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Chapter 169 The truth is revealed

Chapter 169 The truth comes out

At noon the next day, Xia Kai was lying on the bed in the ward, with Xia Xue and Xia Yu taking care of him. Liu Xing was also sitting in the ward. Even he didn't know why he appeared in this ward.

"Xiao...Xiaoxue, Xiaoyu, what you said to me earlier are all true?" Xia Kai had already woken up, but he was still thinking about Shi Meifeng.

"of course……!"

"Dad, this matter is not important. You should take good care of your body first. The doctor said that your mood should not fluctuate, otherwise it will be very dangerous!" Xia Xue stopped Xia Yu who was about to speak and lay on the bed.

Xia Kai said.

"Don't worry, your father, I am not such a delicate person. You just need to tell me whether what you said is true and whether Shi Meifeng is my daughter. Also, how do you know about this matter?

!" Xia Kai looked at Xia Xue and Xia Yu beside the bed and said, although his health is very bad now, he still can't let go of this matter, he must figure it out.

"Yes, it's true!" Knowing that today could no longer be avoided, Xia Xue nodded and looked at Xia Kai seriously and said, then pointed to Liu Xing who was doing nothing and said to Xia Kai, "Liu Xing is indeed separated from Beijing.

The ace transferred by the company is also a good friend of Xia Yu and I. During our stay in Beijing, we received a lot of care from him. The main reason for bringing him back this time is to investigate Shi Meifeng's affairs."

"He?" Xia Kai looked at Liu Xing on the side, and then said to Xia Xue, "Xiaoxue, Xiaoyu, how can you two believe an outsider? Do you believe such a ridiculous thing?"

"Dad, why haven't you given up on Shi Meifeng? Liu Xing won't lie to us. And I was by Liu Xing's side when we were investigating the matter. I know!" Xia Yu stood up in time to mention Liu Xing.


"Actually, what we say here is in vain. It's useless if the parties involved are not here. It would be best if we could find Shi Meifeng and, of course, Feng Kun and face him to testify! But I don't think they will say this easily.

Something happened." Liu Xing said.

"Liu Xing, right? What do you think we should do?" Xia Kai looked at Liu Xing and asked.

"I don't know yet, but I think they will definitely know about your hospitalization when they go to work today. It's noon again, maybe they are coming here now!" Liu Xing said with a smile.

As if to echo what Liu Xing said. As soon as Liu Xing finished speaking, he heard a knock on the door outside the ward, and then saw Shi Meifeng walking in.

After Shi Meifeng walked in, she came to the bedside with a concerned look on her face.

"How are you? What's wrong with you? Is it serious?"

"It's okay. The doctor said he won't die in a while, so I can't do as you wish!" Before Xia Kai could say anything, Xia Yu on the side had already said sarcastically.

"Xia Yu, your father is sick now. I'm here to visit him, not to listen to your sarcastic remarks. If it were normal, forget it, but your father is hospitalized now, you... forget it, you can go back

"I'll take care of you here!" Shi Meifeng looked at Xia Yu and said angrily, and then held Xia Kai's hand, but Xia Kai pulled it out and put it back under the quilt.

"Hmph!" Xia Xue snorted coldly. "Acting, your acting skills are really extraordinary!" Xia Xue sneered, showing great disdain for Shi Meifeng who entered the ward.

"We are all on our own, stop arguing for now, the patients need to be quiet!" Liu Xing said to smooth things over.

"Who is her friend? Shameless!" Xia Yu glanced at Shi Meifeng and said fiercely, "She is just a wild...!"

"Xia Yu!" Xia Yu wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Xia Xue on the side, "As Liu Xing said, now is not the time to quarrel. The most important thing now is to recover from my father's illness.

As for you...!" Xia Xue looked at Shi Meifeng and said, "As long as Xia Yu and I are here, we don't need you to take care of it for the time being! You should go back and do your job properly!"

"You...!" After hearing Xia Xue's words, Shi Meifeng didn't know what to say. She turned her attention to Xia Kai, who was lying on the bed, and looked at him with a pleading look. Probably hoping that the other party could tell her something.

Some nice words. But now Xia Kai felt extremely uncomfortable. Looking at Shi Meifeng beside the bed, from lover to daughter. What kind of transformation was this? Suddenly he remembered the scene when he first saw Shi Meifeng in the company.

At that time, he had a feeling of déjà vu, as if he was very close, which was why he wanted to find someone to accompany him for the rest of his life after being single for more than 20 years. Now he looked at Shi Meifeng carefully, recalling the feeling at that time.


Yes, that’s right! This feeling was for Shi Yun, but at that time Xia Kai had almost forgotten the woman Shi Yun and didn’t think of it for a while. If Xia Xue and Xia Yu hadn’t mentioned Shijia Village in Tianmu Mountain, maybe this incident

Things will go bad in Xia Kai's mind.

But now, he really doesn't know how to face Shi Meifeng, and he also doesn't know why Shi Meifeng is doing this now!

"Did you see it? Why don't you leave quickly?" Xia Yu said loudly to Shi Meifeng.

Shi Meifeng looked at Xia Kai in confusion, then looked back and forth between Liu Xing and Xia Xue, suddenly smiled and walked to Liu Xing's side.

"Mr. Liu, can we go out and talk?" Shi Meifeng looked at Liu Xing and asked.

"Don't go!" Xia Xue said to Liu Xing.

"Of course!" Liu Xing ignored Xia Xue, but said to Shi Meifeng with a smile, and then walked out first.

"Liu Xing, Liu Xing! Damn it!" Xia Xue shouted loudly, but Liu Xing had already walked out of the ward.

Shi Meifeng and Liu Xing walked out of the hospital and sat down at a nearby coffee shop.

"The atmosphere here is good, and it's very suitable for talking about love." Liu Xing sat down and said with a smile, "By the way, what do you want Miss Shi to do with me?"

"What is your relationship with Xia Xue and Xia Yu?" Shi Meifeng looked at Liu Xing and asked directly,

"Colleagues are not colleagues, and friends are not friends!" Liu Xing said after hearing what the other party said. At the same time, he was also mentally trying to figure out the other party's purpose of finding him out this time. Looking at the other party's appearance, he should have already known that he and Xia Yu were going there.

It’s about Tianmu Mountain. And the place where the whistleblower came from should be Feng Kun!

"It won't be that simple!" Shi Meifeng looked at Liu Xing with a straight face and said, "Everyone is a sensible person. Let's open the skylight and tell the truth. Why are you and Xia Yu going to Tianmu Mountain? What is the reason for Xia Kai?

Having a heart attack? Who are you?"

"You ask this a lot, but I only have one mouth. Which one should I answer first?" Liu Xing asked unhurriedly.

"Who are you?"

"I am Chinese, I am twenty-five years old, my family is poor and ugly, and I am still unmarried!"

Shi Meifeng didn't speak after hearing Liu Xing's words, and stared at Liu Xing intently.

"Okay. Let me tell you, on the surface I am a salesperson of the branch, but in fact... I am a private detective hired by Xia Xue!" Liu Xing pretended to look at Shi Meifeng mysteriously and said.

"Private detective?" Shi Meifeng looked Liu Xing up and down after hearing this, "Then why did you go to Tianmu Mountain?"

"Miss Shi has already said it. We are all sensible people. I believe you should know it even if I don't tell you. Besides, doesn't Miss Shi know that Xia Yu and I almost didn't come back?" Liu Xing said.

"Haha. Mr. Liu is joking, how would I know if you can come back? Besides...!"

"Stop acting. If Miss Shi is so insincere when she comes to me this time, then I think there is no need for us to continue talking. Normally, there is a fee for talking to me!" Liu Xing looked at the other party.


"Money is not a problem, as long as you can answer my questions honestly!"

"Wait a minute, you seem to have made a mistake. Even if you give me money, I am not obligated to answer your questions!" Liu Xing said.

"Didn't Mr. Liu say that he is a person who puts profit first? How about how much Xia Xue gives you, and I pay her three times as much?" Shi Meifeng said, looking at Liu Xing.

"Wow, three times? That's a lot. But I have professional ethics. Otherwise, if outsiders know about it, how can I still hang out in this circle?" Liu Xing said with a smile. He was also idle, just playing with this woman.

Playing. But my hard work finally paid off. A smart woman like Shi Meifeng began to show her flaws.

"Mr. Liu is not an ordinary person. I don't think you will watch a weak woman being bullied by others, right?"

"Don't say that, I don't love ordinary me, ordinary bad people, ordinary women!"

"Could it be that Mr. Liu likes Xia Xue or Xia Yu?" Shi Meifeng asked after hearing this.

"Haha, you have a good imagination." After finishing speaking, Liu Xing suddenly became serious, looked at Shi Meifeng and said, "Let it go. This will not only harm yourself, but also your mother and father...!"


"I don't have a father!"

"Okay, even if you don't have it, you can't treat other people's families like this. Now you are like a gorgeous puppet, acting out all the joys and sorrows in the world, but in the end you can't escape the silver thread behind you." Liu Xing looked at it.

He looked at the other party and said sincerely, "With your current ability, it is easy to live a happy life. Why should you let hatred bury you in the center of the earth? Have you not thought about the consequences? In fact, it is you who will be hurt in the end. Don't do this

You’re ruining yourself.”

"This is the first time I saw a private detective working as a lobbyist!" Shi Meifeng said after hearing Liu Xing's words.

"Standing in heaven and looking at hell, life is like a melodrama; standing in hell and looking at heaven, working hard for whomever. An iron pestle can be ground into a needle, but a wooden pestle can only be ground into a toothpick. If the material is not right, no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain.

Do you think it's worth doing this? Don't forget, Xia Kai is your father after all, blood melts in water!" Liu Xing said.

"Blood melts in water, but what is in front of me is not water, but a piece of ice. Here he is enjoying the happiness brought by his family. How could he think of how my mother and I have lived these years? By the village

He was insulted by others and was isolated by the people in the village...!"

"Because of this, you should make your mother happy. Look at you now, how do you become a daughter? Leave your mother alone in a big ravine to live a hard life, and live here alone and eat well.

You are still not satisfied, and you still want to take revenge. Do you think what you are doing is right? If you do this, won't your mother be sad? "

"I am doing this for my mother!" Shi Meifeng defended.

"You are lying. You are not doing this for your mother. You are jealous. You are jealous that the children around you have dads. You are jealous of your dad's current life. But do you know? Jealousy is the root of endless evil. You have to know

, all other vices always have some joy in them. But only jealousy brings only hatred, hatred and anger! A woman, a woman at the most brilliant age in her life, you don’t realize it

Is it too bad for you to do this? Is the meaning of your life just for jealousy? Just for revenge? Feng Kun brought you out of the ravine just to let you do this?" Liu Xing looked at Shi Meifeng and said loudly,

His mood even became a little excited. He felt that this woman was really pitiful. This pity was not due to her experience, but to her attitude towards life.

"You are not a private detective. A private detective would never say that. Who are you?" Shi Meifeng was silent for a long time after hearing Liu Xing's words, and then raised her head and said to Liu Xing.

"I am a bystander, a bystander who looks at all this with the fairest eyes. I am not taking sides, otherwise I would not be sitting here talking to you about these things. Detective? Forgive me for lying to you like this, if

I don't say that. If I didn't keep pretending to be a good person in front of you, would you still come to me? Would you still say these words to me? I believe that you will not show off your lies even if you have calculated it carefully!

Liu Xing looked at the other person and said.

Hearing Liu Xing's words, Shi Meifeng looked at him blankly, as if she had lost her way for a moment. She understood what Liu Xing said very well, and it could be said that it spoke to her heart. She would never have thought of the man in front of her.

How could he understand himself so well?

"Why, why did that man give up my mother and me and return to his home? Why can Xia Xue and Xia Yu meet friends like you? Why do all the good things belong to Xia Xue and Xia Yu? Jealousy, I am jealous

!So what? I want that man to regret it forever and make him suffer for the rest of his life." Shi Meifeng said excitedly.

"Aphids eat grass, jealousy eats souls. Without souls, people are like zombies. Give up, it's too late to stop now. Moreover, everyone in the Xia family knows your conspiracy, and it won't help if you continue to do it.

The conspiracy is ugly. It only appears in the night when hundreds of ghosts walk through it. It never knows what day and light taste like. Darkness and light are just between your thoughts. You should grasp it well. You should know your

Mom, and everyone else need anything. I can help you. If you figure it out at any time, you can come to me and I will do what I say." Liu Xing looked at the other person and said, then stood up and turned around to leave.

Shi Meifeng sat on the chair and looked at Liu Xing's back. For a moment, her head was in confusion. She didn't know what to do. The "will" she had spent for many years collapsed at this moment. She suddenly fell on the table and cried bitterly.

In the hospital ward.

"Bang!" Liu Xing turned off the voice recorder in his hand and looked at the three people in the room. Especially Xia Kai, his lover became his daughter. He didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

"Did you all hear it? You should believe what I say now, right?" Liu Xing said while looking at everyone, and then threw the recorder on the bed.

While chatting with Shi Meifeng, Liu Xing had a voice recorder in his pocket and recorded the entire chat process without missing a word. Why did Liu Xing leave first? Because the memory of the voice recorder was

It’s no longer enough!

"I asked you why you didn't listen when I called you. It turns out you have a hidden agenda. You're quite treacherous, not bad!" Xia Yu came to Liu Xingdi and said with a smile.

"I don't mean anything else. Mr. Xia doesn't believe me. I just want to prove the facts. I think it's best for Mr. Xia to talk to Feng Kun. You two have been together for so many years. I believe he doesn't have any ill intentions. Let's make it clear."

That's it. As for how to deal with it in the future, it's your own family matter, and it's not easy for me, an outsider, to interfere. If there is nothing else, I think it's time for me to return to Beijing." Liu Xing looked at the three of them.


"Go back to Beijing? Why are you in such a hurry? It's not like I won't give you salary. I'll stay for a while until Shi Meifeng's matter comes out before leaving!" Xia Xue said after hearing Liu Xing's words.

"Okay, but I won't go to the company. Even if I go, I can't help much...!"

"Dang Dang Dang...!" At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then Feng Kun was seen walking in from outside the ward. When he saw Liu Xing, he was slightly startled, then smiled and nodded at Liu Xing, and finally walked to

Xia Kai's side.

"I think I'd better go first!" Liu Xing said while looking at everyone, and then walked outside.

"Xiaoxue, Xiaoyu, you guys should go out too, I want to talk to your Uncle Feng about something!" Xia Kai said to Xia Xue and Xia Yu beside him.

"Dad, he...!"

"You guys get out!"

"Oh!" Xia Xue and Xia Yu nodded after hearing this, looked at Feng Kun aside, and then followed Liu Xing out of the ward.

"Why did dad let us out?" Xia Yu asked in confusion after leaving the ward.

"You are so stupid, you still need to ask? Of course we want to talk about something. You have also heard the recording just now. Now it is certain that Feng Kun brought Shi Meifeng out of the ravine. Of course your father will ask what happened.

It’s happened!” Liu Xing looked at the other person and said.

"Then why are you so anxious to return to Beijing?" Xia Xue looked at Liu Xing and asked.

"Do you need any more reason to go home?" Liu Xing looked at the two women and said, "I have been in Shanghai for more than a week. After all, this is not my whole life. I want to go back because my home is there, my

Relatives, me and friends!”

After Xia Xue, Xia Yu and Liu Xing left, Xia Kai took the recorder in his hand and played the recording again.

"Akun. Why did you do this? Why did you hide it from me?"

"Chairman, you...it turns out you know everything!" Feng Kun's expression changed several times while listening to the recording, but his eyes remained unchanged, as if he didn't think he had done anything wrong.

"Let's talk. We brothers have known each other since we were children. There is no need to hide anything." Xia Kai looked at Feng Kun and said.


"Don't call me Chairman!"

"Brother...brother, when we went to Tianmu Mountain to collect medicine for my sister-in-law, in fact...I also liked Shi Yundi very much!" Feng Kun thought for a while and said to Xia Kai. As Xia Kai said, at this time,

There is no need to hide anything anymore.

"Why didn't you follow me in the first place?" Xia Kai asked, not too surprised.

"I know that Shi Yun likes you, big brother, so... I didn't dare to say it when I was young, but I did say it when I got older, but it's all useless!" Feng Kun said.

"Then how do you know Shi Meifeng?" Xia Kai asked.

"After we returned to Shanghai from there, I have always been in love with her. Later, I went there again and found out that she was pregnant. Then I went there once every year. It has been like this for more than 20 years. For fifteen years

Shi Yun's old father died some time ago. At that time, Shi Yun entrusted Shi Meifeng to me in order to provide Shi Meifeng with a good environment. Over the years, I have been taking care of her, going to school, and recruiting her into our company...


"No wonder you haven't gotten married in these years. So that's what it is!" Xia Kai said after hearing this, and then grabbed Feng Kun's hand tightly. "Akun, it's the eldest brother who is sorry for you!"

"Brother, please don't say that. This is all of my own free will!" Feng Kun said, "Shi Meifeng's biggest wish when she was young was to know who her father was. One year on her birthday, I told her,

I also let her enter the company and let her see you. But I really didn't expect Shi Meifeng to do such ridiculous things. I also tried to persuade her, but her character is the same as her mother, very stubborn.

She didn't listen to anything I said. I've always treated her as my own daughter for so many years, and I couldn't bear her getting hurt again, so...!" Although he didn't continue, Xia Kai understood clearly.

"Hey, it's all my fault!" Xia Kai sighed deeply after hearing Feng Kun's words, his tone full of self-blame. The two old men in their fifties held each other's hands tightly.

"Brother, now that you know the truth, what should you do?" Feng Kun asked.

"I don't know, maybe I should take them both mother and daughter to live here, but Xiaoxue and Xiaoyu will definitely not agree." Xia Kai said, "Akun, my health is not very good now, otherwise, this

It's up to you to ask me to take care of this matter. Even if you can't get to Shanghai, then buy a house for them, mother and daughter, somewhere else, away from that poor valley. When I get well, I... I will go to their mother and daughter.



"If you still like Shi Yun, then this time, eldest brother will leave them to you. No matter what, this is my home. Xiaoxue and Xiaoyu are here, and your sister-in-law is here too!" Xia Kai sighed.

He said, "I finally have to make up for the wrong things I did when I was young. It's so unpredictable in the world." After saying that, Xia Kai suddenly seemed to have become much older!

This chapter has been completed!
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