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Chapter 278 Xu Xian Niu Approval

Xiao Fuzi looked at the manuscript in his hand, and his heart was filled with waves. The doubts he had in his mind before were finally answered.

The White Snake has cultivated into an adult, so it does not lay eggs, but babies!

Although this result is a bit unexpected, it is reasonable. After all, if the white snake really laid eggs, Xu Xian would probably collapse when he held the eggs.

This is my child?!

That picture is a bit weird just thinking about it!

The story continues.

In the book, I don’t know if Xu Xian will collapse, but Fahai has already collapsed. He can’t believe that he has been fighting with a person all this time, and he can’t believe that White Snake can actually cultivate into a human being.

However, White Snake still misses Xu Xian and asks Xiaoqing to save people.

This move by White Snake made Xiaoqing a little sad.

White Snake only cared about Xu Xian, but never imagined that Xiaoqing's feelings for her were no less than her feelings for Xu Xian.

"Sister, you always say that there are love monsters and ruthless people in the world, but our sisters' five hundred years of getting along are also love. Have you ever thought about my feelings as if I were a human being..."

Although Xiaoqing was sad, she still went to save people. This was her sisterly love for White Snake.

In Jinshan Temple, Xu Xian had become a bald man. In order to allow him to meditate on Buddhism, the monks sealed his five yins, cut off his consciousness, and made him empty of all four elements.

Xiaoqing arrived at this time, and she found the brightest bald head among the bald heads. He... was Xu Xian!

After Xu Xian was ordained, he realized that he had been too greedy for beauty, which was wrong. But Xiaoqing shed tears when he saw Xu Xian becoming bald.

Seeing these tears, Green Snake smiled, because she would cry too, and at the same time she also understood the meaning of what White Snake said to her before.

When you understand what tears are, you will know the pain!

Yes, painful!

She looked at Xu Xian with disappointment, sadness, and indifference in her eyes... For such a man, White Snake had to risk everything for this.

She is not worth it for White Snake.

You know, White Snake is currently in the flood, holding the child in her arms but still calling Xu Xian, and Xu Xian... is no longer the person worthy of White Snake's mad love.

"You betrayed us!"

Green Snake said these extremely disappointing words to Xu Xian.

On the mountainside, during the flood, White Snake was still holding her child in the water and enduring the waves. She was waiting for Xu Xian's return. She wanted Xu Xian to see the child, but the flood was so fierce that it destroyed the Leifeng Pagoda.


Leifeng Pagoda collapsed and White Snake's life was in danger. However, the adult White Snake showed her motherly love. She abandoned herself and let Fahai rescue the child first.

After all, Fahai still had a trace of humanity and took over the child, but when he turned back, the broken Leifeng Pagoda had already hit White Snake.

The White Snake died and the Jinshan Temple was destroyed. Fahai held the baby in his arms and looked at the Jinshan Temple that was washed away by the flood. He didn't know for a moment whether he was winning or losing.

At this time, Green Snake appeared with Xu Xian, but when she came back, the river and sea were vast, and White Snake had disappeared without a trace.

Xiaoqing shouted sadly: "Sister, I'm back, I helped you find Xu Xian..."

But no one answered.

Xu Xian looked at the turbulent river and was a little shocked. He could not have imagined that such a big scene would be caused by his wife. He looked a little shocked and confused, "Sister, where is sister?"

Xiaoqing looked at Xu Xian at this time and was disappointed to the core, so she said sadly: "You should be with your sister..."

After that, Xiaoqing stabbed Xu Xian to death with two swords in one hand. The sword tip penetrated his back and blood flowed.

Of these two swords, one belongs to White Snake, and she is not worth it for White Snake.

One handle belonged to her, and she hated Xu Xian for killing her sister.

Xu Xian finally paid the price for his selfishness, cowardice, lust and stupidity.

When Fa Hai saw Xiao Qing stabbing Xu Xian to death, his heart moved again and he wanted to take Xiao Qing in, but Xiao Qing's words made him stop.

"Fahai, you yourself have killed many people. These monks from Jinshan Temple all died because of you. See for yourself..."

Fa Hai was shocked.

Looking back at the monks who were drowned in the flood, he suddenly realized, "It turns out that I myself have done merit first and then demerit..."

After experiencing all this, Xiao Qing realized: "I came to the world to practice, but I was misunderstood by the world. You often say that there is love in the world, but what is love? Even you yourself don't know..."

After Xiaoqing finished speaking, he threw himself into the river and disappeared into the vast flood. Fahai was left with the baby in his arms, and his heart was complicated...

The whole book is finished!


After reading all the manuscripts in his hand, Xiao Fuzi took a deep breath. He did not expect that the story would have such an ending, which was a bit heavy and unfair.

"A woman as good as Bai Snake has died. She was so infatuated. It's a pity that her infatuation was with the wrong person. As for Xu Xian... she deserves to die!"

Xiao Fuzi said bitterly.

At the same time, in the whole story, only Xiaoqing is the most embarrassing.

She was originally a little snake demon who was inexperienced in worldly affairs and had a playful nature. She had been learning how to be a human being by the side of White Snake. However, after learning how to be a human being, she was heartbroken in the end.

This makes Xiaoqing not even know what is good about learning to be a human being.

Fahai is also hypocritical and has lust in his heart, but he dare not admit that he is causing trouble for the White Snake and the Green Snake. Although the righteous intention is to eliminate the demons, it is difficult to say that he has no selfish motives. He is not trying to cause trouble for the Green Snake in Kunlun Mountain.

Retaliate with determination.

People’s hearts are unpredictable!

"Forget it, it's useless to think like this. As long as it looks good, it's over. And since the ending is so depressing, there's no reason for me to be depressed alone. If I want to be depressed, everyone should be depressed together, hehe..."

When he thought of so many book fans waiting in the academy, Xiao Fuzi immediately laughed unkindly, then he mounted his horse and hurried towards the academy.

By the time we arrived at the academy, the book fans here were already impatient to wait.

"Xiao Fuzi, why did you go so long? Our flowers all withered while we were waiting!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, I'm still waiting to see the battle between the two snakes!"

"I don't know which one is more powerful, the white snake or the green snake?"

"Needless to say, of course it's White Snake. After all, it has five hundred years more Taoism!"

Hearing that everyone was still discussing who was more powerful, the White Snake or the Green Snake, Xiao Fuzi sealed the manuscript into a jade slip and sneered: "There is no point in discussing who is more powerful, because in the end... the White Snake died!"


Everyone was stunned after hearing this, and they all wondered if they heard it wrong.

Someone even asked suspiciously: "How do you know?"

Xiao Fuzi raised his head and continued: "Of course I know, because I already watched the ending on the way here..."

Hearing this, someone already realized something and quickly refused: "Wait a minute, don't say it, don't spoil it, we have to watch it ourselves. If you spoil it, it will lose half the fun for us to watch again!"

Xiao Fuzi, however, didn't care so much and shouted directly on the spot, as if he wanted to take this opportunity to vent all the depression he felt after watching the ending.

"You don't need to read, I tell you, the white snake is dead, Xu Xian is dead, the white snake does not lay eggs, but... wu wu wu..."

Before he could finish speaking, the person next to him immediately covered his mouth and pulled him out.

But even so, the news he revealed shocked everyone present.

"What, White Snake and Xu Xian are both dead?"

"Wait a minute, what did he just say? What does it mean that White Snake didn't lay eggs? Could it be that... White Snake is pregnant?!"

"I'm in a big trough... can a snake become pregnant? Xu Xianniu!"

This chapter has been completed!
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