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Chapter 1244 [Coexistence and death! 】

Such silence made the air heavy, and the eyes of the saint ancestors of the Barbarian Bull Clan and the Seven Feather Clan flickered with struggle and hesitation.

The words of the ancient evil ancestral beast were like a basin of cold water poured on their heads, making them regain their composure, but what was more... was heartache!

That's their bloodline! When the Stone Gate of Ten Thousand Races was sealed, the passage of time was very different from the outside world. Three million years, among the Stone Gate of Ten Thousand Races, was only thirty thousand years. Those bloodlines gradually multiplied during this process.

It has such a large scale only after it came out. Now that all races have returned, the seal has been broken, and the passage of time has completely integrated with the outside world.

Now these hundred years are an extremely critical hundred years. The forces of heaven and earth must be reshuffled. Otherwise, the human race will be destroyed. Otherwise, we must discuss with the human race the way of coexistence in the future... The war will not last for too long.

Everyone understands this, because neither the human race nor the Ten Thousand Clans can withstand a long period of brutal fighting. Today's battles are more about fighting for future status and resources, and venting the sealed anger of the Ten Thousand Clans.

And when everything is over, the alliance of all races may not be broken, but internal competition is an inevitable trend! By that time, if you want the people to live a better life, have more resources, and more fertile land, they will rely on

The strength of the race itself!

Under this general trend, a large number of tribesmen with the blood of ancestral beasts are the wealth of every race!

Now, the Qiyu tribe and the Manniu tribe of the Hidden Dragon Islands will have to face such a choice... Give up? Or persist?

"I, I hate it!!!" The Qiyu clan finally let out a long breath, and the shrill and angry voice came out from his mouth, shaking the world.

He already had a choice.

The Saint Ancestor of the Barbarian Bull Clan was also silent. His eyes struggled, but after a long time, he also let out a roar, his eyes were red, but he said nothing else.

Seeing the expressions of the two people, the other three alien saint ancestors also understood their choices. After looking at each other, the middle-aged man let out a long breath, and a murderous intent filled the air in his eyes.

Sweeping in all directions.

"Then... kill him!"


Strong murderous intent emerged on the bodies of the five alien ancestral beasts at this moment. The attack originally scheduled for two days later was launched today!

An order was conveyed to the countless alien races, and then, with a sudden explosion, as if there was substantial murderous intent, it swept from the tens of millions of alien races and was swept into the clouds. The sky and the earth were eclipsed by it.

The strong murderous aura condensed in the air. It turned into evil aura, cold and merciless. Even the air was filled with blood...

Boom boom boom!!!

One by one, the alien races rose up from the sky, black as dense as locusts, blocking out the sun. Under the orders of several great ancestral beasts, they headed towards Hidden Dragon Island...!

At the same time as the aliens were attacking, in the waters on the edge of Hidden Dragon Island, countless large ships surrounded the entire Hidden Dragon Island. Except for the large ships on the sea, there were also huge spaceships in the sky. The spaceships were densely packed

The station was full of people.

Not only the ships on the sea and the ships in the sky, but also the coastal edges were all crowded with dense crowds.

These people were dressed in different styles, some were uniformly attired, but there were also many more who were wearing all kinds of clothes... At this moment, these people, regardless of their clothes, were all gathered together, looking up.

Distant seas.

These people had solemn expressions, but their eyes were firm.

The sword is unsheathed and the spear is drawn.

There is also a large piece of starlight that wraps the entire Hidden Dragon Island! ...How huge is the Hidden Dragon Island? But the starlight wraps it up. Deep in the island, there are certain defenses with huge formations.

A large pile of spiritual milk was poured onto the formation, and streams of green light rose into the sky, forming this huge star formation.

In one of the sea areas, an old man stood with his hands behind his hands. His eyes had no eyeballs, and some were blinding white. The white light seemed to penetrate endless space and look towards the distant sea.

Behind him, Shi Wanxuan and Hua Jianqiong stood with their hands behind their hands, standing in the air. Their expressions were solemn, but the determination in their eyes was clearly visible.

Not long after, the old man in front trembled slightly, and then his voice slowly sounded: "My name is Feng Jiangyuan. I was originally from the Moon Queen Islands, a billion miles away from Hidden Dragon Island. After the natural change, I was ordered to

Come to the Hidden Dragon Islands and guard this place so that the people of our Hidden Dragon Islands will not be slaughtered by the aliens. Now four years have passed, but the alien offensive is in full swing. They have attacked ten islands in our Hidden Dragon Islands and billions of people have suffered a catastrophic attack.

It’s difficult... I feel deeply saddened.”

His voice was soft and gentle, but it spread throughout the entire Hidden Dragon Islands. Not only the people along the coast, but also the people in every town and town on Hidden Dragon Island, and even the entire Hidden Dragon City, were listening at this moment.

came his voice.

People raised their heads worriedly and looked to the sky. No matter what they were doing, they stopped what they were doing at this moment. The children held their parents' hands, and the parents hugged their children tightly. At this moment, they were all quiet.


"However, even though I am heartbroken, I have no other choice... I can only stick to the three major islands of Hidden Dragon, Yulong, and Jilong, and form horns with the foreign races. Let me, the Hidden Dragon clan, finally have a piece of land.

The pure land of peace and happiness.”

"However...I was wrong!"

"The cruelty and greed of the aliens frightened me. They occupied ten of my tribe's islands and slaughtered billions of our people, but they... were not satisfied!"

"What they want is not land or resources. What they want... is the annihilation of our Hidden Dragon clan! What they want is to cut off the bloodline of our Hidden Dragon clan!"

"We have lived in peace for five years. I underestimated their determination and their cruelty... The alien race is powerful and the human race is declining, so before that, I cannot make up my mind to risk everything and fight to the death with them.

This is my biggest fault!"

"But at this moment... I, the human race, have no way out."

"Today, they are here. They are fierce and murderous. They are pointing directly at Hidden Dragon Island, the only remaining pure land of our clan!"

"I, the moon queen, Feng Jiangyuan, and the deputy leader of the boundless hidden dragon, hereby swear to live and die with the hidden dragon!"

The old man's voice became louder and louder, and in the end, he roared loudly. At this moment, his old torso suddenly stood tall and straight, like a majestic mountain, standing in the sky in an instant.

Everyone's faces turned red, and they were trembling all over. The blood in their chests suddenly rolled, and with the voice of the leader of the wind, it shot straight into the sky!

"I swear to live and die with the Hidden Dragon!"

"I swear to live and die with the Hidden Dragon!!"

"I swear to live and die with the Hidden Dragon!!!"

Oath and Hidden Dragon

Live or die together!

At this moment, terrifying sound waves boomed from every corner of Hidden Dragon Island.

Feng Jiangyuan, this Origin Realm powerhouse who came to Hidden Dragon Island through the teleportation array four years ago, before today, was an extremely strange and mysterious existence even to the Reborn Realm powerhouses. He has been living in Wuyuan Zang

Dragon Nei is not an important place in Hidden Dragon's Expanse, it's just a random place to live... He lives in seclusion, and no one knows what kind of person he is and what kind of temper he has.

But today, with these words, everyone remembered him! This old man who lives in seclusion and comes from a billion miles away, but has to live and die with Hidden Dragon Island!

The blood was boiling hot. Everyone's heart seemed to be beating out of their chests. They knew that with the war, today might be the day when the Hidden Dragon tribe was exterminated. But at this moment, everyone's eyes were filled with excitement, anger, and madness.

...The only thing I don’t have is fear!


No fear!

What's the use of fear? Will fear make the aliens let them go?

They have experienced the catastrophic changes in Hidden Dragon Island, and this is by no means the first time they have fought against aliens. They have seen with their own eyes that the attitude of aliens towards humans is not to treat humans as the same intelligent creatures. In the eyes of aliens, humans

Just food! Just playthings!

They have all seen the aliens eating human flesh orally, and even communicating with each other, tasting the meat. They have all seen the humanoid aliens tearing off the clothes of a human woman, letting the desperate woman cry and scream, but still laughing loudly.

They had seen it with their own eyes...

Too many!

All of this shows that today's alien race is invading, and there is absolutely no way that any human race here will be spared for any reason.

Just as Feng Jiangyuan said, they came here not for the land, not for the vast territory, not even for any resources, they came here just to kill!

Kill every living human life here!

All human emotions were violently excited, and they were trembling all over, not with fear, but with impatience!

Five years ago, on that day five years ago, everything changed. In the past five years, human beings have been suppressed for too long. But today, they should not be suppressed anymore. They... are going to explode!

Even if their heads are missing, even if they are stained with blood, they... will still break out!!!

At this exciting and restless moment, Shi Wanxuan's face was also grim. He gritted his teeth tightly, but at the next moment, he took out the Infinite Token.

Hua Jianqiong next to him was stunned when he saw this scene.

Then, he saw Shi Wanxuan's spiritual thoughts moving and leaving a message in the boundless space.

Hua Jianqiong was stunned again, and then he took out the Infinite Token. Then, he saw a piece of colorful text high in the Infinite Space.

"Brother Luo, the alien race...is attacking!"

This is the message left by Shi Wanxuan.

After waiting for a short time, another piece of colorful text appeared.

"Okay, I understand."

Hua Jianqiong was stunned for a moment, and then came to his senses.

That's... Luo Yi!

At the same time, among the stone gates of thousands of miles away, a figure sitting cross-legged in the sky stood up at this moment. And his originally silent face suddenly surged with violence at this moment.

murderous intent!

Today is destined to be a day of bloodshed! (To be continued...)


This chapter has been completed!
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