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Chapter 93 I just want to eat the food you cook (unban)

"Xia Yu, Yu Yu!" Liu Xing looked at Xia Yu and shouted disgustingly after carrying the dishes to the kitchen.

"Hi~~! It's summer now, why do I feel cold all over!" Xia Yu said with her hands in front of her chest, and walked into the living room as if she were avoiding Liu Xing.

"Xia Yu, I have bought all these dishes. If you feel that there is anything missing, you can tell me and I can buy more. I will definitely not bother you!" Liu Xing said after Xia Yu.

"But I find it troublesome!" Xia Yu said while sitting on the sofa.

"Have you bought groceries?" Xia Xue walked out of the room, looked at the kitchen, and then looked at Liu Xing and asked.

"Yes!" Liu Xing nodded, then pulled Xia Xue over and said: "Xia Xue, look, I have bought all the vegetables, and there are so many. I am exhausted from carrying these things. Help.

I advise Xia Yu to show her skills!" Liu Xing decided to win over Xia Xue and persuade Xia Yu.

"Xia Yu...!"

"Xia Xue, if you can make the stock market reopen now, then I will cook tonight!" Before Xia Xue could say anything, she was interrupted by Xia Yu.

Xia Xue smiled after hearing this, then shrugged helplessly at Liu Xing, sat next to Xia Yu and watched TV together.

"Xia Xue, why did you sit down? Please persuade me!" Liu Xing looked at the other party and said anxiously.

"Didn't you hear what she said? If the stock market were to reopen now, she would do it and it would close at three o'clock in the afternoon. It is almost six o'clock now. So what she means is that it is impossible for her to cook tonight.

"Xia Xue looked at Liu Xing and said.

"Then you can't just give up!" Liu Xing said.

"I know her well, so I gave up on her!" Xia Xue said with a smile.

Laughing? Still laughing? Liu Xing almost wants to cry now. Is it so difficult for a girl like Xia Xue to make a meal? No, we can't just give up like this. Implement Plan A.

Liu Xing came to Xia Yu and stood in front of the TV.

"Xia Yu, Xia Yu, let's cook! Xia Yu, Xia Yu, let's cook~~!" Liu Xing sang while making various moves, the purpose was to make Xia Yu unable to bear the torment and surrender.

.Liu Xing named this plan the Tossing Plan.

"What are you doing? Singing and dancing?" Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing and said funny, feeling that the other person was like a child at this time, making trouble!

"Xia Yu, Xia Yu, I love you, just like a mouse loves rice. Tonight you cook, I will wash the pots and pans!" The tossing continues!

"You are really making trouble, don't wander around in front of me, or I will get angry!" Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing and said, she really admired Liu Xing's eloquence, and all the words turned into jingles in his mouth.


"Don't get angry, it will hurt your body. And if you knew me in the past, you might forgive me now!" Liu Xing looked at the other person and said.

"Xia Yu, Xia Yu, hurry up and cook. I'll do the chores. If you're not satisfied, let Xia Xue continue!"

"Don't take me away, I still prefer to eat outside." Xia Xue looked at Liu Xing and said.

"Yes, it's great to eat out. I know a restaurant that's economical and affordable. How about I treat you tonight?" Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing and said.

"No, that dish will be rotten!" Liu Xing looked at the other party and said, continuing to dance in front of Xia Yu.

"Liu Xing, stop fussing, I'm dizzy!" Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing and said.

"You can't resist such a small effort? Look at the Iraqi Yugoslav Federation doing Miss Taiwan 110, no matter how hard it is." Liu Xing put his face close to the other party and said: "I ask you again, do you want to do it?"

"No!" Xia Yu answered firmly, saying it without thinking.

Dizzy, the relationship just went to waste. Liu Xing stopped, came to the sofa and sat down, she was really tired after dancing for a long time.

"Xia Yu, we have lived together for a while. I personally feel that our relationship is pretty good. Although we are not childhood sweethearts, we can still be considered friends. Look at me, I often invite you to dinner, and at work

If I want to help you, just cook a meal!" Liu Xing looked at the other person and said, since this trick doesn't work, the only way to do it is to play with feelings.

"I invite you, let's go and eat outside!" Xia Yu heard Liu Xing's words and just stood up, but was pushed back to the sofa by Liu Xing.

"Xia Yu, when you go out to eat, it's all cooked by others. It doesn't represent your feelings. Besides, the taste may not be as good as yours. Look, I bought all the dishes to prevent you from worrying about what to cook. If you

Afraid of getting dirty, how about I wash the dishes?" Liu Xing looked at the other party and said, in order to eat the dishes made by Xia Yu, Liu Xing used all kinds of tricks. Not because of how delicious the food was, but because

Take a bite and taste it to prove that the other person really knows how to cook.

Xia Yu remained silent, not knowing what she was thinking.

Hehe, there is a way. Seeing this scene, Liu Xing felt happy and continued to use his emotions to capture the defense of the other party's soul.

"Rely on your parents at home, and rely on your friends when you go out. You and Xia Xue have stayed here for so many days. How good is your relationship with us? How about celebrating the beginning of our new life tonight and also looking forward to our future new life?


"I have been friends with you for so long. You have always cared about me, but I often cause you trouble. I really don't know how to repay you!" Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing and said seriously.

"Where is it!" Liu Xing said modestly, haha, there is a way! Liu Xing was very happy.

"So I decided that if you work as a cow or a horse in the next life, I will definitely pull grass for you to eat. As for this life, let's go out to eat!" Xia Yu said sincerely looking at Liu Xing.

"...!" Liu Xing lowered his head and buried his head in his chest. This woman is really determined. She just doesn't do anything. Now is the period of peaceful coexistence, and Liu Xing can't use any of those extraordinary methods.


Alas, how sad!

The ruthless wind penetrates the muscles and corrodes the bones, the ruthless night, the loss and confusion, the summer grass is frivolous, the breeze ruffles the leaves, a touch of sadness, a touch of sadness!

Liu Xing never got over Xia Yu, and finally went out to eat. Liu Xing looked disappointed, as if Xia Yu had failed him too much.

"Don't be sad Liu Xing, she didn't do it when her father asked her to do it!" Xia Xue looked at Liu Xing at the dinner table and consoled her.

"This is no longer a question of cooking or not, but a matter of unreal feelings!" Liu Xing said while chewing the food in his mouth.

"Relationships are true feelings, cooking is cooking, these are two different things. Also, it's so convenient to eat out, and didn't I say it? I'll treat you with this meal, even if it's an apology to you!" Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing and said

, I really don’t know why the man in front of me always wants me to cook for him.

"To apologize to me by borrowing a meal made by them? It's not sincere! Just don't eat it!" Liu Xing looked at the other party and said.

"But you didn't eat less!" Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing who was still eating big food and couldn't help but smile. This man is really a bit capricious.

"Turn grief into food." Liu Xing said: "But I have really failed as a human being. I broke the boat and the ax was a little heavy. I fought against the odds and my shoes were a little wet. Now I want to eat the food you cooked, but you can't even buy the vegetables. Hey, I want to

Nothing I do is successful!" Liu Xing shook his head and sighed.

"Life is a miracle, and living is courage! Life is a journey, and hardship is life!" Xia Yu said, looking at Liu Xing.

"That's all nonsense." Liu Xing was stunned after hearing what the other party said. How dare this girl play philosophy with herself?

"We live a very difficult life. We have to bear all kinds of external pressures, and we also have to face our own inner confusions. When you are struggling, if someone looks at you with understanding, you will feel the warmth of life.

Maybe just that brief glimpse is enough to make me grateful!"

"But I'm looking at you now. Compared to one glance, I have hundreds of glances!" Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing and said with a smile.

"After a deep relationship, you can no longer warm me with such a simple glance. Go cook and use your deft hands to make delicious and hot meals to warm my cold heart!"

"Hehe, Liu Xing, you don't have to pretend to be pitiful here and sigh about life!" Xia Xue looked at Liu Xing and said with a smile: "That's good, I will take Xia Yu to promise you first, and I will definitely do it for you in the future, but

There must be a condition!”

"Talk about conditions again? Isn't it too sentimental?" Liu Xing said with a slight frown. Desire is desire, but it does not mean that the man is not sober. Liu Xing will carefully consider any words that are almost a threat.

"This is just a way to supervise you. It will save you from being careless and making jokes!" Xia Xue looked at Liu Xing and said.

"Then tell me, let me see what's going on!" Liu Xing said.

"Actually, it's what you promised, to help us get rid of that vixen. We must do our best to get rid of it, and get rid of it without reservation!" Xia Xue looked at Liu Xing and said.

Liu Xing was stunned after hearing this! Yes, why didn't he threaten him with this matter? Sure enough, being too serious and persistent had made him lose his cool.

"It's a bit difficult!" Liu Xing put down the chopsticks in his hand and rested his chin on his hand, looking very embarrassed.

"How about this? How about you let Xia Yu cook for me first to warm up my cold heart?" Liu Xing looked at the other person and said. If you don't take advantage of this, I'll be sorry for my stomach.

"Want to warm up first? Then go out to bask in the sun first. If you want to eat what I cook, you must do it after finishing your work!" Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing and said.

Holy shit, isn’t this woman so stunning?

"It's only natural to eat first and pay the bill later!" Liu Xing said, looking at the two women opposite.

"It's reasonable to work first and pay later!" Xia Xue and Xia Yu said in unison.

"Being too persistent is not a good thing for a woman!" Liu Xing squinted at the two women. They were indeed two sisters. Not only did they say the same thing, but their expressions were exactly the same. Liu Xing was thinking about this matter.

Is it worthwhile?

"It's not good for a man to be too persistent. In other words, a man's persistence may sometimes be seen as stubbornness!" Xia Xuexiao looked at Liu Xing and said.

Liu Xing thought about it after hearing this. He had already agreed to help the other party, so it seemed too humiliating for a man to threaten him with this matter. Since the other party had already said so, why didn't he just do it as a favor?

He also let the two women in front of him know how generous he is.

Besides, agreeing to the other party does not mean giving up the 'harassment' of Xia Yu. If you continue to work hard, you might be able to get it in advance. Okay, let's do it!

Thinking of this, Liu Xing stretched out his hand.

"Okay, since both of you sisters said so, I won't talk nonsense anymore. It's settled, high-five!" Liu Xing said.

"Do you have to swear?" Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing and said.

"What, are you scared?" Liu Xing looked at the other person and said, as if you didn't dare.

"Joke, what's there to be afraid of? Just high-five, it's not like I've never done it before!" Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing and said, then put her hand on Liu Xing's hand. The last one was Xia Xue, which was not included in the conditions.

She, of course she was willing, smiled and stretched out her hand, and the three of them folded their hands together again.

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