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Chapter 58: The Same Drug

Xiao Tao had anticipated Yueyi's reaction long before she told the news. She knew she would be angry and unbelievable.

But the most important thing now is that Yueyi has just given birth and her body is weak and cannot withstand such a big mood swing!

Xiaotao thought of what the midwife had told her before she left, and became panicked. She patted Yueyi's back with one hand helplessly.

"Miss, don't be angry. This, this matter is not your fault, and I have told the prince, I think he will understand you."

She was a little incoherent. On the one hand, she was afraid that Yueyi would be ill because of this incident. On the other hand, she was afraid that she would never recover and she would completely lose someone she could rely on.

What Xiao Tao never expected was that after saying these words, Yueyi magically became quiet. Her eyes were dull and her expression was numb, making it impossible to tell her current state for a while.

Just when Xiao Tao was wondering if any of her words had irritated her, she heard Yueyi, who had been shouting, suddenly asked in a hoarse voice: "You said you have already told the prince about this?"

Her voice was very soft and faint, like a wisp of smoke that could not be grasped and would dissipate in the air at any time. This attitude made Xiao Tao even more scared and she didn't know how to respond.

It wasn't until Yueyi got impatient with waiting and glanced at her with eyes as cold as looking at a corpse that Xiaotao broke into a cold sweat and replied tremblingly:

"Yes, yes, miss, what's wrong? Did I...did I do something wrong?"

Hearing her affirmative answer, Yueyi did not react immediately. As time ticked by, Xiaotao heard her sneer.

This feeling is difficult to describe, but Xiao Tao's body was very honest, and she broke out in thin cold sweats almost instantly.

Such an unpredictable young lady makes people feel so frightened, as if they will be killed by her hands in the next moment.

And Yueyi had indeed considered in her mind whether to get rid of Xiao Tao.

At first, it was because she still had some brains and was willing to be loyal to him, so I kept this person until now.

The problem is that she never imagined that Xiao Tao could be so stupid in handling this matter!

Before he even woke up, he told the prince everything.

Originally, if she had kept secret, she would have been able to blame Bai Wanrou for this matter.

No matter how securely Bai Wanrou, the princess, sits in her position, she will definitely be punished for it.

But now all my plans have been disrupted!

Let alone pouring dirty water on Bai Wanrou, she was afraid that it would be even more difficult for her to see Chen Ru again in the future.

Yueyi sighed, her heart suddenly hurt. She raised her hand to rub her chest, and realized that it was not appropriate for her to be angry right now.

She sat quietly for a while, looked at Xiao Tao who was so timid that she didn't even dare to raise her head, and said casually:

"I will never believe this. It must be Bai Wanrou's fault. She was jealous that I was pregnant, so she deliberately snatched my child away in this way."

Yueyi wanted to use this matter as the last chance for Xiaotao. She felt that she had said it so clearly that she would not be unable to understand it again.

However, Xiao Tao actually looked at her with a look of horror on her face, as if she was looking at a mentally disturbed lunatic.

Then Yueyi heard her say, "Miss, you really misunderstood. When I helped you deliver the baby, I locked the door. No one else could come in except my mother-in-law and me!"

Her tone was urgent and she spoke a little fast. She seemed to be particularly worried that Yueyi would do something stupid.

Faced with her reaction, Yueyi just sneered indifferently. If he had known that she was such a stupid person, he would never have let her stay.

"It's not that I misunderstood, but Bai Wanrou must have done this!"

After going through the madness just now, Yueyi's voice could no longer use force and could only speak softly. However, with such a light tone, the content of her words was shocking.

Xiao Tao stared at her in disbelief, the fear in her eyes could not be hidden no matter how hard she tried.

Just when Yue Yi was thinking about whether to send her away directly, her words made the air freeze.

"But Miss, because of that incident a few years ago, the prince is still very angry with you. If we don't explain it clearly first, our situation will be dangerous."

She instantly reminded Yue Yi of what Chen Ruzhi had said to her while taking the Chinese medicine. Yes, if he didn't let the matter settle down first, he would definitely not let her go so easily.

So that’s it, Xiaotao just stopped her like a traitor, was it because of this?

From this point of view, it is not extremely stupid, and it probably has some exploitable value.

Yue Yi curled her lips and smiled. When she deliberately pretended to be Bai Wanrou, Xiao Tao also passed by that place.

Although she didn't know what exactly happened at that time, she was one of the few insiders.

After thinking about it for a moment, Yueyi finally decided to tell Xiao Tao about the matter.

"Actually, when I entered Chen Ruzhi's room at that time, I saw the medicine he planted, and...I even kept a copy for myself."

When she said the last sentence, she was a little hesitant, as if she was still debating whether to tell Xiao Tao, but when she saw the horrified face of the person in front of her out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly calmed down.

It was one thing that Xiao Tao would not take the initiative to betray her. After learning such important news, even if she wanted to tell others, she did not have the courage.

Yueyi breathed a sigh of relief. She never thought that one day she would feel relieved because of her maid's timidity.

After a pause, she added, "Now I am weak and can't do many things. I will give you the medicine. You must take advantage of the chaos to put it in Bai Wanrou's room."

Xiaotao had not yet recovered from what had just happened, and when she heard her giving herself such an order, she waved her hands in panic for a moment.

"No, no, miss, I can't do it, please spare me. I, I really don't have the courage..."

At the end of the sentence, there was a hint of crying in her tone, but how could Yueyi still take into account her emotions at this time, and her expression gradually became colder.

"You don't want to? Don't forget who you are. If something happens to me, do you think there will be any good things for you to enjoy? This is the only way to keep us safe."

Yueyi and Chen Ruzhi have been together for a while, and they don't know him very well, but they have a very clear understanding of his character.

Before he found out that the person who saved him was Bai Wanrou, he would never completely let down his guard against Bai Wanrou.

If by chance he gave birth to a dead baby at the same time, he misunderstood that Bai Wanrou was the one who drugged him back then.

Not only will the relationship between them be broken to pieces, but it will also make it easier for you to go to him to plead for mercy.

Yueyi's eyes became darker and darker. This plan could not be tolerated by Xiaotao. No matter how she thought about it, she had to do it.

"No, miss, I didn't mean that, absolutely not!"

"In that case, I'm waiting for your good news."

Yueyi put down these words, found the medicine from her own underwear beside the bed and handed it to her. Seeing that she was really shaking, she reluctantly patted the back of her hand to show encouragement.

Xiao Tao knew that she had to do what she said and do it well. Otherwise, not to mention she would be angry and punish herself. Even the prince who knew the truth would not let her go.

The consequences of all the failures came to mind, and tears filled her eyes unconsciously. When she stood up, her legs felt a little weak and sore.

At that time, Chen Ruzhi was discussing the same topic as them in his yard, but it was a pity that Yueyi would never know about it at this time.

"Your Majesty, the medicine you were given back then is now clear!"

After Lin Feng completed his mission, he hurried back to the palace in a hurry, not only because he had something important to say, but also because this was Chen Ruzhi's consistent request.

When Chen Ruzhi, who was quietly looking at the pamphlet in his hand, heard this, his right hand shook invisibly, and his eyebrows suddenly beat, but he still pretended to be calm and asked: "Tell me and listen."

Lin Feng came back in a hurry. He had been working hard all the way. Now he couldn't even say a complete sentence, and he couldn't even breathe.

He patted his chest and took a few deep breaths, then said with a heavy face: "It's Miss Yue, Miss Yue, she was poisoned by the exact same drug as you!"

When he first heard the news, he himself was a little shocked, but now when he looked at Chen Ruzhi in front of him, he couldn't see anything unexpected.

Lin Feng even thought that he had known about this for a while, but the next moment, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the tea cup in his hand that was overflowing with tea because he couldn't hold it steady.

Lin Feng:......

He was silent for a while, he was just pretending.

"Lin Feng, I don't want to mess around with you today. You'd better make sure that everything you say is true."

Putting the tea cup on the table, Chen Ruzhi said calmly.

To put it bluntly, he didn't really believe what Lin Feng said, partly because Yueyi had disappointed him too many times.

On the other hand, it’s because——

He subconsciously chose to believe Bai Wanrou.

The two people in the room knew in their hearts that if Yueyi took the same drug as him, not only would she be eliminated as a suspect.

It also proved one thing in disguise: she was indeed the one who saved Chen Ruzhi at that time.

Chen Ruzhi's fingertips moved, as if to show something restless, and then came Lin Feng's loud words:

"Your Majesty, I assure you that everything I said is true."

"Miss Yue's body is different from yours. The bones in her body are not that strong. In addition, she is a yin body, so drugs cannot be eliminated in the body. It just so happens that she is pregnant with a fetus at this time."

At this point, he paused, presumably because the child was born dead.

Then he continued: "That's why the fetus cannot survive."

Chen Ruzhi didn't respond to his words, nor did he ask any more questions. He just sat in his original position like a sculpture.

Until Lin Feng said unconsciously: "But besides Miss Yue, who else is suspected?"
This chapter has been completed!
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