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Chapter 141 Pregnant

The journey to the border was long, and Bai Wanrou was a woman with a delicate body. After careful consideration, they hired a carriage and let Bai Wanrou sit in the carriage, which would somewhat reduce the wind and sun exposure.

But for some reason, Bai Wanrou felt her stomach was churning recently, and she didn't even take a few bites of food. Lu Zhu felt very worried when she saw Bai Wanrou's emaciated appearance.

"Don't worry, I'm just a little acclimatized. I'll be fine in a few days." Bai Wanrou looked at Lu Zhu who was very worried about herself and comforted her softly.

Although he said that, Bai Wanrou's face had become paler day by day since they entered the border area. Lu Zhu was also very worried about whether Bai Wanrou would have any symptoms in the future, so she was very worried.

Seeing Lu Zhu sitting next to her with her head lowered and silent, Bai Wanrou knew that it must be worried about her body, so she reached out and patted her to tell her not to worry.

But for some reason, as soon as the carriage stopped, Bai Wanrou felt her stomach churning, so she opened the curtain and lay down beside the carriage to vomit.

Seeing this, Bai Qingting looked worried and quickly went to find a doctor nearby to take Bai Wanrou's pulse. He wished that the big men of the company gathered around and waited for the result of the doctor's pulse check.

Who would have thought that after checking Bai Wanrou's pulse, the doctor suddenly laughed out loud, which made everyone confused.

"Is there anything wrong?" Bai Qingting was very worried about her sister's health, so she subconsciously became nervous when she heard the doctor laugh again.

"It doesn't matter, madam, she is pregnant. It's just that the pulse is not very obvious because it has been a short time. It is not possible to tell how long she has been pregnant for the time being. In addition, she has been traveling for a long time, which has caused fetal movement. She needs to rest for a few days.


After everyone heard what the doctor said, they were instantly shocked. They didn't expect that Bai Wanrou was pregnant at this time.

Even Bai Wanrou herself didn't expect to be pregnant with Chen Ruzhi's child. She reached out and touched her belly that was not yet pregnant, but she didn't expect that a little life was conceived in it.

"Thank you, doctor." Bai Qingting reacted first and sent the doctor away, and then grabbed a few more medicines for Bai Wanrou. They rested on the spot for a long time. It wasn't until Bai Wanrou's body was fine that they continued on their journey.


At the same time, Chen Ruzhi on the other side of the border felt very angry immediately after learning that Bai Wanrou was attacked in Kyoto. However, he then learned that Bai Wanrou was looking for him and quickly sent someone to meet Bai Wanrou.

Bai Wanrou and the others also arrived at the border at this moment. Before they could catch their breath and rest, they encountered people from the southern border who surrounded them.

Because Bai Wanrou was pregnant, Bai Qingting and the others asked Luzhu to hide with Bai Wanrou, and the remaining people began to resist the people from the south. The scene was instantly chaotic.

At this moment, the people from the southern border suddenly discovered Bai Wanrou and Lu Zhu hiding in the corner. They walked towards them step by step with a knife. They saw the man swinging the knife and was about to chop at them.

Chen Ruzhi came on horseback with someone. He saw Bai Wanrou who was about to be in danger at a glance. He picked up the bow and arrow in his hand and shot out, killing the man directly on the spot.

Bai Wanrou and Lu Zhu, who were still frightened at first, looked at the helpless person lying on the ground and knew that they were safe now.

"Wanrou!" Chen Ruzhi got off his horse and walked towards Bai Wanrou.

"Your Majesty!" Bai Wanrou's eyes were full of joy when she saw Chen Ruzhi. She stood up from the corner suddenly, but suddenly fainted due to emotion.

Frightened, Lu Zhu quickly exclaimed "Princess" and then reached out to support her. When Chen Ruzhi saw Bai Wanrou fainted, he quickly ran over, held the unconscious Bai Wanrou in his arms, and quickly brought her back to him

's camp.

The doctor was called to examine Bai Wanrou's body. At first, the doctor thought that he had made a mistake in diagnosing the pulse, so he made another diagnosis and finally confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the result of his diagnosis.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Chen Ruzhi stood aside anxiously waiting for the doctor to give Bai Wanrou the diagnosis result.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty. The Princess is pregnant. She is just a little frail due to the hard journey. It's nothing serious. She'll be fine after a few days of rest." The doctor said.

Withdrawing himself, the hand that felt Bai Wanrou's pulse saluted to Chen Ruzhi, and then said slowly.

I originally thought that Bai Wanrou fainted due to fright, but I didn't expect that Bai Wanrou was actually pregnant with her own child. She was shocked and happy at the same time.

She was shocked because she thought it was too dangerous for Bai Wanrou to come to see her even though she was pregnant. She was happy because she didn't expect that he was going to be a father.

"The king knows that you should go down first, give the prescription to Luzhu, and ask her to boil the medicine for the princess." After saying that, Chen Ruzhi waved the doctor to leave first, and Luzhu followed closely, waiting.

After a while, I went to get the prescription for Bai Wanrou.

Looking at Bai Wanrou lying unconscious on the couch, Chen Ruzhi's heart ached, but whenever he thought that Bai Wanrou was now pregnant with his flesh and blood, Chen Ruzhi's eyes flashed with deep affection.

Bai Qingting, Lin Yi and others stood there and looked at Chen Ruzhi for a while, then looked at each other and walked out of the tent to another tent.

Chen Ruzhi did not stay in this camp for a long time, because he had more important things to do now, so he ordered the more reliable people around him to protect Bai Wanrou's safety.

Arriving at another tent, Bai Qingting, Lu Jiaxue, Lin Yi and others had also been waiting for Chen Ruzhi for a long time. When they saw Chen Ruzhi coming, they quickly stood up and began to talk about what happened today.

After hearing these things, Chen Ruzhi found it very difficult to accept. He really didn't expect that the emperor and prince Zheng Chen in Kyoto, as well as the royal family and nobles, would insult Bai Wanrou while he was away. It was really too much!

"How dare they treat Wanrou like this? Damn it!" Chen Ruzhi only had one thought in his mind at the moment, which was to help Bai Wanrou vent his anger.

At this moment, the spy sent out by Chen Ruzhi suddenly ran over in a hurry. He first saluted Chen Ruzhi, and then said the purpose of his coming:

"Report! Your Majesty, our people discovered the imperial troops near the border. They seem to be surrounding us. What should we do?"

Bai Qingting and others were shocked when they heard this. They didn't seem to expect that the emperor and the others actually knew about their arrival at the border, and even planned to surround Chen Ruzhi and the others.

"If my guess is correct, the emperor wants to take advantage of my battle with the Southern Territory to make some small moves behind his back." Chen Ruzhi waved the person who came to report the news to go out, and then told several people in the room what he was thinking


Then they discussed countermeasures in the camp, and not long after, they heard someone coming over to report that Bai Wanrou had woken up.

Chen Ruzhi didn't say anything else to Bai Qingting and the others, and hurriedly took care of Bai Wanrou. He felt relieved after watching her drink the anti-fetal medicine.

"I haven't eaten for so long. You must be hungry, Princess. I went to the kitchen to make your favorite snack."

Luzhu was worried that Bai Wanrou would have a bitter taste in her mouth after taking the medicine, so she specially prepared some exquisite pastries for Bai Wanrou. She happened to be on the road and Bai Wanrou didn't eat much along the way, so she was indeed a little hungry now.

Sitting on the bed, I watched Luzhu bring over the pastries that I usually like to eat. I reached out and took out a piece and started eating. However, I didn't expect that after just two bites, my stomach started to churn.

"vomit..." Bai Wanrou really didn't expect that she would vomit even after eating anything during her pregnancy. It was really uncomfortable.

"Lv Zhu, pour some water." Chen Ruzhi on the side saw that Bai Wanrou was so uncomfortable with vomiting, so he quickly walked over and patted her back, and then quickly asked Lu Zhu to pour a glass of water for Bai Wanrou.

Hearing this, Lu Zhu quickly put the pastry in her hand on the table, poured a glass of warm water for Bai Wanrou and handed it over. Chen Ruzhi reached out to take it and put it to Bai Wanrou's lips, indicating that she would rinse her mouth.

"This child is really delicate. I just ate some cakes and I vomited like crazy. How will I live my life in the future?"

After rinsing her mouth, Bai Wanrou drank several more mouthfuls of water before she recovered. In the end, she couldn't help but complain, which made Chen Ruzhi and Lu Zhu couldn't help laughing.

At night, Nanjing suddenly led a sneak attack. Chen Ruzhi asked Luzhu to take a fancy to Bai Wanrou, and then put on his shirt to fight against Nanjing.

Bai Qing

When Chen Ruzhi went to fight, Ting Ting, Lu Jiaxue and others quietly put on their shirts and began to implement their plan.

After Chen Ruzhi fought with Nanjing for several rounds, he pretended to be exhausted and ran away on horseback with his weapon, making Nanjing think that he had narrowly won the battle.

However, on his way back to the camp, Chen Ruzhi was attacked by the imperial troops. Seeing that he was surrounded by them, Chen Ruzhi's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

After Bai Wanrou woke up, she found Lu Zhu standing beside the bed waiting anxiously, and Chen Ruzhi was no longer in the tent.

"Princess, you're awake! Please help me wait for you. Just now Lin Yi came over and asked me to wait for you to wake up and hide nearby with him."

As soon as Lu Zhu saw Bai Wanrou awake, he quickly walked over and helped Bai Wanrou up from the bed, and then said what Lin Yi had just said to him.

This is when Bai Wanrou realized that the matter was not simple, and quickly asked Lu Zhu to put on clothes for her, and then she was arranged by Lin Yi, Bai Qingting and others, and hid.

During this period, Bai Wanrou was very angry when she learned that the imperial court was trying to gain language skills. While avoiding Lin Yi and Bai Qingting, Bai Wanrou was also very worried about Chen Ruzhi's safety.

The surrounded Chen Ruzhi was now fighting with the people sent by the imperial court, and he killed all of them in one go.

Lin Feng, who was with Chen Ruzhi, looked at the fallen corpses around him, trying to find information about the people in the imperial court from the soldiers, but was stopped by Chen Ruzhi, leaving Lin Feng puzzled.

"Stop looking. Even if you search these people's bodies, you won't be able to find anything. The top priority now is to go back first."

Because Chen Ruzhi knew that since the emperor and the others had sent people to attack him, there would definitely be no evidence, so even looking for it now would be in vain.

After hearing this, Lin Feng stopped looking for anything and followed Chen Ruzhi back to the original camp.

This chapter has been completed!
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