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Chapter 74 The Secret That Can't Be Said

As a smoker, you must have three conditions: cigarettes, a lighter, and the shameless charm you show when smoking.

Once upon a time, Liu Xing was a qualified smoker. But now, he has cigarettes and lighters, but he cannot express his unique charm in the past.

"Hoo~~!" He blew out a smoke ring gently towards the moon in the sky, which immediately attracted the sideways glances of the girls on the roadside. There are many smokers in the world today, but few can smoke rings so round.

A few, Liu Xing was lucky enough to be one of these few when he was in high school.

Is his heart too soft? Liu Xing thought to himself as he squatted under a lamp on the street with a decadent look on his face.

In the past, I used to ride women under me, but now, I let two women ride on my head. But why do I tolerate these two unreasonable young ladies?

Afraid? What have you been afraid of?

Driving those two women away? With the thick skin of those two women, it would probably be difficult. Even if I were really angry, if I met a master like Xia Xue, I would treat it as nothing.

"Hey!" Liu Xing couldn't help but sigh. He didn't expect that he would provoke such two women. After thinking about it, he actually didn't do anything. Could this be the legendary peach blossom disaster? Well, it's possible.

"My classmate is here alone, what's bothering me?" A sweet voice came to Liu Xing's ears. Liu Xing glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a slim and fashionable woman standing next to him.

, she was looking at him with a smile. Her upper body was wearing a tight-fitting T-shirt, her breasts were very big, and her V-shaped neckline showed off her cleavage. It looked like she was well developed, and her lower body was wearing a white miniskirt, with Liu Xing squatting.

From this angle on the ground, you can vaguely see the white underwear of the other party. The woman is not beautiful, and her appearance can only be considered average. What is valuable is that this woman has healthy wheat-colored skin and a very good figure, especially a pair of long legs.

, slender and muscular, Liu Xing's mind couldn't help but think of what it would be like to be sandwiched between such a pair of beautiful legs, with such plump breasts.

"Do I look like a student?" Liu Xing looked at the other person and asked.

"Everyone who appears at this time and place seems to be students from this nearby university." The woman looked at Liu Xing and said with a smile.

Liu Xing was slightly startled after hearing this. Isn't this woman a prostitute? For now, places with colleges and universities are like red light districts, especially those women who have already ignored their studies and recognized the essence of education. Everyone, the saying "Ten years of cold weather is worse than taking off your clothes" has been spreading faster and faster in colleges and universities across the country, and it continues to develop into high schools, and its power is getting bigger and bigger. It is very likely that before the Olympic Games Become a spoken language among junior high school students.

Among these women, of course, colleges are divided into three, six or nine grades. The better the college, the higher the price.

Under the conditions of average appearance: the minimum standard of a first-class university, pocket money of about 30,000 yuan a month, excluding clothes and cosmetics, 3,000 yuan for the last bed, house configuration with two bedrooms and one living room or two bedrooms and two living rooms, within the third ring road, car pick-up


The minimum standard for a second-rate university is about 15,000 yuan a month for pocket money, excluding clothes and cosmetics, 1500 yuan for the last bed, and the tip will be reduced as time goes by. The house is equipped with two bedrooms and one living room, within the fourth ring road, and there is a car.


The minimum standard for a third-rate university is about 5,000 yuan a month as pocket money, clothing and cosmetics except sometimes, and 1,000 yuan for a bed. The price will decrease with the increasing number of beds and the passage of time. The house is equipped with one room.

The first hall is outside the Fifth Ring Road. There is no pick-up or drop-off by car. You have to bear the fare yourself, and sometimes it can be reimbursed.

The minimum standard for a fourth-rate or lower university is no different from that of a 'chicken'. The monthly pocket money is determined by many human-made and non-prior factors such as the guest's wealth, generosity, quantity, and the number of crackdowns by the public security department. You must take care of your own clothes and cosmetics.

The price of a bed varies, but the quality of the 'work' is directly proportional to the price. The housing configuration is basically a guerrilla war. You can change places after a shoot, usually in a hotel or a street hotel. The housing expenses are borne by the customer. If you don't have a car, you can pick them up.

If you don’t have a car for delivery, you have to pay for the fare yourself and cannot be reimbursed.

Liu Xing couldn't help but look up and down at the woman in front of him. Regardless of what kind of university this was nearby, with her appearance, it should be easy to earn a second-rate salary. There was no way, her figure was too devilish, and just looking at it would easily make people think about it.

Blood spurted.

"You haven't answered my question yet!" The woman looked at Liu Xing and said with a smile.

"What's the answer?" Liu Xing looked away from the other party. He was afraid that his current mood was extremely bad and something scandalous would easily happen.

"There seems to be something bothering you. Can you talk to me?" The woman obviously didn't mind being exposed in front of Liu Xing, so she squatted down next to Liu Xing.

"Do you always like to listen to strange men talk about troublesome things?" Liu Xing flicked the cigarette butt into a trash can five meters away with great accuracy, and then lit another one for himself.

"Unfortunately, you are the first." The woman said with a smile.

"Why am I so unlucky?" Liu Xing said.

"Because the smoke rings you spit out are very beautiful, as if your soul is lingering around you! Do you like smoking very much?" the woman looked at Liu Xing and asked.

"The entanglement of the soul? It's very interesting!" Liu Xing looked at the woman next to him in surprise, and then said lightly: "Smoking is not about liking smoking itself, but just being infatuated with that feeling, letting your mind wander in the imaginary smoke.

You get precipitated from it. Smoking can only represent a mood, and being obsessed is just a state of mind. Do you smoke?"

"Don't lead me astray. Smoking is a mixture of gas, steam and dust particles produced when tobacco leaves are not completely burned. When ignited, the temperature reaches as high as 900, producing a variety of decomposition and synthesis products, of which toxic components account for 90%.

Most of them, like nicotine, benzene, carbon monoxide, acetaldehyde, etc. It is very harmful to a woman’s appearance and body, and it can also reduce fertility and cause miscarriage...!"

"Don't tell me you studied chemistry!" Liu Xing said after interrupting the other party.

"That's right, I majored in organic chemistry!" The woman looked at Liu Xing and said with a smile.

"Haha, then you should also know that second-hand smoke is more harmful to health. Why are you still close to me?" Liu Xing looked at the other person and said.

"The air flows well here, I can't smell it!" the woman said with a smile, "People like you who can express their mood through smoking are not the same type as ordinary smokers."

"They are all smoking, what difference can it make?" Liu Xing said with a smile, feeling that this woman was a bit interesting, and her originally depressed mood was somewhat relieved.

"The way you smoke is very elegant, like a declining aristocrat, especially the way you blow out smoke rings, which makes people wonder about your heart." The woman said with a smile, "By the way, you, I

After saying so much, you still haven’t told me what makes you depressed!”

Liu Xing was stunned after hearing what the other party said. This woman is naturally familiar with herself. How can she talk to a strange man like this? Even if she is selling, she shouldn't ask such nonsense. For them, time is money.


"How can you see that I'm depressed?" Liu Xing looked at the other person and asked.

"Everyone can tell, all it takes is the word 'depressed' to be engraved on your face!" the woman said with a smile.

"Hey!" Liu Xing sighed deeply, "Taiwan will not return, I feel very depressed."

"What does this have to do with you?" The woman was stunned after hearing Liu Xing's words.

"Don't you think it's frustrating for Chinese people to have a pass to go to Taiwan?" Liu Xing looked at the other person and said, he was just talking nonsense with the woman in front of him.

"What's all the fuss about? Do you need a temporary residence permit to live in places like Beijing, Shanghai, or Shenzhen?" the woman said to Liu Xing.

"Hey, your generation is finished!" Liu Xing sighed deeply.

"Are you crazy?" The woman looked at Liu Xing and asked suspiciously.

"Wrong, it's mental illness!" Liu Xing looked at the other person and said.

"Haha, I am also mentally ill!" After hearing Liu Xing's words, the woman said with a smile: "I am in a good mood tonight. Looking at your depressed look, you seem to be a idle person. How about we go and play together?"

"I have no money!" Liu Xing spread his hands and said with a smile. He planned to finish smoking one and go home, but he didn't expect to meet this woman.

"Don't have money to smoke Chinese?" the woman looked at Liu Xing and said.

"Ask it from someone else!"

"Forget it, forget it, I have money, but you have to eat with me first!" The woman looked at Liu Xing and said with a smile.

"Well? Aren't you going back to school? Aren't you going to eat in the cafeteria?" Liu Xing looked at the woman and asked. He said that he only ate a bowl of noodles in the evening and everything else was wasted. Now he is really a little hungry.

"There's no point in going back to school. Canteen? Stop joking!" The woman looked at Liu Xing with a smile and said, "Didn't you ever go to college? Don't you know about the university canteen?"

"Don't know? It's a joke! I think that compared to the cafeteria in my university, the cafeterias outside are very exciting! Do you know? There is a singer who visited the cafeteria of my school twice. The first time was in

In 2001, after he left, he created an album "Fantasy". In the following years, the food tasted so good that he created another album "Qilixiang". He thought the food in my school's cafeteria would improve.

, came again, and after leaving, I created an album "Still Fantasy". I never dared to go there again, so I finally created an album "I'm Very Busy"." Liu Xing said.

"Haha, what's that? A few days ago, we also went to a 'Xing' in our school cafeteria. After we went there, we filmed a movie called "The Secret That Can't Be Told." I was speechless." The woman looked at Liu Xing and said.

"Hahahaha~~!" Liu Xing and the woman looked at each other and smiled, and the laughter spread throughout the street.

This chapter has been completed!
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