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The book friend's gentle e-knife product 'Miss' I love to be eloquent!

All this time, I have been silently paying attention to the book "My Beautiful Lady".

As a loyal reader of Qidian, I have always been unswervingly looking for classic urban books. "My Wife Helps Me Find a Wife" by Lao Li is exactly one of my favorite urban works. It is also this book

The book made me interested in reading the work "The Eldest Lady".

In fact, "My Beautiful Boss" is also very well written, but I love the book "The Wife" even more. I am very happy to see that this small article "Fish Eyes" was mined by Lao Li into a short and concise urban article.

Although it is not long, this book is still touching and joyful.

But what I want to review today is Lao Li's "Miss".

1. A smooth-talking and urbanist person.

The biggest highlight of this book is the word "poverty". In this book, "poverty" is not a derogatory sense, but a complimentary one. It is precisely because of this word "poverty" that this book is popular in many urban areas.

stands out among other books in this category.

Liu Xing's character creation is very characteristic of Lao Li's own writing style. He looks like a common man who likes the pleasure of pretending to be bad, but he allows readers to find the true meaning of online fast food literature in the hilarious storylines.

A large number of popular jokes and baggage on the Internet have been carefully trimmed and put into the work by Lao Li, but they do not make people feel visually tired at all. On the contrary, it makes readers more surprised by his ability to recreate. However, I am even more delighted.

It can be seen that many casual passages in the book reveal the author's deep sense of humor.

Reading such a book is a spiritual pleasure and a literary enjoyment.

Lao Li's books have the flavor of a Beijinger's glib tongue, which makes me, a reader born in the 1970s who grew up and lived in Beijing, feel extremely friendly and familiar.

The most outstanding thing is the arrangement of the main storyline and the clever interweaving of characters.

After we read the introduction of the novel, we have already formed in our minds the idea of ​​wanting to watch the excitement, the chaos, and the jokes. In fact, this is indeed the case. The characters in Lao Li's works are in constant conflicts and conflicts.

The continuous and meticulous portrayal of characters allows readers to enjoy a kind of spiritual feast. It is like a table full of dishes, all of which are your favorite and will never get tired of eating them.

From the beginning of the story, whether it is the unique personal charm displayed by Liu Xing, whether it is the hilarious words of the sisters Yu and Xue, or whether it is the brothers who forget their gender between Liu Xing and Tingting.

Friendship subtly shows us the charm of Chinese language in every conversation. I can’t help but marvel at the vastness and profoundness of Chinese culture, which allows an excellent writer to write so freely and passionately, giving people enjoyment

and happiness.

It can be said that this is a high-quality urban novel that can't be put down in a relaxed atmosphere and occasionally touching mood. I can't help but think that glibness is also a kind of knowledge.

Second, the outstanding female characters make the story more interesting.

I have to admit that every woman in "The Eldest Lady" is written very vividly. But I believe that more readers like the frank, confused, cute and unrestrained Tingting the most. The successful creation of this character

, making this book more interesting.

The reason why Tingting is so popular is mainly because of Lao Li's sharp writing, which allows us to see that there is also a kind of confidant feeling between men and women that is different from love and friendship. This kind of mutual trust can be extreme, and they can laugh and scold each other.

The inadvertent expression of pure and beautiful feelings that can be ignored regardless of gender is a brand new feeling.

Who said that there must be love between men and women to attract attention? The friendship between Tingting and Liu Xing is the most touching and respectable. It is precisely because of this that when Tingting finally realized that she had fallen in love

Only when you are the best buddies will you feel pain and choose to use your own pain in exchange for the continuation of this precious relationship. I believe that all readers will be moved by this when they read this. Therefore, if you do not recommend it,

Dao Tingting, God cannot tolerate it (fortunately, Lao Li is clear-headed enough and didn’t make international jokes with everyone^_^).

Of course, the other women also have their own merits. Xia Yu's unpretentiousness, Xia Xue's strength and courage, Jingru's gentleness and ability, and Miss Sun's charm and coquettishness are all displayed in Lao Li's writings. It can be said that

, the successful creation of female characters is the greatest success of this book.

Three, a little regret.

Of course, every work cannot be perfect. Personally, I think that although "Miss" is very successful, it still has imperfections. For a period of time, Lao Li's creation seemed to have entered a low ebb, and the story became dull.

The glib talk in the past seemed to be getting boring, which made me worried and even thought about ending the show. But fortunately, Lao Li quickly adjusted his attitude and shifted the focus of the conflict to the fighting between Liu Xing and his son.

The story picks up steam again.

Generally speaking, this book is a relatively relaxed route, with no obvious villain appearing, and Liu's father plays the biggest "villain" role in the book. This is a novel writing method, and it is also a regrettable thing for me.

Although I don’t agree that urban books must write about business wars and underworld in order to show the protagonist’s awesomeness, but there are no hostile forces and there are no opponents of sufficient weight, so I always feel that something is missing. (Personal opinion, those who disagree

Throw it at me.)

Another regret is that the description of Sun Mei is not enough. Overall, I feel that there is not much pen and ink, and Liu Xing "ate up" her before she could write it thoroughly. It is a pity that her characteristics were not fully utilized.

Four, several points are unclear.

The story seems to be coming to an end, but there are still some unclear points that require my patience and Lao Li's explanation.

Yi Ruoxin has temporarily withdrawn from readers' sight, but does she still have a chance?

Is there still a two-night stand in Zhouzhou?

Is it possible for Jin Yan to become the heroine?

Will Haiyan be a dark horse?

Can Ye Qiu's good impression of Liu Xing be transformed into love?

Sweat, if so many foreshadowings were deliberately left by Lao Li, then it seems that the story still has a long way to go.

Okay, that’s all. Thank you Lao Li for bringing me an urban feast. I am looking forward to the trend of the story and will pay attention to it all the time.

[Gentle e Knife] book review, must be a masterpiece!!!

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