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Chapter 129 Ru Mao drinks blood

Looking at the thick vines that were entangled and guarding, the big snake didn't swim for long before it came out of the cliff surrounded by the surrounding area.

This sunken cliff is naturally too far for a body like the big snake, but for Luo Yi, this place is undoubtedly a good place to stay for him to shelter from the wind and rain.

And on the inside of the cliff, there is a small hole less than half a meter high, but extremely deep. It is obvious that this is the nest of the big snake. The big snake did not stop, but headed towards the deep small hole.

It swam away. When its tail was about to enter the cave, Luo Yi suddenly gritted his teeth tightly. He made another seal with his right hand, and with a faint red light, he immediately penetrated into the deep hole.

"Put me down.

Luo Yi spoke weakly.

The big snake's body suddenly trembled, and then the tail of the slender vine wrapped around Luo Yi's body was loosened. And Luo Yi also fell into the cliff where you were trapped.

Luo Yi went down to the ground. When the net hit the ground, his whole head felt dizzy. It was completely dark. He couldn't even use his strength under his feet and almost fell down. After staggering a few steps, his soft body became slightly stiffer.

But he couldn't care about it now. He staggered and ran to a corner inside the cliff with his chest covered. He leaned against the cliff with his back. His face was pale and he panted rapidly. After a long time, he adjusted his breathing. Then he gritted his teeth.

, but he pinched a mark again, and another faint red light penetrated into the deep hole.

"Hunt a few creatures and send them back.

As Luo Yi's words fell, the body of the big snake immediately crawled towards the deep cave. But it didn't wait long. It crawled out again. The huge snake head poked out, with a pair of scarlet red eyes.

After glancing at Luo Yi with dull snake eyes, he climbed up the vine. After wandering around for a while, he disappeared.

After seeing the big snake disappear, Luo Yi sat down on the ground, panting violently. He knew that he was safe for the time being.

"I must recover from this injury as soon as possible, I can't delay it any longer.

This time, Luo Yi was undoubtedly the most seriously injured. Many of the meridians in his body were damaged, and the lung pus was also severely injured. After using the "Thunder Step" to the extreme, he even used the "Rhythm-Qingyu Sword" once, all of which

It is a very harmful exercise to the body.

And then he fell into the cliff again, and the injuries on his arms and face were shocking. If this was normal, it would probably be a trauma. It would not be a problem. But Luo Yi stayed on the cliff for half a day, and his blood loss was huge.

Fortunately, it is winter now, and the blood coagulates faster than in summer. I'm afraid Luo Yi would have died from excessive blood loss.

With his hands in his arms, Luo Yi fumbled for a while, but he escaped into a small wooden box. Luo Yi gritted his teeth and opened the lid of the wooden box, which contained more than half of the box of colorless and transparent viscous substance.

This was the plaster he asked for from Mr. Pei when he was about to leave Yunxi Island. It was exactly the kind of plaster that was used to treat his injuries that day.

Gritting his teeth, Luo Yi opened the wound on his arm where a thick layer of dried blood had condensed. The sharp pain made his whole body tremble slightly. But he gritted his teeth tightly, but

Without saying a word.

The dried blood looks like scarring, but in fact it is not. If the infection is not treated, let alone the infection, the slight bleeding will continue. Therefore, it cannot be left alone.

He applied the ointment to his wound with his hand, and a cool feeling covered the originally burning wound. The blood gradually stopped.

Luo Yi spent a lot of time to treat the wounds on his arms, hands, face, and chest. After that, the transparent plaster in the wooden box was revealed to Cai.

"Fortunately, I was prepared. Otherwise, just bleeding would be enough to kill me."

After doing this, Luo Yi sweated slightly on his forehead.

That day on "Yunxi Island." Although Luo Yi's injuries were all external injuries, he only used two plasters and the scars were healed, leaving only some faint traces. "Stop bleeding and promote muscle growth.

Although the effect is not as good as that of high-grade drugs, it is indeed pretty good.

In the current situation, having such a ridiculous "hemostasis and muscle-building" medicine has undoubtedly saved Luo Yi a lot of trouble.

"It's a pity that I only prepared these medicines for "stopping bleeding and promoting muscle growth" at that time, but I didn't prepare some medicines for "activating blood circulation and resolving diseases". Internal injuries must rely on true energy.

Luo Yi frowned.

Now there is only a trace of true energy left in his body. If you want to use this small amount of true energy to repair his scarred meridians and lungs, you can imagine how difficult it is.

"Although it is difficult, I must do it. Otherwise, nothing else. The cold alone can kill me."

On one side of the cliff, there was still a hurricane like howling ghosts and wolves. Luo Yi huddled in a corner, but he could still feel the bone-chilling chill that occasionally swept into the four-sided cliff.

Fortunately, although he has consumed too much energy, his body is as strong as that of an upper-level mid-level warrior, and is stronger than ordinary people. If he were to be injured in such a bad situation, any ordinary person would be afraid

They are already dead and cannot die again!

Taking a deep breath, Luo Yi sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes tightly.

"I started practicing slowly from the first level of "Tide Technique". During this process, the true energy should be strengthened."

Luo Yi thought, and immediately gathered his mind and entered into practice.

Time passed very quickly, and when Luo Yi heard a series of subtle "rustling" sounds in his ears, he immediately opened his eyes.

It was the big snake that came back.

There were three dead monkeys hanging in the mouth of the big snake. Its slender tail was also wrapped around three dead monkeys.

Then, it vomited the monkey not far away from Luo Yi, then wrapped its tail back, and put the three monkeys in front of Luo Yi. Then, it regained some of its lively eyes just now, and became dull again.

stand up.

Luo Yi watched quietly, then sighed softly and said: "The power of the pseudo-spirit-controlling pill is too overbearing. It relies entirely on the power of the medicine to cover the spiritual intelligence of the monster beasts, thereby using the "spirit-controlling technique" to control the monster beasts.

Although the purpose is good, the effect is good.

But the disadvantage is also obvious that the controlled monster loses all its agility and will only do some simple things as instructed. Similarly, after the effect of the medicine wears off, the monster's mind will recover. And it will also be extremely hostile to the operator."


Luo Yi's eyes moved slightly, and then he sighed softly and murmured: "How wonderful would it be if this wasn't the 'Pseudo Spirit Control Pill?'"

His current physical condition is indeed very bad. If there is a spiritual beast protecting him, his chance of survival will be greatly improved.

But unfortunately, the "Pseudo Spirit-Resisting Pill" is, after all, a "Fake Spirit-Resisting Pill" and not the real "Spirit-Resisting Pill."

Thinking of this, Luo Yi looked at the big snake and frowned slightly.

Three hours will soon pass. In other words, this big snake will soon be out of his control. And in his current state, this big snake just stands still and lets it go.

Even if he attacks, there is nothing he can do.

As for letting it hit the cliff to commit suicide, such a big body must have strong vitality. It is not necessarily possible to kill it, but the falling rocks will kill it first.

Jumping off a cliff to commit suicide? This is a good way, but there are layers of vines below. Although the snake's body is too big, one or two vines cannot bear it. But how far is there under the cliff? It just jumps

, whether he can die or not is still two questions.

However, if you just let it stay with you, it will be a bomb. The first thing it will do to regain its intelligence is probably to swallow Luo Yi.

Moreover, this place is still its lair. Even if it is allowed to go far away, it will definitely be able to find it back on its own. Without the help of the power of this big snake, Luo Yi will not be able to get out of this four-dimensional place in his current state.

"Trapped in the cliff"

Now we are in a dilemma.

Luo Yi frowned and thought. But a feeling of hunger suddenly rose from his abdomen. After thinking about it, Luo Yi decided to solve his hunger first and then talk about other things.

At that moment, the guide stood up and walked staggeringly to the monkey corpses.

"Ruying hair and drinking blood, I never thought that I, Luo Yi, would one day live like a savage."

Luo Yi murmured, but the hunger in his belly became stronger, and now he couldn't care about anything else.

If it were in the past, with Luo Yi's strength, it would be easy and simple to get a fire. Not to mention other things, even drilling wood to make fire can be completed easily at his speed.

But now, he had to eat the corpses of these beasts raw. He knew that the cold air had entered his body. If he could not regain some strength and force the cold air out of his body, he would probably become a disaster.

The extremely smelly blood penetrated into Luo Yi's stomach, almost making him vomit. The entire nasal cavity was filled with the thick smell of blood. However, he had to look pale, grit his teeth, and swallow it.

Swallow it hard,

Eating raw food is scary when you imagine it. But you can only feel the taste after you actually eat it.

Chewing the fat and tender meat under the monkey's fur, there is an indescribable sweetness that is not concealed by the strong smell of blood. The monkey's meat is dense and chewy. After eating it for a while, I feel

It feels like it tastes good.

As the food entered his body, Luo Yi immediately felt a trace of warmth rising slowly from his Dantian.

No matter how strong the strength is, physical strength is always the foundation of everything for human beings. Only with physical strength can power be produced. Only with physical strength can spiritual power be fuller.

After eating for a while, Luo Yi felt that his stomach was full, so he let go of his hand and wiped away the blood around his mouth."

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