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Chapter 268 Stationing and Night Attack!

At this time, Duduo no longer cared that the county was also the territory of the Qing Dynasty.

At this time, the army is still more important!

Duduo didn't expect it at all.

Before his army arrived at the county seat, Wang Lie and others, wearing Manchu military uniforms, quickly came to the city wall and opened the gate of the county seat first.

After killing all the officials in the county, Wang Lie and Li Yan directly prevented fire and burned all the food in the city!

Including the rice stores in the city, and then burned the cities!

After doing this, Wang Lie and Li Yan left!

Continue to another nearby county.

When dusk is about to fall.

The army led by Duduo finally arrived in Jun County.

Looking at Junxian, which was almost empty in front of him, Duduo's expression suddenly became very ugly.

The army entered Junxian County, and the people in Junxian County had already fled in all directions. Duduo's people quickly found the official warehouse.

But the official warehouse has been burned down.

"He was burned again!"

Duduo's face became very ugly.

"Where are those rich households? Find them quickly!"

Duduo quickly ordered people to search for him.

But soon, most people returned without success.

Duduo's face became extremely serious.


The food in my hands now is only enough to feed everyone for one day at most!

That is to say, I must find food by tomorrow at most!


"Cross Jun County! Keep moving forward!"

Duduo understood that he could not stay and continued to rush towards the nearest village city.

Soon, a hundred thousand troops arrived at the village city.

But it still came to nothing...

However, I can't even see where the enemy troops are!

Damn it!

How on earth do they always get one step ahead of themselves?? And then capture the city so quickly???

Duduo looked at the corpses of the defenders in the city with a very ugly expression. There was no sign of any siege on this city wall.

But almost all the soldiers in the city died!

Thinking of this, Dodo's face didn't look very good.

"keep going!"

Dodo shouted to the soldiers around him.

At this time, Duduo had already made up his mind. If there was not enough food, he would capture those Han people and use them as food rations!

Anyway, it’s not like they haven’t done this kind of thing before!

There seems to be no difference between doing it once and doing it twice!

Thinking of this, Duduo's eyes showed a cold light.

After pondering for a moment, Duduo ordered the 100,000 troops to continue walking forward.

But the army at this moment was already exhausted.

The day-and-night rush march, which itself reduced the rations of some Green Battalion soldiers due to food shortages, has already brought the Green Battalion soldiers, who already had little morale, into a very weak state.

However, the banner masters still maintained a good supply of food, and each of them even used food and grass to feed their horses!

Everyone, including the man and the horse, is full of energy and spirit!

Their next target is Yigou, which is also a small town, about forty kilometers away from the village city, and the closest town to the army.

Hope to find food here!

Although even if it is found, it probably won’t be enough to feed the army for a long time!

When the sky was completely dark, Duduo's 100,000 troops finally arrived at Yigou, a small town. It didn't look like anyone had taken advantage of them.

Finally, Dodo breathed a sigh of relief.


There is also a green camp army stationed in Yigou Town, although there is only a small team of about three to four hundred people.

Soon these Green Camp soldiers clearly saw the 100,000 troops in front of them. They were stunned and a Baihu who was guarding the place hurriedly walked out.

"Are you the guard here?"

Duduo asked with cold eyes towards Baihu in front of him.

"Yes, yes! You are King Dodo, right?"

Baihu's eyes were full of flattery as he looked at Duduo in front of him.

“How much food is left in the city at this moment??”

Duduo asked with a cold light in his eyes towards the hundred households in front of him.

Hearing Duduo's words, Baihu was slightly stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses.

"Zhang Laosan! Zhang Laosan!"

Baihu shouted to a person on the side.

Soon, a person who looked like a cashier ran over.

"Sir, you are looking for me!"

Zhang Laosan didn't dare to look up at Duo Duo, but asked Bai Hu beside him.

“How much food is left in our warehouse??”

"Some time ago, our town's tax grains were sent to the capital... Now in our town's warehouse, there are still... more than seven hundred stones of grain..."

After hearing Zhang Laosan's words, Duduo frowned tightly.

Seven hundred stones of grain?

This is not enough food for one hundred thousand troops!

"Forcibly levy food from the food houses in the town!"

Duduo spoke directly to the hundred households in front of him.

Baihu was stunned for a moment, and with a hint of hesitation in his eyes, he said to Duduo in front of him: "Your Majesty, this is a bit against the rules..."

"Is it against the rules?? Without food, my army of 100,000 people will simply use all the lives of the people in this town as military rations! Do you think it is a rule?"

Duduo asked with a cold look in his eyes towards the hundred households in front of him.

"Francis Jiyi, Hal, you two choose 300 people and follow him to clear out food in the town! The rest of the people, stay on the spot!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Soon, Duduo found a good place in an open space next to the town and started to set up camp.

At this time, in the mountains and forests next to the town.

"They really set up camp here!"

With a hint of excitement in his eyes, Li Yan said to Wang Lie beside him.

Wang Lie looked calm and looked at the Qing troops stationed in front of him.

"We specially gave them a place to live, and they will definitely choose to stay here! Although this town certainly cannot provide much food, it will more or less allow them to have a meal!

Moreover, after traveling for a day and night, these Qing troops are already hungry and tired, and they urgently need some time to rest! As a famous general of the Qing Dynasty, Duduo will not be unaware of this kind of thing!"

Li Yan nodded and looked at Wang Lie in front of him in surprise.

The Wang Lie in front of me had obviously joined the Second Guards Army not long ago, but he didn't expect that he would have such a vision and a view of the overall situation, and he looked like a veteran who had been fighting for many years!

What is his origin?

Li Yan's eyes flashed with confusion.

Of course Wang Lie saw the confusion in Li Yan's eyes, but he didn't say a word.

"Let's see if these green soldiers will roar at night!"

Wang Lie's eyes flashed with light and he slowly spoke.

This chapter has been completed!
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