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Chapter 363 The sophistication is unbelievable!

"Thank you Mr. Wu Ge!"

Hou Fangyu bowed deeply to Mr. Wu Ge in front of him.

Wu Yan smiled, took a deep look at Hou Fangyu in front of him and said, "Okay, do your job well. If you do some things well, His Royal Highness will be able to see it! What I told you

, in fact, it can be summed up in one sentence.

Stay down-to-earth! Things must be implemented and you must be really good to the people. Everyone is not a fool and can see it, and vice versa! For some things, the more you do, the better. You must remember!

Nothing else!"

"Yes! Mr. Ge!"

Hou Fangyu quickly said to Wu Di in front of him.

Wu Di smiled, took a deep look at Hou Fangyu in front of him, then turned around and got on the carriage beside him.

The carriage slowly left.

Looking at the back of Wu Zongge's old carriage, Hou Fangyu showed a hint of emotion in his eyes.

Over the past half month, Mr. Wu Ge has really helped him a lot!

Because he kept going to the bottom, the original irritability in his body had disappeared a lot. Now, Hou Fangyu's understanding of many things has become deeper.

He no longer had the impetuous and floating feeling he had before.

down to earth!

Originally, Hou Fangyu only knew this sentence from books, and he had thought about this kind of thing in his mind, but at that time, he basically had no understanding of this sentence.

Knowing is one thing, knowing how to do it is another!

Knowing how to do it, actually doing it, practicing it, working hard, that's another thing!

To know is to know, and to not know is to be ignorant. This is knowledge!

Hou Fangyu had a new understanding of this sentence. He felt that knowing does not refer to his own explicit knowledge. Some knowing does not mean he has the final say!

You have to do it! And really do it

For many things, only by truly understanding them can you understand the secrets, not what you think you know!

What you think you know, many times, you don’t understand the essence of it. It’s very possible that you know a little bit and think you really know it!

But in fact, when I put it to the test in practice, I didn’t know anything about it. I didn’t know anything, but I thought I knew it!

Thinking of this, Hou Fangyu secretly warned in his heart, there are many things that if you don't understand them, you will never know the secrets if you just watch them!

Hou Fangyu sighed slightly, thinking of this, he was very lucky to meet Mr. Wu Zongge. If it were someone else, they would definitely not tell him so much, because telling him this would have no meaning to them.


In other words, Wu Ge is always an old friend of his father!

Putting these thoughts behind him, Hou Fangyu turned around and returned to the government office. He had to continue to process official documents. As these things happened these days, he had to deal with more and more official documents!

There are many things that he needs to re-examine!

Wu Di's carriage was walking on the road, looking out the window.

Looking at the land of China in front of me, I don't know what I'm thinking in my heart. The current situation really makes His Highness the Prince feel stable, and even getting better.

Even if His Royal Highness the Crown Prince desperately expands his army and prepares for war.

Even within a few years, we can end the war and unify the world!

But His Highness the Crown Prince is not in such a hurry. The current Crown Prince is like a seasoned hunter, constantly using various means to expand his hunting methods, and then constantly using traps to drain the blood of others.

A little bit of nibbling, even sometimes when Wu Zong saw Zhu Cihong, he didn't think he was a young man!

A young man who is not even twenty years old has such a calm mind!

This made Wu Di a little unbelievable.


Wu Dong didn't know why, the prince Zhu Cihong could be so calm. Maybe this was the blessing of his family and country!

Wu Di's carriage soon left Hejian Mansion and returned to Shandong.

I was patrolling in Shandong. At present, the roads in Shandong have basically been repaired, the official roads are very new, and there are some newly built inns on both sides of the roads.

These inns were responsible for raising horses for the imperial court, and then doing business of feeding or feeding horses to passing travelers.

Basically it is semi-official and semi-private.

Wu Di's carriage stopped in front of the inn.

"Officer, come this way quickly! I'll make you a pot of tea!"

The shopkeeper at the nearby inn could tell at a glance that Wu Di was definitely rich or noble, and was probably a high official, so he quickly said to Wu Di in front of him.

Wu Di nodded and sat down at the table.

Soon, a pot of tea was delivered. At this time, with a smile on his face, he said to the busy store owner at the inn next to him: "Shop, how is the business at your inn? Is it okay?"

“Not bad, not bad!”

The shopkeeper in front of him smiled slightly and said to Wu Di in front of him.

"Everyone in the family can have enough to eat! It's already very good! In the past, we could only eat a dry meal in three days at most! But since the prefect built this road.

I also had people renovate the inn for me. Although half of the inn belongs to the government, we don’t need to give money to the government. We only need to raise a horse for the government.

That’s it, the government also gives us horse feed and other things every month, but in fact, we don’t pay anything!”

As he said this, the store owner had a look of emotion in his eyes.

Hearing what the store owner said, Wu Di smiled slightly.

"It seems that the officials here are pretty good!"

"This seems to be an order from His Highness the Crown Prince! I remember that His Highness the Crown Prince issued an official document before and wanted to promote it in this way!"

The shopkeeper in front of him hesitated for a moment and said to Wu Di in front of him.

“Such a horse??”

Wu Di was stunned for a moment, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.


The store owner nodded seriously.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has issued an order to pay attention to the post stations and postmen. It is best to adopt a public-private partnership approach to stimulate the enthusiasm of us common people.

Then His Highness the Prince gave some references for these things, some models and so on, and then this is the model we have here!"

Hearing what the store owner said, Wu Yan had an unbelievable look in his eyes.

His Highness the Crown Prince actually even considered such a thing???

It’s really………

"A born holy king!"

Wu Di said with some emotion.

"That's right!"

The store owner at the inn nearby had a look of emotion on his face and said to Wu Hong in front of him: "His Royal Highness the Prince's brain is just different from ours. How did he come up with such a good idea!"

This chapter has been completed!
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