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Chapter 222 was taught a lesson

In front of the holy table, as Su Ping'an spread the drawing paper on the table, his work was finally presented in front of everyone's eyes. At that moment, hundreds of pairs of eyes turned to the drawing paper.

Looking closer, I saw a two-story restaurant drawn on the snow-white rice paper.

The restaurant is neither luxurious nor grand. If you look carefully, you can even see the mottled pillars, the peeling paint on the door, the moss-covered tiles, and the slightly damaged windows on the second floor...

The scenery in that scene didn't look amazing, but it gave people an inexplicable sense of familiarity and intimacy.

On the scroll, the restaurant stands quietly on the street. There are vendors, coachmen, people and other people passing by in front of the door. Through the open door, you can also see a young man in Tsing Yi dressed as a waiter in the lobby inside.

With a white rag on his shoulders, he was guiding some guests.

Through his slightly bent body, outstretched arms, and the familiar smile on his face, everyone could even imagine what the waiter was saying at the moment, "Sir, please come in..."

This sentence will sound invisibly in everyone's mind, making people smile knowingly.

Then the scene of the waiter was turned around, and everyone could still see in a corner of the lobby, an old man dressed as a shopkeeper, burying his head in front of a counter. He was flipping through an account book with one hand and flipping the abacus in front of him with the other.

, his face showed concentration and seriousness, and the tight wrinkles between his eyebrows made people immediately guess that there should be some problems with the accounts, and the old shopkeeper was worried...

Unknowingly, the holy table fell into silence.

It is such a simple two-story restaurant, but when everyone looks at it, it feels like people have walked into the restaurant. It makes people feel immersed in it and completely immersed in it.

"How can this be……"

The first person to come to his senses was Xiyinting.

When he saw Su Pingan's painting, he didn't think it was anything at first glance, but as he looked carefully, he unconsciously became immersed in the painting.

Looking at the restaurant, the noise of the guests there, the waiter's voice welcoming guests, and the sound of the old shopkeeper moving the abacus while settling accounts could all be heard in his mind...

Everything in the painting is as if it is really happening before your eyes, it is simply incredible.

As Xinyin Pavilion opened his mouth, the silence in front of the holy table was broken. Later, other onlookers and students from the Hua Dao Branch also came to their senses, followed by endless exclamations.

"Oh my god, how could this painting be so realistic? When I looked at it, I immediately thought of the shop in front of our house. Although the appearance is a little different, it always feels very familiar inexplicably..."

"Me too, I always feel that it doesn't look like a painting, but a restaurant sealed inside. It's so strange..."

"This painting style is really strange, as if it is not painting, but restoring something that already exists!"

Then some folk literary cultivators in the crowd said curiously: "Look at the name of the shop, isn't it Qingfeng Restaurant? There are also the waiters and shopkeepers in the shop, those are Xiao Fuzi and Uncle Fu. But I go there every day

Chai Shu, why does the appearance of this store look so different..."

This is also a doubt in the hearts of many onlookers.

Even Tao Waner was a little puzzled when she looked at the Qingfeng Restaurant in the painting, and then asked Liu Qingxi in a low voice: "Sister Qingxi, did that guy make a mistake in the painting? The restaurant he painted doesn't seem right.


Liu Qingxi and Xiao Fuzi behind him looked at the painting, but their eyes turned red all of a sudden. Then Liu Qingxi wiped the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief, and said with some excitement in his voice: "He didn't make a mistake, because what he painted was not from Dongping Street."

Qingfeng Restaurant, what he painted is the Qingfeng Restaurant in Qingyun County!"

"Ah? Qingyun County..."

Hearing Liu Qingxi's words, people around him suddenly realized. No wonder everyone felt that the restaurant in this painting was somewhat familiar, but also somewhat different.

However, when the crowd was neutral, a student from the Hua Dao Branch came out and said: "You just say it is right? Then no one else has seen the Qingfeng Restaurant in Qingyun County except you, so how do we know if what you are painting is right?"


Hearing this, Bai Hao in the crowd felt that he could no longer remain silent. He immediately walked out of the crowd and said loudly: "I have been to Qingyun County, and I can testify that the Qingfeng Restaurant in this painting is definitely

Qingfeng Restaurant in Qingyun County.”

However, as soon as he said this, someone from the Huadao Branch sneered: "Bai Hao? Can you also come out to testify? Who in the Wen Palace doesn't know that you and Su Sheng Xiaomeng are friends and are in the same group?

, of course you will speak for him. But I advise you, you are also a student of Wen Palace, you'd better consider your identity clearly before speaking!"

"That's right, Bai Hao and Su Sheng Xiaomeng are in the same group. You can't keep your word!"

"Unless you can have someone else come forward to testify, it is not enough to prove that the painting Su Sheng Xiao Meng painted is the Qingfeng Restaurant in Qingyun County!"

Seeing that they didn't believe in him and doubted his position and fairness, Bai Hao was furious, "You..."

Just when Bai Hao and Liu Qingxi were trying to prove that Su Pingan's painting was of the Qingfeng Restaurant in Qingyun County, Su Pingan suddenly laughed and stopped them, and then he shook his head at Liu Qingxi and the others.

, expressed reassurance, and then looked at the students from the Hua Dao Branch and said jokingly: "I really didn't expect that the students from the Hua Dao Branch would be so shameless and stupid."

"Susheng Xiaomeng, what are you talking about?!"

When the students from the Hua Dao Branch heard Su Pingan's words, they immediately reprimanded him.

Su Ping'an sneered and said: "Am I wrong? You are shameless because you actually came up with such a lame excuse to doubt whether the painting I drew is real in order to win the competition. At the same time, you

You actually still question your fellow Wen Gong classmate, especially since he is a Wen Xiu who has participated in the battle of Qingyun County and fought against demon cultivators and has made great achievements. Isn’t it shameless for you to doubt him so much?!"


Before those people could refute, Su Ping'an immediately said: "Besides, you are stupid, that's because you have forgotten that the drawing competition is only about drawing skills, not about what I draw, so no matter what I draw,

It doesn’t matter where the Qingfeng Restaurant is, or whether the painting is a Qingfeng Restaurant. What matters is the painting itself, and as disciples of the Painting Dao Branch, you would actually forget this. You said you are not stupid and you are



Su Ping'an's words immediately made all the painters and writers on the scene speechless. Many of them even lowered their heads in shame on the spot, feeling deeply embarrassed.

This is really a lesson to be taught in public!

This chapter has been completed!
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