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Chapter 195 Fair! Fair! Fuck! Fair!

If the four major families want to devour other people's assets, they can actually do so very covertly.

And no one dared to resist.

Because the four major families not only have power locally, but also have great power in the court above, ordinary people cannot touch them at all.

There are already too many examples.

Many business owners and people who had been cheated wanted to fight these people because their families were harmed by people from the four major families.

However, whether it was those who attempted to go to Beijing to complain or those who sounded the grievance drum, they all disappeared inexplicably in the end without leaving any trace.

Everyone knows that the four major families are responsible, but no one has any evidence!

In this regard, the four major families have done very well.

It has been like this for so many years.

Gradually, people in Yanzhou are basically used to it.

This Yanzhou is not the Yanzhou of the imperial court at all, but the Yanzhou of the four major families!

Now, things are going to change in Yanzhou??

All Yanzhou people looked at the four extremely familiar faces being escorted to the execution ground in a daze.

Basically all Yanzhou people have been taught by their parents to identify the important figures of the four major families since childhood. The most important person in their eyes is the head of the four major families!

Are they going to be beheaded??

It is different from the normal execution ground escort.

No one throws eggs, and no one dares to throw eggs.

At the last moment, members of the four major families were beheaded, and no one dared to believe this was true.

Although the tiger is about to die, its remaining power is still there.

Everyone watched in silence as the prison van slowly stopped in front of the execution site.

Li Yan, who was standing on the trial stage, looked at the scene in front of him with some curiosity in his eyes.

"The people from the four major families have oppressed them for so many years. At this time, shouldn't they be happy? They should be throwing things at these four people?"

Li Yan had a look of confusion in his eyes.

During his previous uprising, he led the villagers to deal with the bullies who oppressed them. Basically, all the people threw rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves at these bullies.

But to his surprise, the execution ground in front of him was so depressing and silent.

All the people didn't say anything, they just watched in silence as a few bullies were led to the execution ground.

Hearing Li Yan's words, Song Xiance's lips curled up slightly. With a smile on his face, he took a deep look at Li Yan and said slowly: "That's because those bullies are just bullies from a generation.

Although the people are afraid, they will definitely trample that bully to death as long as they have the chance. However, these four bullies in front of them are bullies who have been dominant in the local area for two or three generations.

They have been oppressed since their ancestors, and their hope has completely disappeared. Being oppressed has become a habit, and their original resistance has been shattered into pieces again and again.

Of course they are happy at the moment, but they have experienced it countless times before and already know that they will not celebrate in advance until the last moment, because past lessons have taught them how tragic the consequences of celebrating in advance can be!"

Song Xiance looked at the scene in front of him calmly.

Li Yan on the side nodded thoughtfully.

He is also a smart man. After listening to Song Xiance's words, he gained a lot of insights. After all, he is still young and has many experiences that are not as good as Song Xiance's.

But after listening to Song Xiance's words, I basically understood it.

At this time, Li Yan wanted to ask Song Xiance something else.

Song Xiance had already stood up and walked down from the high platform.


With a smile on his face, Song Xiance said to the people in front of him: "The four major families that occupy the entire Yanzhou Prefecture have committed a major crime of treason! They have implicated nine clans! Now, let's behead the evil ones first! Please bear witness!

Anyone who oppresses the people and attempts to rebel will be killed!"

With that said, Song Xiance didn't say anything nonsense, turned around and came to the high platform nearby, and threw down a token of Zhanlijue.


Song Xiance shouted sharply at the executioner on the side.

The four executioners who were already prepared sprayed a mouthful of wine on the steel knives, raised the four knives together, and slashed at the heads of the four major family heads!


Blood sprayed three feet high.

The people around them looked at the scene in front of them and were stunned for a moment. After being silent for a while, all the people made crazy sounds of joy.

All the people's eyes showed ecstasy.

"How about it?"

Song Xiance smiled slightly, looked at Li Yan aside and said.

Li Yan nodded, looking at Song Xiance in front of him with emotion in his eyes.

"Mr. Song is a great talent!"

"It doesn't take any talent."

Song Xiance shook his head, with emotion in his eyes as he looked at the jubilant people in front of him.

"As long as you really step into their perspective and become theirs, you can truly understand their difficulties. All the people at the bottom will never consider fairness.

What they are thinking about is how to get a bite of food. This does not mean that they do not desire fairness. On the contrary, what they want most after being bullied for so long is fairness!"

After saying this, Song Xiance's eyes were very complicated.

Li Yan nodded thoughtfully.

He comes from a privileged family, and he was admitted to the Juren Examination in his early twenties. Later, due to his talent and ability, he quickly became a high-ranking among the thieves.

Strictly speaking, although Li Yan sympathizes with the people at the bottom, he really doesn't understand what the people at the bottom are, let alone what their lives are like.

But Song Xiance was different. He was from a lower-class background. He was bullied by the rich for a long time. Later, he met his master and was able to make a living by relying on his fortune-telling skills.

But he is still considered a member of the lower class, and he has seen the real life of many lower class people.

He is the one who truly understands what these low-level people are thinking in their hearts!

They are extremely eager for fairness, but they simply do not believe that they can get it!

The most important reason why King Chuang was able to gain the support of so many people was that they believed that King Chuang's arrival would bring them fairness.


It’s just a new reincarnation!

Song Xiance had actually been disappointed with the intruder for a long time. The newly born intruder still had some ideals, but with the crazy expansion of the intruder, he had actually lost his original intention.

In addition to the hexagrams, one of the most important reasons why he chose to seek refuge with His Highness the Prince was because he saw in His Highness the original intention that had long been lost among thieves!

This chapter has been completed!
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