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Chapter 938 [Item Moqing Meteor]

However, before he could finish his words, a flash of blood flashed past him. Then, his eyes solidified into disbelief...


Qin Shukuang's big head suddenly rolled down...


Qin Shaosheng exclaimed in disbelief. His heart was full of fear and horror. At the corner of his eyes, a blood shadow flew towards him. Qin Shaosheng's soul was in danger and he couldn't even resist it.

However, the blood shadow was so fast that as soon as he raised his hand, the blood shadow had already passed in front of him.

His face instantly stiffened.

His neck stiffened and he turned his head, and then his face turned pale...

"It's... you!..." Qin Shaosheng's eyes were full of unwillingness and despair. Finally, he saw that figure clearly.


The body fell to the ground, blood filled the throat, and he died...

Luo Yi stood still and glanced at the corpses around him, his eyes calm.

Nine years ago, he killed six people from Qifeng Island. After that, Qifeng Island sent many people to the Tianyun Secret Realm to look for him. Although he did not cause any real harm to him, hatred was forged.


Although he was not willing to go to Qifeng Island specifically for what happened nine years ago, now that he had met him, he had no intention of letting him go.

I have to say that the people of Qifeng Island are very tragic. They rushed here ignorantly and happily thought that they had escaped from the battle. However, they did not expect that they were on the road to death.

After taking another look at the corpses on the ground, and without hesitation putting the storage bags and Xuan-level high-grade treasures that fell around them into the storage bags, Luo Yi turned around and looked at the crack...

"It's okay now. But first... let's keep our secrets secret."

His eyes glanced at a figure looking nervously around at the edge of the Xiang family crowd. Then, a cold light flashed across his eyes, and a golden light swayed slightly in his consciousness...

Xiang Moqing became increasingly impatient.

The battle was going on, but his mind was not focused on the battle in front of him. Without him... just because Na Luo Yi hadn't shown up yet!

"What does Luo Yi want to do?! Has he already left? Or...or..."

Xiang Moqing became more and more impatient, his life was in Luo Yi's hands. After searching for Luo Yi for a long time without success, one guess after another kept emerging.

The unknown is always scary.

This feeling of being unable to control makes people almost crazy.

However, he did not dare to risk his life to expose Luo Yi's secret. Just because he still had a trace of luck in his heart... What if, what if Luo Yi did not intend to kill him? Wouldn't it be wrong to expose his secret by himself?

Seeking death?

He was anxious and hesitant, and this feeling almost drove him crazy.


Just when Xiang Moqing was hesitant and anxious, a long sword suddenly shot out from behind his head! There was a violent sound of piercing the air, and it was not until he was close that Xiang Moqing came to his senses. He even turned around in shock, but

It was discovered that an old man in blue shirt from Canghaimen had a long sword in his hand, which had been stabbed in front of his eyes with a fierce sword wind!

The target is the head!

"My life is at stake!" Xiang Moqing was horrified, but the opponent's body-refining techniques were obviously not inferior to his. By this time, he had no time to resist. His face was all gray!

Although Elder Yin's green light is there, if his head is broken, he will die immediately!


But at this critical moment, a long knife suddenly penetrated the scene, and with a clang, the old man in blue swung away the killing sword, and a figure jumped in front of Xiang Moqing in an instant.


Seeing that his attack was blocked, the old man in blue shirt showed annoyance in his eyes and retreated continuously, but he temporarily jumped out of the battle circle and continued to look for good opportunities.

"Brother Mo Qing, what's wrong with you?" Xiang Moyan turned to look at Xiang Moqing in confusion.

Xiang Moqing came to his senses after being on the line between life and death, and then said gratefully: "Thanks to you."

"It's okay. But Brother Mo Qing, please stop being distracted. Although Elder Yin's ability is powerful, if his head is broken, someone will still die. You and I already have no clones. If we die..." Xiang Moyan frowned and said.


Xiang Moqing nodded slightly and was about to speak.

However, at this moment, his soul suddenly trembled violently, and then, a strange power of consciousness suddenly expanded inside the soul!

In just one breath, that power had already stretched his entire soul!


Xiang Moqing suddenly roared crazily, his eyes instantly turned red, and he held his head with both hands.

"Brother Mo Qing?!"

Xiang Moyan was startled and walked forward.

"I hate it so much!!! Luo!..."

A crazy roar with unparalleled resentment and unwillingness came from Xiang Moqing's mouth. However, just as he shouted the word "Luo", his body fell to the ground with a crash, and he no longer had any breath.

"Brother Mo Qing?!" Xiang Moyan was startled and rushed forward to hug him and take a look.

The other person's eyes were wide open, but his eyes had turned into a gray void.

"Soul death?!" Xiang Moyan's eyes widened in shock...

The explosion of the divine soul is different from self-destruction. Self-destruction means that the true essence and the divine soul explode at the same time. The laws of heaven condensed on the divine soul will naturally explode with unparalleled power under the stimulation of the true essence.

However, if the soul simply explodes, without the activation of true energy and the power of the laws of heaven, it will not come.

In addition, Xiang Moqing does not understand the secret method of the soul, and the power of the soul is just pure divine consciousness, without any power at all.

If Xiang Moqing self-destructs, in a place where the laws of heaven and earth can be used, it will naturally trigger infinite power, and I am afraid that it will be within the scope of his self-destruction for thousands of miles. After all, the self-destruction of a strong man in the early stage of the eighth heaven, and

Is it so easy to get along with him?

Unfortunately, this is the secret realm of Tianyun. Although Xiang Moqing finally thought about self-destruction, his true energy could not be activated, and the laws of heaven and earth could not come, so he died naturally.

A warrior at the early stage of the Eighth Heaven died just like that silently...

Luo Yi in the distance watched this scene calmly, and when he saw Xiang Moqing falling to the ground silently, Luo Yi also sighed softly.

"Don't blame me. If you want to blame, blame yourself for not being firm enough." Luo Yi looked calm.

Luo Yi is not a murderous person, but he is also not a soft-hearted person.

Xiang Moqing knows that there are too many secrets about himself. The soul secret method can improve cultivation in Tianyun Secret Realm, the body refining method, this scam...

Xiang Moqing knows everything!

Once Xiang Moqing shakes these things out, Luo Yi will be unable to move anywhere in the entire Guangsha Islands.

To Luo Yi, he is like a time bomb that will explode at no time.

But in fact, at the beginning of the plan, Luo Yi did not have the intention to kill him. It was not until the thought of whether to die with Luo Yi flashed in Xiang Moqing's mind that Luo Yi decided to kill him.

His method of staying in the opponent's consciousness is not only to detonate his soul at any time, but also to monitor the opponent at all times. As long as Xiang Moqing wants to expose Luo Yi's secret, Luo Yi can easily know it and

Detonate the opponent's consciousness remotely.

Xiang Moqing wanted to die with Luo Yi before, but Luo Yi knew it at the time. But he didn't kill him at that time because Yin Liang hadn't entered the game yet.

But now that both the printing volume and Luoyang have entered the game, and Mo Qing is so restless and a bit desperate, Luo Yi naturally can't keep him.

That's why Luo Yicai said...if he had to blame, he could only blame himself for not being firm enough.

"Now, it's your turn." Luo Yi calmed down and stopped paying attention to Xiang Moqing's affairs. Instead, he looked at Luoyang who was in the cracks.

Then, something unexpected flashed across his eyes.

No one else, just because most of the Xiang family have now entered the green light of Yinliang. Only this Luoyang is wandering outside the green light. And when he occasionally looks at Yinliang, there is a surge of emotion in his eyes.

The anger and reluctance shown are actually interesting...

This made Luo Yi a little interested.

After turning his head sharply, Luo Yi narrowed his eyes: "It seems that Luoyang and Yinliang have a history... and it seems to be related to the ancient wood genus?..."

Yinliang and Luoyang were under the command of two different elders. Luo Yi knew this from Xiang Moqing. Moreover, the two people had always been at odds, which was also known to the entire Xiang family.

Now looking at the way Luoyang looks at Yinliang, it is not difficult to analyze the reason.

Is it probably the feud that arose during the fight for this ancient tree?

Luo Yi thought to himself.

"However, this has nothing to do with me. Luoyang does not want to enter this green light, but it is convenient for me..." Luo Yi looked at the battlefield in the distance.

Now the battle is still in full swing, especially in the central area. The place occupied by Qingmang was the place where Luo Yi placed the most corpses at that time. Today, many forces and strong men headed by the Lin family are still fighting.

The attack was full of prints. The sound of killing was loud and the smell of blood was full.

The green light is within a hundred meters, so Luoyang does not want to enter the green light range. Naturally, it is far away from a hundred meters away, and is almost on the edge. The location is very remote, there are not many corpses on the ground, and the fighting is sporadic.

Don't draw attention to yourself.

And that... is a good place for assassination!

Luo Yi's eyes were calm and his figure disappeared...


Luoyang shouted loudly, and slashed directly with the long sword in his hand. The old man in gray shirt in front of him raised his sword to meet him, but Luoyang's Tiger Bone Art had been perfected, and his opponent was only in the middle stage. Where was Luoyang's opponent?

Under the knife, the force penetrated his body, and the old man in gray shirt suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard in the chest. He spat out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards!

Luoyang was unyielding and directly flew forward and stepped on the other person's chest. Suddenly, the person's chest was dented in a strange way. Another mouthful of blood spurted out and he fell to the ground, twitching for a while.

He died of exhaustion.

This chapter has been completed!
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