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Chapter 804 [Alien]

Chapter 804

"not good!"

Hong Xing, who was struggling to support himself, also saw Luo Bingyun being caught, and his face suddenly changed.

He remembered that the other party was Luo Yi's sister!

However, he has more ambition than strength. He has the intention to save the other party, but no matter what, he himself cannot save himself...

At the moment when he was distracted, the bat's demon general's hand stabbed his throat again. Just as he was about to stab him, Hong Xing came to his senses with a changed expression.

Unable to dodge, Hong Xing made a quick decision, gritted his teeth, and swerved...


There was a soft sound, and the right shoulder was cut into it as easily as tofu by the bat 'demon general'!


Hong Xing suddenly snorted.

"Weak humans."

The bat 'demon general' smiled solemnly and waved his right hand. Hong Xing was immediately thrown away, and at the same time, a huge wound was opened on his body.

The real energy surged wildly. The moment he landed, Hong Xing reached into his arms, took out a wax pill, crushed it, and swallowed it directly with his mouth open!

White brilliance surged out instantly, covering the huge wound, and the blood immediately stopped.

"Jie Jie... it's fun..."

The bat 'demon general' did not take advantage of the victory to pursue him, but showed a strange smile and looked down at Hong Xing from the air, his eyes full of joy.

Hong Xing is undoubtedly the strongest person among this group of people. However, for these bat 'demon generals', Hong Xing, who is born in the third level of heaven, is obviously not enough.

It's just playing a game. A game...of playing with humans and killing humans!

Otherwise, if we really get serious...a bat 'demon general' can kill all these humans in a matter of seconds!...

The bat 'demon general' was suspended in the air and opened his mouth: "Your brain must be very delicious... But, go on. Let's see how long you can escape..."

It smiles.

Human screams came one after another. Headless bodies fell to the ground with a crash. The blood and water gathered together to form a stream. These bat 'monster generals' seemed to have a special liking for human heads, but they did not eat the corpses.


The sound of chewing is heard from time to time. Of the four to five hundred humans, only thirty or forty are still trying to escape. All of them are injured, and their cultivation is the strongest among this group of people. Bats

The 'demon generals' smiled arrogantly. They kept attacking these people, making them tired of avoiding. There were more bats in the sky, the 'demon generals' looked at it in amusement...

This isn't killing. It's just a game.

A game that uses human life as a toy.

Peng Rui was stunned when a bat 'demon general' pierced his neck and was raised into the air. Blood gushes out from his neck and has dyed his body red. However, as an innate strong man, his vitality is still quite strong.

, did not die for a while.

But he still stared blankly at the purgatory-like situation in front of him, his eyes filled with gray...

Why? I'm already leaving...Why don't these demon generals let me go?

This was obviously an unanswered question. Before his eyes turned completely gray, a huge mouth, full of blood, covered his face. Then, he clearly heard a crisp sound of 'Gaba',

His body felt light. Then, under a moment of tremendous pressure, his consciousness fell into darkness...

The game below continues. The three figures at the top are overlooking the bottom.

The fifth elder's face was pale and his whole body was trembling. What was revealed in his eyes was hatred, but at the same time, there was also deep fear...

She was shaking all over, like a frightened little white rabbit.

The second king's scarlet gaze glanced below, and a soft smile appeared on his charming and handsome face. As if he could sense the trembling of the fifth elder in his arms, he gently supported the other person's face and said softly: "Are you afraid?


The fifth elder trembled all over. She turned her head and looked at the beautiful smile full of sunshine. She asked tremblingly: "Why...kill them..."

"Why?" The Second King raised his eyebrows in a good-looking way, and said with a smile: "The weak eat the strong, do you still want to ask why?"

"But they are human beings!..." The fifth elder suddenly became excited and shouted loudly.

"But we are not." The second king smiled and said: "It's like you humans eat animals, wild beasts, and monsters... I have never seen you ask why."

The Fifth Elder opened his mouth wide, wanting to refute. However, he didn't know how to refute...

Yes, because I am a member of the human race, when I see my fellow humans being eaten, I am saddened by the death of rabbits and foxes, so I am afraid... But for this group of disgusting creatures, it is just like humans eating meat, which is normal.

Why should you ask them yourself?

But no matter how normal it was, the Fifth Elder couldn't accept it. So she turned her head away, trembling all over, but never said a word.

"Second King, the younger one has captured a beautiful woman, and she is here to offer it to you!"

The joyful laughter of a bat ‘demon general’ suddenly came.

"And me, and me!... I also caught a beauty! Jie Jie, she is definitely the most beautiful among this group of humans!"

"Fart, mine is the most beautiful!"

The voices of bat ‘demon generals’ sounded out, and the fifth elder quickly turned his head to look...

I saw more than ten bat demon generals coming in front of the second elder and others. Under the hands of these bat demons, they were carrying some human women. Some of them had dull eyes and empty expressions. Some of them screamed crazily and struggled hard.

Struggling. Some were injured and looked weak. Some even fell into a coma completely...

A smile appeared on the handsome face of the Second King. He nodded slightly, his eyes passing over the human woman held in the hands of these bat 'demon generals'.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and fell on a unconscious human woman...

This woman has an alluring appearance. Although she has passed out in a coma, it does not hinder her beautiful appearance in the slightest. On the contrary, the trace of blood on her lips adds a bit of pitiful beauty. She is absolutely stunning in the coma.

The beautiful face looks a little pale, and the wisp of blood on the lips, against the pale skin, looks more and more touching...

She is none other than Luo Bingyun!

"She." A smile appeared on the face of the second king, and he pointed at the unconscious Luo Bingyun. The bat 'demon general' who captured Luo Bingyun immediately flew over with laughter and handed Luo Bingyun into the hands of the second king.

Holding the soft waist of the unconscious Luo Bingyun, the Second King's smile became more and more beautiful. He looked down for a while and sighed: "This is probably what you humans call the most beautiful woman in the world, right?"

After finishing, he turned his head and glanced at the fifth elder...

Originally, the fifth elder was a woman who still had charm. Although she was a little older, she still had extraordinary appearance. But as the saying goes, she was afraid of comparison. In front of Luo Bingyun, who had the beauty of a country, the fifth elder undoubtedly overshadowed her.

The second king smiled softly at the fifth elder, and then turned to look at the bat 'demon general' who presented Luo Bingyun to him.

"This toy belongs to you."

The bat 'demon general' was immediately overjoyed, and Jiejie smiled and said: "Thank you, the second king!" With a hula, he flew towards the fifth elder.

The figure of the fifth elder suddenly felt like being struck by lightning, and he looked in disbelief at the second king who said this lightly...

His smile was still gentle and soft, like sunshine. However, his words were like a sword, piercing and cooling her heart.

The bat 'demon general' grabbed the fifth elder without hesitation. His sharp iron nails pierced her shoulder, and blood flowed out, but she didn't seem to notice. She just looked at the two kings blankly, and gradually

, a trace of hatred appeared in her eyes...

He is a demon, not the same kind as her, he is the leader of this group of disgusting creatures!... No matter how gentle he appears, his heart is still the same.

To him, humans are just playthings. Just food!... There is no other meaning to him.

It is a foreign race!

The fifth elder looked at the unconscious woman in his arms, and a trace of pity appeared on her face. Then, she was carried away by the bat 'demon general', and she was getting further and further away from the two kings...

"Go to hell! Go to hell!"

Crazy shouts could be heard from time to time, and bursts of slapping sounds could be heard from time to time. After taking a deep look at the unconscious Luo Bingyun, the second king looked at a woman who was struggling crazily.

After one glance, his eyes lit up again, and a soft smile appeared on his face again...

The woman's eyes were full of blood, and the rich hatred was like unbreakable ice. On her beautiful face, there were traces of crazy distortion. She kept hitting the bat demon general who caught him.

', Even though the bat 'demon general' still looked indifferent, even though her slender little hands had become red and swollen...but she didn't stop.

The crazy hatred has completely gone to her head.

She is none other than Luo Qiong!


After looking at it for a while, the second king suddenly pointed at her.

The bat 'Demon General' who had been slapped by Luo Qiong suddenly beamed with joy, and flew over with a strange smile.

"The Second King!... Hehe, this toy is very lively and irritable!"

The second king smiled softly and said: "It doesn't matter."

Then, with a wave of one hand, Luo Qiong, who was in a frenzy, felt his body lighten up and suddenly floated into the air. And the bat 'demon general' had already flown away with a weird smile.

Luo Xiong glanced around and noticed the unusually handsome Second King next to him.

Her expression was slightly startled, and her madness subsided slightly. However, when she saw Luo Bingyun who was unconscious in the arms of the second king, her eyes changed and she exclaimed: "Bingyun!"

"Bingyun?" The second king ignored Luo Qiong's horror. Instead, his eyes lit up and he smiled: "Is her name Bingyun?"

Luo Qiong had already seen the three figures above from below. Although she had fallen into crazy hatred just now, she was not completely unresponsive to the outside world. Naturally, she knew that this extremely handsome human with a clean smile in front of her was actually

He is the leader of this group of monsters!

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