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Feelings of XX after May 1st

Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, Xiao Li and I have been working in Qidian for more than two years. From "Melee", which I wrote when I was bored in college, to "Miss", which I continue to write after going to work, I have experienced a lot during this period.

I have learned a lot about things, and I have also found happiness and royalties in writing! I am a layman, and I have never shied away from money. Thank you all for your support in the past two years. I can only express my gratitude to those who like me and my novels.


During the writing period, I have been happy, happy, angry, depressed, and scolded by others. I think it is nothing. A writer who is not scolded is not a good writer. Every time I see someone scolding me and the book in the comments

Yes, I do feel a little uncomfortable mentally. Many friends have advised me to ignore those comments, but as an author, can I really ignore readers’ comments?

Since Xiao Li and I are very tight on time, when I manage the book review section and add more details, I only add those at the top. This indirectly hurts some old readers. It is unkind to say that Lao Li doesn't give more details. I think this is true.

It's a bit aggrieved. After all, I have to work during the day and write manuscripts at night. The time is really too little for me. I really hope to spend one or a few hours every day to communicate with my book friends and discuss the plot.

But there are only twenty-four hours in a day.

Xiao Li, I work from 9 to 6, eat with my family until 8 o'clock, and then start writing. I keep writing until 1 or 2 o'clock in the middle of the night. Xiao Li, I am not a fast player. Normally, I only write in an hour.

A thousand and five words.

If a book is to be responsible to readers, it must be updated every day, so that waiting fans can read it. Anyone who is familiar with Xiao Li knows that Xiao Li has never exploded like other authors. What about ten chapters and eight chapters a day?

I have never updated more than 30,000 yuan. I rarely even update five chapters. But I do feel that Xiao Li is a kind person and can guarantee updates every day. Even if I am on a business trip, I still have to stay up late to write.

I asked the editor to post a few chapters (thank you, Mr. Z). I am not a full-time writer and have to go to work during the day. I only use my rest time to write after I go home at night until midnight. For the two fixed chapters every day, I write every day.

I only go to bed in the middle of the night. Even if I have holidays on Saturdays and Sundays, I still have to sit at home and write. I save some manuscripts and save them for the third or fourth update when there are recommendations. I am short-sighted, have low back pain, and do not exercise.

Even though I was sitting there, I also gained weight.

Some people may say that Xiao Li is describing his sufferings and pretending to be pitiful. Yes, I am describing his sufferings and complaining, but I decided not to pretend to be pitiful. I don’t need anyone to pity me. My parents are alive and healthy, and I have many friends of both sexes.

Quite a few, a monthly salary of several thousand is considered a good deal in this small city. In reality, Xiao Li is already very satisfied with life. Of course, this does not mean that Xiao Li has no ambition. My ambition is very big.

Yes, everyone who has been to my QQ space probably knows this, but I know what this society is like, and I still have self-awareness.

About "Miss"

Let’s talk about books, where do we start? Let’s start with the book “The Big Lady”.

The Big Miss is a light-hearted and funny urban emotional novel. It took half a year to write. As for the results, some people said it was a hit. Many colleagues asked Xiao Li if his subscriptions had already exceeded 10,000. Because since the click

, recommended, and judging from the collection of more than 60,000, it is indeed pretty good. Although the book "Boss" is not as good as "Miss" in the above three aspects, the subscription can exceed 10,000.

As for the book "Miss", I want to say that it is indeed less than 10,000 yuan, and it is still far, far away. This makes me depressed and makes me cringe. I think even if I collect my novels, there is no harm in reading and subscribing.

?It still has a place on the bookshelf. It has a collection of more than 60,000, but please subscribe now, the novel is very good!

This may have something to do with Missy's writing style.

As mentioned above, this is an urban novel that is mainly relaxed, funny, and emotional. There is not much grudges or sorrows. It is an online fast food novel. It is about relaxation and happiness, so that readers can feel relaxed while reading it.

, so that everyone can get rid of the fatigue of the day, and then have a beautiful sleep. I feel that the most outstanding thing in "Miss" is the emotional aspect. Some places are particularly touching, such as: Liu Xing's relationship with Shanghai

Xia Xue said goodbye and used the helicopter. There is also the scallion pancake thing she met with Guan Tingting. Of course, there are many exciting parts in the article. Watch it, it’s very interesting. If you want to learn from poverty, watch it! If you want to practice your talk!

, look! Those who want to understand feelings, look! Those who want to date girls, look!

About May Day, about May, about monthly tickets

Many readers know that a week before May Day, Xiao Li went on a business trip, and had no idea about the double starting point monthly ticket. It was only when a book friend told me on May 2nd that I found out,

Everyone has also seen that after those VIP chapters, Xiao Li has added the words of asking for monthly votes. But the best time has been missed, so the monthly votes given to Xiao Li are very limited, even a little bit less. I am very grateful to those who gave it to me.

Brothers and sisters.

As you can see, from the time he wrote this book to now, Xiao Li rarely solicits monthly votes. In the first month of joining VIP, because he can compete for rankings and get bonuses, Xiao Li has solicited several tickets because Xiao Li has never had a big explosion.

Unlike others, I didn’t update five, six, or seventy eight chapters. Xiao Li knew that he couldn’t compare in terms of updates, so he stopped canvassing for votes. In the end, I didn’t make it into the top ten, but I felt that I had the ability to make it into the top ten.

The reason for mentioning monthly tickets now is because Qidian has introduced new rules. The top ten monthly tickets in each category will receive a bonus of 1,000 yuan. I am a layman, I am born in the 80s, I am a man, I want to save money, and I want to buy a house.

, it’s that simple for me to marry a wife. But now it seems that there is no hope of entering the top ten. Anyone who knows Xiao Li knows that Xiao Li can’t canvass votes. I admit that I really can’t, because when I go online one day, except

I am too lazy to do anything other than update novels and read book reviews. Canvassing votes? Especially canvassing votes in VIP chapters. I have never done it, although I know that fees will be recorded after a thousand words. I think VIP should be VIP and should not appear.

Words other than the content of the novel.

If you still have a monthly ticket, I hope you can vote for me after reading this complaint. If you feel that the novel is not good and Lao Li is not kind, it doesn’t matter if you don’t vote, Xiao Li has nothing to say. But I will still insist on it.

Stable updates. As for those who want to add hundreds of votes to add updates, I won’t talk about it, because now is Xiao Li’s limit, and he really has no ability to add updates. Just like this week, I cried every three chapters!

May, the monthly ticket in May is enough, one thousand yuan, bye! As for June, which is initially scheduled to end at the end of June, there is probably no hope. But since Xiao Li is full of hope for the future, he faces the sun and breathes fresh air.

, the world is still very beautiful. The most important thing is that there are so many beauties waiting for Xiao Li to see and bathe, I can't miss them.

Plans for the second book

The eldest lady has been writing more than half of it, and it will be over sooner or later. Xiao Li also plans to take a good rest, but because Xiao Li is not blind, he sees beautiful women every day at work and after get off work, and Xiao Li is still single in adolescence, so his brain I can't help but have some thoughts in it, and I can't help but think about what to write next. I can't help but think of nothing. The number one task now is to write the book "Miss" well.

But haha, everyone, please pay attention. Usually when the word 'but' appears, then the following content is hehe! But after seeing the beautiful woman, I still have some ideas.

"My Beautiful Boss" and "My Beautiful Lady", Xiao Li has now become a professional user of "My Beauty". Xiao Li wants to continue "My Beauty" to the end. I don't know if it is possible?

As the last part of the trilogy of the "My Beauty" series, the excitement cannot be missed, but you still have to wait. Xiao Li will actively prepare for the war after finishing "The Big Miss" so as not to disappoint everyone. That's all I can say.

Yes, this book will be published a few months later.

Finally, let me say one more sentence: Thank you.

Finally, let me shout again: monthly ticket, subscription.

Finally, let me yell again: Long live everyone!

On the afternoon of May 7, 2008, I was bored at work and secretly wrote this, hoping not to let my boss know.

This chapter has been completed!
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