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The first thousand one hundred and sixty-five chapters [the return of all races]

This fluctuation was too sudden and too fast. It was so sudden that all human beings didn't even have time to react before they felt it.

At this moment, all the powerful people above the human Dao realm raised their heads in shock. Then, for the first time, they crossed time and space and saw the same scenery at the same point in time...

In the place where tomorrow was supposed to hang high, a layer of black mist turned into a whirlpool and emerged out of thin air.

This vortex was so big that it seemed to occupy the entire sky high in the sky. The earth-shattering fluctuations that seemed to suffocate people and subvert the entire world were permeated from that vortex.

"What is that?!"

Countless humans were shocked to the extreme. They stared at the whirlpool with their eyes widened and murmured.

Soon, as the vortex rotated, the black mist seemed to be gradually swallowed by the center of the vortex. Gradually, the mist in the air gradually dissipated, and was replaced by a stone door.

The stone gate towers into the clouds and is extremely huge. The dark color seems to be absorbed and distorted by it. It suppresses the sky, like a whirlpool. A vast, mysterious, simple and vicissitudes of atmosphere, accompanying the stone gate.

Appears and spreads in all directions.

This scene shocked countless human beings. Everyone looked at the stone gate in stunned silence. A numbing feeling of terror appeared in everyone's hearts the moment the stone gate arrived.

They had a premonition that a great terror was coming.


The earth-shattering sound echoed slowly, and at this moment, a crack opened in the closed stone door in the sky.

Dazzling light pours down from that crack.

And with that dazzling light like the scorching sun appearing, suddenly, like the roar of all beasts, it was as dull as thunder, rolling and sweeping across all directions.

"After millions of years, all races will return. Human beings, you have to pay the price for what happened back then!"

Suddenly, a cold and old voice echoed loudly.

This sound spread throughout the whole world. Just like the previous fluctuations, it spanned time and space, roaring and echoing!

And at the same time as this vast and epic old voice fell, above the boundless sea. On the boundless sea that originally belonged to the world of monsters, stone gates emerged from the void like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Not just the boundless sea.

The Tiannan Region...the Great Western Region...Mobei...and even the Eastern Land! Stone gates appeared out of thin air in each and every wilderness place that was ignored by humans.

The stone gates in the sky are like the projections of these stone gates that appear in the sea. These stone gates tower into the clouds. After they appear, the surrounding space is distorted. Then, they suddenly open.

Countless creatures rushed out from the stone gates. Then, the nearest ones roared towards the area where humans gathered...

For a moment, the demons danced wildly, and the sun seemed to have forgotten its responsibilities. It did not appear at this moment. A more terrifying wave came. However, this time, the wave was no longer as invisible as before, but clear and clear.

To the extreme.

"All races...return?"

For a moment, all human beings were stunned. They looked at the sky stupidly. As the surrounding fluctuations emerged, the vortex in the sky gradually reappeared, and the terrifying stone door was also hidden in the vortex and gradually disappeared.

The sun, at this moment, finally slowly poked its head out.

However, all humans know that at this moment, after the sunrise on this day, the whole world... changes!

Almost at the same time as the 'sky changed', one after another looked towards the sky. In these gazes, they all carried terrifying thoughts. But their expressions were extremely solemn.

Tiannan Territory, Dahua Kingdom, Tiandu Prefecture, one of the mountains in ten directions.

There is a mountain here, which is more than a thousand blades high, like a peak reaching the sky. On the top of the mountain, there is an orchard. In the orchard, there are many monkeys.

At this moment of change, the monkeys were startled, grinning, and jumping up and down. On the top of the mountain above the orchard, there was a small cave. At this moment, in front of the cave, a rickety figure was sitting cross-legged.


This is an old man, with a wine gourd hanging from his waist, an ugly face, and a huge rosacea, which adds a bit of joy.

However, at this moment, the expression on his face was completely opposite to his appearance... He did not raise his head to look at the movement in the sky, but instead looked at the cave in front of him with an indifferent expression.

Deep in the cave, there was a flash of light, and faintly, there were bursts of crazy screams coming from the cave, as if something was struggling, trying to break through some obstacles.

The old man's always cynical eyes revealed a coldness, and a bright golden light appeared in his eyes.

"I don't care about the rest. All races here are not allowed to be born."

He murmured, but all he saw was that the golden light in his eyes suddenly became brighter, turned into golden light, and flashed in and out. At the moment of entering, the roar inside became louder, as if it inspired an even stronger rebound.

But no matter how fierce the rebound inside it was, it couldn't break through the obstruction of the golden light at all. It could only scream crazily in it, but it didn't help.

Dongtu has always been called the holy land of warriors, and this is not just talk. Dongtu has a vast area and rich products. If the spiritual energy of the world is divided into nine points, Dongtu has five of them!

In such a vast area, there are not so many national sects. Some are just one country.

A country that was extremely huge and prosperous to the extreme.

This country is called ‘Xia’!

In the far east of the earth, there is a city. The city is huge, majestic, and the buildings inside are magnificent and majestic. In the center of the city, there is a palace. The palace is thirty-three stories high, as if rising from the ground.

The giant peak reaching the sky overlooks the vast city as far as the eye can see.

In the gorgeous palace room on the 33rd floor of the palace, there was a person sitting.

This man is covered in yellow robes and has extremely large bones. His whole body exudes an extremely strong aura of an emperor. He is just sitting here, but he seems to be sitting in the clouds. The luck of the whole world is gathered on him, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Dare to stare.

He is the emperor who walks between heaven and earth, and everything in heaven and earth should surrender under his feet.

His eyes were cold and wise. He looked up at the sky at this moment, his expression showing no emotion or anger.

He just waited quietly for the whirlpool and stone gate in the air to completely dissipate, then slowly lowered his head, his eyes flashing, but there was a chill in the air.

In Mobei, there are no sects and no country. In this endless place covered by ice and snow all year round, there are tribes.

In the far north, there are glaciers everywhere, and on top of the glaciers, there is a huge tribe. At the center of the tribe, there is an altar towering into the clouds. Under the altar, there are countless people wearing white fur clothes, with faces and limbs full of strange lines.

The human race knelt down respectfully.

In front of the more than 100,000 human beings who were kneeling on the ground, there were two figures standing on the ground. They were an old figure and a young figure.

The old one is an old woman. She has a stooped body, wears white animal skins, and carries a dragon-headed crutch. Her face is extremely old, with wrinkles like ravines. She raised her head, her eyes that were already cloudy, and looked at

The altar is shining with boundless light.

Beside her was a very beautiful woman. In this world covered with ice and snow, this woman was barefoot and bare-armed, with a luxurious fur covering her body, just standing in the ice and snow. Her black hair was like a waterfall, looking casual.

Scattered on the back of the head, the features are picturesque, and the country is captivated.

On her exposed arms and bare feet, you can also see the strange and extremely exquisite strange lines.

The whirlpool and stone gate in the sky finally slowly dissipated. As the vision disappeared, the light blooming from the altar also slowly dissipated.

But the old man and the young man still looked up. After a long time, the old woman murmured: "The rising sun is trapped, and all races are coming again... The prophecy left by our ancestors has come true..."

Most of the Great Western Region is a desert. However, in the desert, strange peaks will occasionally appear. Some of these strange peaks are short and not worth mentioning. But some are towering into the clouds and have a holy aura.

There is a mountain range among them. On top of the tallest peak in a huge mountain range, there is an extremely magnificent temple. This temple is magnificent and covers an area of ​​more than ten thousand miles. There are statues of Buddha on every hilltop. There are also Sanskrit sounds filling the air, echoing throughout the world.

.Just like a Buddhist country.

When the terrifying fluctuations emerged, if the one who suffered the least impact was probably this temple. The Sanskrit sound that echoed between heaven and earth for a long time seemed to suppress the terrifying fluctuations. Among them, Buddhist cultivators, see

When I saw the sky scene, I was not shocked or horrified like ordinary people. Instead, my eyes were like an ancient well, and I sat down cross-legged consciously, with a solemn appearance, and recited Buddhist scriptures.

Hundreds of thousands of Buddhist scriptures recited orally poured into the long-lasting Sanskrit sound. Suddenly, the Sanskrit sound became louder, terrifying fluctuations, and there was no way to enter. Even the scenery in the sky disappeared with the fluctuations.

, and dissipated in advance between heaven and earth. I could only vaguely hear the words of the old voice in the distance.

This is the country of Buddha. In other words, it is the holy land for all Buddhists in the world.

The highest mountain is called Bodhi Mountain. On Bodhi Mountain, there is a big tree that towers into the clouds with lush branches. Above the big tree, hangs a huge bell that is a hundred feet high. And under the tree, there are wooden houses and melons.

The garden is calm and peaceful.

Here, there is a little monk.

The young monk was about twelve or thirteen years old, extremely handsome. There was a little vermilion between his eyebrows.

Although he is young, his eyes are not like those of an ordinary child. It is as if he has been washed for countless years, pure, vicissitudes of life, calm and peaceful.

He raised his head and looked at the place in the sky where the whirlpool that had been dispersed by Sanskrit sounds and Buddhist scriptures disappeared. After a long time, he breathed out gently.

He lowered his head and ignored the fluctuations in the sky and the old vague voice. Instead, he turned around and walked into the melon garden.

In the melon garden, vines spread, and many melon leaves had withered and turned into black decay. But there were also some green shoots that stubbornly poked their heads out from the vines.

Seeing the green buds, a happy smile suddenly appeared on the little monk's face. This smile is as warm as the sun, making people feel warm... (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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