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Chapter 3 [embarrassing position]

"My current strength is not a good time to expose it... There is still half a year until the annual family competition at the beginning of the year... At that time, the patriarch, the elders and the old guys will come out. And only then will it be exposed.

It will be relatively safer if you come out..."

Luo Yi has read countless novels, and he fully understands these simple principles... In such a big family, there are countless fights for power and profit. For the benefit of one's own lineage, there are even more cases of persecuting talented people from other lines.

It is difficult to estimate... If your potential is exposed prematurely, I am afraid that it will bring disaster to you... If you want to kill yourself with the force that you have not fully developed, for them, it is really like killing you.

Like a little chicken...

Although Luo Yi didn't know how many factions the Luo family was divided into, he knew just by imagining that they couldn't be monolithic...especially after something like Luo Tianfeng happened.

Therefore, his best choice now is... first, hide. immerse yourself in practicing your own kung fu and not let anyone find out. When you reach the 'innate' state and are not afraid of these people at all, then talk about other things. Second.

, or hide... But this hiding does not take that long. You only need to choose a good time to show your potential to the patriarch of the family... The patriarch is the grandfather of 'Master Yi', and he is a direct descendant. No matter how harmful it is,

Even if you think about it, it won't hurt him.

"Anyway, I'd better hide it now... Well, I have to find a way to get the training techniques for the sixth and seventh levels and above... Where can I get them?"

Luo Yi scratched his head in distress.

The 'Xiuwu Outer Hall' and the 'Xiuwu Inner Hall' are the military training institutions of the Luo family. Basically, anyone who is a member of the Luo family is eligible to enter the collection of books in the outer hall 'Jingwu Hall'.

Most of the books in the 'Jingwu Hall' are only average or half-sized...for example, in the 'Tide Art', only the mental techniques of the first five levels are in it.

The 'Martial Arts Inner Palace' is the core of the Luo family...it contains the martial arts secrets collected by the Luo family for nearly a thousand years, as well as the key points of martial arts left by the predecessors. Including the 'Tide Jue'

The sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth levels of spiritual practice... This is to prevent someone from infiltrating the Luo family and destroying the Luo family's martial arts.

For a family, martial arts is the foundation. If even martial arts is stolen... this family will almost come to an end.

What troubles Luo Yi now is... He has reached the fifth level now, but because of the seclusion of the family head and a group of elders, he does not dare to go to the 'Xiuwu Inner Palace' to expose his strength, otherwise what awaits him will not be a smooth career.

It was the obliteration of the enemy of the advantageous father Luo Tianfeng...

However, the fifth level is about to be broken through, and we will soon enter the sixth level. But without the sixth level, what will we do if we don’t have the mental skills of the seventh level?

Even if you choose to expose your strength, you have to wait until your strength is enough to protect yourself... The fifth level is not enough. Only after reaching the seventh level can you have the ability to protect yourself. Otherwise, if the opponent resists

The pressure, without telling Luo Xiong, insists on erasing himself... doesn't he not even have a chance to resist?

And judging from the current situation, if he wants to become stronger, he can't hide it all the time... Otherwise, without resources, no matter how talented he is, it will be useless. At least, Luo Yi asked himself that he couldn't create any mental skills now.

"What a headache..."

Luo Yi shook his head in distress, took a deep breath, and looked up out of the window... The weather was nice today, and a ray of golden light was peeking in from outside the window lattice.

"Forget it, it's useless to think too much. It will be straight when the boat reaches the bridge... I have been practicing hard for three months. Although this kind of continuous improvement feels good... I should also go out for a walk and do some activities."

Three months later, Luo Yi's injuries were no longer serious.

Luo Yi thought, got up and got out of bed, and walked out of the bungalow.

The sunlight outside suddenly shone into Luo Yi's eyes. His eyes, which had not seen any light for three months, couldn't help but dazzled slightly. But it was only for a moment, and he quickly adjusted his pupils, and the light suddenly became darker.

However, Luo Yi still subconsciously covered his eyes.

"Hey, isn't this our 'Master Yi'?"

At this moment, a strange voice sounded with a bit of surprise. Luo Yi couldn't help turning his head, only to see some slaves in green clothes and blue hats on the road not far from him, looking at him in surprise.

Looking at himself, as if he was extremely surprised by his own appearance.

"It's been three months, right? Ha, I said, 'Master Yi', your life is really tough... That punch from Manager Luo San only made you lie down for a mere three months. You are a cockroach.


"Ha ha…"

The servants around him suddenly laughed wildly.

Luo Yi was stunned for a moment, but then he recalled it in his mind... He, the 'young master', was more miserable than an ordinary slave...

Luo Yi from Earth has a fiery temper. If he were on Earth, he would have already rushed up and punched the guy who smiled the most. He just traveled to this place, especially after three months of martial arts training.

After that, he had to remind himself to be careful with his words and actions... In this world, people can kill people easily. The so-called laws and orders are dispensable for those who learn martial arts. Especially in such a big family,

Then you have to be careful every step of the way...

"Forget it, just think it's a dog farting..."

Luo Yi told himself this in his heart. After looking at those guys indifferently, he turned around and left without saying a word.

"Huh?...How come this 'Master Yi' has changed his temper even after being punched?"

This was beyond the expectations of those slaves... It should be noted that although the former 'Master Yi' had no status, if someone ridiculed him face to face, he would argue with him no matter what. During the quarrel, those slaves

If you say more irritating words, you can even make him, who is already weak, faint from anger... Why did the other party leave like this this time?

"Hmph, you're a coward... you're still a 'young master'... Bah!... A loser is a loser..."

The servant snorted disdainfully, and his voice was deliberately loud. Luo Yi heard it, but he didn't even pause and continued to move forward as if he hadn't heard anything.

When the slaves saw this, they all mocked and laughed wildly, and then scattered away... After all, the other party was still the 'young master', and they did not dare to really attack him directly.

The hierarchy of Dahua Kingdom is extremely strict. The master is the master and the slaves are slaves... No matter how useless the master is, it is not the slaves' turn to bully and humiliate him. However, Luo Yi's status is quite special. Both the direct descendants and the slaves of the Luo family hate him. This

This also caused his status to become lower and lower.

"This world is really a reality. If you don't have strength, you don't even have human rights..."

Luo Yi walked on the road, shaking his head helplessly. In the 21st century, what is advocated is the supremacy of human rights... Although the differences in class have always existed, they are also hidden. If you are naked and obvious like this, I am afraid someone will want you immediately. They spread the word on the Internet that there are no human rights anymore.

In this world, it seems that strength is everything and is above human rights and laws... In fact, if I had just taught those guys a lesson, I'm afraid they would be so obedient that they wouldn't even give a shit when they see me in the future. Dare to put one more...

"Hiding strength, hiding strength...this is probably the legendary forbearance, right?"

Luo Yi smiled and shook his head, raised his head and looked around.

The scenery in Luofu is quite good. The surrounding trees are neatly trimmed, and the roads extend in all directions. They are neat and tidy. There are many towers with flying eaves, rockery ponds, and lush grasslands.

Looking at these Qionglou cornices, Luo Yi couldn't help but smack his lips... They are quite a bit of ancient Chinese style. If it were in the 21st century, this Nuo Da mansion would have been turned into a tourist area long ago. Doujin…

While watching and thinking, Luo Yi arrived at a waterside pavilion within a short while.

Clear water gurgled by, and above the water was a stone bridge made of marble. Under the bridge, there were many maids washing clothes...

Most of these maids are over thirty years old, and occasionally some are in their mid-twenties. Their looks are not flattering... This is because most of the people living in this area are slaves of the Luo family. Most of the good-looking young maids have been transferred. The various courtyards where direct descendants are located…

"My young master is really miserable..."

Looking at the aunts washing clothes below, Luo Yi shook his head with a wry smile... There are still a few scenes he saw in the courtyard of his direct descendants in his memory. Not to mention that the houses are taller and more luxurious than here, and the maids in them are also very handsome. She is as beautiful as a flower... Although she cannot be said to be a fairy-like figure, she is better than her youthful age. Just looking at her is a great pleasure...

"You bitch, you just wash it when asked. Why do you have to talk so much?"

At this moment, a rather angry scolding sound suddenly came from under the bridge and penetrated into Luo Yi's ears. Luo Yi couldn't help but looked down with curiosity, and saw someone not far away from him. There, a house slave in black clothes and a black hat was scolding someone. And behind him, stood a woman about 20 years old with a beautiful face. The woman's eyebrows revealed He exuded an aura of arrogance and looked down at the person being scolded, his brows filled with arrogance and ridicule.

Around them, most of the women who were washing clothes were watching the show with a smile on their face, with a bit of gloating expression. Only a few women showed a bit of unbearability... but no one stepped forward to stop them.

"But, but, my work for today has been completed... I still have to go home and make medicine... Mr. Liang, please let me go..."

A voice begged with a hint of exhaustion and fear. However, Luo Yi was startled when he heard it, just because the voice was very familiar.

(Xiaoyu’s new book, please give me your support. Thank you~~)

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