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Chapter 208 [Poria Pavilion]

Looking at Luo Yi, an old man outside the field, he couldn't help but follow the voice and look at it, but there was some silence on his face."

It turned out that some family members had arrived on the battlefield at some unknown time. When they saw the ruins-like battlefield in front of them and the corpses carried out from the ruins by the "Iron Guards," they all immediately covered their heads.

Mouth. Then, he ran over.

These tribesmen were all the tribesmen who stepped forward to stop Luo Xiang when he was escaping, and were killed as a result.

Most of them have been completely burnt by the flames, and some have even turned into a pile of charred ashes. Their appearance before birth is completely indistinguishable.

These family members could no longer hold back their screams.

This is the Luo family, this is a family. And all the clan members are their relatives. Although the family is too big, and there are some relatives who are close and some are distant, they are relatives after all! Seeing the tragic appearance of their relatives, I couldn't help but feel sad.

Time naturally makes me sad, and the suppressed cries started to sound.

A suppressed emotion pervaded the entire battlefield. Luo Yi walked through it, and a slight sigh could not help but appear on his expression.

Although he doesn't have a good impression of the Luo family, at this time, he can still feel the sadness permeating these people." Luo Yi, after all, is not a hard-hearted person, so it is understandable that he would be affected.

.Master, Master!”

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded. Luo Yi was stunned and couldn't help but follow the sound."

"Luo Liang?"

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man in black clothes and a black hat immediately ran towards Luo Yi. One of his arms was empty and had obviously been broken. The left eye of a pair of eyes was also covered by a black cloth.

What the film conceals is Luo Liang, who lost an arm and an eye.

"Master! Are you okay?!"

Luo Liang ran to Luo Yi and couldn't help asking with worry on his face: "

He has been here for a while. In fact, he had already arrived when Luo Yi was fighting with Luo Tianba. But Luo Yi was fighting at that time, so it was naturally impossible for him to go out, so he was "but because of his identity,

Naturally, he didn't dare to rush forward. You know, most of the people around here are the direct masters and young masters of the Luo family!" He was just a slave, and if he really made any of them angry, he would suffer a lot.

Luo Yi disappeared for a while before, but it made him anxious. However, he did not dare to ask the elders why. Seeing that the elders did not leave immediately afterwards, he waited anxiously in the distance until Luo Yi

Luo Yi appeared. His eyes suddenly lit up, but he still didn't dare to go there. He just waited here until Luo Yi left, and then he came up to him.

When he came up, he saw the serum remaining in the corner of Luo Yi's mouth, and he couldn't help but ask.

Seeing Luo Liang, Luo Yi felt a lot of emotion in his heart. Seeing the unabashed care in the other person's eyes, Luo Yi couldn't help but feel a little warm in his heart."

Showing a smile, Luo Yi looked around, and then said: "I'm fine, let's go back first and talk later."

Luo Liang was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but then he didn't say much. He nodded and took Luo Yi in one direction."

"Chunba, are you okay?"

On the quiet path, the sounds of the battlefield behind him became extremely rich. Luo Yi walked in front, and Luo Liang followed half a body behind him.

"Well, my wife took the "chalcedony flower" that the young master brought back last time. Apart from her injuries, her spirit is much better. The second master also taught her a mental method. Now she has nothing to do, so she can practice some physical fitness.

A lot tougher too

When Luo Liang heard Luo Yi's question, he bowed and replied, and the second master he mentioned naturally meant Luo Tianshuang.

Hearing this, Luo Yi felt relieved and nodded slightly. He turned to look at Luo Liang and said with a smile: "You also took the "Chalcedony Flower, right?" You are already at the late fourth level now."

A lot of progress

Luo Liang also showed a hint of joy when he heard this, smiled and scratched his head and said: "It's all thanks to the young master."

Luo Liang's talent is not very good. He is in his thirties and has only reached the third level of cultivation. He thought that in his whole life, he would be at the fourth to fifth level. Unexpectedly, this time it was a blessing in disguise.

His cultivation level has risen to a whole level. And now he is advancing very quickly. In just over a month, he has risen to another level. Naturally, he is very happy.

"TOEFL?" Luo Yi glanced at Luo Liang and showed a wry smile.

Then he took a deep breath and lowered his eyes.

.Believe me, I will make your left hand and left eye return to their original state. "Although it may take a little longer, I will do it."

After that, Luo Yi strode out and walked out directly. But Luo Liang trembled all over and couldn't help but stopped and looked at Luo Yi's back stupidly, not knowing how to react."

Luo Liang's ancestors had been slaves in the Luo family for several generations, and his father used to be one of the deputy managers of the Li family!

However, he lost his life in the battle with the Tang and Song families. Luo Liang was only more than ten years old at the time."

Therefore, after the war, it was naturally impossible for Luo Liang, who was still a child, to take over his father's position." Therefore, he was transferred from the central area and took charge of some slaves in the peripheral areas. Although this position did not have much authority, it was

It's quite easy and the income is quite a lot." If you can continue doing it with peace of mind and wait until a certain time, and then be promoted to the general manager of this area, it would not be bad, it can be considered

But for Luo Liang, this arrangement makes him quite unwilling."

When his father was still there, the managers in the central area had frequent visits with his family. This uncle and that uncle all took good care of Luo Liang. However, as soon as his father died, he was transferred to this peripheral position.

Luo Liang, who was usually peaceful and peaceful, suddenly became strangers one by one. Luo Liang was only a teenager at the time, but in his heart, he already understood the warmth and warmth of human relationships in this world.

However, although Xiao Luoliang's status is low, he has a rather arrogant heart. "If you don't come to me, shouldn't I still beg you?" In this way, more than ten years later, he is still just a marginal deputy.

No matter, it seems that the big shots in the central area have forgotten him

And this is also the reason why Luo's conscience is filled with thoughts of improving his status.

He wants to improve his status, but in this world, there are only two ways to improve his status. The first is to become a strong person. The second is to become attached to a strong person!

Luo Liang's talent is dull. Although he works hard enough, his cultivation does not mean that his hard work is enough. This requires talent. If the talent is insufficient, a lot of resources are needed." However, as a Luo family slave, where did he come from?

Get these resources?

Therefore, he can only choose to rely on a strong person and borrow the power of the strong person to improve his own status.

However, with his humble status, how could he get in touch with the strong? And he had no talent, so how could he let the strong keep him by his side after coming into contact with him? This question once troubled him.

It wasn't until he discovered Luo Yi's talent that he knew his chance had come!

So, he made a decision immediately. Even for Luo Yi's request, he even put down his own body and asked someone else."

And then, he succeeded.”

He successfully left the position he had stayed in for more than ten years and became the general manager of the Luo family's young master's residence!" As Luo Yi's reputation in the Luo family grew, Luo Liang also became famous.

Those uncles and uncles who had become strangers in the past came to visit again. When they saw the superior living conditions of "Fengtian Courtyard" and the place where Luo Liangshen was like a half-master, these people all came to visit one by one.

They all showed envy.

If nothing unexpected happens, if Luo Yi grows up smoothly, Luo Liang's status will rise more and more! As a person around a strong person, is he still afraid that he will not get any benefits?

The envious expressions of those uncles filled Luo Liang with a sense of pride, because he had escaped from the category of slave of the Luo family. In other words, although he was a member of the Luo family, in Luo Mansion, except for Luo Yi,

Apart from Aunt Chun and a group of direct lineage masters, his status is equal to that of the real managers of the Luo family. He does not need to salute them anymore!

You know, this is a hierarchical world. Between slaves and slaves, the higher the level, the higher. The high-level master servants even have the right to decide the life and death of a low-level slave!" He said that the low-level slaves did not.

The slightest bit of human rights is no exaggeration!" And as a slave, who doesn't hope that one day he can be like a master and don't have to see anyone bowing and bowing? After all, slaves also know that, so those powers may be more powerful than Luo Liang's

The bigger managers were also envious.

Got in touch with Luo Liang again

While Luo Liang was secretly proud, he did not forget that everything about him, including the respect of these servants and supervisors, was given by Luo Yi. Therefore, he could not embarrass Luo Yi. So gradually, he cultivated

Luo Liang had a calm demeanor that showed no emotion or anger. Looking at the smiling faces of those "uncles, Luo Liang felt proud and proud."

Of course, he also knew that the growth path of a genius is always tortuous. Since he decided to rely on Luo Yi, and Luo Yi even gave him the "dignity" that he had lost for many years, he must not give up easily.

Or betray each other!

He put everything on Luo Yi! He was confident that he had a good eye for people. This young master Yi was definitely not that kind of callous person.

And what happens after that will be very clear.”

Luo Liang also served Aunt Chun carefully for nearly a year. "Aunt Chun is also a kind-hearted person, and Luo Liang also felt her kindness and care as if she were a relative."

People are not ruthless. After getting along day and night for a year, they naturally develop feelings like family members. Therefore, when Luo San came to the door that day and wanted to hurt Aunt Chun, Luo Liang did it without even thinking about it.

I stepped forward and ended up with one leg broken and one eye gouged out.

Looking back, Luo Liang felt a little unbelievable: "Is it worth it for me to suffer such harm for an old woman?"

However, after asking himself many times, Luo Liang had to admit, "If time could be turned back again, he would still make the same choice he made that day."

This thought made him relieved. Therefore, in the following days, he still served the other party wholeheartedly. Even if he himself became a disabled body

Even during the period when Luo Tianba announced the death of Luo Yi, Luo Liang did not choose to leave or go to other places.

Finally, more than a month ago, Bingyun brought back "Chalcedony Flower" from Luo Yi and gave it to Luo Liang and Aunt Chun respectively.

And this is another benefit Luo Liang got from Luo Yi besides "dignity"!

His talent became better, and that day he broke through the third level that had been dormant for a long time.

, Xinmo's strength has soared to the late fourth level in the second month, and now Zao has reached the peak of the fourth level and is complete!

Compared to this, what does an arm and an eye mean?

Therefore, Luo Liang was naturally more loyal to Luo Yi. So when he learned the news about Luo Yi's return today, he rushed here as soon as possible

However, now, Luo Yi actually told himself with such an obviously guilty look that he wanted to help him recover his arms and eyes?! How could this not make Luo Liang move to tears?!

He is just a servant! But Luo Yi is a genius who has reached the innate level, a stunning talent, the real direct young master of the Luo family!" And the other party could actually say such a sentence to him, Luo Liang.

Come? When you meet such a young master and such a master Luo Liang, what else can you ask for?!

Warm tears climbed up his cheeks. Luo Liang was stunned for a long time before he reacted in a panic. He wiped away the tears and quickly caught up with Luo Yi in front of him.

There was no words all the way. Keep walking towards "Hunda Pavilion"

Huoda Pavilion, just as Luo Bingyun said that day, although it is not as majestic as "Burning Sky Courtyard", in terms of quiet environment and beautiful scenery, it is even better than "Burning Sky Courtyard".

As soon as they arrived at the gate, a strong fragrance of flowers rushed towards them, which immediately lifted people's spirits. This "Hunda Pavilion" is like a house built among a large number of colorful flowers.

Countless unnamed flowers wrap the entire courtyard

This is not the first time for Luo Yi to come to this "Huocha Pavilion", so he is naturally familiar with it.

However, as soon as Caiwang walked into the gate, Luo Yi was stunned. "Inside the gate, there were many people standing in the courtyard, as if waiting for something.

Luo Yi took a closer look. He couldn't help but be surprised. Many of these slaves and maids looked very familiar. Aren't they his "slaves and maids from Burning Heaven Courtyard?"

After Luo Yi was stunned for a moment, he was quite moved.

When Luo Tianba spread the news of his death, his "Burning Heaven Courtyard" would naturally be taken back by the family. However, these slaves and maids had served Aunt Chun for nearly a year, and they had already developed feelings for Chun.

My aunt is also used to their service. If she changes people rashly, it will naturally be difficult for her emotionally.

He didn't expect that Luo Bingyun not only took in Aunt Chun and Luo Liang, but even his slaves and maids.

Having twenty more people to eat means doubling the expenses. In addition to the subsidies given by the Luo family to each courtyard, Luo Bingyun also needs to spend part of the money to support the daily expenses of "Wu Da Pavilion."

Qian Luo Yi doesn't take it very seriously. What's important is this relationship."

Now, in front of these people, a sweet-looking girl was walking back and forth, her little face full of impatience and worry.

It wasn't until Luo Yi and Luo Liang walked into the door that she was slightly stunned and raised her head. However, when she saw Luo Yi at the door, her eyes were stunned for a moment, then her eyes widened and she called out in surprise:

"Master Yi, are you back?!" Are you okay?" He said and ran over.

She was naturally Luo Bingyun's maid "Wan'er." When she saw Luo Yi coming in, the impatience and worry in her brows immediately turned into a look of full joy.

"I knew that Master Yi would be fine! Hehe, it's fine now, it's fine," Wan'er said with a happy smile.

Hearing Wan'er's clear and joyful voice, Luo Yi's mood broke away from the depressing emotions of the previous battle and became relaxed.

Yes, it's okay. Luo Tianba and his son are dead. There is no one who is hostile to me in this Luo family.

Luo Yi couldn't help but think this in his heart. Then he let out a long breath, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

From time traveling to the present, is it the most relaxed now? Luo Tianba died, and his strength was also revealed. No one would dare to make any conspiracy behind his back, and he did not

He is no longer the weakling who couldn't even protect himself.

My seventeen-year-old husband, it's scary to think about it!" As long as Luo Yi doesn't take the initiative to provoke others, even if they avoid him before it's too late, how can he possibly provoke him?

After all, with such an enemy, Luo Tianba's ending is now in sight. Now, everyone will know what Luo Yi, the twenty-third young master of the Luo family, is like.



It wasn't until Luo Yi smiled that the group of slaves and maids in front of him shouted out, and tears suddenly fell from their eyes. In this world, there are not many people who are willing to treat slaves as human beings. They can do this

A wife and such a young master, this is their blessing! No one wants to lose it!" And this is also the main reason for them to stay.

Aunt Chun was also a maid. So she knew very well how to communicate with maids and slaves and how to make them more loyal to their masters.

In fact, what these maids and slaves want is really simple. A little bit of consideration, a little care, and a little respect are enough to make them loyal to you wholeheartedly. Even, they will fight for you!

Hehe, the atmosphere has been very depressing for many days in a row. It’s time to relax now. It’s time to relax, hehe.

Yu continues to code, there are still five thousand."

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