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Chapter 361 Bargaining

Chapter 361 Bargaining

When we arrived at the Bund, we found a place to park the car. Although it was already very late, the place was still brightly lit. No, at nine-thirty it should be when the nightlife just started!

Liu Xing gently hugged Xia Xue's waist, while Xia Xue's body gently leaned on Liu Xing's body. The two of them walked along the Huangpu River, experiencing this rare warmth and affection!

"Xia Xue, now that the company has funds, there shouldn't be any problems, right?" Liu Xing asked Xia Xue beside him. Liu Xing really didn't want to talk to Xia Xue about such official matters, but...it's okay to talk about these official matters.

In order to pave the way for discussing private matters later, otherwise Liu Xing would not be able to speak out, and it would not have any effect if Xia Xue heard it.

"Yes!" Xia Xue nodded after hearing this and said, "I didn't expect things to go so smoothly tonight. Not only did I postpone the loan repayment for a year, but I also got another 50 million loan! A total of 50 million!

"Xia Xue couldn't restrain her inner excitement when she thought of this incident.

"Look at how happy you are. The money was lent to you, not given to you. It will have to be paid back in one year. It will add up to 70 to 80 million by then. Can you pay it back?" Liu Xing looked at Xia Xue and said.


"Of course, with this money, many projects that were originally stopped can now be fully implemented. I am confident that I will pay back the money in one year!" Xia Xue said with confidence.

"Just have confidence. It's best to make 300 million in one day, and then come back to Beijing with me!" Liu Xing said to Xia Xue, finally getting to the point, "Xia Xue, stop being so stubborn, don't make 300 million."

, besides they don’t care about money, how about... a reduction? Thirty million!"

"No, I want to prove my ability and worth!" Xia Xue said after hearing Liu Xing's words. It was obviously as Liu Xing said. She still stubbornly stuck to her words.

"No one doubts your ability and value. You have proven your worth before. There is no need for you to think so much. How good would it be for the two of us to walk together like this? Do you think it is better to be alone than with you?

Am I more comfortable together?"

"In fact, I also want to be with you, but... I have always had such a wish, hoping to make a career in the mall...!"

"There is only one sky and one piece of land in the world, and it belongs to all mankind. Just don't get in." Liu Xing stopped and turned around to look at Xia Xue and said, "Besides, there is a big difference between wishes and reality.

The difference is that not everyone's wish can be realized. My wish two months ago was that you could earn 300 million in a month and then come back to Beijing with me. It's been two months now. Look at it now.

Does this count as my wish not coming true? People, don’t be too persistent. It’s almost done, what more bikes do you want?”

"Liu Xing...!"

"Shut up first and listen to what I have to say!" Liu Xing looked at Xia Xue who looked aggrieved and said, "What's the use of earning 300 million? If you want money, I will work as a salesman in your small company.

?Or do you think Jingru and Xia Yu are short of money? We are all grown up now, and we are about to turn twenty-six soon. Half of our lives have been spent. Now that half of our lives have passed, we don’t even have the emotion to enjoy it.

What does it mean to enjoy it? You can make money at any time, but the relationship will definitely change after a long time. Just like now, I have a lot of opinions about you. Also, just treat yourself as your lovely Xia Xue

?Why should we learn from strong women? If Chinese women are like you, what do we men need to do? It’s not that I am discriminating against women. In fact, I respect women very much, but I think that things like making money to support the family are just

Men should do the work, and you women should stay at home to support your husband and raise children. The shopping mall is very cunning, full of deceptions one after another. Over time, even a pure woman's heart will be polluted, and those things in the shopping mall will be taken away.

What's the use of this at home? How can you women do such a torturous and brain-consuming thing? Look at you now, just like Cui Yongyuan, your face is full of lingering depression and fatigue

, do you think this is okay? The shopping mall is like a battlefield, let us men kill the Japanese."

"Times have changed. Men and women are the same!" Xia Xue said while looking at Liu Xing. The left face was aggrieved and the right face was stubborn, the left eye was apologetic and the right eye was persistent!

"Both men and women are the same. The division of labor is different. If the Japanese attack one day, will we men be required to cook and you women to chop people with machetes?" Liu Xing looked at Xia Xue and said, "I will give you an opinion now.

You take care of the company's affairs, and I'll take care of Xia Qiu's affairs. After these two things are done, how about you come back to Beijing with me? If you really want to continue to run your shopping mall, isn't Beijing also a part of it?

The company? Why don’t you go there and ride?”

"But I still want to be here..." Xia Xue pouted and looked at Liu Xing and said.

"What?" Liu Xing was completely helpless after hearing this, "You took what I just said about my feelings as Hai Feng? You really let me down, and you wasted so much of my saliva!" Liu Xing's psychology

I'm so angry now, I'm so angry!

Xia Xue looked at Liu Xing with a wry smile. Xia Xue was mentally prepared for Liu Xing's persuasion, but she didn't expect Liu Xing to be so angry.

‘Are you persistent? Aren’t you also persistent?’ Xia Xue thought in her mind.

"Liu Xing, didn't you tell me the last time you were hung by a helicopter? Give me time, give me freedom, and now you...?"

"At that time, Guangji was acting cool. I thought I could move you by saying that, but I didn't expect that it would be just the opposite. It would encourage your ambition. I really regret it. I feel like I was raped instead of being raped!" Liu Xing said deeply.

He sighed and said.

"What are you talking about?" Xia Xue gently pushed Liu Xing and said. Seeing Liu Xing's expression, Xia Xue suddenly laughed, leaned in front of Liu Xing, and kissed Liu Xing gently on the lips.

For a moment, "Stop it, we finally met, don't talk about these things. The worst thing... the worst thing is, can't I compensate you more?"

"Now only if you follow me back to our home can you make up for the loss and trauma I have suffered mentally. Any other compensation is useless!" Liu Xing said with his head turned to the side. He didn't appreciate it and didn't accept the compensation. Honey trap? There is no such thing.


"If you don't compensate, you won't compensate. Anyway, we made an agreement when you were Spider-Man!" Xia Xue said to Liu Xing, feeling that Liu Xing changed all the time. He always took the opportunity to show off his temper to achieve a certain purpose.

Just like a child, she actually didn't realize that Liu Xing also learned these tricks from her.

"Okay, since you mentioned the agreement, I will also mention the agreement to you!" Liu Xing looked at Xia Xue and said, after speaking, he took out a piece of paper from his jacket pocket, then opened it, "Open your watery eyes."

Spiritual eyes. Look at our original agreement!"

"This...you...you...!" Seeing the piece of paper in Liu Xing's hand, Xia Xue suddenly felt powerless!

"What? Do you want to admit it? There are your and my autographs on it!" Looking at Xia Xue's expression, Liu Xing changed his angry look just now and looked at Xia Xue with a proud look and said,

"See clearly, this is the agreement you made when you borrowed more than 100,000 hours from me, and promised to be my nanny for more than ten years. Later, I didn't count the things you borrowed from me. How about it? After this incident is over

Just come back with me!"

"Liu Xing, that was the beginning. Things are unpredictable. We should look at the problem from a development perspective! That's good. You take a step back, and I will take a step back. How about reducing 300 million to 200 million?" Xia Xue looked at Liu

Xing said. In fact, Xia Xue's mentality is a bit uncertain. Three hundred million is easy to say, but money is not that easy to make.

"No, 20 million is about the same!" Liu Xing said after hearing this. After talking for a long time, it was not in vain. Xia Xue finally let go. In fact, Liu Xing never thought that Xia Xue would be honest this time.

He went back to Beijing with him, and now the only thing left is bargaining!

"Twenty million? You're kidding, even if you bargain, you won't be able to cut it like this. Just 200 million!" Xia Xue looked at Liu Xing and said.

"One hundred million!"

"Twenty million!"

"Both of us, stop being stubborn. Let's take the winning number, 150 million. If it's less, you can quit if it's more!" Liu Xing looked at the other person and said, then stretched out his right hand!

"Deal!" Xia Xue thought for a long time, then stretched out her hand and gave Liu Xing a high-five, and then held the two hands tightly together.

"What I just said was not in vain!" Liu Xing thought, this time we talked about 150 million, next time we will try to talk about 100 million, and then it will drop bit by bit. Sooner or later, Xia Xue will be subdued.


"Liu Xing. But I have made a promise to you. You can't bargain with me anymore!" Xia Xue said to Liu Xing, as if she could see what Liu Xing was thinking.

Liu Xing blinked his eyes. He neither agreed nor disapproved. He was just pretending to be a fool. If he could, he would do whatever he could!

"Are you talking?" Xia Xue looked at Liu Xing and said, shaking Liu Xing's arm with both hands.

"Okay, I promise you!" Liu Xing looked at the other party helplessly and said, "The can pull the ring in love with the can, but the can's heart is filled with Coke! What can I do? You really broke your man's heart.

That’s it.”

"Really? Let me have a look?" Xia Xue said with a smile after hearing Liu Xing's words. She leaned on Liu Xing's chest and looked at it, then listened, and finally looked at Liu Xing with a smile and said, "It's okay, okay.


"Hey, I really hope that lovely Xia Xue comes back to me. Although it's a little annoying, it's better than making me sad now." Liu Xing pretended to look at Xia Xue with a sad look and said.


"Hey, you're still talking about me. Your face now looks like Xiao Cui's, full of lingering depression...!" Xia Xue looked at Liu Xing and said, then stretched out her hands and kept touching them.

Liu Xing rubbed his forehead, trying to remove the wrinkles on it.

"Heaven has not bestowed upon me any great responsibilities, but it still strains my mind and body, just for you!"

"Stop pretending, I know I can't convince you, and I know you speak beautifully, but I've made up my mind, and nothing you say can change it, so... stop pretending to be bitter, okay?

?Otherwise I will go back to the ward and won’t accompany you!"

"That won't work!" After hearing Xia Xue's words, Liu Xing grabbed the other party and finally came out once. How could he let her run away? Anyway, today's goal was achieved, and the melancholy of a deeply resentful woman was let go.

Well, it's time to enjoy the relationship between the two of them.

Liu Xing hugged Xia Xue tightly in her arms, and the two started walking along the Huangpu River again. They walked not only on the road, but also on their feelings!

This chapter has been completed!
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