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Chapter 212 Husband, I am so happy today!

Chapter 212 Husband, I’m so happy today!

"Gululu~~!" A voice echoed in the room. Liu Xing looked at Xia Yu who was hugging him tightly in his arms and smiled maliciously.

"What's so funny? I haven't eaten all day!" Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing and said, pinching Liu Xing's chest muscles hard. The emotional sound just now came from Xia Yu's stomach.


"I shouldn't laugh. I...I was ruined by you. How do you want me to behave in the future? You have to be responsible for me!" After hearing what the other party said, Liu Xing put away his smile and pretended to have a pitiful expression.

, "Did you say that?"

"It's disgusting, you took advantage and acted like a good boy!" Xia Yu said with a blush after hearing Liu Xing's words, and the hand that was originally on Liu Xing's chest gradually moved downwards.

"Ah~~! Female gangster!" Liu Xing said loudly as he looked at Xia Yu, who was attacked by this woman just now, "That's my lifeblood, be careful and handle it with care!"

Xia Yu rolled her eyes at Liu Xing, then turned over and looked at the clock. It was already past six o'clock in the evening. She had been lying down all day without knowing it. It made people sigh, time is like running water!

"You little goblin, you've almost squeezed me dry! Fortunately, it's me. If I were someone else, I would have died five or six times. You can just have fun!" Liu Xing looked at the other person and said, "Get up and go eat.

I'm hungry too!" Then he straightened up and put on his clothes.

Damn, my waist hurts a little. It seems like the night and day fighting has consumed Liu Xing's energy.

"Well, I'm starving to death!" Xia Yu said after hearing Liu Xing's words, then stretched out comfortably and hugged Liu Xing from behind, "I found that since I've been with you, people are much lazier.

People have also changed. Just like today, if it were before, I wouldn't dare to think about it. Have I become depraved?"

"The early worm is eaten by the bird. What's wrong with getting up later? If we don't choose to fall, what's the point of the existence of hell?"

"Now it's not a matter of getting up later, but that we get up at night!" Xia Yu said to Liu Xing.

"What can I do? I could have gotten up at noon, but some people were dissatisfied and made me...!"

"Stop talking!" Xia Yu reached out and covered Liu Xing's mouth to prevent him from continuing to speak.

In the restaurant, Liu Xing was eating fiercely. It stands to reason that Xia Yu, who like Liu Xing had not eaten all day, should also eat a lot. But at this time, she was eating very slowly, looking at Liu Xing, and showing silly smiles from time to time.


Liu Xing stretched out his hand and waved it in front of the other person's face. Isn't this woman starving?

"Liu Xing, how about I tell you something?" Xia Yu put down her chopsticks and looked at Liu Xing and asked.

"What's the matter? You haven't said anything yet!" Liu Xing looked at the other party and said. He didn't know what the other party was planning.

"How about we change our names when we go home from now on. Don't call us both by their first names. It's so rude." Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing and said.

"My parents gave me my name, what can I do? If you have anything to say, just say it directly. Being dragged around will affect your appetite!"

"From now on, at home, you call me wife and I call you husband, how about that? I watch TV series. There are a lot of men and women who live together who are called like this." Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing with a smile and asked, feeling that for a long time,

I was thinking about this matter. It seemed that since Liu Xing said that sentence at noon, Xia Yu was in an especially good mood and called Liu Xing's husband loudly.

"We are already an old married couple, why should we follow the fashion!" Liu Xing looked at the other party and said. TV series, you can't do harm to others.

"Who's old and married to you?" Xia Yu rolled her eyes at Liu Xing and said, "How about my proposal?"

"I'll listen to you. What else can I do? Otherwise, I won't be able to bear it if I go back at night and get raped by you again!" Liu Xing said while eating.

"Nonsense!" Xia Yu said after hearing Liu Xing's words. Then she looked around and found that no one had noticed. She immediately turned into a smiling face, then looked at Liu Xing and shouted, "Husband!"

"What are you doing, wife!" Liu Xing responded. It was rare for Xia Yu to come up with such a proposal. In order not to discourage the other party's enthusiasm, Liu Xing could only shout along with the other party.

"Husband~~!" Xia Yu smiled happily after hearing Liu Xing's cry and shouted again.



"...!" Liu Xing was helpless, "Honey, let's eat, don't call like that, we will have a chance in the future!" Liu Xing looked at the other party and said, if he continues to call like this, the two of them will probably stay in the restaurant.

I won't be full even after the last night.

"What, you don't want to scream?" Xia Yu asked after hearing Liu Xing's words.

"No, no, I do!" Liu Xing looked at the other person and said, being a man is really painful.

"Then why are you in such a hurry to eat? Am I not as tempting as this meal?" Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing and said.

Isn't this unreasonable? Liu Xing thought to himself.

"Sister, we have to be reasonable, right? You haven't eaten for a day, so it's better for you to lie in bed and just wait to enjoy it. Please, what I do is physical work...!"

"Eat you to death!" Before Liu Xing could finish his words, Xia Yu took a piece of meat and stuffed it into Liu Xing's mouth, and stuffed it one after another. Liu Xing didn't even have time to chew, and it was filled up in a short time.


After finally finishing the meal, Liu Xing was planning to go home, but Xia Yu insisted on taking a walk. Liu Xing also noticed that Xia Yu was in an unusually good mood today, so she had no choice but to agree.

But this stroll led to the bar. Zhang Jingru was on rest today, so she was not in the bar. However, Xia Yu did not seem to come to see Zhang Jingru. After sitting with Liu Xing for a while, she left the room and started to argue.

When they started to move, Liu Xing didn't want to. The dance floor was in a mess, but in order to protect Xia Yu, Liu Xing had no choice but to follow in.

Xia Yu has been to the bar countless times, most of them chatting with Zhang Jingru, but this is the first time that she is twisting her body crazily and shaking her hair randomly like today. Looking at Xia Yu in front of her, she dances to the rhythm.

Dancing, she really has the style of a dancing queen.

"Honey, I'm so happy today!" Xia Yu put her hands on Liu Xing's shoulders, her face rosy, maybe because she drank a little red wine just now!

"I'm very happy too!" Liu Xing looked at the other party and said. At this time, Xia Yu's nature as a speedster seemed to be revealed, which was just one word - crazy!

Judging from her appearance, when she was in the United States, she probably came to places like this a lot, or at least attended parties. Otherwise, she wouldn't have adapted to the atmosphere here so quickly, let alone dance so professionally.

Facts have proved that beauties are always very conspicuous, especially stunning beauties like Xia Yu, who will always become the protagonist on the dance floor. Although Liu Xing is around, there will always be some unknown flies trying to get close to Xia Yu

Liu Xing is more honest and doesn't care too much. After all, everyone is here to have fun. Maybe they really want to dance? But for those who have random thoughts in their heads, Liu Xing will be rude.

Use your own 'dance' to teach them a lesson.

After seeing this, Xia Yu smiled happily and kissed Liu Xing's forehead fiercely as a reward for Liu Xing.

The amount of exercise required by such a vigorous dance can be imagined, and within a short time you were covered in sweat. Some people say that dancing in a disco is to vent, to indulge, and to sweat. Liu Xingjue said that if this is the case, go to the sauna. Maybe the effect will be more significant.

It's almost nine o'clock, and the nightclub is about to officially start. Many people who were doing preparatory exercises outside the venue also jumped in. The number of people on the dance floor suddenly became more chaotic, and collisions became inevitable. .And those beauties are usually the objects of collision. Seeing the poor performances of many boring men, Liu Xing was quite disdainful. He stopped playing such children's tricks when he entered high school.

Looking at the many people approaching Xia Yu, Liu Xing knew that Xia Yu had become their target. Looking at Xia Yu who seemed to be unaware of this, Liu Xing hugged him, then pushed aside the crowd and got on Second floor.

"You dance pretty well!" Liu Xing sat down and looked at Xia Yu and said in a strange tone. Liu Xing did not refuse to dance, but as a girl, should she be more careful at this time?

"It's not bad, it's very good!" Xia Yu looked at Liu Xing and said, then poured a glass of wine into his stomach, "Ah, it feels so comfortable!"

"Are there often such gatherings in the United States?" Liu Xing looked at the other party and asked, then drank a glass of wine lightly. Only by drinking the wine slowly can you taste the flavor.

"Yes!" Xia Yu nodded.

"I remember watching a few movies, American Pie, which were about American student gatherings. Is it really like what was described in it?" Liu Xing asked.

"I've seen it, it's a bit exaggerated, but it's basically true. It's like a naked parade before an exam to get rid of stress. I've seen it many times." Xia Yu said after hearing Liu Xing's words, and then stood up from her position. He got up, came to Liu Xing's side, sat on Liu Xing's lap, put his arms around Liu Xing's neck, "I'm not interested in those things, the parties I attended were all Chinese gatherings, very civilized. Don't worry, in Before I was with you, my hands had never been touched by any other man!"

"Really? Judging from your behavior just now, it doesn't look like that!" Liu Xing said after hearing what the other party said.

"It is precisely because I have never been like that that I want to experience the feeling of crazy dancing!" Xia Yu said to Liu Xing, then put her head on Liu Xing's chest and whispered, "I know you were on the dance floor just now You have been protecting me. In fact, I am very careful. Do you know why I am shaking my hair wildly? I just don’t let those people get close to me."

After hearing what the other party said, Liu Xing smiled. It seemed that this woman was not as daring as he thought. But just now, it seemed that Liu Xing was the only one who was left behind!

"Husband, I know you are protecting me. I feel safe with you. I am so happy today." Xia Yu murmured. When Liu Xing looked at her in his arms, Xia Yu had already fallen asleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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