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Chapter 32 The Spy

Bai Wanrou probably didn't expect that the farmer, who had not recognized her before, could now recognize Song Yinhua's identity at a glance.

However, when she glanced at Song Yinhua, who was at a loss and still a little confused, she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Looking at the farmer's obviously wary eyes, Bai Wanrou simply followed his words and asked:

"No way, Yin'er, when have you ever done this kind of thing without telling me?"

The situation has developed to such an extent that we can only blame Song Yinhuatu for being convenient and not seriously disguising himself.

Now that he was discovered by this farmer, it was expected.

Bai Wanrou blinked, indicating that Song Yinhua needed to deny this matter.

The latter received her gaze, and her panicked heart suddenly calmed down. She looked at the farmer again, her eyes full of determination.

"Uncle, I don't know who you are, and I have never seen you before. I am Song Yinhua, the daughter of Song Si Cheng, and I am here today to help you."

"Although I don't know what you meant by what you just said, I think you probably confused me with someone."

Her tone of voice was neither hasty nor slow, and she had just the right amount of force to scare people.

As expected, after hearing this, the farmer's face first flashed with shock, and then his alert look gradually faded away.

But in order to nip it in the bud, he still inevitably looked at Bai Wanrou, "Did you call this person here? Why do you want to help me like this?"

Bai Wanrou raised her lips and smiled lightly, looking like a gentle and lovely lady.

She stared directly at the farmer without any scruples, "Actually, this is not just to help you. Because my father is involved in this matter, I have to get involved."

The word "Xu is the father" pierced the softest part of the farmer's heart. Thinking of his daughter who died unjustly, he finally did not continue to ask.

"Okay, I will trust you two and go with her today."

Bai Wanrou nodded. In fact, if he hadn't suddenly recognized Song Yinhua's identity, this matter would have progressed much more smoothly than it did now.

Thinking of this, she glanced at Song Yinhua. Their eyes met, and there was some happiness in their eyes.

After Song Yinhua took the farmer away, Bai Wanrou felt that her heart that had been hanging in her throat finally relaxed a little.

She let out a long breath and said, "Qingtang, your lady, am I smart?"

Bai Wanrou rarely calls herself the princess or this palace in front of her servants, especially Lu Zhu and Qingtang.

In her heart, she only hopes to be sisters with them, not just a strange master-servant relationship.

Hearing this, Qingtang laughed and said jokingly: "My young lady is already a very smart person, but now she is even more cunning."

Obviously she was talking about Bai Wanrou deliberately leaving difficult problems to Song Yinhua just now.

Bai Wanrou was not annoyed after hearing this, she just touched the top of Qingtang's head, messed up her neatly combed hair, and retorted before walking out the door.

"What cunning? This should be called flexibility."

The two of them walked arm in arm like twin sisters while walking down the street. Occasionally they would stop to take a closer look at something they liked.

In almost a moment, the two of them already had bags of various sizes in their hands.

Especially Bai Wanrou's tendency to be impatient when seeing pastries, so she bought countless snacks along the way.

Their playfulness and laughter ended at the moment they laid eyes on Bai Fengqi.

Bai Wanrou probably felt that this was like a dream, and she was a little afraid to recognize it at first. It was not until the distance between the three of them got closer that she called out:


The hesitation and doubt in his tone were emotions that the apple of his eye had never experienced before.

Whenever she sees her father and brother, she always smiles sweetly. How could they be so strange like today?

Bai Fengqi's eyes flashed with deep thought, but in the end she only attributed this abnormality to her various experiences in the palace.

"Why, now that you are used to staying in the palace, you are so reluctant to call me?"

There was not much blame in his tone, but the sizing eyes that were always on Bai Wanrou made her feel even more uncomfortable.

She pretended to smile coquettishly, took a few steps forward and threw herself into Bai Fengqi's arms, holding his arm and acting coquettishly.

"Oh, father! You know your daughter doesn't mean that. I have always loved my father the most, so why wouldn't I say this reluctantly?"

Bai Fengqi did not continue to pursue the matter, as if it was just a small episode to raise the topic.

He seemed to have accidentally mentioned Chen Ruzhi, but he deliberately mentioned it, "Why did you look so absent-minded just now? Is it because the palace is having a hard time, or is that brat Chen Ruzhi bullying you again?"

Bai Wanrou recalled the moment she met him. She was clearly chatting happily with Qingtang while holding the sweet-scented osmanthus cake she just bought. How could he feel that he was absent-minded?

After thinking about it, a bold guess flashed through her mind, so she deliberately tempted her, "My daughter doesn't understand, why did her father say this?"

Bai Fengqi looked at her, as if he felt that a child cannot be taught, and sighed helplessly: "It's his concubine Yueyi, hasn't he been targeting you before?"

"Besides, that person is not an easy person to begin with. He keeps causing trouble for you. To put it bluntly, he is just looking for the position of the princess."

He looked like he had seen through the world of mortals. If he were an ordinary person, his daughter would probably have refuted him by now.

However, Bai Wanrou felt a little cold on her back, and her legs couldn't stop feeling weak and trembling.

How could it be...how could his father know that Yueyi had been secretly causing trouble for him?

She pulled away her stiff face and revealed a forced smile, "Father is overly worried. Ever since the emperor issued the imperial edict, his daughter's life in the palace has been too short."

Unexpectedly, Bai Fengqi insisted on his point of view and detailed the bad things Yueyi had done.

Bai Wanrou straightened her back after hearing this. Many of the words her father said were things she had never told him.

Thinking about it this way, I'm afraid there is only one possibility left - he placed spies around him.

Thinking of this, she relaxed a little.

In this way, my mission is quite clear.

What's more, if she hadn't met Bai Fengqi today, she probably wouldn't have known about this matter.

Bai Wanrou smiled, which made Bai Fengqi, who had been strategizing, confused.

This chance encounter was carefully created by him, but if he didn't tell it, I'm afraid Bai Wanrou would never know about it.

What does her sudden smile mean?

Bai Fengqi felt more defensive, it seemed that his daughter was no longer what she used to be.

"Father, although Sister Yueyi treats me badly, I know that this is a problem that every royal family will face, so I have been prepared for it. You don't need to worry about my time in the palace."

"Besides, no matter how desperate I am, I am still your father's daughter. If I am in a desperate situation, I will learn from my father's strength to protect myself."

Bai Wanrou looked a bit joking, and this was the kind of woman Bai Fengqi knew well.

No one knew that at the same moment she said these words, Bai Fengqi's heart dropped back into her stomach.

"Well, since you are so insistent, I can't say much."

Then he said a few words to ask Bai Wanrou to remember to protect herself, and then turned and left.

At that time, Bai Wanrou finally put down the fake smile on her face.

There was a wariness in her eyes that she had never seen since she married into the palace, and her tone of voice when giving orders to Qingtang was also a little more serious.

"Qingtang, come back to the palace with me now. I want to take a good inventory of the servants in the courtyard."

Qingtang was full of doubts, but she couldn't ask questions in front of everyone on the street.

When Kankan crossed the threshold of the palace, Qingtang asked in a low voice: "Miss, what happened?"

For the first time, Bai Wanrou didn't reply to her words and just walked quickly to the courtyard.

"Lvzhu, gather all the servants in the yard for me and tell me that I have something important to do."

Lu Zhu looked at Qingtang behind her and saw only the confusion on her face and the haste of her movements.

She knew in her heart that this was probably an important matter, so she didn't dare to delay any longer and hurriedly went to the yard to call for someone.

Bai Wanrou took a sip of the tea on the table, and her excitement calmed down a bit.

The expression on her face was like thin ice floating on a pool of stagnant water, both calm and so cold that it made people shiver.

Qingtang has been with her for so long and has never seen her look like this.

After a while, some people stood lazily in the yard, and Lu Zhu entered the room panting heavily, "Miss, all the servants have been gathered."

Bai Wanrou didn't answer, didn't even look outside, and continued drinking tea calmly.

It wasn't until the servants had impatient expressions on their faces and the courtyard was filled with noisy voices that she stood up and walked out of the room.

She went out with that expression on her face and silenced all the servants with just one look.

They had never seen their master show such an expression before, and they all stared with a little fear in their hearts.

Bai Wanrou scanned the people one by one with her eyes, only to find that their expressions were similar, and there wasn't even one out of the ordinary person.

"Today I suddenly thought of summoning you all together because there is something confusing in my mind."

"But now that the matter has been resolved, please go back."

When those girls and boys heard this, they all said bad things about her.

It was probably because she didn't feel sorry for her servants, and her resentment almost overflowed from the yard.

Bai Wanrou took advantage of this gap to continue to look at those people, but found that she could not find a single person to suspect.

After returning to the room, Bai Wanrou's expression relaxed and returned to its previous appearance. Only then did Lu Zhu and Qingtang have the courage to ask:

"Miss, what do you mean by doing this today?"

Bai Wanrou knew that the two of them would not betray her, but it related to her father, and she could not tell others her judgment hastily.

"It's nothing, it's probably just a whim. I can't explain the emotions in my heart, so you just think I'm joking."

They saw that she didn't want to tell the matter, so they didn't continue to ask questions and just ignored the matter carelessly.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and then Chen Ruzhi's voice sounded in the courtyard, "Bai Wanrou, I am here to take you into the palace."
This chapter has been completed!
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