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Chapter 175 This is the consequence

Looking at Su Pingan at this time, Feng Shaoyang calmed down.

The other party is angry!

It's okay to be angry, because it shows that you have grasped the other person's pain points and weaknesses.

Then it will be easy to handle next time!

For the first time, he felt that he had taken the initiative in this conversation. He raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said noncommittally: "The consequences? What consequences can there be? With your cultivation in the fifth realm of scribes, what can you do?

What consequences are given?!”

During the conversation, Feng Shaoyang did not shy away from his contempt for Su Pingan.

And at this moment, the breath he had been holding back for a long time, which he had been feeling defeated by Su Pingan, finally felt like it was spit out at this moment.

At the same time, the fact that he dares to be so crazy is a sign of his confidence in his own strength.

Because...he is a ninth-level scribe!

A literary genius who is only one step away from becoming a literary master!

Facing Su Pingan, who is in the fifth realm of scribes, he has the right to be so arrogant!

Seeing his posture, Su Pingan suddenly grinned and said with a cold light in his eyes: "Okay, this is what you want to see. Don't regret it later!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Ping'an suddenly took action.

I saw a flash of light in his hand, and he immediately grabbed a small jar on the wall of a blue and white porcelain altar, and then like a brick, he aimed it at Feng Shaoyang's head and smashed it down.


The altar wall buzzed.

Feng Shaoyang was caught off guard, and he didn't expect that Su Ping'an would take action as soon as he said it.

At that moment, he only felt a pain in his head, his eyesight went dark, and he staggered two steps. He tried hard to stand firmly by holding on to the pillars of the pavilion. Then when he raised his head again, he found that there was a double image in front of him.

He shook his head hard, and then felt something dripping down his forehead. He stretched out his hand and touched it...his hands were full of blood!

"you you……"

Fang Shaoyang's expression changed. He pointed at Su Pingan and was about to say something. Unexpectedly, the latter rushed up again like a tiger descending from the mountain, waving the jar in his hand and banging it.

"Fuck...don't you want to see what will happen if I get angry? Let me tell you, this is the consequence!"

Bang bang bang...

"You are so fucking arrogant to me. I am not even afraid of the old Confucian sage. How dare you threaten me?!"

Bang bang bang...

"Do you still want to see the consequences of me? Do you want to see it?!!"

Bang bang bang...

Su Pingan is really popular!

Dare to threaten the people around him, this will undoubtedly offend him.

What he was doing now was merciless.

And when he was hitting people, he also discovered that the Shanhe brush was quite easy to clean!

Hmm... Inexplicably, a new function of Shanhe Pen Wash has been developed.

Hit people!


Shanhe Biwash had fainted from crying in the toilet.

I thought it was a sacred vessel, but it was treated like a brick. It was really a disgrace to the sacred vessel.

Feng Shaoyang subconsciously covered his head with his hands when he was hit. After being hit more than a dozen times, the guy finally reacted and burst out with a surging literary energy in his body, "That's enough!"


Su Pingan was shocked and took two steps back.

Feng Shaoyang then straightened up. His head was bleeding and he looked in a state of embarrassment. But at this moment, his eyes were red and he was staring at Su Ping'an with a cannibalistic attitude. Then he said fiercely: "You dare to hit me? You are a small scholar in the fifth level of scribes."

Xiuya dares to attack me?! If I don’t teach you a lesson today, you really think your Su Sheng Xiaomeng is invincible, don’t you?”


Feng Shaoyang shouted loudly, and the momentum of the ninth realm of scribes instantly exploded with all its strength.

The surging literary energy, like a landslide and a tsunami, rushed towards Su Ping'an overwhelmingly.

However, as soon as the majestic pressure rushed in front of Su Pingan, it was blocked by the small jar in the latter's hand.

It was like a raging tsunami that suddenly hit a mountain standing thousands of feet high, without moving at all.


Feng Shaoyang was stunned when he saw this scene.

What's going on?!

The momentum that I unleashed with all my strength was actually unable to shake a mere fifth realm of scribes?!

This is unreasonable!

At this time, Su Ping'an had stabilized his body again. After feeling the opponent's explosive momentum, which was all blocked by the Shanhe Brush, he smiled ferociously, then waved the Shanhe Brush and rushed forward again. At the same time, he rushed forward.

He shouted: "You are so awesome at the ninth realm of scribes, right? I'll ask you to fucking pretend to me, let you pretend to be me..." Bang, bang, bang...

Su Ping'an was like a hungry wolf, rushing up and smashing things, which shocked Feng Shaoyang.

"Am I the ninth realm of scribes, or is he the ninth realm of scribes?!"

Feng Shaoyang was unable to parry, so he could only quickly raise his hands to parry, while retreating, while constantly using his literary energy to blast towards Su Ping'an.

But what made him feel strange was that no matter how much his literary energy exploded, the other party seemed to have a bottomless pit that kept devouring his literary energy, which made him unable to even fight back.

"What exactly is going on?!"

Feng Shaoyang was so aggrieved by the jar being hit that he couldn't bear it anymore. He turned around quickly, stepped on the railing of the pavilion, and then jumped out of the pavilion.


There was a flash of light in the sky, and Feng Shaoyang materialized an empty boat in the void.

Standing on the empty boat, he finally took a breath, calmed down and looked down at Su Pingan below.

To this day, his arms and back are still aching.

This made him feel even more incredible.

After being cleansed by literary energy, the bones of a scholar are no longer an ordinary body. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the body.

And he is now at the ninth level of the scribe. Normally sticks and stones can't hurt him at all, but now, he will actually be hit by a jar and his whole body will hurt.

That’s outrageous!

He glanced at the jar in Su Ping'an's hand, and saw that the jar was just a pen washer the size of a sea bowl. It looked ordinary and nothing special.

"This doesn't look like Wen Bao. Could it be Su Sheng Xiaomeng's trick?!"

Feng Shaoyang's expression was very ugly, and Su Ping'an suddenly became even more displeased.

Su Ping'an grabbed the pen and washed it in his hand. For a moment, he felt as heroic as if he could compete with the world's heroes.

After a lot of smashing, the fire in his heart just vented a lot. He calmed down a little, then stood under the pavilion and looked at Feng Shaoyang, and said sarcastically: "Didn't you just laugh at me that I am only a fifth-level scholar?

Little literary cultivator? Why, now you, a person in the ninth realm of scribes, are suddenly running away? Then you, a ninth-level scribe, are nothing more than that!"

Feng Shaoyang gritted his teeth when he heard this. He finally got really angry, stared at Su Pingan and said: "Okay, you forced me to do this. I, Feng Shaoyang, don't believe it. I can't deal with you yet!"

This chapter has been completed!
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