreds of thousands of ascended saints like the Shimo Emperor, he has the combined strength of the ninety-nine Dao Proving Realm powerhouses behind him.

, to far surpass the power of the mere 100,000 ascended saints back then.

Coupled with the terrifying Transcendence Realm cultivation of Collapse Demon God, the user's quality is far superior to that of the First Demon Emperor. Therefore, with the promotion of Collapse Demon God, Yuanshi Demon Book will most likely be able to exert its power.

The power of.

Forty pages...sixty pages...eighty pages...

The Ninety-Nine Pages of the Yuanshi Demonic Book were opened by Bengtianmo Shen to eighty pages in one breath, which was far beyond what the First Demonic Emperor had opened at that time.

And when the Yuanshi Magic Book was opened to an unprecedented eighty pages, the terrifying aura of the Sky-Collapse Demon God who destroyed Hong Yu had already been vaguely revealed.

Under this magical power, the world was completely plunged into darkness. The darkness was like the deepest abyss of the devil. With the raging and rioting of this power, and the constantly resounding and sharp screams of the devil, the world was filled with darkness.

The room was definitely filled with a trembling feeling that cannot be described in words.

Five pages of Hachitoyo!


The sky was crying, and suddenly a heavy rain fell between the sky and the earth, as if the world was crying, and the trembling evil demon was about to wake up. The black rain kept falling, and in the absolute darkness, it was wet on the face, that kind of

The terrifying aura became even more intense.

Ninety pages!

This is already close to the final power of the Primordial Grimoire. As the Primordial Grimoire is opened to this stage, the world is filled with chaotic magic power, stirring up the four extremes and causing thunderstorms.


A thunderbolt flashed through the void, and the suppressed light made the world suddenly light up. And this light could be vaguely seen by everyone. I don't know when, there was a demonic shadow in the world, covering the whole body.

In the dark demonic fire, with those blood-red and emotionless eyes, no matter how bold you are, you will be frightened if you are stared at.

Moreover, this terrifying shadow is still fleeting. In a quick glance, it can better reflect the deep pressure and fear, causing people to have infinite reverie and despair.

However, after opening the ninety pages of the Yuanshi Magic Book, even the Heaven Collapse Demon God and the ninety-nine Dao Proving Realm great masters felt very strenuous and panting at the moment. It was obvious that they were somewhat exhausted and found it difficult to continue.


But Demon God Collapse Tian has successfully opened the Yuanshi Magic Book to such a high level. If he can't open the last nine pages at once, how can he give up?

"Go on, which kind of energy crystal can be used that is comparable to the beauty of God's source!"

During this period of exploration, Bengtian Demon God and others searched all the starry skies and temples of foreign civilizations, and found a lot of energy crystals that could still be used, although they were not as good as the 990 energy crystals refined by Chu Yi.

The divine source at this level of 900 million is comparable to the 9.9 billion divine source refined by Chu Yi.

The most important thing is that the number that Collapse Demon God found is not small. There are more than a dozen in total, which can barely be allocated to about two by manpower. So at this time, Collapse Demon God ordered the use of energy without any hesitation.

Crystal's command.

Faced with the order of the Collapsed Demon God, the remaining ninety-nine Dao Demonstration Realm masters hesitated slightly, but finally chose to agree to the order of Collapsed Demon God, and did not hesitate to use precious energy crystals to destroy these powerful statues in one go.


Everyone turned their hands and took out an energy crystal, then held it in their hands and quickly extracted the power inside, converging it into the strongest force and sending it into the body of the Collapsed Demon God.

The Collapsed Demon God was no exception. He took out an energy crystal and began to drain the power from it. With the help of ninety-nine great masters of the Dao Realm, his momentum recovered in an instant and climbed to a new high.

Master…………, the Yuanshi Magic Book has opened to page ninety-one!

As the 91st page of the Yuanshi Magic Book was opened, the void suddenly stopped, time seemed to stop, and the world suddenly returned to silence, an extreme silence, a silence that made people's hearts tremble.

Master…………, the Yuanshi Magic Book has opened to page ninety-two!

When the ninety-second page of the Yuanshi Magic Book was opened, a beating sound suddenly sounded in the void, like a thunderous heart beating sound, as if a huge monster was about to wake up, and a terrifying devilish aura spread overwhelmingly.

Shi Yuanshi's magic book opened to pages ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, and ninety-eight!

The Heaven Collapse Demon God opened six pages in a row. Every time he opened a page, the world was filled with all kinds of complex alien phenomena.

For example, on page ninety-three, extremely miserable cries resounded between heaven and earth, crying out for the injustice of heaven and earth: On page ninety-four, amidst countless lightning and thunder, the black clouds covering the sky flowed rapidly: Nine

On the fifteenth page, in the dark clouds, a pair of eyes suddenly opened. They were blood-red magic eyes, without any emotion, looking at it with heartbreak and uneasiness.

On page ninety-six, a huge demonic face appeared, accompanied by the rapidly flowing dark clouds, and it looked ferocious: On page ninety-seven, the demonic face formally solidified, and when it opened its mouth, a demonic sound roared through the sky:

Page ninety-eight, this is already the penultimate page of the Yuanshi Magic Book. As this page opens, the world is filled with an extremely depressing atmosphere, as if something terrible is about to happen.

At the same time...at this moment...

The Collapsed Demon God slowly opened the ninety-ninth page of the Yuanshi Magic Book!

Without the slightest warning, the suppressed aura exploded in an instant!


Two big hands appeared in the void, huge demonic hands that could wipe out everything. They broke free from all restraints fiercely, carrying infinite power, and pressed down heavily from the void.

The strongest blow from the Yuanshi Magic Book came, and the terrifying power that almost destroyed Hong Yu reappeared in the world again!

In the face of such huge fear, the Heaven Collapse Demon God and the others, who had caused all this with their own hands, could not help but widen their eyes, showing a hint of surprise, and were deeply shocked by everything that happened in front of them.

And as if feeling the crisis of destruction, the statues standing on both sides of the trestle for dozens of kilometers opened their eyes at the first moment, and came to life one by one, looking up at the two hanging magic hands, feeling the

All the powers that could be wiped out, adhering to the mission of hundreds of millions of years, responded one after another.



All these guardian statues were activated in an instant. The guardian statue holding swords in both hands, like an angel knight, rose into the sky as quickly as possible and raised the huge tower shield in its hands with all its strength.

Then, all the guardian statues were activated in an instant. They raised their shields one by one and formed a perfect cooperation with the guardian statue. They formed a line and formed a huge sea of ​​shields, as if they could destroy the sky.

Isolated from the attacks of those demonic hands.

"Humph, an ignorant dead thing is an ignorant dead thing after all. The all-powerful attack of the ancestor of the demon, even if the ancestor of the ancient gods came, he didn't dare to attack it forcefully. How can you destroy it?"

The Heaven Collapse Demon God's voice was cold and emotionless, and his words were cold and full of disdain.

But is that really the case?

The moment the Heaven Collapse Demon's mythical voice fell, these connected seas of shields suddenly merged completely together, and actually merged into a huge sky shield.

The sky shield was formed, all the forces were merged together, and an unbreakable treasure light rose on the shield surface. The treasure light seemed to be able to hold everything up, mixed with the vast power to hold up the sky.


The devil's hand, which could wipe out everything, pressed heavily on the treasured light on the shield. With the full strength of the ancestor of the demon, he was unable to blast through the treasured light in the first place.


Faced with such a result, even the Heaven Collapse Demon God couldn't help but change his face. He never thought that the attack he had worked so hard to prepare, even using all the power of the Yuanshi Magic Book, would be defeated by these guardian statues.

, resolved so easily and simply.

For a moment, Collapse Demon God and others were all in a state of shock, once again shocked by the power possessed by these extraterrestrial civilizations.

Wait, it seems it’s not over yet, there seems to be a turning point!

I thought that the attack of the devil's hand was neutralized by these guardian statues, but at this moment, the Collapse Demon God appeared, and the contained devil's hand did not disappear. The strong devil's energy was rolling, as if it were a mountain that could not be overthrown, and it still continued.

The power is increasing, with tens of millions of terrifying power, suppressing it layer by layer.


The terrifying power surged, sweeping the world and spreading in all directions. Along with this heavy power explosion, the Sky Collapse Demon God and others could see with the naked eye that these suppressed guardian statues were sinking downwards in an abnormal way.



The terrifying power began to explode in all directions, and the guardian statue gradually lost its stamina. The thick treasure light condensed in the void began to tremble, and cracks began to appear in the connected sky shield, as if it might be shattered at any time.


Finally, the guardian statues began to be unable to hold on. The power of the ancestor of the demon in its heyday was fully exploded at this moment. The sky shield finally cracked into huge scars and began to peel off locally.

Not only that, the sky shield collapsed, and the guardian statues under the sky shield were also unable to resist. Some individuals had cracks, and they continued to crack and spread around. In the end, several statues were unable to bear the load and completely collapsed into

Rubbles rolled down from the sky.

At this point, all the defenses guarding the statue were officially declared shattered, and the huge demonic hand that could wipe out everything, mixed with absolute power, began to fall brazenly.!

This chapter has been completed!
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