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Chapter 133 Catch Qingtang

Bai Wanrou pretended to go behind the screen to take off her clothes and take a bath. She also specially took off her coat and threw it on the screen, asking her to put it away. Later, she took it to the backyard to be washed by the servants. It was precisely because of these actions that Qingtang was

It's easier to get your hands on something and steal it.

Bai Wanrou, who was standing inside the screen, just took off her outer shirt, took a new outer shirt and put it on, then stood not far away from the room and watched Qingtang's every move over there, while not paying attention.

I forgot to tell a little girl to go over there and make a bathing sound.

Because everyone in the palace knew that when Bai Wanrou was bathing and changing clothes, except for the paralyzed Lu Zhu, Bai Wanrou did not let any other maids wait on her. However, this time Lu Zhu was still busy in the kitchen, so the waiter

So he changed to Qingtang.

Even so, Bai Wanrou did not let Qingtang go over to serve her personally. Instead, she left her outside the screen, so that if Bai Wanrou needed anything, she could directly ask Qingtang to handle it. Qingtang expressed her willingness to do so.

When Qingtang heard the sound of rushing water coming from inside, he quietly walked towards the screen, then took the coat that Bai Wanrou had just taken off and placed on the screen in his hand, and quickly groped around inside the coat.

The things contained.

After a while, a jade pendant that felt smooth and warm appeared in her hand. While the person inside was still "bathing", Qingtang quickly stuffed the jade pendant into her sleeve.

And Lu Zhu, who had been following Bai Wanrou and came over at some point, also witnessed what happened. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to cover his mouth to prevent himself from making any sound, but the tears on his face looked like he was asking for money.

crossed her cheek.

She didn't expect that Qingtang, who had been with her for so long, would actually steal the princess's things. Fortunately, she had always been in her heart and treated her like her sister. She really didn't expect that she was such a person!

Qingtang, who was very vigilant, still noticed something strange because of this. For fear that someone would discover his motives, he quickly put the jade pendant away and quickly slipped out of the room, preparing to run to deliver a message to people outside the house.

Bai Wanrou had already asked Lin Yi to wait at the door. As soon as she saw Qingtang coming out of the room, she had her detained.

"Let go! Let me go! Lin Yi, what are you going to do to me? I belong to the princess! You can't bear the responsibility for delaying my work for the princess!" Qingtang, who still didn't know what happened, looked angry.

He looked at Lin Yi struggling, still using Bai Wanrou's name as an excuse.

"Do you think I would arrest anyone around the princess without her order?" Lin Yi looked at his arrogant look and said disapprovingly. After saying this, he looked diagonally behind him.

When Qingtang heard this, she panicked instantly. She followed his line of sight and found that Bai Wanrou had changed her clothes and was standing there staring at her. This made her feel very panicked in her heart.

Luzhu was very angry when he saw Qingtang stealing Bai Wanrou's things, so before Bai Wanrou could say anything, he walked over to ask Qingtang why he stole things, and gave her the jade pendant that was stolen just now.

Brought it over.

"Tell me! Why on earth did you steal the princess's things? The princess is so kind to you, why are you so cruel? You are a rip-off!" After saying that, Lu Zhu angrily wanted to reach out and hit Qingtang, but

In the end, he didn't hit her. Instead, he glanced at Qingtang with sad eyes, and then walked towards Bai Wanrou with Bai Wanrou's stolen jade pendant.

Qingtang, who was being suppressed, looked at Bai Wanrou's understanding look and knew very clearly that all this was Bai Wanrou's plan, with the purpose of letting himself fall into her hands.

"If you confess something now, you might still have a way out. If you don't want to say anything, that's fine. I also know who the person behind you is, so I will naturally have many ways to make you speak."

Bai Wanrou looked at her with a look of death, and a deep meaning flashed in her eyes. At the same time, she thought in her heart about her father who often took advantage of her, and unknowingly put such a person next to her. If it weren't for

Lin Yi recently discovered something unusual about her, and really didn't know when he would be able to find her out.

"Princess, please don't bother, I won't confess anything." Qingtang had no intention of confessing Bai Fengqi, but instead advised Bai Wanrou not to waste her efforts, because she would not say anything.

"What benefits has Mr. Bai Marquis given you? How can he make you follow him so loyally?"

Qingtang, who was originally confident that Bai Wanrou would not know who the person behind him was, immediately looked at Bai Wanrou in surprise when he heard this. It seemed that Bai Wanrou had unexpectedly guessed that the person behind him was Bai Fengqi.

"I won't say anything, because I am only loyal to Mr. Bai, so you should not waste your efforts." Despite this, Qingtang still gritted her teeth and was unwilling to reveal any other information.

Seeing that Qingtang was so tight-lipped, Bai Wanrou had no intention of continuing to ask questions and asked Lin Yi to take her away and lock her up.

Although Lu Zhu on the side felt very sad about the betrayal and imprisonment of her sister Bai Wanrou, she did not plead for her because she felt that Qingtang was just ungrateful and Bai Wanrou was so good to them.

, to actually think about betraying Bai Wanrou, is really hateful.

"Okay, Lu Zhu, don't be sad. If you are really sad, you can beg me to spare her." After Bai Wanrou watched Lin Yi push down the others and lock them up, she turned around and looked at her again.

Standing next to him, Lu Zhu, who was already very sad but still pretending to be strong, said jokingly.

"No, Princess, this matter was originally Qingtang's fault. I will not intercede for her. Moreover, she and I are not the same master. From the beginning to the end, my master is only the Princess."

Listening to Lu Zhu's words, Bai Wanrou sighed in her heart. Sure enough, she was still the girl who grew up with her. She must know how to be grateful for the girl who came to serve him halfway.z.br

"You! Okay, don't cry. Go and wash up. If you cry again, you will turn into a little cat." Regarding Luzhu, Bai Wanrou treated her as her good sister from the beginning, especially when

After what she said just now, she was very moved.

Lu Zhu also knew that she must look ugly now, so she didn't stay to say anything to Bai Wanrou. Instead, she covered her face and ran back to her room to wash up, and waited until she came back to serve her.

It was already night, and Bai Wanrou had finished her meal and was ready to go to bed.

"Princess." Lu Zhu looked at the candlelight inside, then gently opened the bedroom door and walked in. He shouted to Bai Wanrou who was still sitting by the bed, reading a book.

After hearing the sound, Bai Wanrou put down the book in her hand and looked up. The green bamboo, which had become brand new, waved her over.

"If you stay on duty again in the future, just lie down on that couch with your quilt and sleep. It's getting colder now. If you continue to lie on the ground, I'm afraid you will catch the wind chill."

This is a problem that Bai Wanrou suddenly realized a few days ago, because as the weather gets colder, her body becomes colder and colder. When she lies in bed at night, her feet often feel warm or not, but

Even so, she didn't ask the maid to warm her bed, and usually stuffed a warm soup bag under the quilt before going to bed.

In fact, I originally wanted to give this relatively special treatment to Qingtang and Luzhu, but now that Qingtang has been locked up, I will give this treatment to Luzhu. Anyway, the two have been together for more than ten years, so

I have long been in love with sisters.

"Yes, thank you Princess." Lu Zhu did not expect that after today's incident, the Princess would still treat her so well. She did not blame her at all for her lack of etiquette today, and quickly thanked Bai Wanju.

"Sleep." Seeing this, Bai Wanrou didn't say anything more. The others closed their books and put them on the bedside, then got into the bed and fell asleep. Seeing that she was asleep, Lu Zhu also hugged the quilt to the soft couch.


A few days later, the palace suddenly received a letter from Chen Ruzhi. Chen Ruzhi had someone rush to deliver it. Because the man kept changing horses along the way to deliver the letter, he fell asleep as soon as he arrived at the door of the palace. The housekeeper asked

Someone helped him to a room in the mansion to rest, and handed the letter to Bai Wan

Soft handling.

After learning the news, Bai Wanrou took the letter from the housekeeper, but she did not open the letter immediately. Instead, she came to the study room of the palace.

This study room was originally the place where Chen Ruzhi usually worked. Now that Chen Ruzhi has gone to the border, this study room has become the place where Bai Wanrou handles things on weekdays.

After closing the door and going in, Bai Wanrou opened the letter. As soon as she opened the letter, she saw that Chen Ruzhi had written on it that he would not be able to return to Kyoto in a short time. At the same time, he did not forget to ask Bai Wanrou to find out who was buying horses and horses in Kyoto.


After Bai Wanrou received the letter, she immediately summoned Lin Yi and handed the letter from Chen Ruzhi into Lin Yi's hands for him to read.

"You are the one who is handling this matter in Kyoto that the prince mentioned?" Bai Wanrou asked after she estimated that Lin Yi had almost finished reading the contents of the letter.

Because in Bai Wanrou's impression, she seems to be the one who has purchased the horses so far, right? After all, he specifically asked the housekeeper to do these things some time ago, and also specially found someone to grow the grain and cotton.

After Lin Yi finished reading the letter, he folded the letter and returned it intact to Bai Wanrou. After standing there and thinking for a while, he slowly spoke:

"In Kyoto, apart from the fact that you sent people to purchase horses and equipment in large quantities a few days ago, now only the Yun family is purchasing horses and equipment in large quantities."

This chapter has been completed!
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